1.0.0-prerelease.1 (2024-01-25)
Bug Fixes
- autocomplete: added ability to show big autocomplete (9c75948), closes #302
- autocomplete: fixed autocomplete imports (ccbe840), closes #302
- avatar linting (000238d)
- avatar: fixed router-link missing importation (0bbb7cb)
- card in image carousel (87f1f90)
- fixed directive compile broken when using @Input transform (1b72e9e)
- fixed input-group-text on input component when prependText content is dynamic (19930c5)
- fixed tsconfig path for library (54ae4ef)
- input with icons (4d39007)
- merge fix (4afaede)
- pipes: fixed the mark-matching-text pipe (b482ff8)
- radioButton: added ability to set the radio name manually (bbdc97e)
- remove not existing directive from avatar (2d1220c)
- removed unused ItAbstractComponent from header and navbar (0ebe1e2)
- textarea: added to set textarea as readonly (409c411)
- use button instead of a for avatar dropdown (3d0d492)
- add navbar (13ad966)
- add sorting to table (0f039f4)
- improve header component (b2552b9)
- pipes: added date-ago pipe (97b3aed)
- pipes: added duration pipe (6beea0f)
- split autocomple to another component (082ee93), closes #302
- upgrade-major: fixed prerelease versioning (fe3781d)
- utils: added date utils (2b22506)
Performance Improvements
- improved all BooleanInput with angular transform function (0956e52)