Convert delimited files (csv, tsv, xls, etc) into other formats. Currently supported formats:
| FROM | TO: |
| tsv | tsv |
| csv | pgsql |
| xls | |
| xlsx | |
Example converting a CSV file to PGSQL
Issuing the following command:
./delimit csv pgsql /path/to/file.csv
Given the following CSV file contents:
We end up with the following result:
set client_encoding to UTF8;
set standard_conforming_strings to on;
create table default_name (
ID integer,
FirstName text,
LastName text,
Code text,
lat numeric,
lng numeric,
LikesCats boolean,
CatsOwned integer,
SomethingElse numeric,
primary key (ID)
copy default_name (ID, FirstName, LastName, Code, lat, lng, LikesCats, CatsOwned, SomethingElse) from stdin;
1 Trevor Senior 00000 89.999 179.999 true 0 1.1
2 John Smith 00000000 89.999 179.999 false 0 2.2
4 Nolan Johnson 000000000 89.999 179.999 0 1 5.5
5 Gregg Fuller 12345 89.999 179.999 1 0 4.4
8 Wilson Thomas 123456789 89.999 179.999 yes 100 13.37
vacuum analyze default_name;
npm install --save delimit
Optional: Use -g
to access the delimit cli script.
You also need to have Python 2 in your path along with the xlrd package to handle excel spreadsheets.
As a NodeJS module
Basic Usage
var delimit = require('delimit');
delimit.convertStream('csv', 'pgsql', 'csvFile.csv').then(function(pgsqlStream) {
Exposed Functions
delimit.convertStream(convertFrom, convertTo, filePath [, options])
Converts one file format into another. The input data can be in the form of a file path or a stream. This function will return a stream that that contains the converted output.
Supported convertFrom
'csv', 'tsv', 'json', 'xls'
Supported convertTo
'tsv', 'pgsql'
(pass in any of these as object values)
- name (string) (default: 'default_name')
What should we name our dataset?
- appendString (string)
What String should we append to the end of our dataset name?
- prependString (string)
What String should we prepend to the beginning of our dataset name?
- headerRow (int)
What row contains header information?
- ignoreEmptyHeaders (bool)
Should we ignore columns in data with empty headers?
- forceTypes (object)
Force a type for a given column? (comma separated)
{ column_name:"boolean", another_column: "text", ... }
- ignoreTypes (array)
Ignore a specific type? For example, this would be useful if you
wanted to make a column of zero's and one's appear as an integer
type vs. a boolean type:
[ 'boolean', ... ]
- useHeaders (array)
Specify your own headers to use vs. the default ones in the
delimited file. E.g.
[ 'header_1', 'header_2', ...]
- maintainHeaders (bool) (default: false)
Maintain the original header names? This will make it so it
preserves the header names instead of automatically changing
header names based on the type discovered.
Basically do not switch to zip, lat, lng, etc.
- dataOnly (bool) (default: false) [PSQL ONLY]
Only output data SQL (no create statement)
- createOnly (bool) (default: false) [PSQL ONLY]
Only output create table SQL (no data)
- insertStatements (bool) (default: false) [PSQL ONLY]
Use insert statements instead of dump format?
For usage information
./delimit -h
npm test
mocha-as-promised must be installed.