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dommatrix - npm Package Compare versions

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* DOMMatrix v0.0.4 (
* Copyright 2020 © thednp
* DOMMatrix v0.0.5-alpha1 (
* Copyright 2021 © thednp
* Licensed under MIT (
function Translate(x, y, z){
* DOMMatrix shim - CSSMatrix
* Creates and returns a new `DOMMatrix` compatible *Object*
* with equivalent instance methods.
* @param {String} String valid CSS transform in `matrix()`/`matrix3d()` format
* @param {Array} Array expected to be *Float64Array* or *Float32Array* in the column major order.
* @param {[a,b,c,d,e,f]} Arguments representing the 6 elements of a 2d matrix
* @param {[m11,m21,m31,m41..]} Arguments representing the 16 elements of a 3d matrix
var CSSMatrix = function CSSMatrix() {
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args);
var prototypeAccessors = { isIdentity: { configurable: true },is2D: { configurable: true } };
* A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. The identity
* matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left
* to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal).
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.get = function () {
var m = this;
return (m.m11 === 1 && m.m12 === 0 && m.m13 === 0 && m.m14 === 0
&& m.m21 === 0 && m.m22 === 1 && m.m23 === 0 && m.m24 === 0
&& m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0
&& m.m41 === 0 && m.m42 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.isIdentity` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.set = function (value) {
this.isIdentity = value;
* A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix
* and `false` if the matrix is 3D.
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
prototypeAccessors.is2D.get = function () {
var m = this;
return (m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.is2D` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
prototypeAccessors.is2D.set = function (value) {
this.is2D = value;
Object.defineProperties( CSSMatrix.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
// export proto for custom compile via Buble
var CSSMatrixProto = CSSMatrix.prototype;
// Transform Functions
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the translation matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `translate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` position.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` position.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` position.
function Translate(x, y, z) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m41 = m.e = x;
m.m42 = m.f = y;
m.m41 = x;
m.e = x;
m.m42 = y;
m.f = y;
m.m43 = z;
return m
return m;
function Rotate(rx, ry, rz){
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the rotation matrix and returns it.
* @param {Number} rx the `x-axis` rotation.
* @param {Number} ry the `y-axis` rotation.
* @param {Number} rz the `z-axis` rotation.
function Rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
rx *= Math.PI / 180;
ry *= Math.PI / 180;
rz *= Math.PI / 180;
var cosx = Math.cos(rx), sinx = -Math.sin(rx),
cosy = Math.cos(ry), siny = -Math.sin(ry),
cosz = Math.cos(rz), sinz = -Math.sin(rz);
m.m11 = m.a = cosy * cosz;
m.m12 = m.b = -cosy * sinz;
var radX = (rx * Math.PI) / 180;
var radY = (ry * Math.PI) / 180;
var radZ = (rz * Math.PI) / 180;
// minus sin() because of right-handed system
var cosx = Math.cos(radX);
var sinx = -Math.sin(radX);
var cosy = Math.cos(radY);
var siny = -Math.sin(radY);
var cosz = Math.cos(radZ);
var sinz = -Math.sin(radZ);
var cycz = cosy * cosz;
var cysz = -cosy * sinz;
m.m11 = cycz;
m.a = cycz;
m.m12 = cysz;
m.b = cysz;
m.m13 = siny;
m.m21 = m.c = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz;
m.m22 = m.d = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz;
var sxsy = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz;
m.m21 = sxsy;
m.c = sxsy;
var cxcz = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz;
m.m22 = cxcz;
m.d = cxcz;
m.m23 = -sinx * cosy;
m.m31 = sinx * sinz - cosx * siny * cosz;
m.m32 = sinx * cosz + cosx * siny * sinz;
m.m33 = cosx * cosy;
return m
return m;
function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 360;
var sinA = Math.sin(angle),
cosA = Math.cos(angle),
sinA2 = sinA * sinA,
length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
if (length === 0){
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 1;
} else {
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the rotation matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `rotate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} angle the value in degrees of the rotation.
function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 360;
var sinA = Math.sin(radA);
var cosA = Math.cos(radA);
var sinA2 = sinA * sinA;
var length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
var X = 0;
var Y = 0;
var Z = 1;
// bad vector length, use something reasonable
if (length !== 0) {
X = x / length;
Y = y / length;
Z = z / length;
var x2 = x * x, y2 = y * y, z2 = z * z;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m12 = m.b = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
var x2 = X * X;
var y2 = Y * Y;
var z2 = Z * Z;
var m11 = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
var m12 = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m13 = 2 * (x * z * sinA2 - y * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m.c = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m22 = m.d = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
var m21 = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
var m22 = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m23 = 2 * (y * z * sinA2 + x * sinA * cosA);

@@ -58,194 +211,517 @@ m.m31 = 2 * (z * x * sinA2 + y * sinA * cosA);

m.m33 = 1 - 2 * (x2 + y2) * sinA2;
m.m14 = m.m24 = m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = m.e = m.m42 = m.f = m.m43 = 0;
m.m14 = 0;
m.m24 = 0;
m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = 0;
m.e = 0;
m.m42 = 0;
m.f = 0;
m.m43 = 0;
m.m44 = 1;
return m
return m;
function Scale(x, y, z){
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the scale matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `scale3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` scale.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` scale.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` scale.
function Scale(x, y, z) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = x;
m.m22 = m.d = y;
m.m11 = x;
m.a = x;
m.m22 = y;
m.d = y;
m.m33 = z;
return m
return m;
function SkewX(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `x-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewX()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewX(angle) {
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m21 = m.c = Math.tan(angle);
return m
var t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m21 = t;
m.c = t;
return m;
function SkewY(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `y-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewY()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewY(angle) {
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m12 = m.b = Math.tan(angle);
return m
var t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m12 = t;
m.b = t;
return m;
function Multiply(m1, m2){
var m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41,
m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42,
m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43,
m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44,
m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41,
m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42,
m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43,
m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44,
m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41,
m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42,
m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43,
m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44,
m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41,
m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42,
m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43,
m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` resulted from the multiplication of two matrixes
* and returns it. Both matrixes are not changed.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m1 the first matrix.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 the second matrix.
function Multiply(m1, m2) {
var m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41;
var m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42;
var m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43;
var m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44;
var m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41;
var m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42;
var m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43;
var m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44;
var m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41;
var m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42;
var m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43;
var m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44;
var m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41;
var m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42;
var m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43;
var m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44;
return new CSSMatrix(
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44])
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44]
function fromMatrix(m){
* Returns a new *Float32Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as single-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float32Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat32Array(){
// return Float32Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Returns a new Float64Array containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as double-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float64Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat64Array(){
// return Float64Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an existing matrix or a
* `DOMMatrix` *Object* which provides the values for its properties.
* @param {CSSMatrix} CSSMatrix the source `CSSMatrix` initialization to feed values from
function fromMatrix(m) {
return new CSSMatrix(
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44])
// DOMMatrix elements order
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44]
function fromArray(a){
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(),a)
function feedFromArray(m,array){
* Feed a CSSMatrix object with the values of a 6/16 values array and returns it.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function feedFromArray(m, array) {
var a = Array.from(array);
if (a.length == 16){
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m21 = m.c = a[1];
m.m31 = a[2];
m.m41 = m.e = a[3];
m.m12 = m.b = a[4];
m.m22 = m.d = a[5];
m.m32 = a[6];
m.m42 = m.f = a[7];
m.m13 = a[8];
m.m23 = a[9];
m.m33 = a[10];
m.m43 = a[11];
m.m14 = a[12];
m.m24 = a[13];
m.m34 = a[14];
m.m44 = a[15];
} else if (a.length == 6) {
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m12 = m.b = a[1];
m.m14 = m.e = a[4];
m.m21 = m.c = a[2];
m.m22 = m.d = a[3];
m.m24 = m.f = a[5];
if (a.length === 16) {
var m11 = a[0];
var m21 = a[1];
var m31 = a[2];
var m41 = a[3];
var m12 = a[4];
var m22 = a[5];
var m32 = a[6];
var m42 = a[7];
var m13 = a[8];
var m23 = a[9];
var m33 = a[10];
var m43 = a[11];
var m14 = a[12];
var m24 = a[13];
var m34 = a[14];
var m44 = a[15];
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
m.m31 = m31;
m.m41 = m41;
m.e = m41;
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m32 = m32;
m.m42 = m42;
m.f = m42;
m.m13 = m13;
m.m23 = m23;
m.m33 = m33;
m.m43 = m43;
m.m14 = m14;
m.m24 = m24;
m.m34 = m34;
m.m44 = m44;
} else if (a.length === 6) {
var m11$1 = a[0];
var m12$1 = a[1];
var m21$1 = a[2];
var m22$1 = a[3];
var m14$1 = a[4];
var m24$1 = a[5];
m.m11 = m11$1;
m.a = m11$1;
m.m12 = m12$1;
m.b = m12$1;
m.m21 = m21$1;
m.c = m21$1;
m.m22 = m22$1;
m.d = m22$1;
m.m14 = m14$1;
m.e = m14$1;
m.m24 = m24$1;
m.f = m24$1;
} else {
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array");
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array');
return m
return m;
var CSSMatrix = function CSSMatrix(){
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args)
var prototypeAccessors = { isIdentity: { configurable: true },is2D: { configurable: true } };
CSSMatrix.prototype.setMatrixValue = function setMatrixValue (source){
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array float values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function fromArray(a) {
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
* Each create a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array of single/double-precision
* (32/64 bit) floating-point values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Float32Array|Float64Array} array The source float array to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
// more of an alias for now, will update later if it's the case
// function fromFloat32Array(a){
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
// function fromFloat64Array(a){ // more of an alias
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
* The `setMatrixValue` method replaces the existing matrix with one computed
* in the browser. EG: `matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`
* The method accepts *Float64Array* / *Float32Array* / any *Array* values, the result of
* `DOMMatrix` / `CSSMatrix` instance method calls `toFloat64Array()` / `toFloat32Array()`.
* This method expects valid *matrix()* / *matrix3d()* string values, other
* transform functions like *translate()* are not supported.
* @param {String} source the *String* resulted from `getComputedStyle()`.
* @param {Array} source the *Array* resulted from `toFloat64Array()`.
CSSMatrixProto.setMatrixValue = function setMatrixValue(source) {
var m = this;
if (!source || !source.length) {
return m
} else if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) {
var string = String(source[0]).trim(), type = '', values = [];
if (string == 'none') { return m; }
if (!source || !source.length) { // no parameters or source
return m;
} if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) { // CSS transform String source
var string = String(source[0]).trim(); var type = ''; var
values = [];
if (string === 'none') { return m; }
type = string.slice(0, string.indexOf('('));
values = string.slice((type === 'matrix' ? 7 : 9), -1).split(',')
.map(function (n){ return Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n; });
if ([6,16].indexOf(values.length)>-1){
.map(function (n) { return (Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n); });
if ([6, 16].indexOf(values.length) > -1) {
feedFromArray(m, values);
} else {
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax");
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax');
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) {
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) {
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) { // CSSMatrix instance
feedFromArray(m, source[0].toArray());
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) { // Float32Array,Float64Array source
feedFromArray(m, source[0]);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) { // Arguments list come here
feedFromArray(m, source);
return m
return m;
CSSMatrix.prototype.toString = function toString (){
var m = this, type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d';
return (type + "(" + (m.toArray(1).join(',')) + ")")
* Creates and returns a string representation of the matrix in `CSS` matrix syntax,
* using the appropriate `CSS` matrix notation.
* The 16 items in the array 3D matrix array are *transposed* in row-major order.
* @matrix3d *matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, ...)*
* @matrix *matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)*
* @return {String} `String` representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toString = function toString() {
var m = this;
var type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d';
return (type + "(" + (m.toArray(1).join(',')) + ")");
CSSMatrix.prototype.toArray = function toArray (transposed){
* Returns an *Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The method can return either the elements in default column major order or
* row major order (what we call the *transposed* matrix, used by `toString`).
* Other methods make use of this method to feed their output values from this matrix.
* @param {Boolean} transposed changes the order of elements in the output
* @return {Array} an *Array* representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toArray = function toArray(transposed) {
var m = this;
return m.is2D ? [ m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f ]
: transposed
?[m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14,
var result;
if (m.is2D) {
result = [m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f];
} else if (transposed) {
result = [m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14, // transposed is used by toString
m.m21, m.m22, m.m23, m.m24,
m.m31, m.m32, m.m33, m.m34,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44]
:[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44];
} else {
result = [m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41, // used by constructor
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44]
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44];
return result;
CSSMatrix.prototype.multiply = function multiply (m2){
return Multiply(this,m2)
* The Multiply method returns a new CSSMatrix which is the result of this
* matrix multiplied by the passed matrix, with the passed matrix to the right.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 CSSMatrix
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix.
CSSMatrixProto.multiply = function multiply(m2) {
return Multiply(this, m2);
CSSMatrix.prototype.translate = function translate (x, y, z){
if (z == null) { z = 0; }
if (y == null) { y = 0; }
return Multiply(this,Translate(x, y, z))
* These methods will be implemented later into an extended version to provide
* additional functionality.
// inverse = function(){}
// determinant = function(){}
// transpose = function(){}
* The translate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. If the z
* component is undefined, a 0 value is used in its place. This matrix is not
* modified.
* @param {number} x X component of the translation value.
* @param {number} y Y component of the translation value.
* @param {number=} z Z component of the translation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.translate = function translate(x, y, z) {
var X = x;
var Y;
var Z;
if (z === null) { Z = 0; }
if (y === null) { Y = 0; }
return Multiply(this, Translate(X, Y, Z));
CSSMatrix.prototype.scale = function scale (x, y, z){
if (y == null) { y = x; }
if (z == null) { z = x; }
return Multiply(this,Scale(x, y, z))
* The scale method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by
* a scale matrix containing the passed values. If the z component is undefined,
* a 1 value is used in its place. If the y component is undefined, the x
* component value is used in its place. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} y The Y component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} z The Z component of the scale value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.scale = function scale(x, y, z) {
var X = x;
var Y;
var Z;
if (z === null) { Z = x; }
if (y === null) { Y = x; }
return Multiply(this, Scale(X, Y, Z));
CSSMatrix.prototype.rotate = function rotate (rx, ry, rz){
if (ry == null) { ry = 0; }
if (rz == null) {rz = rx; rx = 0;}
return Multiply(this,Rotate(rx, ry, rz))
* The rotate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied
* by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z.
* If the y and z components are undefined, the x value is used to rotate the
* object about the z axis, as though the vector (0,0,x) were passed. All
* rotation values are in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} rx The X component of the rotation, or Z if Y and Z are null.
* @param {number=} ry The (optional) Y component of the rotation value.
* @param {number=} rz The (optional) Z component of the rotation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.rotate = function rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
var RX = rx;
var RY;
var RZ;
if (ry === null) { RY = 0; }
if (rz === null) { RZ = rx; RX = 0; }
return Multiply(this, Rotate(RX, RY, RZ));
CSSMatrix.prototype.rotateAxisAngle = function rotateAxisAngle (x, y, z, angle){
if (arguments.length!==4){
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values");
return this
* The rotateAxisAngle method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. The right-hand
* rule is used to determine the direction of rotation. All rotation values are
* in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} y The Y component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} z The Z component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} angle The angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.rotateAxisAngle = function rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
if (arguments.length !== 4) {
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values');
return Multiply(this,RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle))
return Multiply(this, RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.skewX = function skewX (angle){
return Multiply(this,SkewX(angle))
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `x-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.skewX = function skewX(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewX(angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.skewY = function skewY (angle){
return Multiply(this,SkewY(angle))
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `y-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.skewY = function skewY(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewY(angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.setIdentity = function setIdentity (){
var identity = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1];
return feedFromArray(this,identity)
* Set the current `CSSMatrix` instance to the identity form and returns it.
* @return {CSSMatrix} this `CSSMatrix` instance
CSSMatrixProto.setIdentity = function setIdentity() {
var identity = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return feedFromArray(this, identity);
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.get = function (){
var m = this;
return (m.m11 == 1 && m.m12 == 0 && m.m13 == 0 && m.m14 == 0 &&
m.m21 == 0 && m.m22 == 1 && m.m23 == 0 && m.m24 == 0 &&
m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 &&
m.m41 == 0 && m.m42 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.set = function (value){
this.isIdentity = value;
prototypeAccessors.is2D.get = function (){
var m = this;
return (m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
prototypeAccessors.is2D.set = function (value){
this.is2D = value;
CSSMatrix.prototype.transformPoint = function transformPoint (v){
var _m = this, m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
* Transforms the specified point using the matrix, returning a new
* *Object* containing the transformed point.
* Neither the matrix nor the original point are altered.
* The method is equivalent with `transformPoint()` method
* of the `DOMMatrix` constructor.
* JavaScript implementation by thednp
* @param {Point} point the *Object* with `x`, `y`, `z` and `w` components
* @return {Point} a new `{x,y,z,w}` *Object*
CSSMatrixProto.transformPoint = function transformPoint(v) {
var M = this;
var m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
m.m44 = v.w || 1;
m = _m.multiply(m);
m = M.multiply(m);
return {

@@ -255,6 +731,30 @@ x: m.m41,

z: m.m43,
w: m.m44
w: m.m44,
Object.defineProperties( CSSMatrix.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
* Transforms the specified vector using the matrix, returning a new
* {x,y,z,w} *Object* comprising the transformed vector.
* Neither the matrix nor the original vector are altered.
