Quick and dirty script to draw line graphs. Current features:
- Min/max/zero line.
- Min/max labels.
- Single line.
- Width-responsive.
- Drawn onto HTML5 canvas.
Multiple lines, ticks, x-axis labels etc. are not support. There
are other libraries that support all of these. It has no dependencies
but requires ES5, canvas and requestAnimationFrame support.
HTML/JavaScript code:
<canvas class="chart" id="chart" data-values="1,2,3,-1,-3,0,1,2"></canvas>
<script src="dataline.js"></script>
CSS code:
.chart { width: 100%; height: 200px; }
Example can be seen on
Draw chart:
Dataline.draw(elementId, [array]);
where array is the optional array of numbers for the line.
This method must be called only once per element.
The MIT License. See the LICENSE file.