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datalist-polyfill - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.23.3 to 1.24.0


@@ -14,2 +14,27 @@ # Changelog

## [1.24.0] - 2020-02-26
### Added
- Linking Apples changelog on the datalist feature to our readme
- gitignore file
- Docs: further mentioned IE10+ and EDGE specifics
- .npmignore file
- Commitlint & husky for CI
### Changed
- Updated webdriverio and xo dependencies
- Reformatted the JS code
- Removed pointless loop in the code PR #GH-61
- Updated docs regarding browser support #GH-62
### Fixed
- Docs: filesize in the readme
- fixed to have a "correct" minification #GH-58
- Fix exception in IE9 emulator mode PR #GH-65
- Badges displaying problems in some readers / compilers
- Docs: optimizing on the typos and clearity
## [1.23.3] - 2019-01-28

@@ -16,0 +41,0 @@


* Datalist polyfill -
* @license Copyright(c) 2017 by Maximilian Franzke
* Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git and @nexces - many thanks for that !
* Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git, @nexces, @Sora2455, @jscho13 and @alexirion - many thanks for that !

@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ /*

Boolean(dcmnt.createElement('datalist') && window.HTMLDataListElement),
// IE & EDGE browser detection via UserAgent
// TODO: obviously ugly. But sadly necessary until Microsoft enhances the UX within EDGE (compare to
// adapted out of :
isGteIE10 = Boolean(ua.match(/Trident\/[6-7]\./)),
// Tested against the following UA strings:
// And adapted out of :
isGteIE10 = Boolean(ua.match(/MSIE\s1[0-1]./) || ua.match(/rv:11./)),
isEDGE = Boolean(ua.indexOf('Edge/') !== -1);

@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@

mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// Look through all added nodes of this mutation
for (var j = 0; j < mutation.addedNodes.length; ++j) {
if ( === 'datalist') {
datalistNeedsAnUpdate =;
// Check if any of the mutated nodes was a datalist
if ( instanceof HTMLElement && === "datalist" &&
mutation.addedNodes.length > 1) {
datalistNeedsAnUpdate =;

@@ -131,2 +133,3 @@ });


@@ -193,5 +196,5 @@ }

/* as mentioned in the discussion within #GH-63:
Check for whether the current option is a valid suggestion and replace its value by
- the current input string, as IE10+ and EDGE don't do substring, but only prefix matching
- the current input string, as IE10+ and EDGE don't do substring, but only prefix matching (#GH-36, #GH-39)
- followed by a unique string that should prevent any interferance

@@ -222,3 +225,5 @@ - and the original string, that is still necessary e.g. for sorting within the suggestions list

var option = datalist.querySelector(
'option[value="' + getInputValue(input).replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g, '\\$1$2') + '"]'
'option[value="' +
getInputValue(input).replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g, '\\$1$2') +

@@ -339,6 +344,6 @@

// Using .getAttribute here for IE9 purpose - elsewhere it wouldn't return the newer HTML5 values correctly
return (
input.getAttribute('type') === 'email' &&
return input.getAttribute('type') === 'email' &&
input.getAttribute('multiple') !== null
) ? input.value.substring(input.value.lastIndexOf(',') + 1) : input.value;
? input.value.substring(input.value.lastIndexOf(',') + 1)
: input.value;

@@ -540,2 +545,3 @@

datalistSelect.addEventListener('blur', changeDataListSelect);

@@ -640,2 +646,3 @@ datalistSelect.addEventListener('keydown', changeDataListSelect);


@@ -651,2 +658,3 @@ };

datalistSelect.setAttribute('aria-hidden', (!visible).toString());

@@ -682,2 +690,3 @@ };

