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Difference Engine

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npm i -P difference-engine


const { DifferenceEngine } = require('./lib')


Accepts two arrays. Returns an array containing items which appear in both arrays.

const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C']
const omega = ['C', 'D', 'E']

const array = DifferenceEngine.inclusive(alpha, omega) // returns ['C']


Accepts two arrays. Returns an array containing items which appear in the first array but not the second.

const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C']
const omega = ['C', 'D', 'E']

const array = DifferenceEngine.exclusive(alpha, omega) // returns ['A', 'B']


const { ArrayEngine } = require('./lib')


const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const index = ArrayEngine.indexOf(array, 'E') // returns 4


Accepts an array and two indexes. Returns a slice from the array.

const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 0, 0) // returns ['A']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 0, 4) // returns ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 4, 0) // returns ['E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 4, 4) // returns ['E']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, -4, 0) // returns ['A']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, -4, 4) // returns ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, -4, -4) // returns ['E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 4, -4) // returns ['E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A']
const alpha = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const omega = ArrayEngine.bite(alpha, 0, -4) // returns ['A']


Accepts an array and a function. Iterates from start to end.

const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

ArrayEngine.iterateForward(array, () => {})


Accepts an array and a function. Iterates from end to start.

const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

ArrayEngine.iterateReverse(array, () => {})


Accepts an array, a start index, an end index, and a function.

If the first index is less than the second index, it behaves as iterateForward.

If the first index is greater than the second index, it behaves as iterateReverse.

const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

ArrayEngine.iterateBetween(array, 1, 3, () => {})


Accepts an array. Returns the largest item (when compared as a number).

const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const value = ArrayEngine.max(array) // returns 'E'
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

const value = ArrayEngine.max(array) // returns 5


Accepts an array. Returns the smallest item (when compared as a number).

const array = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

const value = ArrayEngine.min(array) // returns 'A'
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

const value = ArrayEngine.min(array) // returns 1


const { NumberEngine } = require('./lib')


Accepts an index. Returns the number in a Fibonacci sequence corresponding to the index.

const fibonacci = NumberEngine.fibonacci(0) // returns 0
const fibonacci = NumberEngine.fibonacci(1) // returns 1
const fibonacci = NumberEngine.fibonacci(2) // returns 1
const fibonacci = NumberEngine.fibonacci(3) // returns 2


Accepts an object with fields describing latitude and longitude points from and to.

Returns a value in kilometres or miles.

const points = { from: { lat: 51.4934, lng: 0.0098 }, to: { lat: 40.7128, lng: 74.0060 } }

const km = NumberEngine.haversine(points).km() // returns the distance in kilometres
const mi = NumberEngine.haversine(points).mi() // returns the distance in miles


Accepts a string representing an octal. Returns a decimal.

const dec = NumberEngine.fromOctToDec('20') // returns 16


Accepts a string representing a hexadecimal. Returns a decimal.

const dec = NumberEngine.fromHexToDec('10') // returns 16


Convert a number from one unit to another.

const { NumberEngine: { Weight } } = require('./lib')
  • fromKgToGr
  • fromKgToMg
  • fromKgToOz
  • fromKgToLb
  • fromKgToSt
const gr = Weight.fromKgToGr(10)
const mg = Weight.fromKgToMg(10)
const oz = Weight.fromKgToOz(10)
const lb = Weight.fromKgToLb(10)
const st = Weight.fromKgToSt(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromKg.toGr
  • fromKg.toMg
  • fromKg.toOz
  • fromKg.toLb
  • fromKg.toSt
const gr = Weight.convert(10).fromKg.toGr()
const mg = Weight.convert(10).fromKg.toMg()
const oz = Weight.convert(10).fromKg.toOz()
const lb = Weight.convert(10).fromKg.toLb()
const st = Weight.convert(10).fromKg.toSt()
  • fromGrToKg
  • fromGrToMg
  • fromGrToOz
  • fromGrToLb
  • fromGrToSt
const kg = Weight.fromGrToKg(10)
const mg = Weight.fromGrToMg(10)
const oz = Weight.fromGrToOz(10)
const lb = Weight.fromGrToLb(10)
const st = Weight.fromGrToSt(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromGr.toKg
  • fromGr.toMg
  • fromGr.toOz
  • fromGr.toLb
  • fromGr.toSt
const kg = Weight.convert(10).fromGr.toKg()
const mg = Weight.convert(10).fromGr.toMg()
const oz = Weight.convert(10).fromGr.toOz()
const lb = Weight.convert(10).fromGr.toLb()
const st = Weight.convert(10).fromGr.toSt()
  • fromMgToKg
  • fromMgToGr
  • fromMgToOz
  • fromMgToLb
  • fromMgToSt
const kg = Weight.fromMgToKg(10)
const gr = Weight.fromMgToGr(10)
const oz = Weight.fromMgToOz(10)
const lb = Weight.fromMgToLb(10)
const st = Weight.fromMgToSt(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromMg.toKg
  • fromMg.toGr
  • fromMg.toOz
  • fromMg.toLb
  • fromMg.toSt
const kg = Weight.convert(10).fromMg.toKg()
const gr = Weight.convert(10).fromMg.toGr()
const oz = Weight.convert(10).fromMg.toOz()
const lb = Weight.convert(10).fromMg.toLb()
const st = Weight.convert(10).fromMg.toSt()
  • fromOzToKg
  • fromOzToGr
  • fromOzToMg
  • fromOzToLb
  • fromOzToSt
const kg = Weight.fromOzToKg(10)
const gr = Weight.fromOzToGr(10)
const mg = Weight.fromOzToMg(10)
const lb = Weight.fromOzToLb(10)
const st = Weight.fromOzToSt(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromOz.toKg
  • fromOz.toGr
  • fromOz.toMg
  • fromOz.toLb
  • fromOz.toSt
const kg = Weight.convert(10).fromOz.toKg()
const gr = Weight.convert(10).fromOz.toGr()
const mg = Weight.convert(10).fromOz.toMg()
const lb = Weight.convert(10).fromOz.toLb()
const st = Weight.convert(10).fromOz.toSt()
  • fromLbToKg
  • fromLbToGr
  • fromLbToMg
  • fromLbToOz
  • fromLbToSt
const kg = Weight.fromLbToKg(10)
const gr = Weight.fromLbToGr(10)
const mg = Weight.fromLbToMg(10)
const oz = Weight.fromLbToOz(10)
const st = Weight.fromLbToSt(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromLb.toKg
  • fromLb.toGr
  • fromLb.toMg
  • fromLb.toOz
  • fromLb.toSt
const kg = Weight.convert(10).fromLb.toKg()
const gr = Weight.convert(10).fromLb.toGr()
const mg = Weight.convert(10).fromLb.toMg()
const oz = Weight.convert(10).fromLb.toOz()
const st = Weight.convert(10).fromLb.toSt()
  • fromStToKg
  • fromStToGr
  • fromStToMg
  • fromStToLb
  • fromStToOz
const kg = Weight.fromStToKg(10)
const gr = Weight.fromStToGr(10)
const mg = Weight.fromStToMg(10)
const lb = Weight.fromStToLb(10)
const oz = Weight.fromStToOz(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromSt.toKg
  • fromSt.toGr
  • fromSt.toMg
  • fromSt.toLb
  • fromSt.toOz
const kg = Weight.convert(10).fromSt.toKg()
const gr = Weight.convert(10).fromSt.toGr()
const mg = Weight.convert(10).fromSt.toMg()
const lb = Weight.convert(10).fromSt.toLb()
const oz = Weight.convert(10).fromSt.toOz()


Convert a number from one unit to another.

const { NumberEngine: { Temperature } } = require('./lib')
  • fromCToF
  • fromFToC
const value = Temperature.fromCToF(10)
const value = Temperature.fromFToC(10)


Convert a number from one unit to another.

const { NumberEngine: { Distance } } = require('./lib')
  • fromKmToMt
  • fromKmToCm
  • fromKmToMm
  • fromKmToIn
  • fromKmToFt
  • fromKmToYd
  • fromKmToMi
const mt = Distance.fromKmToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromKmToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromKmToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromKmToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromKmToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromKmToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromKmToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromKm.toMt
  • fromKm.toCm
  • fromKm.toMm
  • fromKm.toIn
  • fromKm.toFt
  • fromKm.toYd
  • fromKm.toMi
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromKm.toMi()
  • fromMtToKm
  • fromMtToCm
  • fromMtToMm
  • fromMtToIn
  • fromMtToFt
  • fromMtToYd
  • fromMtToMi
const km = Distance.fromMtToKm(10)
const cm = Distance.fromMtToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromMtToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromMtToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromMtToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromMtToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromMtToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromMt.toKm
  • fromMt.toCm
  • fromMt.toMm
  • fromMt.toIn
  • fromMt.toFt
  • fromMt.toYd
  • fromMt.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toKm()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromMt.toMi()
  • fromCmToKm
  • fromCmToMt
  • fromCmToMm
  • fromCmToIn
  • fromCmToFt
  • fromCmToYd
  • fromCmToMi
const km = Distance.fromCmToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromCmToMt(10)
const mm = Distance.fromCmToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromCmToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromCmToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromCmToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromCmToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromCm.toKm
  • fromCm.toMt
  • fromCm.toMm
  • fromCm.toIn
  • fromCm.toFt
  • fromCm.toYd
  • fromCm.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toMt()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromCm.toMi()
  • fromMmToKm
  • fromMmToMt
  • fromMmToCm
  • fromMmToIn
  • fromMmToFt
  • fromMmToYd
  • fromMmToMi
const km = Distance.fromMmToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromMmToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromMmToCm(10)
const in = Distance.fromMmToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromMmToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromMmToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromMmToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromMm.toKm
  • fromMm.toMt
  • fromMm.toCm
  • fromMm.toIn
  • fromMm.toFt
  • fromMm.toYd
  • fromMm.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toCm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromMm.toMi()
  • fromInToKm
  • fromInToMt
  • fromInToCm
  • fromInToMm
  • fromInToFt
  • fromInToYd
  • fromInToMi
const km = Distance.fromInToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromInToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromInToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromInToMm(10)
const ft = Distance.fromInToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromInToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromInToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromIn.toKm
  • fromIn.toMt
  • fromIn.toCm
  • fromIn.toMm
  • fromIn.toFt
  • fromIn.toYd
  • fromIn.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toMm()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromIn.toMi()
  • fromFtToKm
  • fromFtToMt
  • fromFtToCm
  • fromFtToMm
  • fromFtToIn
  • fromFtToYd
  • fromFtToMi
const km = Distance.fromFtToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromFtToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromFtToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromFtToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromFtToIn(10)
const yd = Distance.fromFtToYd(10)
const mi = Distance.fromFtToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromFt.toKm
  • fromFt.toMt
  • fromFt.toCm
  • fromFt.toMm
  • fromFt.toIn
  • fromFt.toYd
  • fromFt.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toIn()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toYd()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromFt.toMi()
  • fromYdToKm
  • fromYdToMt
  • fromYdToCm
  • fromYdToMm
  • fromYdToIn
  • fromYdToFt
  • fromYdToMi
const km = Distance.fromYdToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromYdToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromYdToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromYdToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromYdToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromYdToFt(10)
const mi = Distance.fromYdToMi(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromYd.toKm
  • fromYd.toMt
  • fromYd.toCm
  • fromYd.toMm
  • fromYd.toIn
  • fromYd.toFt
  • fromYd.toMi
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toFt()
const mi = Distance.convert(10).fromYd.toMi()
  • fromMiToKm
  • fromMiToMt
  • fromMiToCm
  • fromMiToMm
  • fromMiToIn
  • fromMiToFt
  • fromMiToYd
const km = Distance.fromMiToKm(10)
const mt = Distance.fromMiToMt(10)
const cm = Distance.fromMiToCm(10)
const mm = Distance.fromMiToMm(10)
const in = Distance.fromMiToIn(10)
const ft = Distance.fromMiToFt(10)
const yd = Distance.fromMiToYd(10)

Or, using convert.

