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Asynchronous, bidirectional remote method calls with transparently wrapped callbacks

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DNode is a node.js library for asynchronous, bidirectional remote method invocation across the network. Transports for network sockets and websocket-style connections are available.

A DNode server listens for incoming connections and offers up an object to clients that connect. Clients can call any of the methods that the server hosts and clients can offer their own methods for the server to call.

DNode uses continuation-passing-style to make return values available: the server calls a function supplied to it by the client as an argument. These functions execute on the client side with the arguments provided by the server. Functions may be nested arbitrarily deeply in a method's arguments and can be called multiple times by the server.

Or as Simon Willison puts it (awesomely):

Mind-bendingly clever. DNode lets you expose a JavaScript function so that it can be called from another machine using a simple JSON-based network protocol. That’s relatively straight-forward... but DNode is designed for asynchronous environments, and so also lets you pass callback functions which will be translated in to references and used to make remote method invocations back to your original client. And to top it off, there’s a browser client library so you can perform the same trick over a WebSocket between a browser and a server.


Using npm:

npm install dnode

Or check out the repository and link your development copy:

git clone
cd dnode
npm link .
git clone lib/vendor/web/Socket.IO

DNode depends on, traverse, and lazy, which are all on npm and will be automatically fetched by npm install dnode. You can also fetch them from github too:

git clone
git clone
git clone

For the require('dnode/web') stuff to work, you'll need Socket.IO (different from Socket.IO-node), which is what the second git clone in the checkout instructions is all about. Submodules are hard.


Client and Server


var DNode = require('dnode');
    timesTen : function (n,f) { f(n * 10) }


var DNode = require('dnode');
var sys = require('sys');

DNode.connect(6060, function (remote) {
    remote.timesTen(5, function (res) {
        sys.puts(res); // 50, computation executed on the server

Synchronous Function Example

The DNode.sync() function adds a callback as the last argument to a function for functions that return explicitly. This callback is called with the return value.


var DNode = require('dnode');
    timesTen : DNode.sync(function (n) {
        return n * 10;

This code is functionally equivalent to the server code in the previous example.

Bidirectional Communication Example

DNode clients are only clients in the sense that they initiate the connection. Clients can provide methods for the remote server to call just as the remote server provides methods for the client to call. The server can get at the client's methods by passing a constructor to DNode() that will be passed the client handle as the first argument.


var DNode = require('dnode');
DNode(function (client) {
    // Poll the client's own temperature() in celsius and convert that value to
    // fahrenheit in the supplied callback
    this.clientTempF = function (cb) {
        client.temperature(function (degC) {
            var degF = Math.round(degC * 9 / 5 + 32);


    // Compute the client's temperature and stuff that value into the callback
    temperature : function (cb) {
        var degC = Math.round(20 + Math.random() * 10 - 5);
        console.log(degC + '° C');
}).connect(6060, function (remote) {
    // Call the server's conversion routine, which polls the client's
    // temperature in celsius degrees and converts to fahrenheit
    remote.clientTempF(function (degF) {
        console.log(degF + '° F');

Bidirectional Browser Example

DNode's browser-based interface works just like the node.js version. To make DNode easier to deploy, all the necessary browser-side code including is available by calling require('dnode/web').source() on the server-side.

Here's a complete web example:


<script type="text/javascript" src="/dnode.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        name : function (f) { f('Mr. Spock') },
    }).connect(function (remote) {
        remote.timesTen(10, function (n) {
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = String(n);
        remote.whoAmI(function (name) {
            document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = name;

<p>timesTen(10) == <span id="result">?</span></p>
<p>My name is <span id="name">?</span>.</p>


var DNode = require('dnode');
var sys = require('sys');
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');

// load the html page and the client-side javascript into memory
var html = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/web.html');
var js = require('dnode/web').source();

// simple http server to serve pages and for transport
var httpServer = http.createServer(function (req,res) {
    if (req.url == '/dnode.js') {
        res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/javascript' });
    else {
        res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/html' });

// share an object with DNode over on top of the http server
DNode(function (client) {
    this.timesTen = function (n,f) { f(n * 10) };
    this.whoAmI = function (reply) { (name) {
    protocol : '',
    server : httpServer,
    transports : 'websocket xhr-multipart xhr-polling htmlfile'.split(/\s+/),

Also note that .listen() returns "this", so you can bind multiple listeners to the same DNode instance by chaining .listen() calls. This is useful when clients need to access the same service as regular node.js network sockets.


For the most part, when a method supplies a single return value, the callback function should be the method's last argument, like blocks in ruby. Incidentally, this module was inspired by ruby's DRb.

Error Handling

DNode emits localError events through the connection object when an exception is thrown on the local side and remoteError when the remote side throws an uncaught exception.

Dnode(function (client, conn) {
    conn.on('localError', function (err) {
        console.log('Local Error: ' + err);
    conn.on('remoteError', function (err) {
        console.log('Remote Error: ' + err);

The stack trace is obscured for remoteErrors to avoid leaking sensitive information.


DNode uses newline-terminated JSON messages. Each side of the connection may request that a method be invoked on the other side.

Data Fields

All messages have this format:

  • method :: String or Integer
  • arguments :: Array
  • callbacks :: Object
  • links :: Array

When the method field is a string, it refers to a named method at the remote. When the method field is an integer, it refers to an anonymous function declared in the callbacks field of a previous request.

The arguments field contains the data to supply the remote method or callback. The callbacks field maps an integral callback ID to an Array of elements representing the callback's path in the arguments structure. For instance, an arguments array before transformation of [ 50, 3, { "b" : function () {}, "c" : 4 }, function () {} ] could result in a callback field of { 103 : [ 2, "b" ], 104 : [ 3 ] } if the functions were assigned IDs of 103 and 104 from left to right respectively. Function 103 is in the object at element index 2 and at the key "b", so its path is [ 2, "b" ]. Function 104 is just at index 3 in the argument field so its path is just [ 3 ].

The contents of the arguments array at a callback location is not used, so it may contain any value or may be left undefined.

The Array and Object fields can be omitted, in which case they default to [] and {}.


After the connection is established, each side should send a message with the method field set to "methods". The arguments fields should contain an array with a single element: the object that should be wrapped. The callbacks field is populated from the arguments array given the procedure above.

Example of this initial methods message: { "method" : "methods", "arguments" : [ { "timesTen" : "[Function]", "moo" : "[Function]" } ], "callbacks" : { "0" : ["0","timesTen"], "1" : ["0","moo"] } }

Note that the string "[Function]" is just a placeholder and its value is unimportant.

After methods are exchanged, each side may request methods from the other based on named keys or numeric callback IDs.

An optional field, "links" supports representing cyclic data structures over JSON. The "links" field is an array of hashes with "from" and "to" keys set. The values of the "from" and "two" keys are array encoding paths through the data structure from the root, as in the "callbacks" field.

Example of a method call with cyclic references: { "method" : 12, "arguments" : [ { "a" : 5, "b" : [ { "c" : 5 } ] } ], "callbacks" : {}, "links" : [ { "from" : [ 0 ], "to" : [ 0, "b", 1 ] } ] } This example creates a link to the first argument within the first argument's "b" key's second element. The previous data structure could be generated from the following javascript where fn comes from the remote:

var data = { a : 5, b : [ { c : 5 } ] };

Note that links need not necessarily be cyclic, they can just more efficiently encode duplicate data, for instance.

Other Languages

These libraries implement the DNode protocol too so you can make RPC calls between scripts written in different languages.


Package last updated on 20 Dec 2010

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