Gherkin like feature file parser with a dash of lemon.
How to use
$ npm install cucumon
const Cucumon = require("cucumon");
const options = {
tagExpression : "",
const cucumonSlice = new Cucumon(options);
const output = cucumonSlice.parse(featureFileAsString);
Feature file format
Cucumon supports gherkin feature file format.
@tag @tag2
Feature: statement
Rule: some rule
Background: statement
Given some step
Scenario: statment
When some step
Scenario Outline: statement <header>
Then some step
And data table
#> {}
But doc string
#> json
{ header: "<header>" }
Rule: Other sub feature
Background: statement
Given some step
Example: statment
When some step
Scenario Template: statement <header>
Then some step
Note the instruction statment #> {}
. Instruction statments are special comments which can help parser to take some extra steps. Currently, they are supported with scenario, steps, docstring, and data table inputs.
Result format
feature: {
"keyword": "Feature",
"description": "",
"statement": "Special Characters",
"lineNumber": 1,
"tags": [],
rules: [
"keyword": "Rule",
"description": "",
"statement": "some rule",
"lineNumber": 2,
"hasBgSection": true,
"background": {
"keyword": "Background",
"statement": "one per rule",
"description": "Background can have description",
"lineNumber": 14,
"id": -1,
"steps": [
"keyword": "Given",
"statement": "a string tokenizer",
"lineNumber": 17,
"arg": null
scenarios: [
"keyword": "Scenario",
"statement": "normal scenario",
"description": "",
"lineNumber": 3,
"id": 1,
"tags": [],
"steps": [
"keyword": "Given",
"statement": "an example",
"lineNumber": 4,
"arg": {
"content": "some docstring",
"type": "DocString",
"lineNumber": 26,
"instruction": "no format; single line;"
"keyword": "Scenario Template",
"statement": "scenario outline",
"description": "",
"lineNumber": 3,
"id": 1,
"tags": ["@wip"],
"expanded" : [
"keyword": "Scenario Template",
"statement": "scenario outline",
"description": "",
"lineNumber": 3,
"id": 1,
"steps": [
"keyword": "Given",
"statement": "an example",
"lineNumber": 4,
"arg": null
"tags": [ "@wip", "@examples" ],
"examplesLineNumber": [ 19 ]
"examples": [
"lineNumber": 10,
"rows": [
"lineNumber": 11,
"regex": [ {} ],
"cells": [ "data" ]
}, {
"lineNumber": 19,
"cells": [ "" ]
"instruction": "instruction",
"tags": [ "@examples" ]
new Cucumon({clubBgSteps: false});
You can set clubBgSteps: true
to club background steps with scenario steps.
Check sample parsed response for better idea;
Additional Features
- Cucumon supports multiple examples
- You can use your own logic to generate scenarios for scenario outline
Feature: Matrix Outliner
Scenario Template: Matrix example
Given an example
And I can Multiply <a> with <b>
#> matrix: row 1
| a |
| 3 |
#> matrix: row 2
| b |
| 4 |
Note that #>
is a special statment considered as instruction statement. You'll get it's value as outline.examples[0].instruction
const cucumon = new Cucumon({clubBgSteps: false});
cucumon.registerOutlineExpander((outline) => {});
- Check bexp to evaluate tag expression.