The JavaScript build tool.
What is this?
A tool that gets you up and running writing ES2015+ JavaScript with no fuss.
Why do I want this?
If you've ever had to start a node project or library from scratch with all of the cool features like ES2015 with babel and bundling with webpack, you know it can be a hassle. Daruma allows you to focus on what's most important: building your project.
Who is this for?
Primarily for those who don't want to go through the hassle of setting up an ES2015+ project but still want to flexibility that a starter kit can't provide.
Getting Started
Install Daruma from npm npm install -g daruma
Initialize a new project
daruma new <projectname> [-l for libraries with a specific bundled outfile]
Enter the Project Directory
cd <projectname>
Write ES2015+ code in your src/
folder. (index.js
is the entry for libraries)
then ...
Test your code
Write tests in your test/
directory using whatever assertion library you'd like and run daruma test
to run tests using Mocha
Compile your EsNext JavaScript
daruma build [-w for watching files] [-p for production library builds]
You now have valid ES5 code in your dist/
folder! Wasn't that easy?
Daruma leverages the power of...
- npm
- Babel
- Webpack
- Shelljs
- Mocha
- Vorpal give you a clean and easy development experience.
This wouldn't be possible without those projects, so thank you JavaScript ecosystem. :)
Features wanted: