Run a child as if it's the foreground process. Give it stdio.
Mostly this module is here to support some use cases around wrapping
child processes for test coverage and such.
const fg = require('foreground-child')
const {child, close} = fg('cat', [__filename])
close.then((close) => {
The "normal" standard IO file descriptors (0, 1, and 2 for stdin,
stdout, and stderr respectively) are shared with the child process.
Additionally, if there is an IPC channel set up in the parent, then
messages are proxied to the child on file descriptor 3.
However, in Node, it's possible to also map arbitrary file descriptors
into a child process. In these cases, foreground-child will not map
the file descriptors into the child. If file descriptors 0, 1, or 2
are used for the IPC channel, then strange behavior may happen (like
printing IPC messages to stderr, for example).
Note that a SIGKILL will always kill the parent process, and never
the child process, because SIGKILL cannot be caught or proxied. The
only way to do this would be if Node provided a way to truly exec a
process as the new foreground program in the same process space,
without forking a separate child process.
The canonical documentation is in the source code. See index.ts.
fg(file, args)
: Original APIfg.compat
: Alias for fg
.fg.spawn(file, args, options)
: New API, based on Node's cp.spawn
.fg.proxy(parent, child)
: Forward IO, IPC and signals from parent to child.