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cy.crud is a project that aims to have a new framework to make cy.api and cy.request easier

Version published

Cypress-Crud Introduction


NodeJS must be installed and Cypress must be version 10 or higher for this package to function correctly.

 Cypress version 10 >


To install the package in your Cypress project, use the command

npm i cypress

npx cypress open


configure cypress

npm i cypress-crud


The CRUD was designed to automatically add dependencies and configurations to the e2e.js file and the cypress.config.js file, eliminating the need to manually include anything for the library's functionality.

  • e2e.js:
export {
} from "cypress-crud/src/gherkin/bdd.js";
import "cypress-plugin-steps";
export const faker = require("generate-datafaker");
import "cypress-crud";
import "cypress-plugin-api";
import "cypress-mochawesome-reporter/register";
import spok from "cy-spok";
// export default spok;
const applyStyles = require("../../node_modules/cypress-crud/src/style");
if (!Cypress.env("styles") && Cypress.env("crudStyles")) applyStyles();
// close json file in variable
import _ from "lodash";
export function clone(json) {
  return _.cloneDeep(json);
  • cypress.config.js:

const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  reporter: "cypress-mochawesome-reporter",

  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      on("task", {
        crudLog(message) {
          return null;
      // adjust to print size
      on("before:browser:launch", (browser, launchOptions) => {
        if ( === "chromium" && !== "electron") {
        if ( === "electron") {
          launchOptions.preferences.width = 1500;
          launchOptions.preferences.height = 1200;
        if ( === "firefox") {
        return launchOptions;
    testIsolation: false, //  in e2e:{}
    experimentalRunAllSpecs: true, // in e2e:{}
  • cypress.env.json:
  "environment": "QA",
  "QA": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"
  "PROD": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"
  "DEV": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"

  "screenshot": true,
  "crudStyles": true
  // "title": "TESTING",
  // "subTitle": "Project in Cypress"
  • commands.js:

IMPORT IN FILE  // import { des, its } from "../support/commands";

const counter = window;
let compare;
if (!counter.des) {
  counter.des = 1;
  counter.its = 1;
const confer = () => counter.des;

export let des = () => {
  return String(counter.des++).padStart(2, "0") + " ➠ "  ;
export let its = () => {
  if (!compare || confer() !== compare) {
    counter.its = 1;
    compare = confer();
  return String(counter.its++).padStart(2, "0") + " - " ;
  • env_qa.js:
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");

const config = require("./cypress.config");

const e2e = {
  env: {
    endpoint: "",
    reqres: "",
    swagger: "",
    location: "",

  testIsolation: false, //  in e2e:{}
  experimentalRunAllSpecs: true, // in e2e:{}
  chromeWebSecurity: false,

module.exports = defineConfig({

// "scripts": {
//     "cy:run:qa": "cypress run --config-file env_qa.js"
//   },
  • package.json
// create new environment DEV env_dev.js, env_prod.js
"scripts": {
    "cy:run:qa": "cypress run --config-file env_qa.js",
    "cy:open:qa": "cypress open --config-file env_qa.js",

  • Version 2.4.4 +

Use faker. options for generate data faker

      "post": "swagger/login",
      "body": {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "password",
        "name": "", // faker.nome
        "email": "",
        "enterprise": "faker.enterpriseName", // faker.empresaNome
        "state": "faker.state", // faker.estado
        "city": "", // faker.cidade
        "country": "", //faker.pais
        "street": "faker.street", // faker.endereco // faker.address // faker.rua
        "phoneNumber": "faker.phoneNumber", // faker.numeroTelefone
        "cep": "faker.cep",
        "cpf": "faker.cpf",
        "cnpj": "faker.cnpj",
        "passwords": "faker.password", //faker.senha
        "uuid": "faker.uuid",
        "birthdate": "faker.birthdate", // faker.aniversario
        "avatar": "faker.avatar",
        "professional": "faker.professional", // faker.profissao
        "product": "faker.product", // faker.produto

// result

      "username": "admin",
      "password": "password",
      "test": "Jam Batista",
      "email": "",
      "enterprise": "Ana Clara CloudNet",
      "state": "Ceará",
      "city": "Guatemala City",
      "country": "Alemanha",
      "street": "Alhambra, Granada, Spain",
      "phoneNumber": "11995655467",
      "cep": "69304525",
      "cpf": "94344989023",
      "cnpj": "02708629000116",
      "passwords": "4)={[W.oHj",
      "uuid": "0de2e006-8bfa-44cb-b05f-d3c019249a20",
      "birthdate": "1952-06-15T02:41:02.520Z",
      "avatar": ""

  • Version 2.4.1 +

it("Run all JSONs in folder", () => {
  cy.runFixtures("examples"); // run all JSONs in folder
it("Run all JSONs", () => {
  cy.runFixtures(); // run all JSONs in fixtures

Types of JSONs

en: For your project setup, you need to create a JSON file inside the Fixtures folder. This file can be placed directly in the folder or within a subfolder for better organization according to your project's needs.

br: Para configurar o seu projeto, você precisa criar um arquivo JSON dentro da pasta Fixtures. Este arquivo pode ser colocado diretamente na pasta ou dentro de uma subpasta para melhor organização de acordo com a necessidade do seu projeto.

Example path: Fixtures/Token/createToken.json

  • 1 JSON:
    br: Aqui temos algumas formas de usar o GET, que pode ser diretamente com a url preterida, ou com o nome da key criada no env (cypress.env.json) swagger (ou qualquer outro nome), e também você pode usar a continuação da sua url.

    en: Here we have some ways to use GET, which can be directly with the deprecated url, or with the name of the key created in the env (cypress.env.json) swagger (or any other name), and you can also use the continuation of your url.
  "get": "",

  "get": "swagger", // show in cypress.env.json

  "get": "swagger/login", // result:

  • 1.1

    br: Abaixo, um JSON efetuando uma request com a path text que servirá para documentar a ação do JSON.

    en: Below, a JSON making a request with path text that will serve to document the JSON action.
  "text": "efetaundo request",
  "get": ""

GET whit text

Run envs

br: Para executar diferentes jsons em diferentes ambientes na mesma execução.

en: To run different jsons in different environments in the same run.

  it("request", () => {
    cy.crud({ get: "crud_get_post", env: "PROD" });
    cy.crud({ get: "crud_get_post", env: "DEV" });



  • 1.2

    br: Efetuando request e salvando o email do retorno da requisição. Conforme imagem, imagem foi salva na variável email. (
    Caso, seja necessário salvar essa variável com outro nome, basta usar da forma 2 ou 3. Exemplo 4 antes de salvar verificamos se o valor é igual.

    en: Making a request and saving the request return email. As shown in the image, the image was saved in the email variable. (
    If it is necessary to save this variable with another name, just use form 2 or 3. Example 4, before saving, we check if the value is the same.
// 1
  "text": "efetaundo request",
  "get": "",
  "save": "email"
// 2
  "text": "efetaundo request",
  "get": "",
  "save": "email ::: user_email"
// 3
  "text": "efetaundo request",
  "get": "",
  "save": {"path":"email", "as": "user_email"}
// 4
  "text": "salvando com variável email e alias",
  "get": "",
  "save": {
    "path": "email",
    "eq": "",
    "as": "user_email"

save email 1

save email

save whit alias 2

save email alias

save whit path and as 3

save email alias

save whit path eq and as 4

save email alias

Used saved value

br: Para usar, resgatar um valor salvo na requisição anterior ou requisições feitas ante, existem duas forma:

en: To use, redeem a value saved in the previous request or requests made before, there are two ways:

  Request JSON
  "text": "Expect validação do tipo de retorno string number boolean ...",
  "get": "",
  "expect": {
    "path": "first_name",
    "as": "name"

save email alias

  Use data save
    "text": "salvando para usar em outra request",
    "get": "",
    "expect": {
      "path": "first_name",
      "as": "name"
    "text": "usando valor salvo",
    "post": "",
    "body": {
      "name": "{name}"
    "expect": "name"

save email alias

Rescue save valur in url
  "text": "save id",
  "get": "",
  "save": "id"
// in new json rescue id

