dagre-d3 - A D3-based renderer for Dagre
Dagre is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to lay out directed graphs on
the client-side. The dagre-d3 library acts a front-end to dagre, providing
actual rendering using D3.
Note that dagre-d3 is current a pre-1.0.0 library. We will do our best to
maintain backwards compatibility for patch level increases (e.g. 0.0.1 to
0.0.2) but make no claim to backwards compatibility across minor releases (e.g.
0.0.1 to 0.1.0). Watch our CHANGELOG for details on changes.
Try our interactive demo!
Or some of our other examples:
These demos and more can be found in the demo
folder of the project. Simply
open them in your browser - there is no need to start a web server.
Getting dagre-d3
Browser Scrips
You can get the latest browser-ready scripts:
These scripts include everything you need to use dagre-d3. See Using Dagre
below for details.
NPM Install
Before installing this library you need to install the npm package manager.
To get dagre-d3 from npm, use:
$ npm install dagre-d3
Build From Source
Before building this library you need to install the npm package manager.
Check out this project and run this command from the root of the project:
$ make
This will generate dagre-d3.js
and dagre-d3.min.js
in the dist
of the project.
Using dagre-d3
To use dagre-d3, there are a few basic steps:
- Get the library
- Create a graph
- Render the graph
- Optionally configure the layout
We'll walk through each of these steps below.
Getting dagre-d3
First we need to load the dagre-d3 library. In an HTML page you do this by adding
the following snippet:
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://cpettitt.github.io/project/dagre-d3/latest/dagre-d3.min.js"></script>
We recommend you use a specific version though, or include your own copy of the
library, because the API may change across releases. Here's an example of using
dagre-d3 v0.0.1:
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://cpettitt.github.io/project/dagre-d3/v0.0.1/dagre-d3.min.js"></script>
This will add a new global dagreD3
. We show you how to use this below.
Creating a Graph
We use graphlib to create graphs in
dagre, so its probably worth taking a look at its
Graphlib comes bundled with dagre-d3. In this section, we'll show you how to
create a simple graph.
var g = new dagreD3.Digraph();
g.addNode("kspacey", { label: "Kevin Spacey" });
g.addNode("swilliams", { label: "Saul Williams" });
g.addNode("bpitt", { label: "Brad Pitt" });
g.addNode("hford", { label: "Harrison Ford" });
g.addNode("lwilson", { label: "Luke Wilson" });
g.addNode("kbacon", { label: "Kevin Bacon" });
g.addEdge(null, "kspacey", "swilliams", { label: "K-PAX" });
g.addEdge(null, "swilliams", "kbacon", { label: "These Vagabond Shoes" });
g.addEdge(null, "bpitt", "kbacon", { label: "Sleepers" });
g.addEdge(null, "hford", "lwilson", { label: "Anchorman 2" });
g.addEdge(null, "lwilson", "kbacon", { label: "Telling Lies in America" });
This simple graph was derived from The Oracle of
Rendering the Graph
To render the graph, we first need to create an SVG element on our page:
<svg width=650 height=680>
<g transform="translate(20,20)"/>
Then we ask the renderer to draw our graph in the SVG element:
var renderer = new dagreD3.Renderer();
renderer.run(g, d3.select("svg g"));
We also need to add some basic style information to get a usable graph. These values can be tweaked, of course.
rect {
fill: #fff;
.node rect {
stroke-width: 1.5px;
stroke: #333;
fill: none;
.edge rect {
fill: #fff;
.edge path {
fill: none;
stroke: #333;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
This produces the graph:
Configuring the Layout
Here are a few methods you can call on the layout object to change layout behavior:
sets the level of logging verbosity to the number x
. Currently 4 is th max.nodeSep(x)
sets the separation between adjacent nodes in the same rank to x
sets the separation between adjacent edges in the same rank to x
sets the sepration between ranks in the layout to x
sets the direction of the layout.
- Defaults to
for top-to-bottom layout "LR"
sets layout to left-to-right
For example, to set node separation to 20 pixels and the rank direction to left-to-right:
var layout = dagreD3.layout()
render.layout(layout).run(g, d3.select("svg g"));
This produces the following graph:
dagre-d3 is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file
for details.