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cytoscape - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.6.2 to 3.6.3


"build/cytoscape.umd.js": {
"bundled": 907018,
"minified": 334561,
"gzipped": 103964
"bundled": 902985,
"minified": 333462,
"gzipped": 103571
"build/cytoscape.cjs.js": {
"bundled": 835450,
"minified": 354810,
"gzipped": 106789
"bundled": 831579,
"minified": 354160,
"gzipped": 106513
"build/cytoscape.esm.js": {
"bundled": 835277,
"minified": 354667,
"gzipped": 106751,
"bundled": 831406,
"minified": 354017,
"gzipped": 106479,
"treeshaked": {
"rollup": {
"code": 329110,
"code": 328009,
"import_statements": 51
"webpack": {
"code": 331118
"code": 330017

@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ }

"name": "cytoscape",
"version": "3.6.2",
"version": "3.6.3",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -81,4 +81,3 @@ "description": "Graph theory (a.k.a. network) library for analysis and visualisation",

"dist": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production run-s build dist:*",
"release": "run-s copyright dist docs",
"postpublish": "run-s docs:push",
"release": "run-s copyright dist",
"watch": "run-s watch:fast",

@@ -85,0 +84,0 @@ "watch:sync": "livereload \"build, debug\"",

@@ -160,2 +160,4 @@ import * as util from '../util';

elesfn.hasElementWithId = function( id ){
id = '' + id; // id must be string
return id );

@@ -165,2 +167,4 @@ };

elesfn.getElementById = function( id ){
id = '' + id; // id must be string
let cy =;

@@ -189,2 +193,4 @@ let entry = id );

elesfn.indexOfId = function( id ){
id = '' + id; // id must be string
return id ).index;

@@ -218,9 +224,9 @@ };

if( src != null && src !== data.source ){
spec.source = src;
if( src != null && src != data.source ){
spec.source = '' + src; // id must be string
move = true;
if( tgt != null && tgt !== ){ = tgt;
if( tgt != null && tgt != ){ = '' + tgt; // id must be string
move = true;

@@ -235,3 +241,3 @@ }

if( (parent != null || data.parent != null) && parent !== data.parent ){
if( (parent != null || data.parent != null) && parent != data.parent ){
if( parent === undefined ){ // can't set undefined imperatively, so use null

@@ -241,2 +247,6 @@ parent = null;

if( parent != null ){
parent = '' + parent; // id must be string
ele = ele.move({ parent });

@@ -450,4 +460,9 @@ }

src._private.edges.push( edge );
tgt._private.edges.push( edge );
// only one edge in node if loop
if (src.same(tgt)) {
src._private.edges.push( edge );
} else {
src._private.edges.push( edge );
tgt._private.edges.push( edge );

@@ -733,5 +748,7 @@ edge._private.source = src;

let toString = id => id == null ? id : '' + id; // id must be string
if( struct.source !== undefined || !== undefined ){
let srcId = struct.source;
let tgtId =;
let srcId = toString(struct.source);
let tgtId = toString(;
let srcExists = srcId != null && cy.hasElementWithId( srcId );

@@ -763,3 +780,3 @@ let tgtExists = tgtId != null && cy.hasElementWithId( tgtId );

} else if( struct.parent !== undefined ){ // move node to new parent
let parentId = struct.parent;
let parentId = toString(struct.parent);
let parentExists = parentId === null || cy.hasElementWithId( parentId );

@@ -766,0 +783,0 @@

import easings from './easings';
import ease from './ease';
import * as is from '../../is';
import {bound} from '../../math';

@@ -113,3 +114,3 @@ function step( self, ani, now, isCore ){

if( valid( startZoom, endZoom ) ){
_p.zoom = ease( startZoom, endZoom, percent, easing );
_p.zoom = bound( _p.minZoom, ease( startZoom, endZoom, percent, easing ), _p.maxZoom );

@@ -116,0 +117,0 @@

@@ -263,3 +263,3 @@ import window from '../window';

mount: function( container, rendererOptions ){
mount: function( container ){
if( container == null ){ return; }

@@ -271,5 +271,2 @@

let rOpts = rendererOptions ? rendererOptions : { name: 'canvas' };
options.renderer = rOpts;
if( !is.htmlElement( container ) && is.htmlElement( container[0] ) ){

@@ -288,3 +285,3 @@ container = container[0];

cy.initRenderer( rOpts );
cy.initRenderer( util.assign({}, options, options.renderer) );

@@ -337,3 +334,3 @@ cy.startAnimationLoop();

let json = jsons[ i ];
let id =;
let id = '' +; // id must be string
let ele = cy.getElementById( id );

@@ -340,0 +337,0 @@

@@ -14,3 +14,2 @@ /*

import * as is from '../../is';
import Promise from '../../promise';

@@ -100,6 +99,3 @@ var DEBUG;

// Lower temperature threshold (below this point the layout will end)
minTemp: 1.0,
// Pass a reference to weaver to use threads for calculations
weaver: false
minTemp: 1.0

@@ -125,54 +121,3 @@

var layout = this;
var thread = this.thread;
var Thread = options.weaver ? options.weaver.Thread : null;
var falseThread = { // use false thread as polyfill
listeners: [],
on: function(e, cb){
this.listeners.push({ event: e, callback: cb });
return this;
trigger: function(e){
if( is.string(e) ){
e = { type: e };
var matchesEvent = function( l ){ return l.event === e.type; };
var trigger = function( l ){ l.callback(e); };
this.listeners.filter( matchesEvent ).forEach( trigger );
return this;
pass: function( data ){
this.pass = data;
return this;
run: function( cb ){
var pass = this.pass;
return new Promise(function( resolve ){
resolve( cb( pass ) );
stop: function(){
return this;
stopped: function(){
return true;
function broadcast( message ){ // for false thread
var e = { type: 'message', message: message };
falseThread.trigger( e );
if( !thread || thread.stopped() ){
thread = this.thread = Thread ? new Thread() : falseThread;
layout.stopped = false;

@@ -204,763 +149,89 @@

var startTime =;
var refreshRequested = false;
var refresh = function( rOpts ){
rOpts = rOpts || {};
var startTime = util.performanceNow();
if( refreshRequested && ! ){
var refresh = function(){
refreshPositions( layoutInfo, cy, options );
// Fit the graph if necessary
if( true === ){ options.padding );
if( !rOpts.force && - startTime < options.animationThreshold ){
var mainLoop = function( i ){
if( layout.stopped || i >= options.numIter ){
// logDebug("Layout manually stopped. Stopping computation in step " + i);
return false;
refreshRequested = true;
// Do one step in the phisical simulation
step( layoutInfo, options, i );
util.requestAnimationFrame( function(){
refreshPositions( layoutInfo, cy, options );
// Update temperature
layoutInfo.temperature = layoutInfo.temperature * options.coolingFactor;
// logDebug("New temperature: " + layoutInfo.temperature);
// Fit the graph if necessary
if( true === ){ options.padding );
if( layoutInfo.temperature < options.minTemp ){
// logDebug("Temperature drop below minimum threshold. Stopping computation in step " + i);
return false;
refreshRequested = false;
if( ){; }
return true;
thread.on( 'message', function( e ){
var layoutNodes = e.message;
var done = function(){
if( options.animate === true || options.animate === false ){
layoutInfo.layoutNodes = layoutNodes;
} );
// Layout has finished'layoutstop', options.stop);
layout.emit({ type: 'layoutstop', layout: layout });
} else {
var nodes = options.eles.nodes();
var getScaledPos = getScaleInBoundsFn(layoutInfo, options, nodes);
thread.pass( {
layoutInfo: layoutInfo,
options: {
animate: options.animate,
refresh: options.refresh,
componentSpacing: options.componentSpacing,
nodeOverlap: options.nodeOverlap,
nestingFactor: options.nestingFactor,
gravity: options.gravity,
numIter: options.numIter,
initialTemp: options.initialTemp,
coolingFactor: options.coolingFactor,
minTemp: options.minTemp
nodes.layoutPositions(layout, options, getScaledPos);
} ).run( function( pass ){
var layoutInfo = pass.layoutInfo;
var options = pass.options;
var stopped = false;
* @brief : Performs one iteration of the physical simulation
* @arg layoutInfo : LayoutInfo object already initialized
* @arg cy : Cytoscape object
* @arg options : Layout options
var step = function( layoutInfo, options, step ){
// var s = "\n\n###############################";
// s += "\nSTEP: " + step;
// s += "\n###############################\n";
// logDebug(s);
var i = 0;
var loopRet = true;
// Calculate node repulsions
calculateNodeForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Calculate edge forces
calculateEdgeForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Calculate gravity forces
calculateGravityForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Propagate forces from parent to child
propagateForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Update positions based on calculated forces
updatePositions( layoutInfo, options );
if( options.animate === true ){
var frame = function(){
var f = 0;
* @brief : Computes the node repulsion forces
var calculateNodeForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Go through each of the graphs in graphSet
// Nodes only repel each other if they belong to the same graph
// var s = 'calculateNodeForces';
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.graphSet.length; i ++ ){
var graph = layoutInfo.graphSet[ i ];
var numNodes = graph.length;
while( loopRet && f < options.refresh ){
loopRet = mainLoop(i);
// s = "Set: " + graph.toString();
// logDebug(s);
// Now get all the pairs of nodes
// Only get each pair once, (A, B) = (B, A)
for( var j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){
var node1 = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ j ] ] ];
for( var k = j + 1; k < numNodes; k++ ){
var node2 = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ k ] ] ];
nodeRepulsion( node1, node2, layoutInfo, options );
var randomDistance = function( max ){
return -max + 2 * max * Math.random();
* @brief : Compute the node repulsion forces between a pair of nodes
var nodeRepulsion = function( node1, node2, layoutInfo, options ){
// var s = "Node repulsion. Node1: " + + " Node2: " +;
var cmptId1 = node1.cmptId;
var cmptId2 = node2.cmptId;
if( cmptId1 !== cmptId2 && !layoutInfo.isCompound ){ return; }
// Get direction of line connecting both node centers
var directionX = node2.positionX - node1.positionX;
var directionY = node2.positionY - node1.positionY;
var maxRandDist = 1;
// s += "\ndirectionX: " + directionX + ", directionY: " + directionY;
// If both centers are the same, apply a random force
if( 0 === directionX && 0 === directionY ){
directionX = randomDistance( maxRandDist );
directionY = randomDistance( maxRandDist );
var overlap = nodesOverlap( node1, node2, directionX, directionY );
if( overlap > 0 ){
// s += "\nNodes DO overlap.";
// s += "\nOverlap: " + overlap;
// If nodes overlap, repulsion force is proportional
// to the overlap
var force = options.nodeOverlap * overlap;
// Compute the module and components of the force vector
var distance = Math.sqrt( directionX * directionX + directionY * directionY );
// s += "\nDistance: " + distance;
var forceX = force * directionX / distance;
var forceY = force * directionY / distance;
if( !loopRet ){ // it's done
separateComponents( layoutInfo, options );
} else {
// s += "\nNodes do NOT overlap.";
// If there's no overlap, force is inversely proportional
// to squared distance
var now = util.performanceNow();
// Get clipping points for both nodes
var point1 = findClippingPoint( node1, directionX, directionY );
var point2 = findClippingPoint( node2, -1 * directionX, -1 * directionY );
// Use clipping points to compute distance
var distanceX = point2.x - point1.x;
var distanceY = point2.y - point1.y;
var distanceSqr = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( distanceSqr );
// s += "\nDistance: " + distance;
// Compute the module and components of the force vector
var force = ( node1.nodeRepulsion + node2.nodeRepulsion ) / distanceSqr;
var forceX = force * distanceX / distance;
var forceY = force * distanceY / distance;
// Apply force
if( !node1.isLocked ){
node1.offsetX -= forceX;
node1.offsetY -= forceY;
if( !node2.isLocked ){
node2.offsetX += forceX;
node2.offsetY += forceY;
// s += "\nForceX: " + forceX + " ForceY: " + forceY;
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Determines whether two nodes overlap or not
* @return : Amount of overlapping (0 => no overlap)
var nodesOverlap = function( node1, node2, dX, dY ){
if( dX > 0 ){
var overlapX = node1.maxX - node2.minX;
} else {
var overlapX = node2.maxX - node1.minX;
if( dY > 0 ){
var overlapY = node1.maxY - node2.minY;
} else {
var overlapY = node2.maxY - node1.minY;
if( overlapX >= 0 && overlapY >= 0 ){
return Math.sqrt( overlapX * overlapX + overlapY * overlapY );
} else {
return 0;
* @brief : Finds the point in which an edge (direction dX, dY) intersects
* the rectangular bounding box of it's source/target node
var findClippingPoint = function( node, dX, dY ){
// Shorcuts
var X = node.positionX;
var Y = node.positionY;
var H = node.height || 1;
var W = node.width || 1;
var dirSlope = dY / dX;
var nodeSlope = H / W;
// var s = 'Computing clipping point of node ' + +
// " . Height: " + H + ", Width: " + W +
// "\nDirection " + dX + ", " + dY;
// Compute intersection
var res = {};
// Case: Vertical direction (up)
if( 0 === dX && 0 < dY ){
res.x = X;
// s += "\nUp direction";
res.y = Y + H / 2;
return res;
// Case: Vertical direction (down)
if( 0 === dX && 0 > dY ){
res.x = X;
res.y = Y + H / 2;
// s += "\nDown direction";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the right border
if( 0 < dX &&
-1 * nodeSlope <= dirSlope &&
dirSlope <= nodeSlope ){
res.x = X + W / 2;
res.y = Y + (W * dY / 2 / dX);
// s += "\nRightborder";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the left border
if( 0 > dX &&
-1 * nodeSlope <= dirSlope &&
dirSlope <= nodeSlope ){
res.x = X - W / 2;
res.y = Y - (W * dY / 2 / dX);
// s += "\nLeftborder";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the top border
if( 0 < dY &&
( dirSlope <= -1 * nodeSlope ||
dirSlope >= nodeSlope ) ){
res.x = X + (H * dX / 2 / dY);
res.y = Y + H / 2;
// s += "\nTop border";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the bottom border
if( 0 > dY &&
( dirSlope <= -1 * nodeSlope ||
dirSlope >= nodeSlope ) ){
res.x = X - (H * dX / 2 / dY);
res.y = Y - H / 2;
// s += "\nBottom border";
return res;
// s += "\nClipping point found at " + res.x + ", " + res.y;
// logDebug(s);
return res;
* @brief : Calculates all edge forces
var calculateEdgeForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Iterate over all edges
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.edgeSize; i++ ){
// Get edge, source & target nodes
var edge = layoutInfo.layoutEdges[ i ];
var sourceIx = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ edge.sourceId ];
var source = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ sourceIx ];
var targetIx = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ edge.targetId ];
var target = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ targetIx ];
// Get direction of line connecting both node centers
var directionX = target.positionX - source.positionX;
var directionY = target.positionY - source.positionY;
// If both centers are the same, do nothing.
// A random force has already been applied as node repulsion
if( 0 === directionX && 0 === directionY ){
if( now - startTime >= options.animationThreshold ){
// Get clipping points for both nodes
var point1 = findClippingPoint( source, directionX, directionY );
var point2 = findClippingPoint( target, -1 * directionX, -1 * directionY );
var lx = point2.x - point1.x;
var ly = point2.y - point1.y;
var l = Math.sqrt( lx * lx + ly * ly );
var force = Math.pow( edge.idealLength - l, 2 ) / edge.elasticity;
if( 0 !== l ){
var forceX = force * lx / l;
var forceY = force * ly / l;
} else {
var forceX = 0;
var forceY = 0;
// Add this force to target and source nodes
if( !source.isLocked ){
source.offsetX += forceX;
source.offsetY += forceY;
if( !target.isLocked ){
target.offsetX -= forceX;
target.offsetY -= forceY;
// var s = 'Edge force between nodes ' + + ' and ' +;
// s += "\nDistance: " + l + " Force: (" + forceX + ", " + forceY + ")";
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Computes gravity forces for all nodes
var calculateGravityForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
var distThreshold = 1;
} else {
while( loopRet ){
loopRet = mainLoop(i);
// var s = 'calculateGravityForces';
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.graphSet.length; i ++ ){
var graph = layoutInfo.graphSet[ i ];
var numNodes = graph.length;
// s = "Set: " + graph.toString();
// logDebug(s);
// Compute graph center
if( 0 === i ){
var centerX = layoutInfo.clientHeight / 2;
var centerY = layoutInfo.clientWidth / 2;
} else {
// Get Parent node for this graph, and use its position as center
var temp = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[0] ] ];
var parent = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ temp.parentId ] ];
var centerX = parent.positionX;
var centerY = parent.positionY;
// s = "Center found at: " + centerX + ", " + centerY;
// logDebug(s);
// Apply force to all nodes in graph
for( var j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){
var node = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ j ] ] ];
// s = "Node: " +;
if( node.isLocked ){ continue; }
var dx = centerX - node.positionX;
var dy = centerY - node.positionY;
var d = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
if( d > distThreshold ){
var fx = options.gravity * dx / d;
var fy = options.gravity * dy / d;
node.offsetX += fx;
node.offsetY += fy;
// s += ": Applied force: " + fx + ", " + fy;
} else {
// s += ": skypped since it's too close to center";
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : This function propagates the existing offsets from
* parent nodes to its descendents.
* @arg layoutInfo : layoutInfo Object
* @arg cy : cytoscape Object
* @arg options : Layout options
var propagateForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Inline implementation of a queue, used for traversing the graph in BFS order
var queue = [];
var start = 0; // Points to the start the queue
var end = -1; // Points to the end of the queue
// logDebug('propagateForces');
// Start by visiting the nodes in the root graph
queue.push.apply( queue, layoutInfo.graphSet[0] );
end += layoutInfo.graphSet[0].length;
// Traverse the graph, level by level,
while( start <= end ){
// Get the node to visit and remove it from queue
var nodeId = queue[ start++ ];
var nodeIndex = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ nodeId ];
var node = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ nodeIndex ];
var children = node.children;
// We only need to process the node if it's compound
if( 0 < children.length && !node.isLocked ){
var offX = node.offsetX;
var offY = node.offsetY;
// var s = "Propagating offset from parent node : " + +
