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decorate googleapi's Google Drive[tm] client with some useful extensions

  • 6.0.2
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  • npm
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Initialize googleapi's Google Drive[tm] nodejs client, decorated with some useful 3rd party extensions.

new in v6.0.0 -- BREAKING CHANGES

  • initialization has changed
  • provided methods and testing is (mostly) the same
  • initialization uses object parameters
  • replaced request peer dependency with axios
  • tested against googleapis@58.0.0

new in v5.4.0

  • path traversal now uses search option 'recent' and will find the most recent file
  • it is better behaved in the case of multiple files with the same name
  • issues can arise if a user creates a file with the same name as an existing app folder

new in v5.3.0

  • tested against googleapis@47.0.0

new in v5.0.0

  • drive.x.auth contains a reference to the OAuth2 credentials object. For insecure applications, this should be deleted with del drive.x.auth;.

new in v4.3.1

  • tested against googleapis@36.0.0

new in v4.3

  • the drive.x.hexid() formula was changed. The new crypto.createHmac formula is more secure, and effectively case insensitive as .toLowerCase().trim() is called on email strings before processing. But it does yield different hex values than v4.2.
  • the internal formula is now available as drive.x.hexIdFromEmail(email,secret) and does not call any Google drive functions

new in v4.2

  • drive.x.hexid() returns a Promise resolving to a consistent 64 char hex id that is an anonymous pseudonym of the drive owner's email address.
  • you can enable drive.x.hexid by setting any string as the salt for the hexid sha256 hash when driveX is called to initialize.

new in v4.0

  • (hopefully) now compatible with googleapis@30.0.0
  • Initialization has changed slightly, because googleapis@30.0.0 uses named exports
  • Now promise/async compatible at both clasic drive and extensions drive.x
  • mostly the same API as v3, minimal changes. Still uses request for resumable upload. Will move to axios for v5.
    • The drive functionality is vanilla GoogleApis and from their changes you may need to .then((resp)=>(
    • The drive.x functionality is mostly the same, except promise-yielding functions are now explicitly marked as async function



Pre-requisites are googleapis@58.0.0 and axios

npm i googleapis@58.0.0 -S
npm i axios -S
npm i decorated-google-drive -S


Updated for v6.0

Pass the google object from initializing googleapis and pass the axios module, your keys and tokens. The keys are obtained from the Google API credentials console.

The tokens are obtained when a user "Logs in with Google" in your app. There is various middleware for "Log in with Google", such as passport for express, grant and bell for hapi, and even a client-Javascript side library you can get from Google.

const {google} = require('googleapis'); // works with googleapis-58.0.0
const axios = require('axios'); // worked with axios-0.19.2
const driveX = require('decorated-google-drive');
const salt = "100% Organic Sea Salt, or some other string for salting the email addresses when making hexids";
const keys = {
	key:  "your-drive-api-key-goes-here",
  	secret: "your-drive-api-secret-goes-here",
	  redirect: ""
  // refresh_token is optional, but if present googleapis should automatically refresh access_token for you
  const tokens = {
	  refresh_token: "the-refresh-token-your-app-received-the-first-time-a-new-visitor-approved-your-app",
    access_token: "the-latest-access-token-your-app-received-the-most-recent-time-the-visitor-logged-in,
	  expiry_time:*60*59 // 59 minutes
  const drive = driveX({google, axios, keys, tokens, salt});


  • drive contains a official client
  • drive.x contains 3rd part extension methods for accessing Google Drive, providing path resolution, search, testing search result existence/uniqueness, and resumable upload.
  • drive.x.appDataFolder contains the same extension methods as drive.x, but set up to access the hidden appDataFolder

All extensions are written in terms of calls to, it is simply that some of the techniques are tedious or less than obvious, and so it is useful to repackage these as extensions.

Both the original drive client in drive and the drive.x extensions are async functions and return Promises.

Decorate an existing vanilla instance

This should work in cases where drive already exists and has credentials.

 const axios = require('axios');
 const driveX = require('decorated-google-drive');

const salt = 'saltIsGoodForYourHexids'; const ddrive = driveX.decorate({drive, axios, salt});

Now the extensions are available in ddrive.x and ddrive.x.appDataFolder

Verifying tokens

When you set up Google Sign-In, successful sign-ins are redirected to your website, which receives a token. But this could be faked.

How do you know a token is valid?

One way to verify tokens is to get the profile of the current user.

The Google Drive REST API /about will tell you the user's email address, picture thumbnail, and the capacity and usage of their drive.

Here is code to fetch the logged in user's email address.


Once you have verified that a set of tokens work, you should encrypt them and store them someplace safe, where your app can get them when a user takes an action. access_token expires, and usually has a time to live of 1 hour. It is refreshed by googleapis using the refresh_token.

An obvious place is an encrypted browser cookie. Of these, the refresh_token is only delivered once, the first time a user logs into google and approves your app, and is not delivered on subsequent logins. If you encrypt it and store it in a database, then your database, along with the keys, becomes a treasure-trove. You can avoid doing that by either throwing away the refresh_token and living with the 1 hour timeouts, or by storing an encrypted copy of the refresh_token in the users Drive. The appDataFolder is useful for this. It is a special folder that is stored in the user's Drive for each app, and hidden from the user. The entire appDataFolder is deleted when a user uninstalls or deletes your app.

