docxgen.js is a small library to generate docx documents given a docx template. It can replace tags by their values and replace images with other images. It is very user oriented as users can without a lot of programming knowledge create their first template and automatically change variables in it.
All demos can be found here
Why use a library for this ?
docx is a zipped format that contains some xml. If you want to build a simple replace {tag} by value system, it can already become complicated, because the {tag} is internally separated into <w:t>{</w:t><w:t>tag</w:t><w:t>}</w:t>
. If you want to embed loops to iterate over an array, it becomes a real hassle.
The syntax is highly inspired by Mustache. The template is created in Microsoft Word or an equivalent docx saver.
It uses single brackets {} for variables.
Hello {name} !
will result in:
Hello Edgar !
Like Mustache, it has the loopopening {#} and loopclosing {/} brackets
{#products}{name}, {price} €
vars={products:[{name:"Windows",price:100},{name:"Mac OSX",price:200},{name:"Ubuntu",price:0}]}
will result in :
Windows, 100 €
Mac OSX, 200 €
Ubuntu, 0€
docxgen.js uses jszip.js to zip and unzip the docx files
Optionally, if you want to be able to name the output files, you can use Downloadify.js, which is required to use method download. Be informed that it uses flash, this is why the method is not recommended. This method is howewer useful because a lot of browsers are limited for the download size with the Data-URI method. Update: I will probably implement in the future a way to use the FileSaver API, with FileSaverJS
Optionnaly, if you want to replace images by images situated at a particular URL, you can use QR codes. For example If you store an image at , you should encode the URL in QR-Code format. . You can even use bracket tags in images.{color} will take the Tags[color] variable to make a dynamic URL. For this too work, you will need jsqrcode and include the following files, in this order:
Browser support
docxgen.js works with
- Chrome tested on version 26
- Firefox 3+ (tested on version 21, but should work with 3+)
- Safari not tested
Internet explorer is not supported -even IE10- (basically because xhr Requests can't be made on binary files)
You can test if everything works fine on your browser by using the test runner:
Firefox has an other implementation of the xml parser, that's why all tests don't pass now.
Creating a new Docxgen Object
new DocxGen()
This function returns a new DocxGen Object
new DocxGen(content[,Tags,intelligentTagging,qrCode,localImageCreator,qrFinishedCallback])
Type: string
The docx template you want to load as plain text
Type: Object {tag_name:tag_replacement} [{}]
Object containing for each tag_name, the replacement for this tag. For example, if you want to replace firstName by David, your Object will be: {"firstName":"David"}
Type: boolean [false]
If intelligent Tagging is not set to true, when using recursive tags ({#tag} and {/tag}), the system will copy paste what is between the start tag and the endtag, this could basically corrupt the files if recursive tags are used inside tables.
If intelligent Tagging is set to true, and when using recursive tags inside tables, the whole column will be copy pasted.
Type: boolean [false]
If qrCode is set to true, DocxGen will look at all the images to find a Qr-Code. If the Qr-code matches to a URL, this URL will be loaded by ajax (Be aware that the server you want to access needs to allow your request, or it won't work. )
Type: function(arg,callback) [function that returns an arrow]
The function has to be customized only if you want to use the qrCode options (**qrCode=true**). When the qrcode text starts with **gen:**, the image is not going to be loaded by url but DocxGen calls localImageCreator with **arg**=full Text decoded. The callback needs to be called with the image Data:**callback(result)**, in plain/txt format (if you want to create it from a Data-URI, you can use JSZipBase64.decode(data) to decode a Data-URI to plain/txt)
The default localImageCreator returns a red arrow, no matter what the arguments are:
@localImageCreator= (arg,callback) ->
Type: function () [function that console.log(ready)]
This function is called if you specify qrCode argument to true in this constructor, and will be called when all qrCodes have been replaced (because the qrCode replacing functions are **async**)
Docxgen methods
Type: string
The docx template you want to load as plain text
Type: string
Loads a docx from a file path
Type: Object {tag_name:tag_replacement}
Object containing for each tag_name, the replacement for this tag. For example, if you want to replace firstName by David, your Object will be: {"firstName":"David"}
Type: Object {tag_name:tag_replacement}
same as setTags
This function replaces all template variables by their values
If download is true, file will be downloaded automatically with data URI.
returns the output file.
This function creates the docx file and downloads it on the user's computer. The name of the file is download.docx for Chrome, and some akward file names for Firefox: VEeTHCfS.docx.part.docx, and can't be changed because it is handled by the browser.
For more informations about how to solve this problem, see the **Filename Problems** section on [](
Note: All browsers don't support the download of big files with Data URI, so you **should** use the `download` method for files bigger than 100kB 
Path to the swfobject.js in downloadify
Path to the image of the download button
Name of the file you would like the user to download.
This requires to include Downloadify.js, that needs flash version 10. Have a look at the *output* function if you don't want to depend on it. This function has the advantage that it works regardless of the file size
this gets all images that have one of the following extension: 'gif','jpeg','jpg','emf','png'
Return format: Array of Object:
[{path:string,files:ZipFile Object}]
You should'nt call this method before calling **applyTags()**, because applyTags can modify the images or their path when replacing images with other (particularly when qrCode is set to true, which is not the default case). You can call this method after **applyTags()** without any problems
Path of the image, given by getImageList()
imgData in txt/plain
This sets the image given by a path and an imgData in txt/plain.
You should'nt call this method before calling **applyTags()**, because applyTags can modify the images or their path when replacing images with other (particularly when qrCode is set to true, which is not the default case). You can call this method after **applyTags()** without any problems
This argument determines from which document you want to get the text. The main document is called word/document.xml, but they are other documents: "word/header1.xml", "word/footer1.xml"
The string containing all the text from the document
This method gets only the text of a given document (not the formatting)
This function returns the template variables contained in the opened document. For example if the content of the document.xml is the following:
The function will return:
If the content contains tagLoops:
The function will return:
Node Installation and usage:
They are two ways to install docxtemplater:
- With the global flag, it will release a command line interface that you can use by using
and that is explained later on. - With no global flag, you can require('docxtemplater') and do your own thing
Node Local example
Installation: npm install docxtemplater
var DocXTemplater= require('docxtemplater');
//loading the file
docxtemplater=new DocXTemplater().loadFromFile("input.docx");
//setting the tags
//when finished
docxtemplater.finishedCallback=function () {
//apply the tags
you can download input.docx and put it in the same folder than your script.
Node Global Installation
The node package is meant to be installed globally, so that the docxgen command becomes available to the path and is accessible from the terminal.
npm install docxtemplater -g
You're finished.
Node Global Usage
`docxtemplater <configFile>`
configFile Structure: json Structure
required Properties:
config.docxFile: The input file in docx format
config.outputFile: The outputfile of the document
config.qrcode:true if the images should be scanned to be replaced, false otherwise
They is a full test suite covering a lot of the functions of DocxGen (48 tests)
- in a Browser: It can be launched by opening specRunner.html in the test/ folder
- in node: It can be launched using jasmine-node:
jasmine-node docxgenTest.spec.js
in the test\spec folder
Known issues
jszip-load.js, Ligne 82 Caractère 13 -> Getting binary data with IE 7+ doesn't seem to work, two ways: