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@@ -1,1595 +0,16 @@

(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define("delux", [], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["delux"] = factory();
root["delux"] = factory();
})(this, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // identity function for calling harmory imports with the correct context
/******/ __webpack_require__.i = function(value) { return value; };
/******/ // define getter function for harmory exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 7);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
'use strict';
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _store = require('./store');
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var _store2 = _interopRequireDefault(_store);
var _require = __webpack_require__(1);
var _collection = require('./collection');
var forceArray = _require.forceArray;
var _collection2 = _interopRequireDefault(_collection);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
module.exports = function () {
function Collection(init) {
_classCallCheck(this, Collection);
this.reducers = {};
this.observers = [];
this.state = init;
_createClass(Collection, [{
key: 'on',
value: function on(types, reducer) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = forceArray(types)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var type = _step.value;
this.reducers[type] = reducer;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return Collection;
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
"use strict";
"use strict";
var forceArray = function forceArray(array) {
return Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array];
function getByKeys(object, keys) {
var relevant = {};
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = forceArray(keys)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var key = _step.value;
relevant[key] = object[key];
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return relevant;
module.exports = { forceArray: forceArray, getByKeys: getByKeys };
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
'use strict';
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var Collection = __webpack_require__(0);
var _require = __webpack_require__(1);
var forceArray = _require.forceArray;
var getByKeys = _require.getByKeys;
* The Store holds the whole application state and it's mutation logic.
module.exports = function () {
function Store() {
_classCallCheck(this, Store);
this.middlewares = [];
this.queued = Promise.resolve();
this.state = {
get: function get(collections) {
return getByKeys(this, collections);
* object with mutations of the collections' states
_createClass(Store, [{
key: 'use',
* Adds an observer for mutations in the store's collections
* @param {function|string|object} middleware|type|{type:middleware}
* @param {function} middleware
value: function use(middleware) {
var _this = this;
var _arguments =;
var arg0 = _arguments[0];
var arg1 = _arguments[1];
function: function _function() {
return _this.middlewares.push(middleware);
string: function string() {
return _this.middlewares.push(function (action) {
if (action.type === arg0) {
object: function object() {
return _this.middlewares.push(function (action) {
if (arg0[action.type]) {
})[typeof arg0 === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(arg0)]();
* Dispatches a Flux Standard Action on the state.
* @param {object} action
* @returns {Promise} - resolves to the mutated store state.
}, {
key: 'dispatch',
value: function dispatch(action) {
var _this2 = this;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
var _loop = function _loop() {
var middleware = _step.value;
_this2.queue(function () {
return Promise.resolve(middleware(action));
for (var _iterator = this.middlewares[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return this.queue(function () {
return Promise.all(Object.keys(_this2).filter(function (name) {
return _this2[name] instanceof Collection && _this2[name].reducers[action.type];
}).map(function (name) {
var collection = _this2[name];
var state = collection.state;
var reducers = collection.reducers;
return Promise.resolve(reducers[action.type](state, action)).then(function () {
var newCollectionState = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? state : arguments[0];
if (newCollectionState !== state) {
collection.state = newCollectionState;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
var _didIteratorError2 = false;
var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator2 = collection.observers[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
var observer = _step2.value;
observer(Object.assign(_this2.state, _defineProperty({}, name, newCollectionState)), action, name);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError2 = true;
_iteratorError2 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError2) {
throw _iteratorError2;
return newCollectionState;
})).then(function () {
return _this2.state;
* Adds an observer for mutations in the store's collections.
* @param {string | array} collectionNames - collections to observe
* @param {function} observer
}, {
key: 'observe',
value: function observe(collectionNames, observer) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
var _didIteratorError3 = false;
var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator3 = forceArray(collectionNames)[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
var name = _step3.value;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError3 = true;
_iteratorError3 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError3) {
throw _iteratorError3;
* Adds a function to the store's execute queue
* @param {function} action
* @returns {Promise} - resolves after the action resolves.
}, {
key: 'queue',
value: function queue(action) {
return this.queued = this.queued.then(action);
return Store;
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process, global) {var require;var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!
* @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
* @license Licensed under MIT license
* See
* @version 3.2.1
(function() {
"use strict";
function lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(x) {
return typeof x === 'function' || (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null);
function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(x) {
return typeof x === 'function';
function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isMaybeThenable(x) {
return typeof x === 'object' && x !== null;
var lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray;
if (!Array.isArray) {
lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = function (x) {
return === '[object Array]';
} else {
lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = Array.isArray;
var lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray = lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = function asap(callback, arg) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len] = callback;
lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len + 1] = arg;
lib$es6$promise$asap$$len += 2;
if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$len === 2) {
// If len is 2, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.
// If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they
// will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.
if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn) {
} else {
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler(scheduleFn) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn;
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap(asapFn) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = asapFn;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : undefined;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow || {};
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.MutationObserver || lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode = typeof self === 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]';
// test for web worker but not in IE10
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' &&
typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' &&
typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined';
// node
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick() {
// node version 0.10.x displays a deprecation warning when nextTick is used recursively
// see for details
return function() {
// vertx
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer() {
return function() {
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver() {
var iterations = 0;
var observer = new lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush);
var node = document.createTextNode('');
observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });
return function() { = (iterations = ++iterations % 2);
// web worker
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel() {
var channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush;
return function () {
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout() {
return function() {
setTimeout(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush, 1);
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue = new Array(1000);
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush() {
for (var i = 0; i < lib$es6$promise$asap$$len; i+=2) {
var callback = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i];
var arg = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i+1];
lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i] = undefined;
lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i+1] = undefined;
lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0;
function lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertx() {
try {
var r = require;
var vertx = __webpack_require__(6);
lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;
return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer();
} catch(e) {
return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout();
var lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush;
// Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:
if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick();
} else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver();
} else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel();
} else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow === undefined && "function" === 'function') {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertx();
} else {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout();
function lib$es6$promise$then$$then(onFulfillment, onRejection) {
var parent = this;
var child = new this.constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);
if (child[lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PROMISE_ID] === undefined) {
var state = parent._state;
if (state) {
var callback = arguments[state - 1];
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(state, child, callback, parent._result);
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection);
return child;
var lib$es6$promise$then$$default = lib$es6$promise$then$$then;
function lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve(object) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var Constructor = this;
if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) {
return object;
var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, object);
return promise;
var lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve;
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PROMISE_ID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(16);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop() {}
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING = void 0;
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED = 1;
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED = 2;
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject();
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFulfillment() {
return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself");
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn() {
return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(promise) {
try {
return promise.then;
} catch(error) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error;
return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
try {, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
} catch(e) {
return e;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(function(promise) {
var sealed = false;
var error = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, thenable, function(value) {
if (sealed) { return; }
sealed = true;
if (thenable !== value) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);
}, function(reason) {
if (sealed) { return; }
sealed = true;
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);
}, 'Settle: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise'));
if (!sealed && error) {
sealed = true;
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error);
}, promise);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {
if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, thenable._result);
} else if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, thenable._result);
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(thenable, undefined, function(value) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);
}, function(reason) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then) {
if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor &&
then === lib$es6$promise$then$$default &&
constructor.resolve === lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable);
} else {
if (then === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error);
} else if (then === undefined) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
} else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(then)) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then);
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) {
if (promise === value) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFulfillment());
} else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(value)) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, value, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(value));
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection(promise) {
if (promise._onerror) {
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) {
if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return; }
promise._result = value;
promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED;
if (promise._subscribers.length !== 0) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, promise);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) {
if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return; }
promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED;
promise._result = reason;
lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection, promise);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
var subscribers = parent._subscribers;
var length = subscribers.length;
parent._onerror = null;
subscribers[length] = child;
subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED] = onRejection;
if (length === 0 && parent._state) {
lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, parent);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish(promise) {
var subscribers = promise._subscribers;
var settled = promise._state;
if (subscribers.length === 0) { return; }
var child, callback, detail = promise._result;
for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
child = subscribers[i];
callback = subscribers[i + settled];
if (child) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);
} else {
promise._subscribers.length = 0;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject() {
this.error = null;
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject();
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail) {
try {
return callback(detail);
} catch(e) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e;
return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
var hasCallback = lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(callback),
value, error, succeeded, failed;
if (hasCallback) {
value = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail);
if (value === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {
failed = true;
error = value.error;
value = null;
} else {
succeeded = true;
if (promise === value) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn());
} else {
value = detail;
succeeded = true;
if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {
// noop
} else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);
} else if (failed) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error);
} else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value);
} else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value);
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(promise, resolver) {
try {
resolver(function resolvePromise(value){
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value);
}, function rejectPromise(reason) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);
} catch(e) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, e);
var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$id = 0;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$nextId() {
return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$id++;
function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$makePromise(promise) {
promise[lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PROMISE_ID] = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$id++;
promise._state = undefined;
promise._result = undefined;
promise._subscribers = [];
function lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all(entries) {
return new lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default(this, entries).promise;
var lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all;
function lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race(entries) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var Constructor = this;
if (!lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(entries)) {
return new Constructor(function(resolve, reject) {
reject(new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));
} else {
return new Constructor(function(resolve, reject) {
var length = entries.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Constructor.resolve(entries[i]).then(resolve, reject);
var lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race;
function lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject(reason) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var Constructor = this;
var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason);
return promise;
var lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject;
function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver() {
throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');
function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew() {
throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
var lib$es6$promise$promise$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise;
Promise objects represent the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The
primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which
registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason
why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
- `promise` is an object or function with a `then` method whose behavior conforms to this specification.
- `thenable` is an object or function that defines a `then` method.
- `value` is any legal JavaScript value (including undefined, a thenable, or a promise).
- `exception` is a value that is thrown using the throw statement.
- `reason` is a value that indicates why a promise was rejected.
- `settled` the final resting state of a promise, fulfilled or rejected.
A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
Promises that are fulfilled have a fulfillment value and are in the fulfilled
state. Promises that are rejected have a rejection reason and are in the
rejected state. A fulfillment value is never a thenable.
Promises can also be said to *resolve* a value. If this value is also a
promise, then the original promise's settled state will match the value's
settled state. So a promise that *resolves* a promise that rejects will
itself reject, and a promise that *resolves* a promise that fulfills will
itself fulfill.
Basic Usage:
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// on success
// on failure
promise.then(function(value) {
// on fulfillment
}, function(reason) {
// on rejection
Advanced Usage:
Promises shine when abstracting away asynchronous interactions such as
function getJSON(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;
xhr.responseType = 'json';
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
function handler() {
if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
if (this.status === 200) {
} else {
reject(new Error('getJSON: `' + url + '` failed with status: [' + this.status + ']'));
getJSON('/posts.json').then(function(json) {
// on fulfillment
}, function(reason) {
// on rejection
Unlike callbacks, promises are great composable primitives.
values[0] // => postsJSON
values[1] // => commentsJSON
return values;
@class Promise
@param {function} resolver
Useful for tooling.
function lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise(resolver) {
this[lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PROMISE_ID] = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$nextId();
this._result = this._state = undefined;
this._subscribers = [];
if (lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop !== resolver) {
typeof resolver !== 'function' && lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver();
this instanceof lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise ? lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(this, resolver) : lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew();
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.all = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.race = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.resolve = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.reject = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setScheduler = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setAsap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._asap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap;
lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.prototype = {
constructor: lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise,
The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,
which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the
reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
// user is available
}, function(reason){
// user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why
The return value of `then` is itself a promise. This second, 'downstream'
promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment
or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.
findUser().then(function (user) {
}, function (reason) {
return 'default name';
}).then(function (userName) {
// If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it
// will be `'default name'`
findUser().then(function (user) {
throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');
}, function (reason) {
throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');
}).then(function (value) {
// never reached
}, function (reason) {
// if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.
// If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.
If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.
findUser().then(function (user) {
throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');
}).then(function (value) {
// never reached
}).then(function (value) {
// never reached
}, function (reason) {
// The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here
Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be
retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the
fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending
until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.
findUser().then(function (user) {
return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
}).then(function (comments) {
// The user's comments are now available
If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.
findUser().then(function (user) {
return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
}).then(function (comments) {
// If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here
}, function (reason) {
// If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here
Simple Example
Synchronous Example
var result;
try {
result = findResult();
// success
} catch(reason) {
// failure
Errback Example
findResult(function(result, err){
if (err) {
// failure
} else {
// success
Promise Example;
// success
}, function(reason){
// failure
Advanced Example
Synchronous Example
var author, books;
try {
author = findAuthor();
books = findBooksByAuthor(author);
// success
} catch(reason) {
// failure
Errback Example
function foundBooks(books) {
function failure(reason) {
findAuthor(function(author, err){
if (err) {
// failure
} else {
try {
findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {
if (err) {
} else {
try {
} catch(reason) {
} catch(error) {
// success
Promise Example;
// found books
// something went wrong
@method then
@param {Function} onFulfilled
@param {Function} onRejected
Useful for tooling.
@return {Promise}
then: lib$es6$promise$then$$default,
`catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same
as the catch block of a try/catch statement.
function findAuthor(){
throw new Error('couldn't find that author');
// synchronous
try {
} catch(reason) {
// something went wrong
// async with promises
// something went wrong
@method catch
@param {Function} onRejection
Useful for tooling.
@return {Promise}
'catch': function(onRejection) {
return this.then(null, onRejection);
var lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default = lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator;
function lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator(Constructor, input) {
this._instanceConstructor = Constructor;
this.promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);
if (!this.promise[lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PROMISE_ID]) {
if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(input)) {
this._input = input;
this.length = input.length;
this._remaining = input.length;
this._result = new Array(this.length);
if (this.length === 0) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
} else {
this.length = this.length || 0;
if (this._remaining === 0) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
} else {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(this.promise, lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$validationError());
function lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$validationError() {
return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');
lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function() {
var length = this.length;
var input = this._input;
for (var i = 0; this._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING && i < length; i++) {
this._eachEntry(input[i], i);
lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function(entry, i) {
var c = this._instanceConstructor;
var resolve = c.resolve;
if (resolve === lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default) {
var then = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(entry);
if (then === lib$es6$promise$then$$default &&
entry._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {
this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);
} else if (typeof then !== 'function') {
this._result[i] = entry;
} else if (c === lib$es6$promise$promise$$default) {
var promise = new c(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop);
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, entry, then);
this._willSettleAt(promise, i);
} else {
this._willSettleAt(new c(function(resolve) { resolve(entry); }), i);
} else {
this._willSettleAt(resolve(entry), i);
lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function(state, i, value) {
var promise = this.promise;
if (promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) {
if (state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value);
} else {
this._result[i] = value;
if (this._remaining === 0) {
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, this._result);
lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function(promise, i) {
var enumerator = this;
lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(promise, undefined, function(value) {
enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED, i, value);
}, function(reason) {
enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED, i, reason);
function lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill() {
var local;
if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
local = global;
} else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
local = self;
} else {
try {
local = Function('return this')();
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment');
var P = local.Promise;
if (P && === '[object Promise]' && !P.cast) {
local.Promise = lib$es6$promise$promise$$default;
var lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default = lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill;
var lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise = {
'Promise': lib$es6$promise$promise$$default,
'polyfill': lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default
/* global define:true module:true window: true */
if (true) {
!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function() { return lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise; }.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module['exports']) {
module['exports'] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise;
} else if (typeof this !== 'undefined') {
this['ES6Promise'] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(4), __webpack_require__(5)))
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
// shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {};
// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it
// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is
// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a
// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.
var cachedSetTimeout;
var cachedClearTimeout;
function defaultSetTimout() {
throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');
function defaultClearTimeout () {
throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');
(function () {
try {
if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
} else {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
} catch (e) {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
try {
if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
} else {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
} catch (e) {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
} ())
function runTimeout(fun) {
if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
//normal enviroments in sane situations
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
// if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
try {
// when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
} catch(e){
try {
// When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
return, fun, 0);
} catch(e){
// same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error
return, fun, 0);
function runClearTimeout(marker) {
if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
//normal enviroments in sane situations
return clearTimeout(marker);
// if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
return clearTimeout(marker);
try {
// when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
} catch (e){
try {
// When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
return, marker);
} catch (e){
// same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.
// Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout
return, marker);
var queue = [];
var draining = false;
var currentQueue;
var queueIndex = -1;
function cleanUpNextTick() {
if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
draining = false;
if (currentQueue.length) {
queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
} else {
queueIndex = -1;
if (queue.length) {
function drainQueue() {
if (draining) {
var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
draining = true;
var len = queue.length;
while(len) {
currentQueue = queue;
queue = [];
while (++queueIndex < len) {
if (currentQueue) {
queueIndex = -1;
len = queue.length;
currentQueue = null;
draining = false;
process.nextTick = function (fun) {
var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
// v8 likes predictible objects
function Item(fun, array) { = fun;
this.array = array;
} = function () {, this.array);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
process.versions = {};
function noop() {}
process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop; = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.binding = function (name) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
process.umask = function() { return 0; };
/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
var g;
// This works in non-strict mode
g = (function() { return this; })();
try {
// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)
g = g || Function("return this")() || (1,eval)("this");
} catch(e) {
// This works if the window reference is available
if(typeof window === "object")
g = window;
// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...
// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's
// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}
module.exports = g;
/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
/* (ignored) */
/***/ },
/* 7 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
'use strict';
var Store = __webpack_require__(2);
var Collection = __webpack_require__(0);
module.exports = Store;
module.exports.Collection = Collection;
/***/ }
/******/ ])
module.exports = _store2.default;
module.exports.Collection = _collection2.default;
"name": "delux",
"version": "1.4.1",
"version": "1.5.0",
"description": "Beautiful, light and simple state manager inspired by Redux",

@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ "main": "bin/index.js",

"scripts": {
"start": "webpack --progress --watch",
"build": "webpack --progress",
"test": "jest"
"start": "npm run build -- --watch",
"build": "babel src --out-dir bin",
"test": "jest $2"

@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ "author": "Iddan Aharonson <> (",

"dependencies": {
"es6-promise": "3.2.1"
"es6-promise": "3.2.1",
"flux-standard-action": "^0.6.1"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-core": "^6.14.0",
"babel-loader": "^6.2.5",
"babel-cli": "^6.18.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.14.0",
"babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.5.0",
"jest": "^16.0.0",
"webpack": "^2.1.0-beta.25"
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"chokidar": "^1.6.1",
"jest": "^16.0.0"

@@ -41,0 +42,0 @@ "babel": {

@@ -1,9 +0,24 @@

const {forceArray} = require('./utils');
import {forceArray} from './utils';
module.exports = class Collection {
reducers = {};
observers = [];
export default class Collection {
reducers = {};
subscribers = [];
constructor (init) {
this.state = init;
let set = ::this.set;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'state', {
get () {
return Object.freeze(Object.assign({set}, init));
set (state) {
init = state;
return this.state;
* Adds a reducer for specific action types.
* @param {array | string} types - action types to apply reducer on.
* @param {function} reducer - a function which mutates the collection state by returning it's new state.
* @returns {Collection} this
on (types, reducer) {

@@ -13,3 +28,12 @@ for (let type of forceArray(types)) {

return this;
* Mutates the current state with new data.
* @param {object} data - the new data to assign to the state.
* @returns {object} state - the new state.
set (data) {
return Object.assign(new this.state.constructor(), this.state, data);

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

const Store = require('./store');
const Collection = require('./collection');
import Store from './store';
import Collection from './collection';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

const Collection = require('./collection');
const {forceArray, getByKeys} = require('./utils');
import {isFSA} from 'flux-standard-action';
import Collection from './collection';
import State from './state';
import {forceArray} from './utils';

