An easy to use javascript chart legend.
If you use NPM, npm install d3plus-legend
. Otherwise, download the latest release. The released bundle supports AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments. Create a custom bundle using Rollup or your preferred bundler. You can also load directly from d3plus.org:
<script src="https://d3plus.org/js/d3plus-legend.v0.8.full.min.js"></script>
API Reference
- ColorScale ⇐
- Legend ⇐
Kind: global class
Extends: BaseClass
new ColorScale()
Creates an SVG scale based on an array of data. If data is specified, immediately draws based on the specified array and returns the current class instance. If data is not specified on instantiation, it can be passed/updated after instantiation using the data method.
ColorScale.render([callback]) ↩︎
Renders the current ColorScale to the page. If a callback is specified, it will be called once the ColorScale is done drawing.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type |
[callback] | function |
ColorScale.axisConfig([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the axis configuration of the ColorScale and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current axis configuration.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
ColorScale.align([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the horizontal alignment to the specified value and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current horizontal alignment.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[value] | String | "center" | Supports "left" and "center" and "right" . |
ColorScale.color([value]) ↩︎
Defines the color or colors to be used for the scale. If only a single color is given as a String, then the scale is interpolated by lightening that color. Otherwise, the function expects an Array of color values to be used in order for the scale.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | String | Array | "#0C8040" |
ColorScale.data([data]) ↩︎
If data is specified, sets the data array to the specified array and returns the current class instance. If data is not specified, returns the current data array. A shape key will be drawn for each object in the array.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[data] | Array | [] |
ColorScale.duration([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the transition duration of the ColorScale and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current duration.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 600 |
ColorScale.height([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the overall height of the ColorScale and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current height value.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 100 |
ColorScale.orient([value]) ↩︎
Sets the flow of the items inside the ColorScale. If no value is passed, the current flow will be returned.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | String | "bottom" |
If called after the elements have been drawn to DOM, will returns the outer bounds of the ColorScale content.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
{"width": 180, "height": 24, "x": 10, "y": 20}
ColorScale.padding([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the padding between each key to the specified number and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current padding value.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 10 |
ColorScale.rectConfig([value]) ↩︎
Provides access to the config method of the Rect class used to create the different rectangle color buckets.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
ColorScale.scale([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the scale of the ColorScale and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current scale value.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[value] | String | "linear" | Can either be "linear", "jenks", or "buckets". |
ColorScale.select([selector]) ↩︎
If selector is specified, sets the SVG container element to the specified d3 selector or DOM element and returns the current class instance. If selector is not specified, returns the current SVG container element.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[selector] | String | HTMLElement | d3.select("body").append("svg") |
ColorScale.size([value]) ↩︎
The height of horizontal color scales, and width when positioned vertical.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 10 |
ColorScale.value([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the value accessor to the specified function or string and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current value accessor.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type |
[value] | function | String |
function value(d) {
return d.value;
ColorScale.width([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the overall width of the ColorScale and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current width value.
Kind: static method of ColorScale
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 400 |
Kind: global class
Extends: BaseClass
new Legend()
Creates an SVG scale based on an array of data. If data is specified, immediately draws based on the specified array and returns the current class instance. If data is not specified on instantiation, it can be passed/updated after instantiation using the data method.
Legend.render([callback]) ↩︎
Renders the current Legend to the page. If a callback is specified, it will be called once the legend is done drawing.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type |
[callback] | function |
Legend.active([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the active method for all shapes to the specified function and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current active method.
Kind: static method of Legend
Legend.align([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the horizontal alignment to the specified value and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current horizontal alignment.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[value] | String | "center" | Supports "left" and "center" and "right" . |
Legend.data([data]) ↩︎
If data is specified, sets the data array to the specified array and returns the current class instance. If data is not specified, returns the current data array. A shape key will be drawn for each object in the array.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[data] | Array | [] |
Legend.direction([value]) ↩︎
Sets the flow of the items inside the legend. If no value is passed, the current flow will be returned.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | String | "row" |
Legend.duration([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the transition duration of the legend and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current duration.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 600 |
Legend.height([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the overall height of the legend and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current height value.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 100 |
Legend.hover([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the hover method for all shapes to the specified function and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current hover method.
Kind: static method of Legend
Legend.id([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the id accessor to the specified function and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current id accessor.
Kind: static method of Legend
function value(d) {
return d.id;
Legend.label([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the label accessor to the specified function or string and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current label accessor, which is the id accessor by default.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type |
[value] | function | String |
If called after the elements have been drawn to DOM, will returns the outer bounds of the legend content.
Kind: static method of Legend
{"width": 180, "height": 24, "x": 10, "y": 20}
Legend.padding([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the padding between each key to the specified number and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current padding value.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 10 |
Legend.select([selector]) ↩︎
If selector is specified, sets the SVG container element to the specified d3 selector or DOM element and returns the current class instance. If selector is not specified, returns the current SVG container element.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[selector] | String | HTMLElement | d3.select("body").append("svg") |
Legend.shape([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the shape accessor to the specified function or string and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current shape accessor.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | function | String | "Rect" |
Legend.shapeConfig([config]) ↩︎
If config is specified, sets the methods that correspond to the key/value pairs for each shape and returns the current class instance. If config is not specified, returns the current shape configuration.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[config] | Object | {} |
Legend.title([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the title of the legend and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current title.
Kind: static method of Legend
Legend.titleConfig([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the title configuration of the legend and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current title configuration.
Kind: static method of Legend
Legend.verticalAlign([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the vertical alignment to the specified value and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current vertical alignment.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[value] | String | "middle" | Supports "top" and "middle" and "bottom" . |
Legend.width([value]) ↩︎
If value is specified, sets the overall width of the legend and returns the current class instance. If value is not specified, returns the current width value.
Kind: static method of Legend
Param | Type | Default |
[value] | Number | 400 |
Documentation generated on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 23:36:39 GMT