Diving Squirrel
Simple node.js framework for easy preparation of web sites using express and pug.
It's written in CoffeeScript.
$ npm install diving-squirrel
DS = require "diving-squirrel"
app = new DS.App
This usage will create the app with default options.
port Port where the app listens. Default: 8080
views Base directory of pug templates. Default: ./views
cookieSecret Secret for signing cookies. You should set it. Default: __cookieSecret__
static Directory for express static files. Default: ./public
pages Directory for page classes. Default: ./pages
name Name of the app. You should set it. Default: Diving Squirrel
baseUrl URL for creating links in the app. Default: ""
styles List of styles for entire project. Default: []
scripts List of scripts for entire project. Default: []
production Flag for production environment. Default: false
onLoggedUser: (identificator, callback) Function called in the middleware for checking if user is logged. Identificator is signed cookie with key u.Callback has two parameters. Error and user data from the onLoggedUser method. If cookie doesn't exist function is skipped. Default: Function just pass empty object to the callback
If you will use HTML responses, you should create layout.pug in the options.views directory. If the file doesn't exist template of the route is used.
Variables passed to the layout.pug:
title Title of the page created from the name of the page and name of the application.
name Application name.
styles List of styles loaded in the layout. It's taken from the options.styles.
scripts List of scripts loaded in the layout. It's taken from the options.scripts.
user Logged user.
content Content of the route template.
Templates for individual page routes must be in options.views directory and in directory named by the Page class name lowercased.
Creating page
Page = (require "diving-squirrel").Page
module.exports = class Home extends Page
getScripts: -> ["/script/script.js"]
getRoutes: ->
new Page.Route "/", (req, res, next) ->
next no, new Page.HtmlResponse "home", "Home"
new Page.Route "/json", (req, res, next) ->
next no, new Page.JsonResponse data: "some data"
new Page.Route "/login", (req, res, next) ->
res.loginUser 1
res.redirect "/"
In this example home.pug must be in directory [options.views]/home => [options.views]/home/home.pug.
Template functions
Functions are passed to all templates in f variable.
link Page.link alias
date JS Date instance
Class App
Base setup of the app. It uses express methods. This class is a singleton. Http methods are registered via Page classes.
### Creates the application.
@param options
constructor: (options)
Registers express middleware.
@param route
@param callback
use: (route, callback)
Registers get route.
@param route
@param callback
get: (route, callback)
Registers post route.
@param route
@param callback
post: (route, callback)
Registers put route.
@param route
@param callback
put: (route, callback)
Registers head route.
@param route
@param callback
head: (route, callback)
Registers delete route.
@param route
@param callback
delete: (route, callback)
Starts the app.
start: ()
Response methods in the callback
loginUser: (identificator) Saves the identificator to signed cookie u.
logoutUser: () Clears the cookie u.
send401: (message = "Unauthorized request") Sets 401 http code and sends the message.
send404: (message = "Page not found") Sets 404 http code and sends the message.
Class Page
Base class for creating pages. Whole process is automatic if you define getRoutes function (the example above).
Creates new page.
@param app Instance of the application.
constructor: (app)
Default response if none of page responses is passed in render function.
@return Page Response
getResponse: ()
Checks if the page uses layout.pug.
@return bool
useLayout: ()
Gets the list of the Page.Route instances.
@return array
getRoutes: ()
Function is called before the Page.Route callback.
@param req Request from the express.
beforeAction: (req)
Checks if login is required. If true user must must be passed in req parameter in Page.Route callback otherwise 401 error is thrown.
@return bool
requireLogin: ()
Gets the list of styles for this Page.
@return array
getStyles: ()
Gets the list of scripts for this Page.
@return array
getScripts: ()
Registers the page's routes to the app.
register: ()
Compiles the pug template to the html string.
@param path Relative path to the template from the *options.views* directory.
@param data Data to pass to the template.
@return string
compilePath: (path, data = {})
Renders the page' route by its type.
@param res Response from the express.
@param response Response instance from Page.
render: (res, response)
Creates route with callback for the http request.
@param route Route for register
@param method Http method
@param callback Express callback with (req, res, next) parameters
constructor: (route, method = "get", callback = null)
Class Page.HtmlResponse
Creates HTML response. The data are passed to the template. The template is rendered.
@param template Relative path to the pug template in the views directory.
@param title Title of the page.
@param data Data passed to the template.
@param styles List of styles added to the route.
@param scripts List of styles added to the route.
constructor: (template, title, data = {}, styles = [], scripts = [])
Class Page.JsonResponse
Creates JSON resposne. The data are shown as a json string.
@param data Data to show.
constructor: (data)
Creates link from the *options.baseUrl*, route and adds params to the url query.
@param route
@param params Query string parameters
@return string Ling by parameters
Page.link: (route = "", params = {})