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Simple Ethereum framework for DApps, smart contract creation, and smart contract interaction

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Simple Ethereum framework for DApps, smart contract creation, and smart contract interaction.

Delib is designed to be easy to learn and allow freedom when developing with Ethereum. Its features include:

  • A promise based library that provides the core abstractions needed for building DApps on Ethereum.
  • A command tool for smart contract interaction. It lets you compile, build, deploy, execute methods, and get their event logs.
  • Option to automatically estimate your transaction gas costs for contract deployment and methods.
  • The saving of deployed contract addresses to use or reference later.

Table of Contents

  • Installation and Setup
  • Usage
  • Command Tool
  • Library
  • Example
  • Support
  • Command Tool API
  • Library API

Installation and Setup

Global install

Install globally to use the command tool.

npm install -g delib

Local install

Install locally to require the library.

npm install delib --save

Then require the library in your scripts.

const delib = require('delib');

Project creation

To create a project call the following in the command line.

delib init

The project is structured like this:

├── addresses/        - (addresses of deployed contracts)
├── built/            - (built Solidity contracts)
├── contracts/        - (Solidity contracts .sol)
├── delib.js/         - (delib config file)

You can have the init command create a custom project structure for you. If you pass in the option --config it will only create the config file. Open the file to set your own project file paths and then call delib init again.

You don't need to create a project to use Delib. More information is given in the usage section.


A file called delib.js gets made when you create a project. It contains your project's configuration options. Use this to adjust your project file paths, connection options, and default command transaction options. Delib supports solc 0.4.1 - 0.8.6. If you wish to add an account with a private key or mnemonic you may do so in the config file as well. Just add your private key or mnemonic to the array and you can use the account to send transactions with the library and command tool.

Note: In the web3 docs, which this framework uses to create and add accounts, there is a warning for web3's account methods: This package has NOT been audited and might potentially be unsafe. Take precautions to clear memory properly, store the private keys safely, and test transaction receiving and sending functionality properly before using in production!

  /** Project file paths */
  paths: {
    contract: './contracts', // Relative path to Solidity contracts
    built: './built', // Relative path to built contracts
    address: './addresses' // Relative path to deployed contract addresses

  /** RPC connection options */
  rpc: {
    rpcPath: 'http://localhost:8545'

  /** IPC connection options */
  ipc: {
    host: null // Relative path to IPC host

  /** WS connection options */
  ws: {
    wsPath: 'ws://localhost:8545'

  /** solc options. Supported versions: 0.4.1 - 0.8.6 **/
  solc: {
    version: '0.8.6'

  /** Add accounts. The values of the array will be the private keys or
  mnemonics of the accounts you wish to add  **/
  accounts: [



Usage outside project

Delib can be used outside a project. Outside a project file paths will be relative to your process point of entry. Connection options will also need to be specified. You can specify these with the library and pass them in as options if using the command tool.

Contract addresses

Your contract's deployed addresses are saved in a plain text file with a file name of ContractnameAddresses. Each address is separated by a new line, and the most recent address is at the bottom of the list. The library and command tool use that address when no address is specified and you can manually add your own addresses to this file.

Library and command integration

Building a contract with the command tool will allow it to be accessible with the library. Also, deploying a contract using the library will make the following command tool calls refer to the library's deployed address, and vice versa. You can deploy contracts and then quickly test whether your methods are working with commands.

Command Tool

The command tool lets you interact with smart contracts both on and off the blockchain. It lets you compile and build Solidity contracts into a JavaScript file that you can then require. Then you can deploy the contract onto a blockchain and also execute methods and get event logs.

Set connection options and project paths

The default connection and file path options are taken from the delib.js config file. Outside a project all project paths will be relative to where you're calling the command, You can also specify connection options and paths as options.

-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-o --contract<path>Path to contracts folder
-b --built<path>Relative path to built contracts folder
-a --address<path>Relative path to contract addresses folder

Adjust transaction options

The default transaction options for the commands are located in delib.js. You can also pass in your own transaction options.

