Simple Logger with spawning, source code and event tracing. ES6 compatible.
JS example:
var Logger = require('dalog').default;
logger = new Logger();
ES6 example:
import Logger from 'dalog';
export class MyApp {
constructor {
this.logger = new Logger();
This would log using console.log()
and output something like:
[ead88891](app.js:3:8) Hello world
The format is as follows:
[$(id)]($(file):$(line):$(character)) $(message)
id: Random identificator to easily track source of evented log calls. Very useful when having many streams, log messages usually merge and mix, making traceability almost impossible.
file: Source file name that called the logger.
line: Line of source file in which the logger was called.
character: Position in line from which the logger was called.
message: Multiple arguments turned into string message, same as using console
Console support
Logger is mounted over console
, and supports .log()
, .info()
, .warn()
, .error()
and multiple arguments.
Spawning child loggers
It's possible to spawn the logger to trace specific events, for example:
var Logger = require('dalog').default;
appLogger = new Logger();
timerLogger = appLogger.spawn();
failLogger = appLogger.spawn();
setInterval(function() {'Tick!', +new Date);
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
It's similar to creating a new instance of the logger, but there are plans to trace back parent/children calls. Also date/time, format and other features on the bucketlist.
Output of example above:
[b3d3b328](app.js:3:11) Hello world
[3598caeb](app.js:9:15) Tick! 1661859488022
[3598caeb](app.js:9:15) Tick! 1661859489028
[3598caeb](app.js:9:15) Tick! 1661859490032
[3598caeb](app.js:9:15) Tick! 1661859491037
[4115b85d](app.js:13:14) Fail!