// ". OffsetX: " + offX + ". OffsetY: " + offY;
// s += "\n Children: " + children.toString();
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ){
var childNode = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ children[ i ] ] ];
// Propagate offset
childNode.offsetX += offX;
childNode.offsetY += offY;
// Add children to queue to be visited
queue[ ++end ] = children[ i ];
// Reset parent offsets
node.offsetX = 0;
node.offsetY = 0;
* @brief : Updates the layout model positions, based on
* the accumulated forces
var updatePositions = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// var s = 'Updating positions';
// logDebug(s);
// Reset boundaries for compound nodes
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length ){
// logDebug("Resetting boundaries of compound node: " +;
n.maxX = undefined;
n.minX = undefined;
n.maxY = undefined;
n.minY = undefined;
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length || n.isLocked ){
// No need to set compound or locked node position
// logDebug("Skipping position update of node: " +;
// s = "Node: " + + " Previous position: (" +
// n.positionX + ", " + n.positionY + ").";
// Limit displacement in order to improve stability
var tempForce = limitForce( n.offsetX, n.offsetY, layoutInfo.temperature );
n.positionX += tempForce.x;
n.positionY += tempForce.y;
n.offsetX = 0;
n.offsetY = 0;
n.minX = n.positionX - n.width;
n.maxX = n.positionX + n.width;
n.minY = n.positionY - n.height;
n.maxY = n.positionY + n.height;
// s += " New Position: (" + n.positionX + ", " + n.positionY + ").";
// logDebug(s);
// Update ancestry boudaries
updateAncestryBoundaries( n, layoutInfo );
// Update size, position of compund nodes
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length && !n.isLocked ){
n.positionX = (n.maxX + n.minX) / 2;
n.positionY = (n.maxY + n.minY) / 2;
n.width = n.maxX - n.minX;
n.height = n.maxY - n.minY;
// s = "Updating position, size of compound node " +;
// s += "\nPositionX: " + n.positionX + ", PositionY: " + n.positionY;
// s += "\nWidth: " + n.width + ", Height: " + n.height;
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Limits a force (forceX, forceY) to be not
* greater (in modulo) than max.
8 Preserves force direction.
var limitForce = function( forceX, forceY, max ){
// var s = "Limiting force: (" + forceX + ", " + forceY + "). Max: " + max;
var force = Math.sqrt( forceX * forceX + forceY * forceY );
if( force > max ){
var res = {
x: max * forceX / force,
y: max * forceY / force
} else {
var res = {
x: forceX,
y: forceY
// s += ".\nResult: (" + res.x + ", " + res.y + ")";
// logDebug(s);
return res;
* @brief : Function used for keeping track of compound node
* sizes, since they should bound all their subnodes.
var updateAncestryBoundaries = function( node, layoutInfo ){
// var s = "Propagating new position/size of node " +;
var parentId = node.parentId;
if( null == parentId ){
// If there's no parent, we are done
// s += ". No parent node.";
// logDebug(s);
// Get Parent Node
var p = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ parentId ] ];
var flag = false;
// MaxX
if( null == p.maxX || node.maxX + p.padRight > p.maxX ){
p.maxX = node.maxX + p.padRight;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew maxX for parent node " + + ": " + p.maxX;
// MinX
if( null == p.minX || node.minX - p.padLeft < p.minX ){
p.minX = node.minX - p.padLeft;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew minX for parent node " + + ": " + p.minX;
// MaxY
if( null == p.maxY || node.maxY + p.padBottom > p.maxY ){
p.maxY = node.maxY + p.padBottom;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew maxY for parent node " + + ": " + p.maxY;
// MinY
if( null == p.minY || node.minY - p.padTop < p.minY ){
p.minY = node.minY - p.padTop;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew minY for parent node " + + ": " + p.minY;
// If updated boundaries, propagate changes upward
if( flag ){
// logDebug(s);
return updateAncestryBoundaries( p, layoutInfo );
// s += ". No changes in boundaries/position of parent node " +;
// logDebug(s);
var separateComponents = function( layutInfo, options ){
var nodes = layoutInfo.layoutNodes;
var components = [];
for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ){
var node = nodes[ i ];
var cid = node.cmptId;
var component = components[ cid ] = components[ cid ] || [];
component.push( node );
var totalA = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < components.length; i++ ){
var c = components[ i ];
if( !c ){ continue; }
c.x1 = Infinity;
c.x2 = -Infinity;
c.y1 = Infinity;
c.y2 = -Infinity;
for( var j = 0; j < c.length; j++ ){
var n = c[ j ];
c.x1 = Math.min( c.x1, n.positionX - n.width / 2 );
c.x2 = Math.max( c.x2, n.positionX + n.width / 2 );
c.y1 = Math.min( c.y1, n.positionY - n.height / 2 );
c.y2 = Math.max( c.y2, n.positionY + n.height / 2 );
c.w = c.x2 - c.x1;
c.h = c.y2 - c.y1;
totalA += c.w * c.h;
components.sort( function( c1, c2 ){
return c2.w * c2.h - c1.w * c1.h;
} );
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var usedW = 0;
var rowH = 0;
var maxRowW = Math.sqrt( totalA ) * layoutInfo.clientWidth / layoutInfo.clientHeight;
for( var i = 0; i < components.length; i++ ){
var c = components[ i ];
if( !c ){ continue; }
for( var j = 0; j < c.length; j++ ){
var n = c[ j ];
if( !n.isLocked ){
n.positionX += x;
n.positionY += y;
x += c.w + options.componentSpacing;
usedW += c.w + options.componentSpacing;
rowH = Math.max( rowH, c.h );
if( usedW > maxRowW ){
y += rowH + options.componentSpacing;
x = 0;
usedW = 0;
rowH = 0;
var mainLoop = function( i ){
if( stopped ){
// logDebug("Layout manually stopped. Stopping computation in step " + i);
return false;
// Do one step in the phisical simulation
step( layoutInfo, options, i );
// Update temperature
layoutInfo.temperature = layoutInfo.temperature * options.coolingFactor;
// logDebug("New temperature: " + layoutInfo.temperature);
if( layoutInfo.temperature < options.minTemp ){
// logDebug("Temperature drop below minimum threshold. Stopping computation in step " + i);
return false;
return true;
var i = 0;
var loopRet;
do {
var f = 0;
while( (f < options.refresh || options.refresh === 0) && i < options.numIter ){
var loopRet = mainLoop( i );
if( !loopRet ){ break; }
if( options.animate === true ){
broadcast( layoutInfo.layoutNodes ); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} while( loopRet && i + 1 < options.numIter );
separateComponents( layoutInfo, options );
return layoutInfo;
} ).then( function( layoutInfoUpdated ){
layoutInfo.layoutNodes = layoutInfoUpdated.layoutNodes; // get the positions
} );
var done = function(){
if( options.animate === true || options.animate === false ){
force: true,
next: function(){
// Layout has finished'layoutstop', options.stop);
layout.emit({ type: 'layoutstop', layout: layout });
} else {
var nodes = options.eles.nodes();
var getScaledPos = getScaleInBoundsFn(layoutInfo, options, nodes);
nodes.layoutPositions(layout, options, getScaledPos);
return this; // chaining

@@ -1419,2 +690,639 @@ };

* @brief : Performs one iteration of the physical simulation
* @arg layoutInfo : LayoutInfo object already initialized
* @arg cy : Cytoscape object
* @arg options : Layout options
var step = function( layoutInfo, options, step ){
// var s = "\n\n###############################";
// s += "\nSTEP: " + step;
// s += "\n###############################\n";
// logDebug(s);
// Calculate node repulsions
calculateNodeForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Calculate edge forces
calculateEdgeForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Calculate gravity forces
calculateGravityForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Propagate forces from parent to child
propagateForces( layoutInfo, options );
// Update positions based on calculated forces
updatePositions( layoutInfo, options );
* @brief : Computes the node repulsion forces
var calculateNodeForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Go through each of the graphs in graphSet
// Nodes only repel each other if they belong to the same graph
// var s = 'calculateNodeForces';
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.graphSet.length; i ++ ){
var graph = layoutInfo.graphSet[ i ];
var numNodes = graph.length;
// s = "Set: " + graph.toString();
// logDebug(s);
// Now get all the pairs of nodes
// Only get each pair once, (A, B) = (B, A)
for( var j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){
var node1 = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ j ] ] ];
for( var k = j + 1; k < numNodes; k++ ){
var node2 = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ k ] ] ];
nodeRepulsion( node1, node2, layoutInfo, options );
var randomDistance = function( max ){
return -max + 2 * max * Math.random();
* @brief : Compute the node repulsion forces between a pair of nodes
var nodeRepulsion = function( node1, node2, layoutInfo, options ){
// var s = "Node repulsion. Node1: " + + " Node2: " +;
var cmptId1 = node1.cmptId;
var cmptId2 = node2.cmptId;
if( cmptId1 !== cmptId2 && !layoutInfo.isCompound ){ return; }
// Get direction of line connecting both node centers
var directionX = node2.positionX - node1.positionX;
var directionY = node2.positionY - node1.positionY;
var maxRandDist = 1;
// s += "\ndirectionX: " + directionX + ", directionY: " + directionY;
// If both centers are the same, apply a random force
if( 0 === directionX && 0 === directionY ){
directionX = randomDistance( maxRandDist );
directionY = randomDistance( maxRandDist );
var overlap = nodesOverlap( node1, node2, directionX, directionY );
if( overlap > 0 ){
// s += "\nNodes DO overlap.";
// s += "\nOverlap: " + overlap;
// If nodes overlap, repulsion force is proportional
// to the overlap
var force = options.nodeOverlap * overlap;
// Compute the module and components of the force vector
var distance = Math.sqrt( directionX * directionX + directionY * directionY );
// s += "\nDistance: " + distance;
var forceX = force * directionX / distance;
var forceY = force * directionY / distance;
} else {
// s += "\nNodes do NOT overlap.";
// If there's no overlap, force is inversely proportional
// to squared distance
// Get clipping points for both nodes
var point1 = findClippingPoint( node1, directionX, directionY );
var point2 = findClippingPoint( node2, -1 * directionX, -1 * directionY );
// Use clipping points to compute distance
var distanceX = point2.x - point1.x;
var distanceY = point2.y - point1.y;
var distanceSqr = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( distanceSqr );
// s += "\nDistance: " + distance;
// Compute the module and components of the force vector
var force = ( node1.nodeRepulsion + node2.nodeRepulsion ) / distanceSqr;
var forceX = force * distanceX / distance;
var forceY = force * distanceY / distance;
// Apply force
if( !node1.isLocked ){
node1.offsetX -= forceX;
node1.offsetY -= forceY;
if( !node2.isLocked ){
node2.offsetX += forceX;
node2.offsetY += forceY;
// s += "\nForceX: " + forceX + " ForceY: " + forceY;
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Determines whether two nodes overlap or not
* @return : Amount of overlapping (0 => no overlap)
var nodesOverlap = function( node1, node2, dX, dY ){
if( dX > 0 ){
var overlapX = node1.maxX - node2.minX;
} else {
var overlapX = node2.maxX - node1.minX;
if( dY > 0 ){
var overlapY = node1.maxY - node2.minY;
} else {
var overlapY = node2.maxY - node1.minY;
if( overlapX >= 0 && overlapY >= 0 ){
return Math.sqrt( overlapX * overlapX + overlapY * overlapY );
} else {
return 0;
* @brief : Finds the point in which an edge (direction dX, dY) intersects
* the rectangular bounding box of it's source/target node
var findClippingPoint = function( node, dX, dY ){
// Shorcuts
var X = node.positionX;
var Y = node.positionY;
var H = node.height || 1;
var W = node.width || 1;
var dirSlope = dY / dX;
var nodeSlope = H / W;
// var s = 'Computing clipping point of node ' + +
// " . Height: " + H + ", Width: " + W +
// "\nDirection " + dX + ", " + dY;
// Compute intersection
var res = {};
// Case: Vertical direction (up)
if( 0 === dX && 0 < dY ){
res.x = X;
// s += "\nUp direction";
res.y = Y + H / 2;
return res;
// Case: Vertical direction (down)
if( 0 === dX && 0 > dY ){
res.x = X;
res.y = Y + H / 2;
// s += "\nDown direction";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the right border
if( 0 < dX &&
-1 * nodeSlope <= dirSlope &&
dirSlope <= nodeSlope ){
