:curry: curryfm
Curried Node wrapper around the public GET methods of Lastfm API.
Uses Ramda, Babel and ES6.
npm install --save curryfm;
Then package exports a default curried function which takes 4 arguments:
- (one of 'user', 'track', 'artist', 'album' etc.)method
- (method called on resource e.g. 'getTopTracks', 'getInfo' etc.)params
Check LastFM docs for info regarding these arguments. The function finally returns a Promise
import curryfm from 'curryfm';
import readjson from 'read-json-sync';
const { api_key: API_KEY } = readjson("./config.json");
const client = curryfm(API_KEY);
const userClient = client("user");
const asrtistClient = client("artist");
const userTopTracks = userClient("getTopTracks");
const artistSimilar = asrtistClient("getSimilar");
const log = async (method, params) => {
try {
console.log(await method(params));
} catch (err) {
let params = {
user: "sidjain26",
period: "7day",
limit: 10,
format: "json"
log(userTopTracks, params);
params = {
artist: "Drake",
limit: 10,
format: "json"
log(artistSimilar, params);
curryfm(API_KEY, "album", "search", {album: "Songs About Jane", limit: 10}).then((result) => {