-i --account<index>Account index to use for transaction
-f --from<address>From transaction option. Replaces --account
-t --to<address>To transaction option'
-v --value<number>Value transaction option in wei
-g --gas<number>Gas transaction option. Estimated if not given or set to 0
-p --gasprice<number>Gas price transaction option
-n --nonce<number>Nonce transaction option
-m --maxgas<number>Max gas allowed when estimating

Build contract

delib compile [files...]>

Compile and build a Solidity contract with the file name Contract.sol. If file name is left blank it will build all the contracts in the contracts folder.

delib compile Contract

delib build [files...]>

Compile and build a Solidity contract with the file name Contract.sol. If file name is left blank it will build all the contracts in the contracts folder.

delib build Contract

Deploy contract

delib deploy <contractName> [args...]

Deploy a contract and pass in two arguments for its constructor. If no gas amount is given it will be estimated for you.

delib deploy Contract hello 30

Deploy contract with library

delib deploy <contractName> [args...] --links "fileWhereLibraryIs:libraryName libraryContractAddress, fileWhereLibraryIs2:libraryName2 libraryContractAddress2, "

delib deploy Contract hello 30 --links "libraryFile.sol:libraryName 0x6Fa3B5424DbA7e7dAb49f8d88bc51f2caD1cBcEb, libraryFile2.sol:libraryName 0x2e118C945Cf961D34757A4be26d7531Aa9D8c641"

Display built contracts

delib contracts

Displays all built contracts

delib contracts

Display contract info

delib info <contractName>

Show all the contract methods along with their inputs and outputs, contract events, and the current address being used. Use this to not have to constantly reference your .sol contract file.

delib info Contract

Execute contract method

delib exec <contractName> <methodName> [args...]

Execute the method setNumbers on a deployed contract and pass in two numbers. The transaction options of 10000 gas with a gas value of 50000 are set as options. If no gas amount is given it will be estimated for you.

delib exec Contract setNumbers 10 20 --gas 10000 --gasprice 50000

If you only wish to call the method, which uses no gas because it doesn't change blockchain state, pass in the option --call. Labeling your Solidity method with constant makes it call automatically.

delib exec Contract getNumbers --call

Get the logs of an event

delib events <contractName> <eventName>

Get all the logs of an event called numbersEvent.

delib events Contract numbersEvent

Get the logs from blocks 3 - 10 .

delib events Contract numbersEvent --fromblock 3 --toblock 10

Get the logs from blocks 3 to latest.

delib events Contract numbersEvent --fromblock 3

Get the logs from blocks 0 to 10.

delib events Contract numbersEvent --toblock 10

Get the logs from 10 blocks back.

delib events Contract numbersEvent --blocksback 10

Watch for events

delib watch <contractName> <eventName>

Watch for events from lettersEvent.

delib watch Contract lettersEvent

Set the address of a contract

delib set <contractName> <contractAddress>

Set the address of a contract to use. This will set its address for both the command tool and library until another contract is deployed.

delib set Contract 0xa9b15bfe1d4e7bed407a011e54af36462fa0e067

Display all accounts

delib accounts

List all account addresses and indexes. The indexes can you used in the --account options, which takes the index of the account you wish to use.

delib accounts


The library gives you the freedom to customize your DApp development to fit your specific needs. You can easily write your own contract migration scripts, interact with contracts from within your app, and write contract tests.

File paths


To specify your own file paths use the delib.paths object. Inside a project the paths will be relative to your project root (where delib.js is located). Outside a project they will be relative to your process point of entry.

delib.paths.contract = 'relative path to contract folder';

delib.paths.built = 'relative path to built folder';

delib.paths.address = relative path to addresses folder';


Your project's delib.js file sets up your RPC and IPC connections. You can also pass in connection options as arguments.

RPC provider


To connect with the options in delib.js:


Specify your own connection arguments by passing in a RPC host and a RPC port number.

IPC provider



You can pass in an IPC path as an argument.

delib.initIPC('<path>/<to>/geth.ipc'); // To use the IPC provider to perform transaction you will need to changeProviders
WS provider


Close WS connection



Adjust options


To choose the default account to use for transactions use delib.account.

To choose a default account index for transactions use delib.accountIndex. The index corresponds to the delib.getAccounts() array. delib.getAccounts() gets the accounts from the web3.eth.getAccounts() method and 'web3.eth.accounts.wallet'. By default delib.accountIndex is 0.

delib.options contains the default options for your transactions. It contains the Ethereum transaction options as well as Delib options. These options can be passed into deploy or contract method calls, and they'll overwrite the defaults.

You can pass in an accountIndex option in your deploy or contract method transactions and it'll use that account index for your transaction.

If a gas option of 0 is specified gas will be estimated for you, and maxGas is the max gas allowed in transactions.

delib.options = {
  /** Default transaction options */
  from: undefined,
  to: undefined,
  value: undefined,
  gas: 0,
  gasPrice: undefined,
  gasLimit: 0,
  data: undefined,
  nonce: undefined,

  /** Default delib options*/
  accountIndex: undefined,
  maxGas: undefined  

Create account


Note: In the web3 docs, which this framework uses to create and add accounts, there is a warning for web3's account methods: This package has NOT been audited and might potentially be unsafe. Take precautions to clear memory properly, store the private keys safely, and test transaction receiving and sending functionality properly before using in production!

Creates an account. The account is added to the returned account list from delib.getAccounts and can be used in all transactions in delib. The accounts are stored in web3.eth.accounts.wallet. Returns an account object containing:

The returned object: index - number: Account index used in delib. address - string: Account address. privateKey - string: The accounts private key. signTransaction(tx [, callback]) - Function: Function to sign transactions. sign(data) - Function: Function to sign transactions.

  .then(key => {


Add accounts


Note: In the web3 docs, which this framework uses to create and add accounts, there is a warning for web3's account methods: This package has NOT been audited and might potentially be unsafe. Take precautions to clear memory properly, store the private keys safely, and test transaction receiving and sending functionality properly before using in production!

Add an account to the delib account list. The account will then be able to make transactions by setting a from option in the transaction options or by setting an accountIndex option. The accounts are stored in web3.eth.accounts.wallet.

The returned object: index - number: Account index used in delib. address - string: Account address. privateKey - string: The accounts private key. signTransaction(tx [, callback]) - Function: Function to sign transactions. sign(data) - Function: Function to sign transactions.

  .then(key => {


Get a list of all available accounts

This method returns a list of all available accounts. The accounts are taken from the default web3 storage as well as web3.eth.accounts.wallet.

  .then(accounts => {
  .catch(err => {

Transfer Ether from one account to another account

delib.transfer(toAccount, value, options)

Transfers Ether from one account to another account. toAccount is the address of the account you are trying to send Ether to, value is the value in wei, and options are the optional transaction options you can send with the transaction.

delib.transfer('0x08217011BF7DeeeEECBDA8a8a61A8035ca206e99', 10, {})

Get the balance of a account

Gets the balance of an account based on its address or its index in delib.getAccounts()

  .then(balance => {
    console.log(balance); // balance of the account with the index 1
  .catch(err => {

  .then(balance => {
    console.log(balance); // balance of the account with the address of 0x08217011BF7DeeeEECBDA8a8a61A8035ca206e99
  .catch(err => {

compile contracts

delib.compile(contractFiles, contractPath, buildPath)

Pass in a file name or an array of file names you wish you build from your project's contracts/ folder to your project's built/ folder. If contractFiles is left blank will compile all contracts in contracts folder.'Test')
  .then(contracts => {
    console.log(contracts); // An array of all the contracts built.

Build contracts, contractPath, buildPath)

Pass in a file name or an array of file names you wish you build from your project's contracts/ folder to your project's built/ folder. If contractFiles is left blank will compile all contracts in contracts folder.'Test')
  .then(contracts => {
    console.log(contracts); // An array of all the contracts built.

Get the info of a contract


Gets the info of a built contract. It returns an object containing the contracts name, abi, metadata, and bytecode.

const contractInfo = delib.getContractInfo('Test');

Deploy contracts

delib.deploy(contractName, args, options, links)

The addresses of your deployed contracts are saved in your project's addresses/ folder. Passing in an array for the constructor arguments is optional, however to pass in an options object you will need to pass in an empty arguments array. The promise returns an instance of the contract which you can use to make method calls.

To deploy a contract, estimate gas amount, and call a method on the instance:

options = {
  gas: 0 // Set gas at 0 to have it estimated for you

delib.deploy('Test', [arg1, arg2, arg3], options)
  .then(instance => {
    const address = instance.address;

    return instance.testMethod();
  .then(tx => {

  .catch(err => {


You can estimate the gas usage for deploying a contract.

delib.deploy.estimate(contractName, args, options)

delib.deploy.estimate('Test', [arg1, arg2, arg3])
  .then(gasEstimate => {

  .catch(err => {


You can get an array of all previously deployed addresses with delib.contracts.addresses.getAll('contractName'). The most recently deployed address is the array's last index. Use this to access previously deploy contracts.

Deploy contracts with a library

delib.deploy(contractName, args, options, links)

To deploy contracts with a library have the links parameter property be an object with the file name of where the library is stored, :, plus the library name. The value of the object will be the library address. Example: {'fileName:libraryName': contractAddress}

options = {
  gas: 0 // Set gas at 0 to have it estimated for you

delib.deploy('Test', [arg1, arg2, arg3], options, links)
  .then(instance => {
    const address = instance.address;

    return instance.testMethod();
  .then(tx => {

  .catch(err => {


Execute contract methods

delib.execAt(contractName, contractAddress)

It will perform a transaction (which requires gas) or if it will just call and return a value by whether or not you labeled your function with constant in your Solidity contract.

To call a contract at the address you last deployed it:

options = {
  gas: 0 // Gas set at 0 will be estimated

delib.exec('Test').testMethod(arg1, arg2, options)
  .then(tx => {

  .catch(err => {


You can estimate the gas usage for calling a contract method.

delib.execAt(contractName, contractAddress).estimate

delib.exec('Test').estimate.testMethod(arg1, arg2)
  .then(gasEstimate => {

  .catch(err => {


Get event logs, eventName, blockOptions, filter)
delib.eventsAt(contractName, contractAddress, eventName, blocksBack, filter)

The code below gets the logs from an event called testEvent on the contract Test. It searches the last 100 blocks. To have it search all blocks pass in 'all' instead of a number.'Test', 'testEvent', {fromBlock: 100, toBlock: 'latest'})
  .then(logs => {

  .catch(err => {


Watch events, eventName, options, callback)
delib.watchAt(contractName, contractAddress, eventName, options, callback)

You can watch a contract for when it gets a new event.'Test', 'testEvent', {}, function(err, log) {
  if (!err) {
    // Do something with the log  

To stop the watch listener set the watch method to a variable and call .stop() on it.

const watch ='Test', 'testEvent', {}, function(err, log) {
  if (!err) {
    // Do something with the log  

watch.stop(); // Stops the event listener


Initialize the project structure.

delib init

Install the delib package

npm install delib --save

Create a contract file called Messages.sol in the contracts/ folder. This contract sets and stores a simple message that can be watched for or retrieved.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.6;

contract Messages {

  event messageEvent(
    string _message

  address owner;
  string message;

  constructor(string memory _message) {
    owner = msg.sender;
    message = _message;

  function getOwner() public view returns (address) {
    return owner;

  function setMessage(string memory _message) public {
    message = _message;
    emit messageEvent(_message);

  function getMessage() public view returns (string memory) {
    return message;

Compile Messages.sol with the command tool.

delib compile

A file called Messages.json will be created in the built/ folder.

Deploy Messages using a command with arguments for the constructor. Gas will be estimated for you.

delib deploy Messages hello

A file called MessagesAddresss will be created in your addresses/ folder with the deployed contract's address.

Watch for a message being set:

delib watch Messages messageEvent

Create a file called script.js

const delib = require('delib');

async function  main() {

  delib.options = {
    value: 0,
    gas: 100000,

  // Call a method on the contract Messages
  const message1 = await delib.exec('Messages').call.getMessage()

  // Call another method with your 2nd account and pass in options
  delib.accountIndex = 1;

  await delib.exec('Messages').setMessage('coffee', {gas: 0});

  const message2 = await delib.exec('Messages').call.getMessage();


This script sets a message on the contract and calls it again to get the message saved.

Upon running the script, your command for watching for messages set should show:

Watching for events:
  logIndex: 0,
  transactionIndex: 0,
  transactionHash: '0xd1ddb1ffd3cdac21f9c4910081df28bbd0072ded49ab187a2572cc5983c1491f',
  blockHash: '0xa1eb723a97585cb3e05662235bf0ce14dc5afb723366ce1c416a4338ab2dd654',
  blockNumber: 375,
  address: '0x08217011BF7DeeeEECBDA8a8a61A8035ca206e99',
  type: 'mined',
  id: 'log_672dc7c1',
  returnValues: Result { '0': 'coffee', _message: 'coffee' },
  event: 'messageEvent',
  signature: '0x9fd40b777a67006201b62c0025adca7fed13f4f97a8c97e859b02a025adad78f',
  raw: {
    data: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006636f666665650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    topics: [