  • fromMi.toKm
  • fromMi.toMt
  • fromMi.toCm
  • fromMi.toMm
  • fromMi.toIn
  • fromMi.toFt
  • fromMi.toYd
const km = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toKm()
const mt = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toMt()
const cm = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toCm()
const mm = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toMm()
const in = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toIn()
const ft = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toFt()
const yd = Distance.convert(10).fromMi.toYd()


const { StringEngine } = require('./lib')


Accepts a string and a number which is an index. Returns the character for the entity at the index.

const string = StringEngine.charAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','
const string = StringEngine.charAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','


Accepts a string and a number which is an index. Returns the character code for the entity at the index.

const number = StringEngine.charCodeAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns 44
const number = StringEngine.charCodeAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns 44


Accepts a string which is an HTML entity. Returns the character for the entity.

const string = StringEngine.charOf(',') // returns ','
const string = StringEngine.charOf(',') // returns ','


Accepts a string which is an HTML entity. Returns the character code for the entity.

const number = StringEngine.charCodeOf(',') // returns 44
const number = StringEngine.charCodeOf(',') // returns 44


Accepts a string and a number which is an index.

Where the character at the index is an entity, it returns the entity.

const string = StringEngine.entityAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','
const string = StringEngine.entityAt('Hello, World', 6) // returns ' '

Where the character at the index has an entity name, it returns the entity name.

const string = StringEngine.entityAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','

Where the character at the index has an entity code, it returns the entity code.

const string = StringEngine.entityAt('Hello, World', 6) // returns ' '


Accepts a string and a number which is an index.

Where the character at the index has an entity code, it returns the entity code.

const string = StringEngine.entityCodeAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','

Where the character at the index is an entity code, it returns the entity code.

const string = StringEngine.entityCodeAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','

Where the character at the index is an entity name, it returns the entity code for the char at the index.

const string = StringEngine.entityCodeAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns '&'


Accepts a string and a number which is an index.

Where the character at the index has an entity name, it returns the entity name.

const string = StringEngine.entityNameAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','

Where the character at the index is an entity name, it returns the entity name.

const string = StringEngine.entityNameAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns ','

Where the character at the index is an entity code, it returns the entity name for the char at the index.

const string = StringEngine.entityNameAt('Hello, World', 5) // returns '&'


Accepts a string and a number which is an index.

Where the character at the index is an entity, it returns the entity.

const string = StringEngine.entityOf(',') // returns ','
const string = StringEngine.entityOf(' ') // returns ' '


Accepts a number which is a character code. Returns the character for that code.

const string = StringEngine.charFromEntityCode('+') // returns '+'


Accepts a string which is an HTML entity code. Returns the character for that entity.

const string = StringEngine.charFromEntityCode('+') // returns '+'


Accepts a string which is an HTML entity name. Returns the character for that entity.

const string = StringEngine.charFromEntityCode('+') // returns '+'


Accepts a string. Returns a string replaced with the HTML entity code for each character.

const string = StringEngine.toEntityCode('Hello, World') // returns 'Hello, World'


Accepts a string. Returns a string replaced with the HTML entity name for each character where it is known, otherwise the character is not replaced.

const string = StringEngine.toEntityName('Hello, World') // returns 'Hello, World'


Accepts a single-character string. Returns a string representing the HTML entity code for that character.

const entityCode = StringEngine.entityCodeFromChar('+') // returns '+'

The entity is computed from the character code point.


Accepts a single-character string. Returns a string representing the HTML entity code for that character.

const entityName = StringEngine.entityNameFromChar('+') // returns '+'

Where the character has no entity or the entity is not known it returns the character.


See entityCodeFromChar.


See entityNameFromChar.


Accepts number. Returns a string representing an octal.

const oct = StringEngine.fromDecToOct(16) // returns '20'


Accepts number. Returns a string representing a hexadecimal.

const hex = StringEngine.fromDecToHex(16) // returns '10'


Accepts a string. Returns the string with characters in reverse order.

const string = StringEngine.reverse('ABCDE') // returns 'EDCBA'


Last updated on 28 Mar 2020

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