// Options property /

@@ -684,0 +693,0 @@ (function(constructor) {

* Datalist polyfill -
* @license Copyright(c) 2017 by Maximilian Franzke
* Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git and @nexces - many thanks for that !
* Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git, @nexces, @jscho13 and @alexirion - many thanks for that !
* A minimal and dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill.
* Supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior.
* Tests for native support of an inputs elements datalist functionality.
* Elsewhere the functionality gets emulated by a select element.
!function(){"use strict";
// Performance: Set local variables
var u=window.document,e=window.navigator.userAgent,
// Feature detection
t="list"in u.createElement("input")&&Boolean(u.createElement("datalist")&&window.HTMLDataListElement),
// IE & EDGE browser detection via UserAgent
// TODO: obviously ugly. But sadly necessary until Microsoft enhances the UX within EDGE (compare to
// adapted out of :
// Let's break here, if it's even already supported ... and not IE10+ or EDGE
// .matches polyfill
// TODO: probably needs enhancement on the expected to be supported browsers
// Define some global settings and configurations
var p=!1,
// Speaking variables for the different keycodes
// Defining the text / value seperator for displaying the value and text values ...
g=" / ",
// ... and defining the different input types that are supported by this polyfill
// Classes for elements
// Defining a most likely unique polyfill string
// Differentiate for touch interactions, adapted by
window.addEventListener("touchstart",function e(){p=!0,window.removeEventListener("touchstart",e)});
// For observing any changes to the option elements within the datalist elements, define MutationObserver initially
var i=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver,a;
// Define a new observer
void 0!==i&&(a=new i(function(e){var i=!1;
// Look through all mutations that just occured
// Look through all added nodes of this mutation
for(var t=0;t<e.addedNodes.length;++t)"datalist"}),i){var t=u.querySelector('input[list="''"]');""!==A(t)&&
// Prepare the options and toggle the visiblity afterwards
// Function regarding the inputs interactions on keyup event
var r=function(e){var,i=t.list,a=e.keyCode===y||e.keyCode===f;
// Check for whether the events target was an input and still check for an existing instance of the datalist and polyfilling select
// Handling IE10+ & EDGE
// On keypress check for value
// As only EDGE doesn't trigger the input event after selecting an item via mouse, we need to differentiate here
// TODO: Check whether this update is necessary depending on the options values
t.focus());else{var n=!1,
// Creating the select if there's no instance so far (e.g. because of that it hasn't been handled or it has been dynamically inserted)
// On an ESC or ENTER key press within the input, let's break here and afterwards hide the datalist select, but if the input contains a value or one of the opening keys have been pressed ...
if(e.keyCode!==v&&e.keyCode!==c&&(""!==A(t)||a)&&void 0!==r){
// ... prepare the options
0<k(i,t).length&&(n=!0);var o=0,l=r.options.length-1;
// ... preselect best fitting index
// ... and on arrow up or down keys, focus the select
// Toggle the visibility of the datalist select according to previous checks
O(n,r)}},b=function(e,t){var a=A(e);
// Loop through the options,0).forEach(function(e){
// We're using .getAttribute instead of .dataset here for IE10
var t=e.getAttribute("data-originalvalue"),i=t||e.value;
// In case of that the original value hasn't been saved as data so far, do that now
// We're using .setAttribute instead of .dataset here for IE10
// As we'd manipulate the value in the next step, we'd like to put in that value as either a label or text if none of those exist
Check for whether the current option is a valid suggestion and replace its value by
- the current input string, as IE10+ and EDGE don't do substring, but only prefix matching