* @param {Tuple} tupple an object with x, y, z and w components
* @return {Tuple} the passed tuple
CSSMatrixProto.transform = function transform(t) {
var m = this;
var x = m.m11 * t.x + m.m12 * t.y + m.m13 * t.z + m.m14 * t.w;
var y = m.m21 * t.x + m.m22 * t.y + m.m23 * t.z + m.m24 * t.w;
var z = m.m31 * t.x + m.m32 * t.y + m.m33 * t.z + m.m34 * t.w;
var w = m.m41 * t.x + m.m42 * t.y + m.m43 * t.z + m.m44 * t.w;
return {
x: x / w,
y: y / w,
z: z / w,
w: w,
// Add Transform Functions to CSSMatrix object
CSSMatrix.Translate = Translate;

@@ -261,0 +761,0 @@ CSSMatrix.Rotate = Rotate;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// DOMMatrix v0.0.4 | thednp © 2020 | MIT-License
function m(m,t,r){var n=new u;return n.m41=n.e=m,n.m42=n.f=t,n.m43=r,n}function t(m,t,r){var n=new u;m*=Math.PI/180,t*=Math.PI/180,r*=Math.PI/180;var e=Math.cos(m),i=-Math.sin(m),a=Math.cos(t),o=-Math.sin(t),s=Math.cos(r),c=-Math.sin(r);return n.m11=n.a=a*s,n.m12=n.b=-a*c,n.m13=o,n.m21=n.c=i*o*s+e*c,n.m22=n.d=e*s-i*o*c,n.m23=-i*a,n.m31=i*c-e*o*s,n.m32=i*s+e*o*c,n.m33=e*a,n}function r(m,t,r,n){n*=Math.PI/360;var e=Math.sin(n),i=Math.cos(n),a=e*e,o=Math.sqrt(m*m+t*t+r*r);0===o?(m=0,t=0,r=1):(m/=o,t/=o,r/=o);var s=m*m,c=t*t,f=r*r,l=new u;return l.m11=l.a=1-2*(c+f)*a,l.m12=l.b=2*(m*t*a+r*e*i),l.m13=2*(m*r*a-t*e*i),l.m21=l.c=2*(t*m*a-r*e*i),l.m22=l.d=1-2*(f+s)*a,l.m23=2*(t*r*a+m*e*i),l.m31=2*(r*m*a+t*e*i),l.m32=2*(r*t*a-m*e*i),l.m33=1-2*(s+c)*a,l.m14=l.m24=l.m34=0,l.m41=l.e=l.m42=l.f=l.m43=0,l.m44=1,l}function n(m,t,r){var n=new u;return n.m11=n.a=m,n.m22=n.d=t,n.m33=r,n}function e(m){m*=Math.PI/180;var t=new u;return t.m21=t.c=Math.tan(m),t}function i(m){m*=Math.PI/180;var t=new u;return t.m12=t.b=Math.tan(m),t}function a(m,t){var r=t.m11*m.m11+t.m12*m.m21+t.m13*m.m31+t.m14*m.m41,n=t.m11*m.m12+t.m12*m.m22+t.m13*m.m32+t.m14*m.m42,e=t.m11*m.m13+t.m12*m.m23+t.m13*m.m33+t.m14*m.m43,i=t.m11*m.m14+t.m12*m.m24+t.m13*m.m34+t.m14*m.m44,a=t.m21*m.m11+t.m22*m.m21+t.m23*m.m31+t.m24*m.m41,o=t.m21*m.m12+t.m22*m.m22+t.m23*m.m32+t.m24*m.m42,s=t.m21*m.m13+t.m22*m.m23+t.m23*m.m33+t.m24*m.m43,c=t.m21*m.m14+t.m22*m.m24+t.m23*m.m34+t.m24*m.m44,f=t.m31*m.m11+t.m32*m.m21+t.m33*m.m31+t.m34*m.m41,l=t.m31*m.m12+t.m32*m.m22+t.m33*m.m32+t.m34*m.m42,h=t.m31*m.m13+t.m32*m.m23+t.m33*m.m33+t.m34*m.m43,p=t.m31*m.m14+t.m32*m.m24+t.m33*m.m34+t.m34*m.m44,y=t.m41*m.m11+t.m42*m.m21+t.m43*m.m31+t.m44*m.m41,M=t.m41*m.m12+t.m42*m.m22+t.m43*m.m32+t.m44*m.m42,x=t.m41*m.m13+t.m42*m.m23+t.m43*m.m33+t.m44*m.m43,g=t.m41*m.m14+t.m42*m.m24+t.m43*m.m34+t.m44*m.m44;return new u([r,a,f,y,n,o,l,M,e,s,h,x,i,c,p,g])}function o(m,t){var r=Array.from(t);return 16==r.length?(m.m11=m.a=r[0],m.m21=m.c=r[1],m.m31=r[2],m.m41=m.e=r[3],m.m12=m.b=r[4],m.m22=m.d=r[5],m.m32=r[6],m.m42=m.f=r[7],m.m13=r[8],m.m23=r[9],m.m33=r[10],m.m43=r[11],m.m14=r[12],m.m24=r[13],m.m34=r[14],m.m44=r[15]):6==r.length?(m.m11=m.a=r[0],m.m12=m.b=r[1],m.m14=m.e=r[4],m.m21=m.c=r[2],m.m22=m.d=r[3],m.m24=m.f=r[5]):console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array"),m}var u=function(){for(var m=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)m[t]=arguments[t];return this.setIdentity(),m&&m.length&&this.setMatrixValue(m)},s={isIdentity:{configurable:!0},is2D:{configurable:!0}};u.prototype.setMatrixValue=function(m){var t=this;if(!m||!m.length)return t;if(m.length&&"string"==typeof m[0]&&m[0].length){var r,n,e=String(m[0]).trim();if("none"==e)return t;r=e.slice(0,e.indexOf("(")),n=e.slice("matrix"===r?7:9,-1).split(",").map((function(m){return Math.abs(m)<1e-6?0:+m})),[6,16].indexOf(n.length)>-1?o(t,n):console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax")}else m[0]instanceof u||Array.isArray(m[0])?o(t,m[0]):Array.isArray(m)&&o(t,m);return t},u.prototype.toString=function(){return(this.is2D?"matrix":"matrix3d")+"("+this.toArray(1).join(",")+")"},u.prototype.toArray=function(m){var t=this;return t.is2D?[t.a,t.b,t.c,t.d,t.e,t.f]:m?[t.m11,t.m12,t.m13,t.m14,t.m21,t.m22,t.m23,t.m24,t.m31,t.m32,t.m33,t.m34,t.m41,t.m42,t.m43,t.m44]:[t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44]},u.prototype.multiply=function(m){return a(this,m)},u.prototype.translate=function(t,r,n){return null==n&&(n=0),null==r&&(r=0),a(this,m(t,r,n))},u.prototype.scale=function(m,t,r){return null==t&&(t=m),null==r&&(r=m),a(this,n(m,t,r))},u.prototype.rotate=function(m,r,n){return null==r&&(r=0),null==n&&(n=m,m=0),a(this,t(m,r,n))},u.prototype.rotateAxisAngle=function(m,t,n,e){return 4!==arguments.length?(console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values"),this):a(this,r(m,t,n,e))},u.prototype.skewX=function(m){return a(this,e(m))},u.prototype.skewY=function(m){return a(this,i(m))},u.prototype.setIdentity=function(){return o(this,[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1])},s.isIdentity.get=function(){var m=this;return 1==m.m11&&0==m.m12&&0==m.m13&&0==m.m14&&0==m.m21&&1==m.m22&&0==m.m23&&0==m.m24&&0==m.m31&&0==m.m32&&1==m.m33&&0==m.m34&&0==m.m41&&0==m.m42&&0==m.m43&&1==m.m44},s.isIdentity.set=function(m){this.isIdentity=m},s.is2D.get=function(){var m=this;return 0==m.m31&&0==m.m32&&1==m.m33&&0==m.m34&&0==m.m43&&1==m.m44},s.is2D.set=function(m){this.is2D=m},u.prototype.transformPoint=function(t){var r=m(t.x,t.y,t.z);return r.m44=t.w||1,{x:(r=this.multiply(r)).m41,y:r.m42,z:r.m43,w:r.m44}},Object.defineProperties(u.prototype,s),u.Translate=m,u.Rotate=t,u.RotateAxisAngle=r,u.Scale=n,u.SkewX=e,u.SkewY=i,u.Multiply=a,u.fromMatrix=function(m){return new u([m.m11,m.m21,m.m31,m.m41,m.m12,m.m22,m.m32,m.m42,m.m13,m.m23,m.m33,m.m43,m.m14,m.m24,m.m34,m.m44])},u.fromArray=function(m){return o(new u,m)},u.feedFromArray=o;export default u;
// DOMMatrix v0.0.5-alpha1 | thednp © 2021 | MIT-License
