Easily enable typeahead keyword(s) matching in your web app!
npm install dictionary-typeahead
Requires promises, thus depending on the browser, a promise polyfill may be required.
import TypeAhead from ('dictionary-typeahead');
const typeAhead = new TypeAhead();
// Set up a dictionary of keywords
const dictionary = [
"Yellowstone National Park",
"Grand Canyon",
"Arches National Park",
"Yosemite National Park",
"INYO National Park",
// Ask for suggestions
.suggest(dictionary, input.value, caretPos)
.then(suggestions => console.log(suggestions);
// import the module
var TypeAhead = require('dictionary-typeahead').default;
var typeAhead = new TypeAhead();
// Set up a dictionary of keywords
var dictionary = [
"Yellowstone National Park",
"Grand Canyon",
"Arches National Park",
"Yosemite National Park",
"INYO National Park",
// Ask for suggestions
.suggest(dictionary, input.value, caretPos)
.then(suggestions => console.log(suggestions);
|limit|-1|The number of suggestions to return or -1 to return all|
|sorter|null|a sort function e.g. function(a,b) {return // -1, -, 1}|
|prefixMatch|false|true to match only prefixes, false to return internal matches|
const typeAhead = new TypeAhead()
is equivalent to:
const typeAhead = new TypeAhead({
limit: -1, //
sorter: null, // do not supply a customer sorter, use the default
prefixMatch: false // do not restrict suggestions to only prefix matches
|typeAhead.suggest(dictionary, text, caretPosition) | Given a dictionary of keywords, the user input text, and the user's caret position, find the set of matching suggestions | returns a Promise
that resolves with an array of suggestions e.g. ["Super", "Super cool!"]
|typeAhead.complete(suggestion, text, caretPosition) | Given the the selected suggestion, the input text, and the user's caret position, complete the user's input with the selected suggestion | returns an object containing the text and the suggested 'replace until' position {"text": "This is Super Cool", "pos": 18}
The example code can be found in the examples folder.
###Run It!
From the project root
npm install http-server -g
Open browser to http://localhost:8080
navigate to examples/example-1.html
Type "hello this is sup" and watch the suggestions appear.
Click on a suggestion
###Build It!
npm run compile-examples
###View It!
It's super easy to use
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example 1</title>
<input id="textInput" type="text" />
<div id="results" />
<script src="./example-1-webready.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
See the examples folder in this project
// Setup TypeAhead
var TypeAhead = require('../dist').default;
var typeAhead = new TypeAhead();
// Set up dictionary of keywords for type ahead
var dictionary = [
"Yellowstone National Park",
"Grand Canyon",
"Arches National Park",
"Yosemite National Park",
"INYO National Park",
// Configure on suggestion click handler
window.suggestionClick = function(suggestion) {
var input = document.getElementById('textInput');
var caretPos = input.selectionStart;
input.value = typeAhead.complete(suggestion, input.value, caretPos).text;
// Configure keyup listenener
document.getElementById('textInput').addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
var input = document.getElementById("textInput");
var caretPos = input.selectionStart;
.suggest(dictionary, input.value, caretPos)
.then(matches => {
var html = matches.map(function(m) {
return '<div onclick="suggestionClick(\'' + m + '\');">' + m + '</div>';
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = html;