- followed by a unique string that should prevent any interferance
- and the original string, that is still necessary e.g. for sorting within the suggestions list
As the value is being inserted on users selection, we'll replace that one within the upfollowing inputInputListIE function
// Query for related option - and escaping the value as doublequotes wouldn't work
var a=i.querySelector('option[value="'+A(t).replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g,"\\$1$2")+'"]');
// We're using .getAttribute instead of .dataset here for IE10
a&&a.getAttribute("data-originalvalue")&&L(t,a.getAttribute("data-originalvalue"))}},w=function(e,t){var i=e.value.toLowerCase(),a=t.toLowerCase(),n=e.getAttribute("label"),r=e.text.toLowerCase();
"Each option element that is a descendant of the datalist element, that is not disabled, and whose value is a string that isn't the empty string, represents a suggestion. Each suggestion has a value and a label."
"If appropriate, the user agent should use the suggestion's label and value to identify the suggestion to the user."
*/return Boolean(!1===e.disabled&&(""!==i&&-1!==i.indexOf(a)||n&&-1!==n.toLowerCase().indexOf(a)||""!==r&&-1!==r.indexOf(a)))},E=function(e){
// Check for correct element on this event delegation
// Check for whether the events target was an input and still check for an existing instance of the datalist
// #GH-49: Microsoft EDGE / datalist popups get "emptied" when receiving focus via tabbing
// Test for whether this input has already been enhanced by the polyfill
// Set the value of the first option to it's value - this actually triggers a redraw of the complete list
var a=t.list.options[0];a.value=a.value}
// Break here for IE10+ & EDGE
if(!s&&!d){var// Creating the select if there's no instance so far (e.g. because of that it hasn't been handled or it has been dynamically inserted)
// Either have the select set to the state to get displayed in case of that it would have been focused or because it's the target on the inputs blur - and check for general existance of any option as suggestions
// Toggle the visibility of the datalist select according to previous checks
// We'd like to prevent autocomplete on the input datalist field
// WAI ARIA attributes
// Bind the keyup event on the related datalists input
// As only EDGE doesn't trigger the input event after selecting an item via mouse, we need to differentiate here
// As only EDGE doesn't trigger the input event after selecting an item via mouse, we need to differentiate here
// Add class for identifying that this input is even already being polyfilled
e.className+=" "+o},A=function(e){
// In case of type=email and multiple attribute, we would need to grab the last piece
// Using .getAttribute here for IE9 purpose - elsewhere it wouldn't return the newer HTML5 values correctly
return"email"===e.getAttribute("type")&&null!==e.getAttribute("multiple")?e.value.substring(e.value.lastIndexOf(",")+1):e.value},L=function(e,t){var i;
// In case of type=email and multiple attribute, we need to set up the resulting inputs value differently
// Using .getAttribute here for IE9 purpose - elsewhere it wouldn't return the newer HTML5 values correctly
// On keypress check all options for that as a substring, save the original value as a data-attribute and preset that inputs value (for sorting) for all option values (probably as well enhanced by a token)
// Break here for IE10+ & EDGE
// Binding the focus event - matching the input[list]s happens in the function afterwards
// Function for preparing and sorting the options/suggestions
var k=function(e,n){void 0!==a&&a.disconnect();var// Creating the select if there's no instance so far (e.g. because of that it hasn't been handled or it has been dynamically inserted)
// Create an array out of the options list"option:not(:disabled)")).sort(function(e,t){var i=e.value,a=t.value;
// Using the knowledge that the values are URLs to allow the user to omit the scheme part and perform intelligent matching on the domain name