  "text": "rescue id and use in url",
  "get": "{id}"
Second way of use
import { faker, clone, crudStorage } from "../support/e2e";
describe("", () => {
  afterEach(() => {
  it("request show json", () => {
    console.log(; // result Janet


br: Expect irá nos ajudar nas validações das keys, veremos exemplos:

  1. validação simples, apenas verificando se o campo existe

en: Expect will help us with key validations, we will see examples:

  1. simple validation, just checking if the field exists
  "text": "usando expect",
  "get": "",
  "expect": "first_name"


Expect equal

br: Usando === você usará o equal para validar

en: Using === you will use equal to validate

 // 1
  "text": "usando expect com === para validar",
  "get": "",
  "expect": "first_name === Janet"
// 2
  "text": "usando expect com === para validar",
  "get": "",
  "expect": {"path":"first_name", "eq": "Janet"}


Expect save

br: Usando ::: você usará o salvar o valor da key

en: Using === you will use save the key value

 // 1
  "text": "usando expect com ::: para salvar o valor da key",
  "get": "",
  "expect": "first_name ::: name"
// 2
  "text": "usando expect com ::: para validar",
  "get": "",
  "expect": {"path":"first_name", "as": "name"}
// 3
  "text": "usando expect com ::: para salvar o valor da key",
  "get": "",
  "expect": { "path": "first_name", "eq": "Janet", "as": "name" }


expect eq and as


Expect position

br: Usando o position você consegue validar numa lista de array a posição informada.

en:Using position you can validate the entered position in an array list.

Return image

array image

  "text": "Expect validação por array",
  "get": "",
  "expect": { "path": "first_name", "position": 2 }
Result image

return image

save position
  "text": "Expect validação por array",
  "get": "",
  "expect": { "path": "first_name", "position": 2, "as": "name" }

return image

Expect type

br: Adicionando type ao seu json, você irá validar qual o tipo o dado retornado

en: By adding type to your json, you will validate the type of data returned.

  "text": "Expect validação do tipo de retorno string number boolean ...",
  "get": "",
  "expect": {
    "path": "first_name",
    "type": "string"

return image

Expect validating various possibilities

br: Usando || você consegue validar a possibilidade de vários valores, ideal para quando o retorno pode ser de valores diferentes.

en: Using || you can validate the possibility of multiple values, ideal for when the return may be different values.

  "text": "Equal validando possibilidade de vários valores",
  "get": "",
  "expect": {
    "path": "first_name",
    "eq": "Jam || Batista || test || Janet"

return image


br: Para usar o cy.crud é simples, basta colocar os jsons na pasta fixtures ou subpastas da fixtures abaixo formas de uso:

en: To use cy.crud, it's simple, just place the jsons in the fixtures folder or subfolders of fixtures below:

it("request show json", () => {

it("request show json", () => {
Use for object
let json = { get: "http..." };
it("request show json", () => {
it("request show json", () => {
  cy.crud({ get: "http...." });

CRUD use expect

cy.crud({ get: "http...." }).expect({ path: "first_name" });

CRUD use save

cy.crud({ get: "http...." }).save({ path: "first_name" });

CRUD run all jsons our run all jsons in path

br: Com o cy.crud você consegue em apenas um it rodas todos os jsons que estão na pasta fixtures ou subpastas.

en: With cy.crud you can in just one it run all the jsons that are in the fixtures folder or subfolders.

return image

it("RUN all jsons in path fixtures", () => {
Run all jsons in path

return image

it("RUN all jsons in path fixtures", () => {


br: A função schema. Ele garante que a resposta de uma solicitação atenda aos critérios especificados em um esquema JSON específico. Essa validação ajuda a confirmar se a estrutura e os dados retornados estão alinhados com as expectativas definidas no teste.

en: The schema function. It ensures that a request's response meets criteria specified in a specific JSON schema. This validation helps confirm that the structure and data returned align with the expectations defined in the test.

  "text": "validando schema",
  "get": "",
  "schema": "crud_users"
 cy.crud({ payload: "examples/json" }).schema({schema: "crud_users",});

return image


A snippet has been created to streamline the test construction process.

  • crud
  • .save
  • .expects
  • .schema



This function is used to write data to a JSON file in the Cypress fixtures directory. It creates a JSON file with the provided data from the specified request response. This is useful for generating simulated response files for testing purposes.

cy.crud( "token/createToken.json").write({ path: "user/getUser" });

explanation: create json response in cypress/fixtures/user


This function is used to read data from a JSON file in the Cypress fixtures directory. It reads the content of the specified JSON file and makes it available for use in the test

cy.crud( "token/createToken.json" ).read({ path: "user/getUser" });{ path: "user/getUser" }).then((json) => {

explanation: read json response in cypress/fixtures/user

Use Mock

For requests that require a mock, simply specify the mock variable and provide the path to where the mock is stored.

Example: The file can be found in fixtures in the mocks folder, called json_mock.

  "get": "", // or get: true // post: true // delete": true // path: true
  "mock": "mocks/json_mock",
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

Mock construction:

  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": { "authorization": "Bearer" }

In this example, the body field directs to the mock file located in the mocks folder, which contains the predefined structure of the fields to be returned in the response.

Validate mock: To validate the mock, you can simply include the checks in the JSON file itself or embed them in the test file.

  • JSON fixtures
  "get": "", // or get: true // post: true // delete": true // path: true
  "mock": "mocks/json_mock",
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

  • Tips

cy.crud({ get: "swagger/eventos", expect: "id::id" }); // save id expect:{path: "id", as: "id"}
cy.crud({ get: "swagger/eventos", expect: "name===Jam" }); // equal result expect:{path: "name", eq: "Jam"}


describe(`Test cypress-crud Property search`, () => {
  let data;
  const token =

  before(function () {
    cy.crudSafeData(token).then((safe) => { = safe.key; = safe.password;

  it("Decode", () => {



  "dataSafe": "token jwt",
  "hideCredentials": true,
  "hideCredentialsOptions": { "body": ["email", "password"] } // change for your paths

    env: {
        hideCredentials: true,
        hideCredentialsOptions: {
          headers: ['authorization'],
          auth: ['pass'],
          body: ['username'],
          query: ['password']



  "dataSafe": "your token jwt",
  "hideCredentials": true,
  "hideCredentialsOptions": { "body": ["email", "password"] } // change for your paths

    env: {
        hideCredentials: true,
        hideCredentialsOptions: {
          headers: ['authorization'],
          auth: ['pass'],
          body: ['username'],
          query: ['password']


// in cypress.env.json

 "hideReport": ["body", "headers"]

 // result

  "method": "POST",// or get: true // post: true // delete": true // path: true
  "url": "",
  "failOnStatusCode": false,
  "body": "hide active in path",
  "headers": "hide active in path"

  • Report

To generate the report, the tests must be executed in run mode. Furthermore, to include screenshots of the request payload in the report, a specific configuration needs to be adjusted in the cypress.config.js file and in your test file.

cypress.config.js: To activate the option, simply add screenshot: true

  "environment": "QA",
  "QA": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"
  "PROD": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"
  "DEV": {
    "endpoint": "",
    "reqres": "",
    "location": "",
    "serverest": "",
    "getUser": "",
    "swagger": "",
    "crud_base": {
      "crud_get_post": "swagger/crud",
      "crud_getId_delete": "swagger/crud/{id}"
    "endpoint_mercado": "swagger/mercado/{id}/produtos"

  "screenshot": true,
  "crudStyles": true

Authors and Contributors

This project is the collaborative effort of Jameson Batista and Gabriel Lopes. We are proud to share our work with the community and hope it can inspire and assist other developers.

For tips, inquiries, or just to connect, follow us on LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn Jam Batista
  • LinkedIn Gabriel Lopes



Package last updated on 27 Jul 2024

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