Dam Less
Streamify your seb server.
Discover our starter kit with Polymer.
npm install $dam-less --save
Create a service.js
"use strict";
class Service {
constructor() {
index(request, response) {
let content = {
text: `hello ${request.params.name}`
return response.send({ request: request, content: content });
exports = module.exports = Service;
Define services.json
"services": [
{ "name": "$http", "location": "dam-less"},
{ "name": "$service", "location": "./service"}
Create config.json
"services": "./services.json",
"http": {
"port": 3000
Create a server.js
"use strict";
const Qwebs = require("qwebs");
new Qwebs().load();
Run server on http://localhost:3000
node server.js
Our goal is to find the final route as fast as possible.
We use a tree data structure to represent all routes.
- get(route, service, method)
- post(route, service, method)
- put(route, service, method)
- patch(route, service, method)
- delete(route, service, method)
"services": [
{ "name": "$user", "location": "../services/info.es6"}
"locators": [
{ "get": "/user/:id", "service": "$user", "method": "get" },
{ "post": "/user", "service": "$user", "method": "save" }
qwebs.get("/user/:id", "$users", "get");
qwebs.post("/user", "$users", "save");
Qwebs is deigned for POO.
Create service, define a route and attached them in routes.json.
Qwebs has an dependency injector for easier integration.
class ApplicationService {
//$config service is automatically injected
constructor($config) {
if ($config.verbose) console.log("ApplicationService created.");
//send javascript object
get(request, response) {
let content = { message: "Hello World" };
return response.send({ request: request, content: content });
//send stream
stream(request, response, reject) {
let stream = fs.createReadStream('file.txt')
.on("error", reject) //reject Promise
.pipe(new ToUpperCase()) //transform
.on("error", reject) //reject Promise
return response.send({ request: request, stream: stream });
exports = module.exports = ApplicationService;
## Dependency injection
Just declare the service name in your constructor.
class UserService {
//Config service wil be created as a singleton and injected when UserService will be created
Qwebs will create your service with its dependencies.
"services": [
{ "name": "$user", "location": "../services/user"}
qwebs.inject("$user", "./services/user");
## Response
Http response are automatically extended to compressed with Gzip or Deflate.
You could override this default behaviour with POO. Override the default response service and inject the new one in Qwebs.
##### How override response.send ?
"use strict";
const ResponseService = require("qwebs/lib/services/response");
class MyResponseService extends ResponseService {
constructor() {
send(response, dataToSend) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (dataToSend == undefined) reject(new Error("No data."));
dataToSend.headers = data.headers || {};
dataToSend.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private";
dataToSend.headers["Expires"] = new Date(Date.now() + 3000).toUTCString();
return super.send(response, dataToSend).then(resolve).catch(reject);
exports = module.exports = MyResponseService;
Then replace $response service in $injector.
"services": [
{ "name": "$response", "location": "../services/my-response"}
qwebs.inject("$response", "./services/my-response");
## Avoid disk access at runtime
All assets are loaded in memory at startup.
Uploaded images are not saved in temporary files. $qjimp service is designed to read, manipulate image stream.
## Bundle (bundle.json)
You could create your own css or js bundle without WebPack.
Qwebs includes a Sass preprocessor. You don't need to compile your sass via an external program.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="/app.css">
<script src="/app.js"></script>
## Promise
- Easier to read
- Easier to maintain in the future
- Easier error handling
- $config: your configuration.
- $qwebs: qwebs instance.
- $injector: resolve services at runtime.
- $responseProxy: extand http.ServerResponse.
- $response: default response extension.
- $qjimp: convert and manipulate images.
Others Services
To run our examples, clone the Qwebs repo and install the dependencies.
$ git clone https://github.com/BenoitClaveau/qwebs --depth 1
$ cd qwebs
$ npm install
$ cd exemples/helloworld
$ node server.js
To run our tests, clone the Qwebs repo and install the dependencies.
$ git clone https://github.com/BenoitClaveau/qwebs --depth 1
$ cd qwebs
$ npm install
$ cd tests
$ node.exe "../node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha" .