return"url"===n.getAttribute("type")&&(i=i.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//,""),a=a.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//,"")),i.localeCompare(a)}).forEach(function(e){var t=e.value,i=e.getAttribute("label"),a=e.text;
// Put this option into the fragment that is meant to get inserted into the select. Additionally according to the specs ...
// TODO: This might get slightly changed/optimized in a future release
if(w(e,o)){var n=a.substr(0,t.length+g.length),r;
// The innertext should be 'value seperator text' in case they are different
// Manipulating the option inner text, that would get displayed
// ... or put this option that isn't relevant to the users into the fragment that is supposed to get inserted outside of the select
// Input the options fragment into the datalists select
t.appendChild(l);var i=t.options.length;return t.size=10<i?10:i,t.multiple=!p&&i<2,
// Input the unused options as siblings next to the select - and differentiate in between the regular, and the IE9 fix syntax upfront
(e.getElementsByClassName("ie9_fix")[0]||e).appendChild(s),void 0!==a&&a.observe(e,{childList:!0}),t.options},x=function(e,t){
// Check for whether it's of one of the supported input types defined at the beginning
// Using .getAttribute here for IE9 purpose - elsewhere it wouldn't return the newer HTML5 values correctly
// and still check for an existing instance
if(!(e.getAttribute("type")&&-1===l.indexOf(e.getAttribute("type"))||null===t)){var i=e.getClientRects(),
// Measurements
// Setting a class for easier identifying that select afterwards
// The select should get positioned underneath the input field ...
// Set general styling related definitions"absolute",
// Initially hiding the datalist select
// The select itself shouldn't be a possible target for tabbing
// WAI ARIA attributes
n.setAttribute("aria-live","polite"),n.setAttribute("role","listbox"),p||n.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable","false"),"block"===a.getPropertyValue("display"))"-"+a.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom");else{var r="rtl"===a.getPropertyValue("direction")?"right":"left";"margin-"+r,"-"+(i[0].width+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("margin-"+r)))+"px"),[0].height+(e.offsetTop-t.offsetTop),10)+"px"}
// Set the polyfilling selects border-radius equally to the one by the polyfilled input
if("border-radius"),[0].width+"px",p){var o=u.createElement("option");
// ... and it's first entry should contain the localized message to select an entry
// ... and disable this option, as it shouldn't get selected by the user
// ... and assign a dividable class to it
// ... and finally insert it into the select
// Add select to datalist element ...
return t.appendChild(n),
// ... and our upfollowing functions to the related event
// Check for whether the events target was a select or whether the input doesn't exist
// Determine a relevant key - either printable characters (that would have a length of 1) or controlling like Backspace
// Dispatch the input event on the related input[list]
B(a)):a.value+=e.key,k(i,a)))},N=function(e){var t=e.currentTarget,i=t.parentNode,a=u.querySelector('input[list="''"]');
// Check for whether the events target was a select or whether the input doesn't exist
if("select"===t.tagName.toLowerCase()&&null!==a){var n=e.type,
// ENTER and ESC
// On change, click or after pressing ENTER or TAB key, input the selects value into the input on a change within the list
// Dispatch the input event on the related input[list]
// Finally focusing the input, as other browser do this as well
// #GH-51 / Prevent the form to be submitted on selecting a value via ENTER key within the select
// Set the visibility to false afterwards, as we're done here
// In case of the ESC key being pressed, we still want to focus the input[list]
// Toggle the visibility of the datalist select according to previous checks
O(r,t)}},B=function(e){var t;"function"==typeof Event?t=new Event("input",{bubbles:!0}):(t=u.createEvent("Event")).initEvent("input",!0,!1),e.dispatchEvent(t)},O=function(e,t){e?t.removeAttribute("hidden"):t.setAttributeNode(u.createAttribute("hidden")),t.setAttribute("aria-hidden",(!e).toString())},S,P;
