single-host caching proxy
What Is It?
lets you record an http conversation with a host and replay the responses, again and again. This
can help ensure consistency when testing, or put a buffer between you and a live system you may not want to abuse,
for example.
Quick Start
$ git clone https://github.com/stenington/dictaphone.git
$ cd dictaphone
$ bin/dictaphone.js example.org
$ curl localhost:8080/some/path
In this example, curl
will return http://example.org/some/path to you, and future requests for it
will be returned from dictaphone's cache while it remains running.
Simple caching
$ bin/dictaphone.js httpbin.org
$ curl localhost:8080/
$ curl localhost:8080/
$ curl localhost:8080/html
$ curl localhost:8080/html
$ ...
In this example, dictaphone
proxies requests to the specified host and keeps the response in memory.
Subsequent requests for the same url will return the cached response instead of hitting the host again.
More useful caching
$ bin/dictaphone.js httpbin.org -c some_new_dir/
$ curl localhost:8080/html
$ echo '{"statusCode": 404, "headers": [], "body": "Nope.\n"}' > some_new_dir/GET/not_there
$ curl localhost:8080/not_there
This example behaves the same as above, but writes the proxied responses to the filesystem. You can then edit the response
by hand, if you'd like, and the next time you use -c some_new_dir/
, any cached responses found there will be used without
ever hitting the host!
Using ONLY cached responses
$ bin/dictaphone.js -c some_existing_dir/
$ curl localhost:8080/cached_url
$ curl localhost:8080/not_cached
In this example, dictaphone
will only use cached responses, returning a 404 otherwise. You can use this to play back a previously
recorded set of requests, knowing that you'll never hit the actual host if that would be undesirable.
More Help
$ bin/dictaphone.js -h
dictaphone is Copyright (c) 2013 Mike Larsson @stenington and licenced under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted
in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.