var m=function(){for(var m=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)m[t]=arguments[t];return this.setIdentity(),m&&m.length&&this.setMatrixValue(m)},t={isIdentity:{configurable:!0},is2D:{configurable:!0}};t.isIdentity.get=function(){var m=this;return 1===m.m11&&0===m.m12&&0===m.m13&&0===m.m14&&0===m.m21&&1===m.m22&&0===m.m23&&0===m.m24&&0===m.m31&&0===m.m32&&1===m.m33&&0===m.m34&&0===m.m41&&0===m.m42&&0===m.m43&&1===m.m44},t.isIdentity.set=function(m){this.isIdentity=m},t.is2D.get=function(){var m=this;return 0===m.m31&&0===m.m32&&1===m.m33&&0===m.m34&&0===m.m43&&1===m.m44},t.is2D.set=function(m){this.is2D=m},Object.defineProperties(m.prototype,t);var r=m.prototype;function n(t,r,n){var e=new m;return e.m41=t,e.e=t,e.m42=r,e.f=r,e.m43=n,e}function e(t,r,n){var e=new m,i=t*Math.PI/180,a=r*Math.PI/180,u=n*Math.PI/180,s=Math.cos(i),o=-Math.sin(i),f=Math.cos(a),c=-Math.sin(a),h=Math.cos(u),l=-Math.sin(u),y=f*h,v=-f*l;e.m11=y,e.a=y,e.m12=v,e.b=v,e.m13=c;var x=o*c*h+s*l;e.m21=x,e.c=x;var w=s*h-o*c*l;return e.m22=w,e.d=w,e.m23=-o*f,e.m31=o*l-s*c*h,e.m32=o*h+s*c*l,e.m33=s*f,e}function i(t,r,n,e){var i=new m,a=e*Math.PI/360,u=Math.sin(a),s=Math.cos(a),o=u*u,f=Math.sqrt(t*t+r*r+n*n),c=0,h=0,l=1;0!==f&&(c=t/f,h=r/f,l=n/f);var y=c*c,v=h*h,x=l*l,w=1-2*(v+x)*o;i.m11=w,i.a=w;var M=2*(t*r*o+n*u*s);i.m12=M,i.b=M,i.m13=2*(t*n*o-r*u*s);var g=2*(r*t*o-n*u*s);i.m21=g,i.c=g;var d=1-2*(x+y)*o;return i.m22=d,i.d=d,i.m23=2*(r*n*o+t*u*s),i.m31=2*(n*t*o+r*u*s),i.m32=2*(n*r*o-t*u*s),i.m33=1-2*(y+v)*o,i.m14=0,i.m24=0,i.m34=0,i.m41=0,i.e=0,i.m42=0,i.f=0,i.m43=0,i.m44=1,i}function a(t,r,n){var e=new m;return e.m11=t,e.a=t,e.m22=r,e.d=r,e.m33=n,e}function u(t){var r=t*Math.PI/180,n=new m,e=Math.tan(r);return n.m21=e,n.c=e,n}function s(t){var r=t*Math.PI/180,n=new m,e=Math.tan(r);return n.m12=e,n.b=e,n}function o(t,r){var n=r.m11*t.m11+r.m12*t.m21+r.m13*t.m31+r.m14*t.m41,e=r.m11*t.m12+r.m12*t.m22+r.m13*t.m32+r.m14*t.m42,i=r.m11*t.m13+r.m12*t.m23+r.m13*t.m33+r.m14*t.m43,a=r.m11*t.m14+r.m12*t.m24+r.m13*t.m34+r.m14*t.m44,u=r.m21*t.m11+r.m22*t.m21+r.m23*t.m31+r.m24*t.m41,s=r.m21*t.m12+r.m22*t.m22+r.m23*t.m32+r.m24*t.m42,o=r.m21*t.m13+r.m22*t.m23+r.m23*t.m33+r.m24*t.m43,f=r.m21*t.m14+r.m22*t.m24+r.m23*t.m34+r.m24*t.m44,c=r.m31*t.m11+r.m32*t.m21+r.m33*t.m31+r.m34*t.m41,h=r.m31*t.m12+r.m32*t.m22+r.m33*t.m32+r.m34*t.m42,l=r.m31*t.m13+r.m32*t.m23+r.m33*t.m33+r.m34*t.m43,y=r.m31*t.m14+r.m32*t.m24+r.m33*t.m34+r.m34*t.m44,v=r.m41*t.m11+r.m42*t.m21+r.m43*t.m31+r.m44*t.m41,x=r.m41*t.m12+r.m42*t.m22+r.m43*t.m32+r.m44*t.m42,w=r.m41*t.m13+r.m42*t.m23+r.m43*t.m33+r.m44*t.m43,M=r.m41*t.m14+r.m42*t.m24+r.m43*t.m34+r.m44*t.m44;return new m([n,u,c,v,e,s,h,x,i,o,l,w,a,f,y,M])}function f(m,t){var r=Array.from(t);if(16===r.length){var n=r[0],e=r[1],i=r[2],a=r[3],u=r[4],s=r[5],o=r[6],f=r[7],c=r[8],h=r[9],l=r[10],y=r[11],v=r[12],x=r[13],w=r[14],M=r[15];m.m11=n,m.a=n,m.m21=e,m.c=e,m.m31=i,m.m41=a,m.e=a,m.m12=u,m.b=u,m.m22=s,m.d=s,m.m32=o,m.m42=f,m.f=f,m.m13=c,m.m23=h,m.m33=l,m.m43=y,m.m14=v,m.m24=x,m.m34=w,m.m44=M}else{if(6!