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@@ -1,451 +0,126 @@

// Implements ethereum's DPT
* The peer object is used to decribe peer
* @typedef {Object} Peer
* @property {Buffer} id a 64 byte public key that is used as the peers id
* @property {String} address the address of the peer
* @property {Integer} port the remote port
const util = require('util')
const dgram = require('dgram')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const KBucket = require('k-bucket')
const rlp = require('rlp')
const ecdsa = require('secp256k1')
const Semaphore = require('semaphore')
const async = require('async')
const secp256k1 = require('secp256k1')
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const dhtLogic = require('./logic.js')
const assert = require('assert')
const async = require('async')
const inherits = require('inherits')
const randombytes = require('randombytes')
const debug = require('debug')('devp2p-dpt:dpt')
const KBucket = require('./kbucket')
const Network = require('./network')
function parseIp (ip) {
var parsedIp = ip[0].toString() + '.' + ip[1].toString() + '.' + ip[2].toString() + '.' + ip[3].toString()
parsedIp = parsedIp === '' ? '' : parsedIp
return parsedIp
function DPT (options) {
function createIp (str) {
str = str.split('.')
return new Buffer(str)
this._privateKey = options.privateKey
this._id = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(this._privateKey, false).slice(1)
// Parsing Functions
const parse = {
// skip src packet
ping: function (payload) {
return {
version: payload[0],
address: parseIp(payload[1][0]),
udpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[1][1]),
tcpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[1][2]),
dstAddress: parseIp(payload[2][0]),
dstUdpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[2][1]),
dstTcpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[2][2]),
expiration: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[3])
this._kbucket = new KBucket(this._id)
this._kbucket.on('add', (peer) => this.emit('peer:add', peer))
this._kbucket.on('remove', (peer) => this.emit('peer:remove', peer))
this._kbucket.on('ping', (oldPeers, newPeer) => {
for (let peer of oldPeers) {
this._network.sendPing(peer, (err) => {
if (err == null) return
pong: function (payload) {
return {
dstAddress: parseIp(payload[0][0]),
dstUdpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[0][1]),
dstTcpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(payload[0][2]),
hash: payload[1],
expiration: payload[2]
findNode: function (payload) {
return {
id: payload[0],
expiration: payload[1]
neighbors: function (payload) {
var neighbors = []
payload[0].forEach(function (n) {
address: parseIp(n[0]),
udpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(n[1]),
tcpPort: ethUtil.bufferToInt(n[2]),
id: n[3]
// TODO: parse expriration date
return neighbors
var offsets = {
0x01: 'ping',
0x02: 'pong',
0x03: 'findNode',
0x04: 'neighbors'
* Creates a New DPT
* @class
* @param opts The options object
* @param {Buffer} opts.secretKey a 32 byte Buffer from which the public key is derived
* @param {Interger} opts.port - the port that this peer binds to
* @param {String} opts.address - the external address that this peer is listening to
* @param {Interger} opts.timeout Specifies the wait period in milliseconds to wait for peers to respond. Defaults to 60000
* @param {Interger} opts.refreshIntervial Specifies the wiat period in milliseconds between refreshing the table. Defaults to 360000
* @param {Interger} opts.udpPort - If the udp port and the tcp port are different then you need then use this option
* @param {Interger} opts.tcpPort - If the udp port and the tcp port are different then you need then use this option
* @param {Interger} opts.publicUdpPort - If your public udp port is different from the one you bind to then specify it here
* @fires error
* @fires ping
* @fires pong
* @fires findNode
* @fires neighbors
var DPT = module.exports = function (opts) {
const self = this
// default settings defined by protocol
this.version = 4
this.K = 16
this.concurrencySem = Semaphore(3)
// settings defined by `opts`
this.socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4') || opts.socket
this.timeout = opts.timeout || 60000
this.secKey = opts.secretKey
this.publicAddress = opts.publicAddress || opts.address || ''
this.address = opts.address || opts.publicAddress
this.publicUdpPort = opts.publicUdpPort || opts.udpPort || opts.port
this.udpPort = opts.udpPort || this.publicUdpPort || opts.tcpPort
this.tcpPort = opts.tcpPort || this.udpPort = ecdsa.publicKeyConvert(ecdsa.publicKeyCreate(this.secKey), false).slice(1)
this.refreshIntervial = opts.refreshIntervial || 360000
this.kBucket = new KBucket({
numberOfNodesPerKBucket: this.K,
this.socket.on('message', function (msg, rinfo) {
self.parsePacket(msg, rinfo)
this._network = new Network(this, {
privateKey: this._privateKey,
createSocket: options.createSocket,
timeout: options.timeout,
endpoint: options.endpoint
this._network.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'error'))
this.socket.on('error', function (e) {
* Provides and error message
* @event error
self.emit('error', e)
// refreshes the peer table by asking for more peers
this._refreshId = setInterval(this.refresh.bind(this), this.refreshIntervial)
// attach logic
this._refreshId = null
this._refreshIntervial = options.refreshIntervial || 300000
util.inherits(DPT, EventEmitter)
inherits(DPT, EventEmitter)
* binds the upd socket to `this.udpPort` and `this.address`.
* @method bind
DPT.prototype.bind = function (port, address) {
this.address = address = address || this.address
this.udpPort = port = port || this.udpPort
DPT.prototype.start = function () {
// bind socket only if not binded yet
if (this._network.isActive()) return
// call refresh with this._refreshInterval
this._refreshId = setInterval(() => {
this.refresh(this.getPeers(), (err, results) => {
if (err) return this.emit('error', err)
if (!this.publicUdpPort) {
this.publicUdpPort = this.udpPort
// emit errors
for (let result of results) {
if (result[0] !== null) this.emit('error', result[0])
}, this._refreshIntervial)
if (!this.tcpPort) {
this.tcpPort = this.udpPort
DPT.prototype.stop = function () {
if (!this._network.isActive()) return
this.socket.bind({port: port, address: address})
* closes the udp socket and clears any timers
* @method close
DPT.prototype.close = function () {
// clear refresh interval immediately
this._refreshId = null
// parse a packet
DPT.prototype.parsePacket = function (raw, rinfo) {
const hash = raw.slice(0, 32)
const signature = raw.slice(32, 96)
const recovery = ethUtil.bufferToInt(raw.slice(96, 97))
const type = raw.slice(97, 98)
const rawData = raw.slice(98)
const data = rlp.decode(rawData)
const h = ethUtil.sha3(raw.slice(32))
if (h.toString('hex') !== hash.toString('hex')) {
this.emit('error', 'invalid hash verification failed', rinfo)
} else {
const signHash = ethUtil.sha3(raw.slice(97)) = ecdsa.publicKeyConvert(ecdsa.recoverSync(signHash, signature, recovery), false).slice(1)
const typeName = offsets[ethUtil.bufferToInt(type)]
const parsed = parse[typeName](data)
var contact = this.kBucket.get(
// if we don't konw about the peer, ping it
if (!contact && typeName !== 'pong' && typeName !== 'ping') {
* Fires when receiving a neighbors. Provides a parsed neighbors packets and the peer it came from
* @event neighbors
* Fires when receiving a findNode. Provides a parsed findNode packet and the peer it came from
* @event findNode
* Fires when receiving a Ping. Provides a parsed ping packets and the peer it came from
* @event ping
* Fires when receiving a pong. Provides a parsed pong packets and the peer it came from
* @event pong
this.emit(typeName, parsed, rinfo, hash)
// close socket
// send a packet
DPT.prototype.sendPacket = function (type, data, peer, cb) {
// added expriation
const t = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) + 60
type = new Buffer([type])
const typeData = Buffer.concat([type, rlp.encode(data)])
const signHash = ethUtil.sha3(typeData)
const sig = ecdsa.signSync(signHash, this.secKey)
const recvId = new Buffer([sig.recovery])
const hashData = Buffer.concat([sig.signature, recvId, typeData])
const hash = ethUtil.sha3(hashData)
const packet = Buffer.concat([hash, hashData])
this.socket.send(packet, 0, packet.length, peer.port || peer.udpPort, peer.address, cb)
return hash
DPT.prototype.bootstrap = function (peers, callback) {
debug(`bootstrap with peers: ${JSON.stringify(peers)}`)
// add peers first
this.addPeers(peers, (err, results) => {
if (err) return callback(err), (result, cb) => {
// check that peer was added
if (result[0] !== null) return cb(null, [ result[0] ])
// send findneightbours
this._network.sendFindNeighbours(result[1], this._id, (err) => cb(null, [ err ]))
}, callback)
* pings a peer and wait for the pong
* @method ping
* @param {Peer} peer
* @param {Function} cb
*/ = function (peer, cb) {
if (!cb) cb = function () {}
peer.udpPort = peer.udpPort || peer.port
peer.tcpPort = peer.tcpPort || peer.port
const self = this
var toID
var hash
if (peer.address === '') {
peer.address = ''
function recFunc (pong, rpeer) {
if (peer.udpPort === rpeer.port && peer.address === rpeer.address) {
self.removeListener('pong', recFunc)
if (pong.hash.toString('hex') !== hash.toString('hex')) {
cb(new Error('invalid hash in pong'), rpeer)
} else {
// add peer to kBucket
rpeer.address = peer.address
rpeer.udpPort = peer.udpPort
rpeer.tcpPort = peer.udpPort
cb(undefined, rpeer)
DPT.prototype.addPeers = function (peers, callback) {
debug(`add peers: ${JSON.stringify(peers)}`), (peer, cb) => {
// check peer in bucket
if ( {
let obj = this._kbucket.get(
if (obj !== null) return cb(null, [ null, obj ])
this.on('pong', recFunc)
hash = this._ping(peer)
toID = setTimeout(function () {
self.removeListener('pong', recFunc)
cb('peer timed out')
}, this.timeout)
* Sends the Finds nodes packet and waits for a response
* @method findNodes
* @param {Buffer} id
* @param {Peer} peer
DPT.prototype.findNodes = function (id, peer, cb) {
var self = this
var toID
if (!cb) cb = function () {}
function recFunc (neighbors, rpeer) {
// dont talk about ourselves
neighbors = neighbors.filter(function (n, i) {
return'hex') !=='hex')
// check that peer is alive
this._network.sendPing(peer, (err, peer) => {
if (err === null) this._kbucket.add(peer)
cb(null, [ err, peer ])
self.removeListener('neighbors', recFunc)
cb(null, neighbors, rpeer)
this.on('neighbors', recFunc)
this._findNodes(id, peer)
toID = setTimeout(function () {
self.removeListener('neighbors', recFunc)
cb('timed out', [])
}, this.timeout)
}, callback)
// send a ping
// returns that hash
DPT.prototype._ping = function (peer, cb) {
var srcAddress = this.publicAddress === '' ? '' : this.publicAddress
const data = [
new Buffer([this.version]),
[createIp(srcAddress), ethUtil.intToBuffer(this.publicUdpPort), ethUtil.intToBuffer(this.tcpPort)],
// TODO: fix destination tcpPort if possible
[createIp(peer.address), ethUtil.intToBuffer(peer.udpPort), ethUtil.intToBuffer(peer.tcpPort)]
return this.sendPacket(1, data, peer, cb)
DPT.prototype.getPeer = function (id) {
return this._kbucket.get(id)
// send a pong given a ping
DPT.prototype._pong = function (hash, peer, cb) {
const data = [
[createIp(this.address), ethUtil.intToBuffer(peer.udpPort), ethUtil.intToBuffer(peer.udpPort)],
this.sendPacket(2, data, peer, cb)
DPT.prototype.getPeers = function () {
return this._kbucket.getAll()
// send the `findNode` message
DPT.prototype._findNodes = function (id, peer, cb) {
const data = [id]
this.sendPacket(3, data, peer, cb)
DPT.prototype.getClosestPeers = function (id) {
return this._kbucket.closest(id)
// sends the neighbors packets given an array of neighbors
DPT.prototype._neighbors = function (neighbors, peer, cb) {
var ndata = []
neighbors.forEach(function (n) {
this.sendPacket(4, [ndata], peer, cb)
DPT.prototype.removePeers = function (peers) {
for (let peer of peers) this._kbucket.remove(peer)
* Does a recusive `findNodes` for an given ID
* @method findPeerrs