You can then call methods on Messages in the command line.

delib exec Messages getMessage --call
Response: coffee

Then you can set another message with the command line. Gas will be estimated for the following transaction.

delib exec Messages setMessage apples
Response: {
  transactionHash: '0x0890c0deaccfc938a3bf7bc9b54f916cf9bfb6efa1970137cfa360b2683fe3a4',
  transactionIndex: 0,
  blockHash: '0xb07cebf4d19adc8731876e4e7bdd0b8fe131a301680a3c6abe693d34a05040bd',
  blockNumber: 377,
  from: '0x4488ce366ebe9bab151c050ed8a4b4b1a221da73',
  to: '0x08217011bf7deeeeecbda8a8a61a8035ca206e99',
  gasUsed: 31624,
  cumulativeGasUsed: 31624,
  contractAddress: null,
  logs: [
      logIndex: 0,
      transactionIndex: 0,
      transactionHash: '0x0890c0deaccfc938a3bf7bc9b54f916cf9bfb6efa1970137cfa360b2683fe3a4',
      blockHash: '0xb07cebf4d19adc8731876e4e7bdd0b8fe131a301680a3c6abe693d34a05040bd',
      blockNumber: 377,
      address: '0x08217011BF7DeeeEECBDA8a8a61A8035ca206e99',
      data: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000066170706c65730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      topics: [Array],
      type: 'mined',
      id: 'log_431d7908'
  status: true,
  logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
delib exec Messages getMessage --call
Response: apples

Go here for more example code:


If you found Delib useful please leave a star on GitHub or give feedback!

API Reference

Command Tool

delib init -c --config

Create the config file delib.js and the project structure.

-c --config--If used the command will only create the delib.js config file

delib compile [files...] -h --rpchost <value>, -r --rpcport <port>, -c --ipchost [path], -o --contract <path>, -b --built <path>

Compile and build a Solidity smart contract .sol into a JavaScript file .sol.js that you can require. File paths are set in the delib.js config file or passed in as command line options. By default these are your project's contracts/ and built/ folders.

[files...]stringNames of Solidity contract
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-o --contract<path>Path to contracts folder
-b --built<path>Path to build contracts folder

delib build [files...] -h --rpchost <value>, -r --rpcport <port>, -c --ipchost [path], -o --contract <path>, -b --built <path>

Compile and build a Solidity smart contract .sol into a JavaScript file .sol.js that you can require. File paths are set in the delib.js config file or passed in as command line options. By default these are your project's contracts/ and built/ folders.

[files...]stringNames of Solidity contract
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-o --contract<path>Path to contracts folder
-b --built<path>Path to build contracts folder

Deploy a built Solidity smart contract and save its address for later use with the CLI or library. File paths are set in the delib.js config file or passed in as command line options. By default these are your project's built/ and addresses/ folders.

<contractName>stringName of built contract
[...args]stringsArguments to pass into method
-i --account<index>Account to use for transaction. Takes the account index
-f --from<address>From transaction option. Replaces --account
-t --to<address>To transaction option'
--links"libraryFileName:libraryName libraryContractAddress"Library links of the contract'
-v --value<number>Value transaction option in wei
-g --gas<number>Gas transaction option. Estimated if not given or set to 0
-p --gasprice<number>Gas price transaction option
-n --nonce<number>Nonce transaction option
-m --maxgas<number>Max gas allowed when estimating
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-b --built<path>Relative path to built contracts folder
-a --address<path>Relative path to contract addresses folder

delib exec <contractName> <methodName> [args...], -i --account <index>, -f --from <address>, -t --to <address>, -v --value <number>, -g --gas <number>, -p --gasprice <number>, -n --nonce <number>, -m --maxgas <number>, -h --rpchost <value>, -r --rpcport <port>, -c --ipchost [path], -b --built <path>, -a --address <path> --call

Perform a transaction or call a deployed contract's method. You can pass in a list of arguments. The most recent deployed contract address or set command address will be used.

<contractName>stringName of built contract
<methodName>stringContract method name
[...args]stringsArguments to pass into method
-i --account<index>Account to use for transaction. Takes the account index
-f --from<address>From transaction option. Replaces --account
-t --to<address>To transaction option'
-v --value<number>Value transaction option in wei
-g --gas<number>Gas transaction option. Estimated if not given or set to 0
-p --gasprice<number>Gas price transaction option
-n --nonce<number>Nonce transaction option
-m --maxgas<number>Max gas allowed when estimating
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-b --built<path>Relative path to built contracts folder
-a --address<path>Relative path to contract addresses folder
--call--Forces method execution with a call

delib events <contractName> <eventName> [blocksBack], -h --rpchost <value>, -r --rpcport <port>, -c --ipchost [path], -b --built <path>, -a --address <path>

Get the logs of a deployed contract's event. By default it gets all logs starting from block 0. You can pass in how many blocks back you wish to get logs from.

<contractName>numberName of built contract
<eventName>stringContract event name
[blocksBack]numberNumber of blocks back to get logs from
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host
-f --fromblocknumberFrom block to get events from
-t --toblocknumberFrom block to get events from
.option('-f --fromblock ', To block to get events from)

delib watch <contractName> <eventName>, -h --rpchost <value>, -r --rpcport <port>, -c --ipchost [path], -b --built <path>, -a --address <path>

Watch for events

<contractName>numberName of built contract
<eventName>stringContract event name
[blocksBack]numberNumber of blocks back to get logs from
-r --rpchost<value>RPC host
-h --rpcport<port>RPC port
-c --ipchost[path]Relative path to IPC host

delib accounts

Retrieves a list of all accounts and displays their indexes as well. The indexes can be used in the --account option which takes the index of the account you wish to use.

delib contracts -b --built <path>

Retrieves a list of all built contracts.

-b --built<path>Relative path to built contracts folder

delib info <contractName>, -b --built <path>, -a --address <path>

Show contract info such as methods, events, and currently used address. It displays the method inputs, outputs, constant modifier, and payable modifier. It also displays the event args.

<contractName>stringName of built contract
<contractAddress>stringThe address to bind to the contract
-b --built<path>Relative path to built contracts folder
-a --address<path>Relative path to contract addresses

delib set <contractName> <contractAddress>, -a --address <path>

Set the address of a contract to use.

<contractName>stringName of built contract
<contractAddress>stringThe address to bind to the contract
-a --address<path>Relative path to contract addresses



The Web3 object being used as the current provider. Will first need to initialize a connection with delib.init() or delib.initIPC();


The amount to adjust gas when doing automatic gas estimates. Default is 0. It's calculated by this formula:

gasEstimate = gasEstimate + gasEstimate * gasAdjust


The default index of the account used for transactions. The index uses the web3.eth.accounts array to get the account address. This can be overwritten by setting an address in delib.options.from, setting a from property in transaction options, or setting an accountIndex property (also an account index) in transaction options.


The default options for delib methods. This object contains the default transaction options as well as the default delib options. If gas is 0 or null then it will be estimated automatically for each transaction. maxGas is the max gas allowed when estimating gas. Leave from null to get the address from delib.account or account. You can pass any of these properties inside the options object for deploy or exec transactions.

  /** Default transaction options */
  from: undefined,
  to: undefined,
  value: undefined,
  gas: 0,
  gasPrice: undefined,
  data: undefined,
  nonce: undefined,

  /** Default delib options*/
  account: undefined,
  maxGas: undefined


An object that contains the paths to the Solidity contracts, built contracts, and contract addresses. If using delib in a project these paths will be relative to your project root, otherwise they will be relative to your scripts. Assign paths to this object if you don't want to create a project or if you want to customize the paths.

delib.paths = {
  solidity: 'path to solidity contracts',
  built: 'path to built contracts',
  addresses: 'path to contract addresses'

delib.addresses.set(name, address)

Set an address for a contract to use for future transactions. It appends it to the addresses file of that particular contract, or creates it if it doesn't exist.

Returns: number - The index of the set address.

namestringName of built contract
addressstringThe address of the contract

delib.addresses.get(name, index)

Retrieves the addresses file of a contract and gets a deployed contract address based on index. If no index parameter is given it will return the latest address, which is at the bottom of the addresses file.

Returns: Object - Object that contains the contract address.

namestringName of built contract
indexnumberThe index of the contract address


Retrieves the addresses file of a contract and return an array of all its deployed addresses.

Returns: Array - An array of deployed contract addresses.

namestringName of built contract

delib.init(rpcPath) ⇒ Web3

Initializes a RPC connection with an Ethereum node. The RPC provider can be set in the delib.js config file or you can pass it in as arguments. This needs to be called before performing any methods that interact with an Ethereum node.