// Define function for setting up the polyfilling select
// Emulate the two properties regarding the datalist and input elements
// list property /
S=window.HTMLInputElement)&&S.prototype&&void 0===S.prototype.list&&Object.defineProperty(S.prototype,"list",{get:function(){
According to the specs ...
"The list IDL attribute must return the current suggestions source element, if any, or null otherwise."
"If there is no list attribute, or if there is no element with that ID, or if the first element with that ID is not a datalist element, then there is no suggestions source element."
var e=u.getElementById(this.getAttribute("list"));return"object"==typeof this&&this instanceof S&&e&&e.matches("datalist")?e:null}}),(
// Options property /
P=window.HTMLElement)&&P.prototype&&void 0===P.prototype.options&&Object.defineProperty(P.prototype,"options",{get:function(){return"object"==typeof this&&this instanceof P?this.getElementsByTagName("option"):null}})}}();
!function(){"use strict";var e=window.document,t=window.navigator.userAgent,i="list"in e.createElement("input")&&Boolean(e.createElement("datalist")&&window.HTMLDataListElement),n=Boolean(t.match(/MSIE\s1[0-1]./)||t.match(/rv:11./)),a=Boolean(-1!==t.indexOf("Edge/"));if(i&&!n&&!a)return!1;Element.prototype.matches||(Element.prototype.matches=Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector);var r=!1,o=["text","email","number","search","tel","url"];window.addEventListener("touchstart",function e(){r=!0,window.removeEventListener("touchstart",e)});var l,s=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver;void 0!==s&&(l=new s(function(t){var i=!1;if(t.forEach(function(e){ instanceof HTMLElement&&"datalist">1&&(}),i){var n=e.querySelector('input[list="''"]');""!==f(n)&&A(b(i,n).length,i.getElementsByClassName("polyfilling")[0])}}));var u=function(e){var,i=t.list,o=38===e.keyCode||40===e.keyCode;if("input"===t.tagName.toLowerCase()&&null!==i)if(n||a)""===f(t)||o||13===e.keyCode||27===e.keyCode||!n&&"text"!==t.type||(d(t,i),t.focus());else{var l=!1,s=i.getElementsByClassName("polyfilling")[0]||h(t,i);if(27!==e.keyCode&&13!==e.keyCode&&(""!==f(t)||o)&&void 0!==s){b(i,t).length>0&&(l=!0);var u=s.options.length-1;r?s.selectedIndex=0:o&&"number"!==t.getAttribute("type")&&(s.selectedIndex=38===e.keyCode?u:0,s.focus())}A(l,s)}},d=function(e,t){var i=f(e);,0).forEach(function(e){var t=e.getAttribute("data-originalvalue"),n=t||e.value;t||e.setAttribute("data-originalvalue",n),e.label||e.text||(e.label=n),e.value=c(e,i)?i+"###[P0LYFlLLed]###"+n.toLowerCase():n})},p=function(e){var,i=t.list;if(t.matches("input[list]")&&t.matches(".polyfilled")&&i){var n=i.querySelector('option[value="'+f(t).replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g,"\\$1$2")+'"]');n&&n.getAttribute("data-originalvalue")&&g(t,n.getAttribute("data-originalvalue"))}},c=function(e,t){var i=e.value.toLowerCase(),n=t.toLowerCase(),a=e.getAttribute("label"),r=e.text.toLowerCase();return Boolean(!1===e.disabled&&(""!==i&&-1!==i.indexOf(n)||a&&-1!==a.toLowerCase().indexOf(n)||""!==r&&-1!==r.indexOf(n)))},v=function(e){if("input[list]")){var,i=t.list;if("input"===t.tagName.toLowerCase()&&null!==i){if(t.matches(".polyfilled")||y(t,e.type),a&&"focusin"===e.type){var r=t.list.options[0];r.value=r.value}if(!n&&!a){var o=i.getElementsByClassName("polyfilling")[0]||h(t,i),l=o&&o.querySelector("option:not(:disabled)")&&("focusin"===e.type&&""!==f(t)||e.relatedTarget&&e.relatedTarget===o);A(l,o)}}}},y=function(e,t){e.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),e.setAttribute("role","textbox"),e.setAttribute("aria-haspopup","true"),e.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete","list"),e.setAttribute("aria-owns",e.getAttribute("list")),"focusin"===t?(e.addEventListener("keyup",u),e.addEventListener("focusout",v,!0),(n||a&&"text"===e.type)&&e.addEventListener("input",p)):"blur"===t&&(e.removeEventListener("keyup",u),e.removeEventListener("focusout",v,!0),(n||a&&"text"===e.type)&&e.removeEventListener("input",p)),e.className+=" polyfilled"},f=function(e){return"email"===e.getAttribute("type")&&null!