res.x = X + W / 2;
res.y = Y + (W * dY / 2 / dX);
// s += "\nRightborder";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the left border
if( 0 > dX &&
-1 * nodeSlope <= dirSlope &&
dirSlope <= nodeSlope ){
res.x = X - W / 2;
res.y = Y - (W * dY / 2 / dX);
// s += "\nLeftborder";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the top border
if( 0 < dY &&
( dirSlope <= -1 * nodeSlope ||
dirSlope >= nodeSlope ) ){
res.x = X + (H * dX / 2 / dY);
res.y = Y + H / 2;
// s += "\nTop border";
return res;
// Case: Intersects the bottom border
if( 0 > dY &&
( dirSlope <= -1 * nodeSlope ||
dirSlope >= nodeSlope ) ){
res.x = X - (H * dX / 2 / dY);
res.y = Y - H / 2;
// s += "\nBottom border";
return res;
// s += "\nClipping point found at " + res.x + ", " + res.y;
// logDebug(s);
return res;
* @brief : Calculates all edge forces
var calculateEdgeForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Iterate over all edges
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.edgeSize; i++ ){
// Get edge, source & target nodes
var edge = layoutInfo.layoutEdges[ i ];
var sourceIx = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ edge.sourceId ];
var source = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ sourceIx ];
var targetIx = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ edge.targetId ];
var target = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ targetIx ];
// Get direction of line connecting both node centers
var directionX = target.positionX - source.positionX;
var directionY = target.positionY - source.positionY;
// If both centers are the same, do nothing.
// A random force has already been applied as node repulsion
if( 0 === directionX && 0 === directionY ){
// Get clipping points for both nodes
var point1 = findClippingPoint( source, directionX, directionY );
var point2 = findClippingPoint( target, -1 * directionX, -1 * directionY );
var lx = point2.x - point1.x;
var ly = point2.y - point1.y;
var l = Math.sqrt( lx * lx + ly * ly );
var force = Math.pow( edge.idealLength - l, 2 ) / edge.elasticity;
if( 0 !== l ){
var forceX = force * lx / l;
var forceY = force * ly / l;
} else {
var forceX = 0;
var forceY = 0;
// Add this force to target and source nodes
if( !source.isLocked ){
source.offsetX += forceX;
source.offsetY += forceY;
if( !target.isLocked ){
target.offsetX -= forceX;
target.offsetY -= forceY;
// var s = 'Edge force between nodes ' + + ' and ' +;
// s += "\nDistance: " + l + " Force: (" + forceX + ", " + forceY + ")";
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Computes gravity forces for all nodes
var calculateGravityForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
var distThreshold = 1;
// var s = 'calculateGravityForces';
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.graphSet.length; i ++ ){
var graph = layoutInfo.graphSet[ i ];
var numNodes = graph.length;
// s = "Set: " + graph.toString();
// logDebug(s);
// Compute graph center
if( 0 === i ){
var centerX = layoutInfo.clientHeight / 2;
var centerY = layoutInfo.clientWidth / 2;
} else {
// Get Parent node for this graph, and use its position as center
var temp = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[0] ] ];
var parent = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ temp.parentId ] ];
var centerX = parent.positionX;
var centerY = parent.positionY;
// s = "Center found at: " + centerX + ", " + centerY;
// logDebug(s);
// Apply force to all nodes in graph
for( var j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){
var node = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ graph[ j ] ] ];
// s = "Node: " +;
if( node.isLocked ){ continue; }
var dx = centerX - node.positionX;
var dy = centerY - node.positionY;
var d = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
if( d > distThreshold ){
var fx = options.gravity * dx / d;
var fy = options.gravity * dy / d;
node.offsetX += fx;
node.offsetY += fy;
// s += ": Applied force: " + fx + ", " + fy;
} else {
// s += ": skypped since it's too close to center";
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : This function propagates the existing offsets from
* parent nodes to its descendents.
* @arg layoutInfo : layoutInfo Object
* @arg cy : cytoscape Object
* @arg options : Layout options
var propagateForces = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// Inline implementation of a queue, used for traversing the graph in BFS order
var queue = [];
var start = 0; // Points to the start the queue
var end = -1; // Points to the end of the queue
// logDebug('propagateForces');
// Start by visiting the nodes in the root graph
queue.push.apply( queue, layoutInfo.graphSet[0] );
end += layoutInfo.graphSet[0].length;
// Traverse the graph, level by level,
while( start <= end ){
// Get the node to visit and remove it from queue
var nodeId = queue[ start++ ];
var nodeIndex = layoutInfo.idToIndex[ nodeId ];
var node = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ nodeIndex ];
var children = node.children;
// We only need to process the node if it's compound
if( 0 < children.length && !node.isLocked ){
var offX = node.offsetX;
var offY = node.offsetY;
// var s = "Propagating offset from parent node : " + +
// ". OffsetX: " + offX + ". OffsetY: " + offY;
// s += "\n Children: " + children.toString();
// logDebug(s);
for( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ){
