CSS Shorthand Lookup
Lookup function for
CSS shorthand properties.
Useful in CSS parsing and CSSOM traversal, can be used to
circumvent the way all modern browsers treat shorthand
properties if
CSS Variables
are used.
npm i css-shorthand-lookup
Simple lookup
import {lookupShorthands} from 'css-shorthand-lookup';
With a CSSStyleRule provided
Assuming the page has the following stylesheet:
.class {
border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
Assuming rule
variable holds a reference to
the first rule of that stylesheet:
import {lookupShorthands} from 'css-shorthand-lookup';
console.log(lookupShorthands('border-bottom-color', rule));
can return multiple values if there are
several CSS shorthand properties that include the
provided property.
If you pass the second CSSStyleRule
will filter out those properties that
exist in that rule and will sort them in the order they
originally exist in the CSS source.