Returns: Web3 - The Web3 object delib uses for its RPC connection.

rpcPathstringThe path to the RPC port. For example: http://localhost:8545.

delib.initIPC(ipcPath) ⇒ Web3

Initializes an IPC connection with an Ethereum node. The IPC provider can be set in the delib.js config file or you can pass it in as an argument. This needs to be called before using IPC functionality such as creating or unlocking an account. This returns a Web3 object connected via IPC that you call web3.personal and web3.admin methods on.

Returns: Web3 - The Web3 object delib uses for its IPC connection.

ipcPathstringPath to the IPC provider. Example for Unix: process.env.HOME + '/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc'. Optional.

delib.initws(wsPath) ⇒ Web3

Initializes a WS connection with an Ethereum node.

Returns: Web3 - The Web3 object delib uses for its websocket. connection

wsPathstringWS connection path


Closes the web3 websocket connection.

delib.addAccount(privateKeyOrMnemonic) ⇒ Object

Adds an account to delib and web3 that can be to used to send transactions. Uses web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add to add the account to web3.

Returns: PromiseObject - Returns an account object

privateKeyOrMnemonicstringThe private key or mnemonic of the account you wish to add

The returned object: index - number: Account index used in delib. address - string: Account address. privateKey - string: The accounts private key. signTransaction(tx [, callback]) - Function: Function to sign transactions. sign(data) - Function: Function to sign transactions.

delib.getAccounts() ⇒ Array

Gets all the accounts in web3. This includes the accounts retrieved when using the web3.eth.getAccounts() method and the accounts in the web3.eth.accounts.wallet.

Returns: Array - An array of account addresses.

delib.changeProvider(type, path) ⇒ Web3

Changes web3 provider.

Returns: Web3 - The Web3 object delib uses for its connection.

typestringType of provider to use.
pathstringPath to the provider.

delib.balanceOf(accountOrIndex) ⇒ Number

Gets the balance of an account by its address or index in the delib.getAccounts() account array.

Returns: Number - The balance of the account

accountOrIndexstringThe account address or account index of the account you wish to get the balance of.

delib.transfer(toAccount, value, options) ⇒ Object

Transfers Ether from one account to another.

Returns: Object - The transaction response.

toAccountstringThe account address you wish to transfer Ether to.
valuenumberIn value in wei of the balance you wish to send.
optionsObjectOptions to include in the transaction.

delib.createAccount(entropy) ⇒ Object

Creates an account and returns to you an account object. Uses web3.eth.accounts.create to create the account.

Returns: Object - The transaction response.

entropystringA random string to increase entropy. If given it should be at least 32 characters. If none is given a random string will be generated using randomhex.

The returned object: index - number: Account index used in delib. address - string: Account address. privateKey - string: The accounts private key. signTransaction(tx [, callback]) - Function: Function to sign transactions. sign(data) - Function: Function to sign transactions.

delib.compile(contractFiles, contractPath, buildPath)

Build a Solidity contract.

Returns: Array - Contracts built.

contractFilesarrayArray of contract file names in the contracts folder
contractPathstringOptional. Directory path where contract files are located. If none is given the directory path will be retrieved from delib.js or the contracts.paths object
buildPathstringOptional. Directory path where built contracts will be put. If none is given the directory path will be retrieved from delib.js or the contracts.paths object., contractPath, buildPath)

Build a Solidity contract.

Returns: Array - Contracts built.

contractFilesarrayArray of contract file names in the contracts folder
contractPathstringOptional. Directory path where contract files are located. If none is given the directory path will be retrieved from delib.js or the contracts.paths object
buildPathstringOptional. Directory path where built contracts will be put. If none is given the directory path will be retrieved from delib.js or the contracts.paths object.


Gets the info of a built contract.

Returns: Object - An object containing a built contracts name, abi, metadata, and bytecode.

contractNamestringThe contract's name

Deploy a built contract. If you have delib.options value set to 0 or pass in the option then your gas cost will be automatically estimated. The address is saved in your project's addresses/ folder and will be used for future contract calls and transactions.

Returns: Promise - An object containing deployed contract details.

contractNamestringName of built contract located in the directory provided in delib.js
argsArrayArguments to be passed into the deployed contract as initial parameters.
optionsObjectTransaction options.
linksObjectLinks to libraries. Property is the library file name, :, then library name. The value is the library contract address

delib.deploy.estimate(contractName, args, options) ⇒ Promisenumber

Estimate the gas usage for deploying a contract.