Store a string in the appDataFolder

Once initialized, this snippet will store a string in the file myaccount in the appDataFolder.

const str = require('string-to-stream');
const secrets = 'some-encrypted-string-of-secrets';

   folderPath: '',
   name: 'myaccount',
   stream: str(secrets),
   mimeType: 'text/plain',
   createPath: false,
   clobber: true

upload2 uses a resumable upload.

A media upload using drive.files.create directly from the unextended drive googleapi might be quicker for short files up to a few MB.

drive.files.create media upload (not shown above) requires having the folder.Id of the parent folder for the new file, here it is simply appDataFolder. Also setting spaces to appDataFolder is required.

In drive.x.appDataFolder.upload2 (shown here) these steps are included. Internally, they are used in a 2-step procedure to first request an upload URL, and then do an upload. This 2-step procedure is invisible to the developer, but can be seen in the source code.

upload a file to the user's Drive via resumable upload

To upload a local file, a stream is required, so call node's fs.createReadStream('/path/to/local/files').

To create missing intermediate folders, set createPath:true, otherwise it may throw a Boom.notFound, which you can catch.

To replace an existing file, set clobber:true, otherwise it may throw a Boom.conflict, which you can catch.

Post-upload checksums reported by Google Drive API are used to guarantee fidelity for binary file uploads.

A binary file is any non-text file. The md5 checksum computed from the file stream is reported as ourMD5 in the newFileMetaData and the md5 checksum computed by Google is reported as md5Checksum in the newFileMetaData. When there is a mismatch on a binary file the code will throw Boom.badImplementation, which you can catch, and any recovery should check if Google Drive retains the corrupted upload.

   folderPath: '/destination/path/on/drive',
   name: 'mydata.csv',
   stream: fs.createReadStream('/path/to/local/files/mydata.csv'),
   mimeType: 'text/csv',
   createPath: true,
   clobber: true

We haven't tried disrupting the upload and then trying to resume it.

It seems to deal with 5GB binary .zip files ok.

As of decorated-google-drive:2.1.0 It is also possible to set folderId to a Drive string instead of setting folderPath to a path string.

getting a URL for resumable upload later

If you want to manage the resumable uploads, this creates a 0 byte file and retrieves a resumable upload URL for later use.

These resumable upload URLs are good for quite a while and seem to be signed URL's that don't require tokens. See Drive API Docs:resumable-upload

If you have folderMetadata from, say, drive.x.findPath, then you can create a URL-generating function for uploads with

const getUploadUrlForFile = drive.x.uploadDirector(folderMetadata);

and then

getUploadUrlForFile({name: 'hello.txt', mimeType: 'text/plain'})

will resolve to some Google uploader URL that you can post to with npm:axios

Download a file knowing only the /path/to/file

You can find a file and download it one step with:'/path/to/', optional mimeType).then((zipdata)=>{...})

mimeType is only useful for Google Docs and Sheets that can be exported to various mimeTypes.

If the file does not exist, the promise will be rejected with Boom.notFound.

Internally, is a Promise chain with drive.x.findPath then drive.x.contents

Download a file when you have the fileMetadata

Searching through the chain of folders involves multiple API calls and is slow when you already have the fileMetadata.

Instead get the and use drive.x.contents:

 drive.x.contents(, optional mimeType).then((content)=>{...});

mimeType is only useful for Google Docs and Sheets that can be exported to various mimeTypes.

Internally, drive.files.get with the media download option is called. If the file is a doc or sheet or presentation, this will throw an error with the string Use Export. drive.x.contents catches that error and calls drive.files.export requesting the proper mimeType. If you know you need to fetch a Google doc/sheet/presentation, it will be quicker to call drive.files.export directly.

finding Paths with drive.x.findPath

As of Oct 2017, the Google Drive REST API and nodeJS libraries do not let you directly search for /work/projectA/2012/Oct/customers/JoeSmith.txt. Therefore we provide an extension to do this search.

The search can be done, by either searching for any file named JoeSmith.txt and possibly looking at duplicates, or by searching the root folder for /work then searching /work for projectA and continuing down the chain. In the library, I wrote functional wrappers on so that findPath becomes a functional Promise p-reduce of an appropriate folder search on an array of path components. Now you can simply search for a path by a simple call to drive.x.findPath or drive.x.appDataFolder.findPath as follows:


where {...} is your code that needs fileMetaData. The resolved data looks like this:

   id:  'dfakf20301241024klaflkafm', // Drive File Id
   name: 'JoeSmith.txt',
   mimeType: 'text/plain',
   modifiedTime: 1507846447000, //  ms since Epoch
   size: 21398 // size in Drive, may not equal number of bytes in file

Additionally, findPath can fail with a rejected Promise.
npm:boom is used for errors our code throws.
You can also get errors thrown by the googleapis code.

To catch file not found:

.catch( (e)=>{  if (e.isBoom && e.typeof===Boom.notFound) return your_file_not_found_handler(e); throw e; } )

searching folders with drive.x.searcher

In all cases below, ... should be replaced by your JavaScript code acting on the returned information.

To find all the files in the Drive that you can access, that are not in the trash:

const findAll = drive.x.searcher({}); // or { trashed: false }

Here files is an array of objects with properties .id, .name, .parents, .mimeType and at least the properties you were searching over.

To find the files you can access that are in the trash:

const findTrash = data.x.searcher({trashed: true});

Note that as of 3.0.0 there is no way to return all the files independent of trash status.

You can set which fields are returned by setting fields explicitly like this drive.x.searcher({fields: 'id,name,mimeType,md5Checksum'})

Notice that drive.x.searcher returns a function. That function takes two parameters, a parent which is a folder file id and a name.

To find the top level files in the root of the Drive that you can access:

const findAll = drive.x.searcher({});

To find zero, one or more files named kittens.png in the root of the Drive:

findAll('root', 'kittens'png').then(({files})=>{...});

To find zero, one, or more trashed file named severedhead.png in the Drive:

const findTrash = data.x.searcher({trashed: true});
findTrash(null, 'severedHead.png').then(({files})=>{...});

You can restrict mimeType or require a unique (single) file in the searcher parameters:

const findTrashedPng = drive.x.searcher({trashed:true, mimeType: 'image/png', unique: true };
( findTrashedPng(null, 'severedHead.png')
	.then(({ files })=>{...})

recent:true sets limit:1 and orderby:'modifiedTime desc' so that the most recently created/modified file will be returned.

unique:true sets limit:2 so is not in fact unique but instead returns 2 files quickly.

You can enforce uniqueness, thowing Boom errors, by calling drive.x.checkSearch on the search results. Successful searches are passed to the next then() and searches with missing files or duplicates throw errors. (see drive.x.findPath above for a descrption of these Boom errors and how to catch them).

drive.x.searcher tests all returned files/folders mimeTypes against the Google Drive Folder mimeType 'application/' and sets .isFolder to true or false for each file/folder in files appropriately.

You can also use isFolder:true or isFolder:false as a search term to limit what is returned. If isFolder is unspecified, a search can return a mix of files and folders.

The parent folder can be specified from an earlier promise, such as drive.x.findPath like this:

Finds the folder "/crime/sprees/murder" and looks for any files in this folder that are .png files, then calls imaginary functions notGuilty() or guilty(). Here files is an array so files.length is the number of files found.

const findAll = drive.x.searcher({ mimeType: 'image/png' });
( drive.x.findPath('/crime/sprees/murder')
	.then( ({files})=>{ if (files.length===0) return notGuilty(); return guilty(); } )
	.catch( (e)=>{ if (e.isBoom && e.typeof===Boom.notFound) return notGuilty(); throw e; })

update file metadata

drive.x.updateMetadata(fileId, metadata) is a Promise-based alias for drive.files.update({fileId, resource:metadata})

drive.x.updateMetadata(fileId, {properties: {role: 'instructions'}, description: 'read this first'}) would set public file properties to {role: 'instructions'} and set the file's description field to "read this first".

The Promise resolves to the new file object, with properties .id,.name,.mimeType,.parents, and at least any fields set in metadata.

delete the files you found

drive.x.janitor returns a function that calls something like Promise.all(

The function returned by drive.x.janitor is intended to be placed in a then and picks out the data it needs and opionally sets a flag if the deletions are successful. The Janitor will not throw an error on an empty search, and drive.x.checkSearch is not called in the upcoming snippet. However, irregardless, delete could throw an error on some file and so a .catch is needed to catch the failed cases.

This could delete all the accessible files with mimeType audio/mpeg

const mp3search = drive.x.searcher({mimeType:'audio/mpeg'});
const Jim = drive.x.janitor('files','deleted');
mp3search().then(Jim).catch((e)=>{}); // we're trusting Jim the Janitor to clean up a lot here, he might hit an API limit

Additional properties in resolved file objects

.isNew is always set to true by drive.x.upload2 and drive.x.folderCreator always and set to true conditionally by drive.x.createPath, drive.x.folderFactory if a new folder is created, and is not set (undefined/falsey) when the requested folder already exists.

.isFolder is set to true on searches and folder creation when mimeType in the returned metadata indicates the Google Drive folder mimeType.


I'm going to try to stay sane and not post a set of encrypted API keys and tokens to get a green "build passing" travis badge.

Instead, look in testResults.txt, or set up your own testing.

Current tests demonstrate some basic functionality.

To confirm access tokens are being refreshed automatically, set up and run the tests once. Wait until the access token expires (usually an hour) and run the tests again.

License: MIT

Copyright 2017 Paul Brewer, Economic and Financial Technology Consulting LLC

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


No relationship to Google, Inc.

This is third party software, not a product of Google Inc.

Google Drive[tm] is a trademark of Google, Inc.



Package last updated on 01 Aug 2020

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