Serializes a dom-like JSON tree into HTML.
This is helpful if you end up with a DOM-like JSON object and need to serialize it to HTML.
An example use case is using puppeteer to get the DOM tree from a page
and wanting to recreate the flattened HTML including shadow roots, and by default, the contents of iframes.
const serialize = require('dom2html');
const jsonDOM = require('./dom.json');
console.log(serialize(jsonDOM, true, 'all'));
serialize accepts three inputs
serialize(jsonDOM, includeIframes, domErrorOutput)
jsonDom is the nodelke JSON tree
includeIframes is a boolean flag to define if you want to serialize iframe content, optional, defaults to true
domErrorOutput is a string that defines where dom2html outputs errors if it cannot serialzie a node, 'all' outputs to console & inserts a html comment in the outputted html, 'console' only outputs to console.log(), 'comments' only outputs to html comments and silent outputs to neither. optional, defaults to all
An example
Let's say we have this JSON representation of a webpage:
"nodeId": 1,
"backendNodeId": 3,
"nodeType": 9,
"nodeName": "#document",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 2,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 2,
"parentId": 1,
"backendNodeId": 8,
"nodeType": 10,
"nodeName": "html",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "",
"publicId": "",
"systemId": ""
}, {
"nodeId": 3,
"parentId": 1,
"backendNodeId": 9,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "HTML",
"localName": "html",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 2,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 4,
"parentId": 3,
"backendNodeId": 10,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "HEAD",
"localName": "head",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 5,
"parentId": 4,
"backendNodeId": 11,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "STYLE",
"localName": "style",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 6,
"parentId": 5,
"backendNodeId": 12,
"nodeType": 3,
"nodeName": "#text",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "\n h1 { color: red; }\n "
"attributes": []
"attributes": []
}, {
"nodeId": 7,
"parentId": 3,
"backendNodeId": 13,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "BODY",
"localName": "body",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 5,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 8,
"parentId": 7,
"backendNodeId": 4,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "H1",
"localName": "h1",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 9,
"parentId": 8,
"backendNodeId": 14,
"nodeType": 3,
"nodeName": "#text",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "Hello World!"
"attributes": []
}, {
"nodeId": 10,
"parentId": 7,
"backendNodeId": 5,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "P",
"localName": "p",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 11,
"parentId": 10,
"backendNodeId": 15,
"nodeType": 3,
"nodeName": "#text",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "This is some content."
"attributes": []
}, {
"nodeId": 12,
"parentId": 7,
"backendNodeId": 16,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "P",
"localName": "p",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 13,
"parentId": 12,
"backendNodeId": 6,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "IMG",
"localName": "img",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 0,
"children": [],
"attributes": ["src", "", "alt", "Some image"]
"attributes": []
}, {
"nodeId": 14,
"parentId": 7,
"backendNodeId": 7,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "P",
"localName": "p",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 15,
"parentId": 14,
"backendNodeId": 17,
"nodeType": 3,
"nodeName": "#text",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": "Data-Attributes!"
"attributes": ["data-test", "works"]
}, {
"nodeId": 16,
"parentId": 7,
"backendNodeId": 18,
"nodeType": 1,
"nodeName": "SCRIPT",
"localName": "script",
"nodeValue": "",
"childNodeCount": 1,
"children": [{
"nodeId": 17,
"parentId": 16,
"backendNodeId": 19,
"nodeType": 3,
"nodeName": "#text",
"localName": "",
"nodeValue": " window.title = 'Hello world!' "
"attributes": []
"attributes": []
"attributes": ["lang", "en"],
"frameId": "D46CBAE99B5CABE7F1FF6DDEE269E6A6"
"documentURL": "http://test.local/test-simple.html",
"baseURL": "http://test.local/test-simple.html",
"xmlVersion": ""
and we want to get the HTML representation:
h1 { color: red; }
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>This is some content.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Some image"></p>
<p data-test="works">Data-Attributes!</p>
<script>window.title = 'Hello world!'; </script>
For this we can use the following code:
const serialize = require('dom2html');
const jsonDOM = require('./dom.json');
Prevent content from being serialized
If your DOM-like tree contains iframe nodes, and you don't want to serialize the contents of these and have them included in the outputted html, add FALSE as a flag:
const serialize = require('dom2html');
const jsonDOM = require('./dom.json');
console.log(serialize(jsonDOM, FALSE));
Suppress errors
If you wanted to suppress any notifications of errors of unsupported node types, you could add the 'silent' value
const serialize = require('dom2html');
const jsonDOM = require('./dom.json');
console.log(serialize(jsonDOM, TRUE, 'silent'));
Current state
This is the first release and this thing has been built in a day, basically.
Expect bugs, missing features, dragons...but any help is much appreciated!
Contributions are super welcome!
Please create an issue with your idea and feel free to submit pull requests :)