Returns: Promise - The response contains the estimated gas cost.

contractNamestringName of built contract located in the directory provided in delib.js
argsArrayArguments to be passed into the deployed contract as initial parameters.
optionsObjectTransaction options.

delib.exec(contractName) ⇒ ContractInstance

Calls or performs a transaction on a deployed contract. Will take the address provided in the config file. If you have delib.options value set to 0 or pass in the option into the contract method call your gas cost will be automatically estimated.

Returns: Contract - Contract instance that you can call methods with.

contractNamestringName of deployed contract

delib.exec(contractName).estimate ⇒ Promisenumber

Calls a deployed contract and methods called on the returned contract will return an estimated gas usage value.

Returns: number - Contract instance that you can estimate the gas usage of methods with.

contractNamestringName of deployed contract

delib.execAt(contractName, contractAddress) ⇒ ContractInstance

Calls a deployed contract at a specific address. If you have delib.options value set to 0 or pass it in as an option your gas cost will be automatically estimated.

Returns: Contract - Contract instance that you can call methods with.

contractNamestringName of built contract located in the directory provided in delib.js.
contractAddressstringAddress of the contract.

delib.execAt(contractName, contractAddress).estimate ⇒ Promisenumber

Calls a deployed contract at a specified address and methods called on the contract will return the estimated gas usage.

Returns: Contract - Contract instance that you can estimate the gas usage of methods with.

contractNamestringName of built contract located in the directory provided in delib.js.
contractAddressstringAddress of the contract., eventName, blockOptoins, filter) ⇒ Promise

Gets the event logs of an event.

Returns: Promise => Array - Promise response contains an array event logs.

contractNamestringName of built contract.
eventNamestringThe name of the event method.
blockOptionsObjectAn object with keys of fromBlock and toBlock. Example: {fromBlock: 100, toBlock: 200}.
filterObjectObject to filter the event logs. The filter properties can be ordinary values, an array of values, or a callback function. If it's just a value then it must match with the log's value or it's filtered. If it's an array one of the values must match. The callbacks take the log value as a parameter and it must return true. The filter's address property by default is the contract address.

delib.eventsAt(contractName, contractAddress, eventName, blocksBack, filter) ⇒ Promise

Gets the event logs for an event.

Returns: Promise => Array - Promise response contains an array event logs.

contractNamestringName of built contract.
contractAddressstringAddress of the contract.
eventNamestringThe name of the event method.
blockOptionsnumberAn object with keys of fromBlock and toBlock. Example: {fromBlock: 100, toBlock: 200}.
filterObjectObject to filter the event logs. The filter properties can be ordinary values, an array of values, or a callback function. If it's just a value then it must match with the log's value or it's filtered. If it's an array one of the values must match. The callbacks take the log value as a parameter and it must return true. The filter's address property by default is the contract address., eventName, options, callback)

Set up a listener to watch for new events. To stop the listener set the watch method to a variable and call watch.stop().

Returns Object

contractNamestringName of built contract.
eventNamestringThe name of the event method.
filterObjectObject to filter the event logs. The filter properties can be ordinary values, an array of values, or a callback function. If it's just a value then it must match with the log's value or it's filtered. If it's an array one of the values must match. The callbacks take the log value as a parameter and it must return true. The filter's address property by default is the contract address. Optional: you may pass the callback in its place. Can also set a fromBlock value. If not set it will default to the current block number.
callbackFunctionCallback to watch the events with. Takes parameters err and log.

delib.watchAt(contractName, contractAddress, eventName, options, callback)

Set up a listener to watch for new events. To stop the listener set the watch method to a variable and call watch.stop(). Need a websocket connection to be able to watch for events.

Returns Object

contractNamestringName of built contract.
contractAddressstringAddress of the contract.
eventNamestringThe name of the event method.
optionsObjectbject to filter the event logs. The filter properties can be ordinary values, an array of values, or a callback function. If it's just a value then it must match with the log's value or it's filtered. If it's an array one of the values must match. The callbacks take the log value as a parameter and it must return true. The filter's address property by default is the contract address. Optional: you may pass the callback in its place. Can also set a fromBlock value. If not set it will default to the current block number.



Last updated on 18 Jun 2022

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