==e.getAttribute("multiple")?e.value.substring(e.value.lastIndexOf(",")+1):e.value},g=function(e,t){var i;e.value="email"===e.getAttribute("type")&&null!==e.getAttribute("multiple")&&(i=e.value.lastIndexOf(","))>-1?e.value.slice(0,i)+","+t:t};if(e.addEventListener("focusin",v,!0),!n&&!a){var m,b=function(t,i){void 0!==l&&l.disconnect();var n=t.getElementsByClassName("polyfilling")[0]||h(i,t),a=f(i),o=e.createDocumentFragment(),s=e.createDocumentFragment();"option:not(:disabled)")).sort(function(e,t){var n=e.value,a=t.value;return"url"===i.getAttribute("type")&&(n=n.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//,""),a=a.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//,"")),n.localeCompare(a)}).forEach(function(e){var t=e.value,i=e.getAttribute("label"),n=e.text;if(c(e,a)){var r=n.substr(0,t.length+" / ".length);n&&!i&&n!==t&&r!==t+" / "?e.innerText=t+" / "+n:e.text||(e.innerText=i||t),o.appendChild(e)}else s.appendChild(e)}),n.appendChild(o);var u=n.options.length;return n.size=u>10?10:u,n.multiple=!r&&u<2,(t.getElementsByClassName("ie9_fix")[0]||t).appendChild(s),void 0!==l&&l.observe(t,{childList:!0}),n.options},h=function(t,i){if(!(t.getAttribute("type")&&-1===o.indexOf(t.getAttribute("type"))||null===i)){var n=t.getClientRects(),a=window.getComputedStyle(t),l=e.createElement("select");if(l.setAttribute("class","polyfilling"),"absolute",A(!1,l),l.setAttribute("tabindex","-1"),l.setAttribute("aria-live","polite"),l.setAttribute("role","listbox"),r||l.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable","false"),"block"===a.getPropertyValue("display"))"-"+a.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom");else{var s="rtl"===a.getPropertyValue("direction")?"right":"left";"margin-"+s,"-"+(n[0].width+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("margin-"+s)))+"px"),[0].height+(t.offsetTop-i.offsetTop),10)+"px"}if("border-radius"),[0].width+"px",r){var u=e.createElement("option");u.innerText=i.title,u.disabled=!0,u.setAttribute("class","message"),l.appendChild(u)}return i.appendChild(l),r?l.addEventListener("change",w):l.addEventListener("click",w),l.addEventListener("blur",w),l.addEventListener("keydown",w),l.addEventListener("keypress",E),l}},E=function(t){var,n=i.parentNode,a=e.querySelector('input[list="''"]');"select"===i.tagName.toLowerCase()&&null!==a&&(!t.key||"Backspace"!==t.key&&1!==t.key.length||(a.focus(),"Backspace"===t.key?(a.value=a.value.substr(0,a.value.length-1),C(a)):a.value+=t.key,b(n,a)))},w=function(t){var i=t.currentTarget,n=i.parentNode,a=e.querySelector('input[list="''"]');if("select"===i.tagName.toLowerCase()&&null!==a){var r=t.type,o="keydown"===r&&13!==t.keyCode&&27!==t.keyCode;("change"===r||"click"===r||"keydown"===r&&(13===t.keyCode||"Tab"===t.key))&&i.value.length>0&&i.value!==n.title?(g(a,i.value),C(a),"Tab"!==t.key&&a.focus(),13===t.keyCode&&t.preventDefault(),o=!1):"keydown"===r&&27===t.keyCode&&a.focus(),A(o,i)}},C=function(t){var i;"function"==typeof Event?i=new Event("input",{bubbles:!0}):(i=e.createEvent("Event")).initEvent("input",!0,!1),t.dispatchEvent(i)},A=function(t,i){t?i.removeAttribute("hidden"):i.setAttributeNode(e.createAttribute("hidden")),i.setAttribute("aria-hidden",(!t).toString())};(m=window.HTMLInputElement)&&m.prototype&&void 0===m.prototype.list&&Object.defineProperty(m.prototype,"list",{get:function(){var t=e.getElementById(this.getAttribute("list"));return"object"==typeof this&&this instanceof m&&t&&t.matches("datalist")?t:null}}),function(e){e&&e.prototype&&void 0===e.prototype.options&&Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"options",{get:function(){return"object"==typeof this&&this instanceof e?this.getElementsByTagName("option"):null}})}(window.HTMLElement)}}();
"name": "datalist-polyfill",
"version": "1.23.3",
"version": "1.24.0",
"description": "A minimal and dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill. Supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior.",