var childNode = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ children[ i ] ] ];
// Propagate offset
childNode.offsetX += offX;
childNode.offsetY += offY;
// Add children to queue to be visited
queue[ ++end ] = children[ i ];
// Reset parent offsets
node.offsetX = 0;
node.offsetY = 0;
* @brief : Updates the layout model positions, based on
* the accumulated forces
var updatePositions = function( layoutInfo, options ){
// var s = 'Updating positions';
// logDebug(s);
// Reset boundaries for compound nodes
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length ){
// logDebug("Resetting boundaries of compound node: " +;
n.maxX = undefined;
n.minX = undefined;
n.maxY = undefined;
n.minY = undefined;
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length || n.isLocked ){
// No need to set compound or locked node position
// logDebug("Skipping position update of node: " +;
// s = "Node: " + + " Previous position: (" +
// n.positionX + ", " + n.positionY + ").";
// Limit displacement in order to improve stability
var tempForce = limitForce( n.offsetX, n.offsetY, layoutInfo.temperature );
n.positionX += tempForce.x;
n.positionY += tempForce.y;
n.offsetX = 0;
n.offsetY = 0;
n.minX = n.positionX - n.width;
n.maxX = n.positionX + n.width;
n.minY = n.positionY - n.height;
n.maxY = n.positionY + n.height;
// s += " New Position: (" + n.positionX + ", " + n.positionY + ").";
// logDebug(s);
// Update ancestry boudaries
updateAncestryBoundaries( n, layoutInfo );
// Update size, position of compund nodes
for( var i = 0; i < layoutInfo.nodeSize; i++ ){
var n = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ i ];
if( 0 < n.children.length && !n.isLocked ){
n.positionX = (n.maxX + n.minX) / 2;
n.positionY = (n.maxY + n.minY) / 2;
n.width = n.maxX - n.minX;
n.height = n.maxY - n.minY;
// s = "Updating position, size of compound node " +;
// s += "\nPositionX: " + n.positionX + ", PositionY: " + n.positionY;
// s += "\nWidth: " + n.width + ", Height: " + n.height;
// logDebug(s);
* @brief : Limits a force (forceX, forceY) to be not
* greater (in modulo) than max.
8 Preserves force direction.
var limitForce = function( forceX, forceY, max ){
// var s = "Limiting force: (" + forceX + ", " + forceY + "). Max: " + max;
var force = Math.sqrt( forceX * forceX + forceY * forceY );
if( force > max ){
var res = {
x: max * forceX / force,
y: max * forceY / force
} else {
var res = {
x: forceX,
y: forceY
// s += ".\nResult: (" + res.x + ", " + res.y + ")";
// logDebug(s);
return res;
* @brief : Function used for keeping track of compound node
* sizes, since they should bound all their subnodes.
var updateAncestryBoundaries = function( node, layoutInfo ){
// var s = "Propagating new position/size of node " +;
var parentId = node.parentId;
if( null == parentId ){
// If there's no parent, we are done
// s += ". No parent node.";
// logDebug(s);
// Get Parent Node
var p = layoutInfo.layoutNodes[ layoutInfo.idToIndex[ parentId ] ];
var flag = false;
// MaxX
if( null == p.maxX || node.maxX + p.padRight > p.maxX ){
p.maxX = node.maxX + p.padRight;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew maxX for parent node " + + ": " + p.maxX;
// MinX
if( null == p.minX || node.minX - p.padLeft < p.minX ){
p.minX = node.minX - p.padLeft;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew minX for parent node " + + ": " + p.minX;
// MaxY
if( null == p.maxY || node.maxY + p.padBottom > p.maxY ){
p.maxY = node.maxY + p.padBottom;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew maxY for parent node " + + ": " + p.maxY;
// MinY
if( null == p.minY || node.minY - p.padTop < p.minY ){
p.minY = node.minY - p.padTop;
flag = true;
// s += "\nNew minY for parent node " + + ": " + p.minY;
// If updated boundaries, propagate changes upward
if( flag ){
// logDebug(s);
return updateAncestryBoundaries( p, layoutInfo );
// s += ". No changes in boundaries/position of parent node " +;
// logDebug(s);
var separateComponents = function( layoutInfo, options ){
var nodes = layoutInfo.layoutNodes;
var components = [];
for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ){
var node = nodes[ i ];
var cid = node.cmptId;
var component = components[ cid ] = components[ cid ] || [];
component.push( node );
var totalA = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < components.length; i++ ){
var c = components[ i ];
if( !c ){ continue; }
c.x1 = Infinity;
c.x2 = -Infinity;
c.y1 = Infinity;
c.y2 = -Infinity;
for( var j = 0; j < c.length; j++ ){
var n = c[ j ];
c.x1 = Math.min( c.x1, n.positionX - n.width / 2 );
c.x2 = Math.max( c.x2, n.positionX + n.width / 2 );
c.y1 = Math.min( c.y1, n.positionY - n.height / 2 );
c.y2 = Math.max( c.y2, n.positionY + n.height / 2 );
c.w = c.x2 - c.x1;
c.h = c.y2 - c.y1;
totalA += c.w * c.h;
components.sort( function( c1, c2 ){
return c2.w * c2.h - c1.w * c1.h;
} );
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var usedW = 0;
var rowH = 0;
var maxRowW = Math.sqrt( totalA ) * layoutInfo.clientWidth / layoutInfo.clientHeight;
for( var i = 0; i < components.length; i++ ){
var c = components[ i ];
if( !c ){ continue; }
for( var j = 0; j < c.length; j++ ){
var n = c[ j ];
if( !n.isLocked ){
n.positionX += x;
n.positionY += y;
x += c.w + options.componentSpacing;
usedW += c.w + options.componentSpacing;
rowH = Math.max( rowH, c.h );
if( usedW > maxRowW ){
y += rowH + options.componentSpacing;
x = 0;
usedW = 0;
rowH = 0;
export default CoseLayout;