* @param {String} id the id to search for
* @param {Function} cb
DPT.prototype.findPeers = function (id, cb) {
var queried = {}
var self = this
DPT.prototype.refresh = function (peers, callback) {
debug(`call .refresh for ${peers.length} peers`)
lookup(function () {
var peers = self.kBucket.closest({
id: id
}, self.K)
cb(null, peers)
function lookup (cb2) {
var cpeer = self.kBucket.closest({
id: id
}, self.K).filter(function (contact) {
return !queried['hex')]
async.each(cpeer, function (peer, cb3) {
query(peer, cb3)
}, cb2)
function query (peer, cb2) {
queried['hex')] = true
self.concurrencySem.take(function () {
self.findNodes(id, peer, function (err, neighbors) {
if (err) return cb2(err)
async.each(neighbors, function (n, done) {
if (self.kBucket.get( {
} else {, done)
}, function () {
}, (peer, cb) => {
this._network.sendFindNeighbours(peer, randombytes(64), (err) => cb(null, [ err ]))
}, callback)
* connects to an array of nodes. Then does a recusive `lookup` on `` to populate
* the table.
* @method bootStrap
* @param {Array.<Peer>} peers and array of peers (POJO containing ip & port) to connect to
* @param {Function} cb
DPT.prototype.bootStrap = function (peers, cb) {
var self = this
async.each(peers, function (p, cb2) {, cb2)
}, function () {
self.findPeers(, cb)
* @method addPeer
* @param {Object} peer and array of peers (POJO containing ip, port and id) to connect to
DPT.prototype.addPeer = function (peer) {
* refreshes a the peers by asking them for more peers
* @method refresh
DPT.prototype.refresh = function () {
var self = this
var peers = this.kBucket.toArray()
peers.forEach(function (p) {
self.findNodes(, p)
module.exports = DPT
"name": "devp2p-dpt",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "an implemention of ethereum's DHT",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"coverage": "istanbul cover tape ./test/*.js",
"coveralls": "npm run coverage && coveralls <coverage/",
"lint": "standard",
"test": "tape ./test/*.js",
"build:docs": "documentation --github -f md ./lib/index.js > ./docs/"
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "An implemention of ethereum's DHT",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"author": {
"name": "mjbecze",
"email": ""
"license": "MPL-2.0",
"author": "Martin Becze <>",
"contributors": [
"Alex Beregszaszi <>"
"files": [
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"coverage": "nyc tape test/*.js",
"integration": "tape test/integration/*.js",
"lint": "standard",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run unit",
"unit": "tape test/*.js"
"dependencies": {
"async": "^1.4.2",
"ethereumjs-util": "^2.3.2",
"k-bucket": "^0.6.0",
"async": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"debug": "^2.2.0",
"ethereumjs-util": "^4.4.0",
"inherits": "^2.0.1",
"ip": "^1.1.2",
"k-bucket": "^2.0.0",
"randombytes": "^2.0.3",
"rlp": "^2.0.0",
"secp256k1": "^2.0.7",
"semaphore": "^1.0.1"
"secp256k1": "^3.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"coveralls": "^2.11.6",
"documentation": "^3.0.4",
"interface-peer-routing": "^0.1.3",
"istanbul": "^0.4.1",
"standard": "^5.4.1",
"tape": "^4.3.0"
"chalk": "^1.1.3",
"nyc": "^6.4.2",
"standard": "^7.0.1",
"tape": "^4.5.1"
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