experimental/unstable api changes will still occur (without deprecation warnings) <br>
0.0.11 license
For spectateability.
use via ipso injection decorator
module.exports.start = ({port}) ->
server = require('http').createServer()
server.listen port, -> console.log server.address()
ipso = require 'ipso'
describe 'start()', ->
it 'starts http at config.port', ipso (facto, http, should) ->
createServer: ->
# return mock server to test for listen( port )
listen: (port, hostname) ->
port.should.equal 3000
should.not.exist hostname
# _createServer: -> console.log '_ denotes spy'
start port: 3000
use standalone
extends object.prototype with does()
and did()
for expectation setup and confirmation