@@ -7,41 +9,67 @@ /**

module.exports = class Store {
export default class Store {
middlewares = [];
queued = Promise.resolve();
queued = Promise.resolve();
* object with mutations of the collections' states
state = {
get (collections) {
return getByKeys(this, collections);
get state () {
return new State(this);
* Array of the collection names.
get collectionNames () {
return Object.keys(this).filter(key => this[key] instanceof Collection);
* Array of the collection objects.
get collections () {
return Object.values(this).filter(value => value instanceof Collection);
* Array of the collections entries.
get collectionEntries () {
return Object.entries(this).filter((entry) => entry[1] instanceof Collection);
* Adds an observer for mutations in the store's collections
* @param {function|string|object} middleware|type|{type:middleware}
* @param {function} middleware
* @param {function} middleware - function to execute each time an action dispatches before it reaches the reducers.
* @returns {Store} this
use (middleware) {
const [arg0, arg1] = arguments;
function: () => this.middlewares.push(middleware),
string: () => this.middlewares.push((action) => {
// store.use(function)
function: middleware,
// store.use(string, function)
string (action) {
if (action.type === arg0) {
return arg1(action);
object: () => this.middlewares.push((action) => {
// store.use(object)
object (action) {
if (arg0[action.type]) {
return arg0[action.type](action);
})[typeof arg0]();
}[typeof arg0]);
return this;
* Dispatches a Flux Standard Action on the state.
* @param {object} action
* @param {object} action - FSA
* @returns {Promise} - resolves to the mutated store state.
dispatch (action) {
for (let middleware of this.middlewares) {
const {middlewares, collectionEntries} = this;
if (!isFSA(action)) {
throw new TypeError('Dispatched action must follow the Flux Standard Action scheme.');
// wait for the middlewares to mutate the actions
for (let middleware of middlewares) {
this.queue(() => Promise.resolve(middleware(action)));

@@ -51,10 +79,7 @@ }

.filter(name =>
this[name] instanceof Collection &&
.map(name => {
let collection = this[name];
let {state, reducers} = collection;[name, collection]) => {
let {state, reducers, subscribers} = collection;
if (!reducers[action.type]) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.resolve(reducers[action.type](state, action))

@@ -64,6 +89,4 @@ .then((newCollectionState = state) => {

collection.state = newCollectionState;
for (let observer of collection.observers) {
observer(Object.assign(this.state, {
[name]: newCollectionState
}), action, name);
for (let subscriber of subscribers) {
subscriber(this.state, action, name);

@@ -76,17 +99,32 @@ }

.then(() => this.state)
.catch(err => {
throw err;
* Adds an observer for mutations in the store's collections.
* @param {string | array} collectionNames - collections to observe
* @param {function} observer
* Subscribes for mutations in the store's collections.
* @param {string | array} collectionNames - collections to subscribe to.
* @param {function} subscriber - function to execute each time the collection state mutates
* @returns {undefined}
observe (collectionNames, observer) {
subscribe (collectionNames, subscriber) {
for (let name of forceArray(collectionNames)) {
* Unsubscribes the subscriber function provided for the collections.
* @param {string | array} collectionNames - collections to unsubscribe to.
* @param {function} subscriber - a function that was assigned for those collections mutations.
* @returns {undefined}
unsubscribe (collectionNames, subscriber) {
for (let name of forceArray(collectionNames)) {
this[name].subscribers = this[name].subscribers.filter(func => func === subscriber);
* Adds a function to the store's execute queue
* @param {function} action
* @param {function} action - function to apply
* @returns {Promise} - resolves after the action resolves.

@@ -97,2 +135,2 @@ */


@@ -1,11 +0,8 @@

let forceArray = array => Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array];
export let forceArray = array => Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array];
function getByKeys (object, keys) {
let relevant = {};
for (let key of forceArray(keys)) {
relevant[key] = object[key];
return relevant;
module.exports = {forceArray, getByKeys};
export let getByKeys = (object, keys) =>
(relevant, key) => Object.assign(relevant, {[key]: object[key]}),
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