@@ -33,8 +33,13 @@ "main": "datalist-polyfill.js",

"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"@commitlint/cli": "^8.3.4",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^8.3.4",
"@wdio/cli": "^5.8.5",
"@wdio/dot-reporter": "^5.7.8",
"@wdio/local-runner": "^5.8.6",
"@wdio/mocha-framework": "^5.8.1",
"@wdio/sync": "^5.8.6",
"husky": "^4.0.2",
"prettier": "^1.13.6",
"wdio-mocha-framework": "^0.6.2",
"webdriverio": "^5.0.0",
"xo": "^0.24.0"
"webdriverio": "^5.8.5",
"xo": "^0.27.1"

@@ -41,0 +46,0 @@ "xo": {

@@ -1,8 +0,6 @@

[npm]: 'datalist polyfill – on NPM'
# datalist-polyfill
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@@ -15,3 +13,3 @@ [![dependencies Status]( 'Count of dependencies')]( 'datalist polyfill – on david-dm')

**Update:** Safari TP seems to support the `datalist` element at least basically. Yeah !!! Exciting news!
**Update:** Safari now supports the `datalist` element at least basically, as [announced earlier this year with the latest release of Safari both for iOS and MacOS X]( Yeah !!! Exciting news!
I'm planning to release a new major version soon to both cheer as well as accommodate their implementation.

@@ -21,10 +19,10 @@

- Supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior.
- Mitigating the [different levels of support]( both by Safari and IE9+ as well as EDGE
- Released under the MIT license
- Made in Germany. And supported by so many great people from all over this planet - see "Credits" accordingly.
- supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior.
- mitigating the [different levels of support]( both by Safari and IE9+ as well as Edge
- released under the MIT license
- made in Germany. And supported by so many great people from all over this planet - see "Credits" accordingly.
## Features
- Lightweight: 6.7 kB of minified JavaScript, around 2.5 kB gzipped
- Lightweight: 6.9 kB of minified JavaScript, around 2.6 kB gzipped
- Fully flexible to change the datalist entries / `<option>`s

@@ -93,12 +91,24 @@ - Supporting:

### `value` property on the `option` elements for Microsoft IE 10 & IE 11 and Edge
As explained in detail below in the section ["Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 & 11 and Microsoft Edge"](#microsoft-internet-explorer-10--11-and-microsoft-edge), for fixing missing behaviour in IE 10+ and Edge we're manipulating the `value` for the `option` elements in those browser so you can't access them securely as a getter, but would need to take the original values out of `data-originalvalue`.
### Microsoft Internet Explorer
#### Microsoft EDGE
#### Microsoft Edge
Microsoft EDGE doesn't trigger the `input` event any more after selecting an item via mouseclick (on `input` elements other than type of `text`), even though that IE11 still did, nevermind ...
Microsoft Edge doesn't trigger the `input` event any more after selecting an item via mouseclick (on `input` elements other than type of `text`), even though that IE11 still did, nevermind ...
That for the optimizations on substring matching for Microsoft EDGE specifically by #GH-39 need to get restricted to `input[type="text"]` elements even only.
That for the optimizations on substring matching for Microsoft Edge specifically by #GH-39 (as explained further in the following ["Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 & 11 and Microsoft Edge"](#microsoft-internet-explorer-10--11-and-microsoft-edge) section) need to get restricted to `input[type="text"]` elements even only.
There might be possible solutions to even also achieve the expected behaviour on non-text-input elements - even though that I only could think about ugly solutions that I don't want to have within the polyfill and that might even also break existing CSS & JS architecture / selectors.
#### Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 & 11 and Microsoft Edge
As mentioned with #GH-63, related to aspects reported via #GH-36 and #GH-39 (and in [Microsoft Edges platform issues](, it doesn't work in IE 10 & 11 as well as in Edge to "Search both the value and label, using substring matching; currently it searches both the value and label, but uses prefix matching".
As requested with #GH-36 we wanted to even also enrich the experience within the "newest" IE versions (10 & 11) and Edge browsers that provided basic support, but not the substring matching for users input. In this case the technical solution has been to manipulate the values in a way that the browser could actually handle that functionality as well, by including the users input at the beginning of the value after a substring matching to the original value, followed by a unique string for preventing any inconsistencies, followed by the original value itself, in this case for the sorting of the entries (this is mainly done in the `updateIEOptions` function around line 191 to 200 of the code).
This actually leads to a different behavior for the developers on the `value` property of each `option` elements within the `datalist` element for IE & Edge, but on the other hand provides a better UX for IE & Edge users by a consistent behavior for the user.
#### Microsoft Internet Explorer 9

@@ -128,3 +138,3 @@

- The demo HTML code is meant to be simple - I do know that things like a surrounding `<form>` are missing, and I've left the latin letters and english expressions for the right to left text-direction example. But lets focus on the relevant tags that this polyfill is all about for the demo.
- The HTML demo code is meant to be simple - I do know that things like a surrounding `<form>` are missing, and I've left the latin letters and english expressions for the right to left text-direction example. But lets focus on the relevant tags that this polyfill is all about for the demo.
- iOS Safari handles the `label`-attribute different from Safari on Mac OS. This is being equalized during the handling of the `label`-attributes-value for differing `value` and `label` values.

@@ -135,6 +145,7 @@ - After I thought it through and did some experiments, I've finally chosen the `<select>` element to polyfill the `<datalist>`, as it brought most of the functionality, whereas I accepted that it doesn't behave and doesn't look equally.

- Let the `datalist` element be a direct follower of the `input` element - and don't nest it into the `label` in case that you're doing so with the `input` (which you nevertheless shouldn't do in general, but hey, gods great zoo is great).
- If embedding a webview within an iOS app, you should be using `WKWebView` instead of `UIWebView`, as it supports `datalist` right natively and the latter even also leads to a JavaScript error (thanks to @jscho13 for mentioning this).
## Credits
Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git and @nexces. Thank you very much for that, highly appreciated !
Supported by Christian, Johannes, @mitchhentges, @mertenhanisch, @ailintom, @Kravimir, @mischah, @hryamzik, @ottoville, @IceCreamYou, @wlekin, @eddr, @beebee1987, @mricherzhagen, @acespace90, @damien-git, @nexces, @Sora2455, @jscho13 and @alexirion. Thank you very much for that, highly appreciated !

@@ -144,5 +155,5 @@ ## Tested with

- Mac
- Mac OSX 10.13, Safari 11
- Mac OSX 10.12, Safari 10
- Mac OSX 10.11, Safari 9
- macOS 10.13, Safari 11
- macOS 10.12, Safari 10
- macOS 10.11, Safari 9
- iOS

@@ -173,6 +184,7 @@ - iPhone 8 Simulator, Mobile Safari 11.0

<th>Safari TP</th>
<th>Safari < 12.1</th>
<th>iOS WebView</th>
<th>Safari >= 12.1</th>

@@ -185,2 +197,3 @@ <th>Chrome</th>

<td colspan="3" align="center">✔ <i>Polyfill</i></td>
<td align="center">✔ via WKWebView</td>
<td colspan="5" align="center">✔</td>

@@ -191,3 +204,3 @@ <td align="center"><a href="">#GH-33</a></td>

<th align="left"><a href="">long lists of items are unscrollable resulting in unselectable options</a></th>
<td colspan="7" align="center">✔</td>
<td colspan="8" align="center">✔</td>
<td align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">fixed with v.69</a></td>

@@ -198,3 +211,3 @@ <td align="center">✔</td>

<th align="left"><a href="">No substring matching for the suggestions</a></th>
<td colspan="4" align="center">✔</td>
<td colspan="5" align="center">✔</td>
<td colspan="2" align="center">✔ by <a href="">#GH-39</a></td>

@@ -205,3 +218,3 @@ <td colspan="3" align="center">✔</td>

<th align="left"><a href="">`datalist` popups gets &quot;emptied&quot; when receiving focus via tab</a></th>
<td colspan="5" align="center">✔</td>
<td colspan="6" align="center">✔</td>
<td align="center">✔ by <a href="">#GH-49</a></td>

@@ -219,1 +232,3 @@ <td colspan="3" align="center">✔</td>

If you're trying out and using my work, feel free to contact me and give me any feedback. I'm curious about how it's gonna be used.
And if you do like this polyfill, please consider even also having a look at the other polyfill we've developed: <>
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