@@ -247,2 +247,4 @@ import window from '../../../../window';

var bb = _p.labelBounds[prefix || 'main'];
var text = ele.pstyle( prefixDash + 'label' ).value;

@@ -254,6 +256,2 @@ var eventsEnabled = ele.pstyle( 'text-events' ).strValue === 'yes';

var rstyle = _p.rstyle;
var bw = ele.pstyle('text-border-width').pfValue;
var pw = ele.pstyle('text-background-padding').pfValue;
var lw = preprop( rstyle, 'labelWidth', prefix ) + bw + 2*th + 2*pw;
var lh = preprop( rstyle, 'labelHeight', prefix ) + bw + 2*th + 2*pw;
var lx = preprop( rstyle, 'labelX', prefix );

@@ -264,6 +262,6 @@ var ly = preprop( rstyle, 'labelY', prefix );

var lx1 = lx - lw / 2;
var lx2 = lx + lw / 2;
var ly1 = ly - lh / 2;
var ly2 = ly + lh / 2;
var lx1 = bb.x1 - th;
var lx2 = bb.x2 + th;
var ly1 = bb.y1 - th;
var ly2 = bb.y2 + th;

@@ -301,11 +299,2 @@ if( theta ){

} else { // do a cheaper bb check
var bb = {
w: lw,
h: lh,
x1: lx1,
x2: lx2,
y1: ly1,
y2: ly2
if( math.inBoundingBox( bb, x, y ) ){

@@ -312,0 +301,0 @@ addEle( ele );

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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