==r.length)throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array");var g=r[0],d=r[1],p=r[2],A=r[3],S=r[4],I=r[5];m.m11=g,m.a=g,m.m12=d,m.b=d,m.m21=p,m.c=p,m.m22=A,m.d=A,m.m14=S,m.e=S,m.m24=I,m.f=I}return m}r.setMatrixValue=function(t){var r=this;if(!t||!t.length)return r;if(t.length&&"string"==typeof t[0]&&t[0].length){var n,e,i=String(t[0]).trim();if("none"===i)return r;if(n=i.slice(0,i.indexOf("(")),e=i.slice("matrix"===n?7:9,-1).split(",").map((function(m){return Math.abs(m)<1e-6?0:+m})),!([6,16].indexOf(e.length)>-1))throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax");f(r,e)}else t[0]instanceof m?f(r,t[0].toArray()):Array.isArray(t[0])?f(r,t[0]):Array.isArray(t)&&f(r,t);return r},r.toString=function(){return(this.is2D?"matrix":"matrix3d")+"("+this.toArray(1).join(",")+")"},r.toArray=function(m){var t=this;return t.is2D?[t.a,t.b,t.c,t.d,t.e,t.f]:m?[t.m11,t.m12,t.m13,t.m14,t.m21,t.m22,t.m23,t.m24,t.m31,t.m32,t.m33,t.m34,t.m41,t.m42,t.m43,t.m44]:[t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44]},r.multiply=function(m){return o(this,m)},r.translate=function(m,t,r){var e,i;return null===r&&(i=0),null===t&&(e=0),o(this,n(m,e,i))},r.scale=function(m,t,r){var n,e;return null===r&&(e=m),null===t&&(n=m),o(this,a(m,n,e))},r.rotate=function(m,t,r){var n,i,a=m;return null===t&&(n=0),null===r&&(i=m,a=0),o(this,e(a,n,i))},r.rotateAxisAngle=function(m,t,r,n){if(4!==arguments.length)throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values");return o(this,i(m,t,r,n))},r.skewX=function(m){return o(this,u(m))},r.skewY=function(m){return o(this,s(m))},r.setIdentity=function(){return f(this,[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1])},r.transformPoint=function(m){var t=n(m.x,m.y,m.z);return t.m44=m.w||1,{x:(t=this.multiply(t)).m41,y:t.m42,z:t.m43,w:t.m44}},r.transform=function(m){var t=this,r=t.m11*m.x+t.m12*m.y+t.m13*m.z+t.m14*m.w,n=t.m21*m.x+t.m22*m.y+t.m23*m.z+t.m24*m.w,e=t.m31*m.x+t.m32*m.y+t.m33*m.z+t.m34*m.w,i=t.m41*m.x+t.m42*m.y+t.m43*m.z+t.m44*m.w;return{x:r/i,y:n/i,z:e/i,w:i}},m.Translate=n,m.Rotate=e,m.RotateAxisAngle=i,m.Scale=a,m.SkewX=u,m.SkewY=s,m.Multiply=o,m.fromMatrix=function(t){return new m([t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44])},m.fromArray=function(t){return f(new m,t)},m.feedFromArray=f;export default m;
* DOMMatrix v0.0.4 (
* Copyright 2020 © thednp
* DOMMatrix v0.0.5-alpha1 (
* Copyright 2021 © thednp
* Licensed under MIT (

@@ -12,50 +12,203 @@ */

function Translate(x, y, z){
* DOMMatrix shim - CSSMatrix
* Creates and returns a new `DOMMatrix` compatible *Object*
* with equivalent instance methods.
* @param {String} String valid CSS transform in `matrix()`/`matrix3d()` format
* @param {Array} Array expected to be *Float64Array* or *Float32Array* in the column major order.
* @param {[a,b,c,d,e,f]} Arguments representing the 6 elements of a 2d matrix
* @param {[m11,m21,m31,m41..]} Arguments representing the 16 elements of a 3d matrix
var CSSMatrix = function CSSMatrix() {
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args);
var prototypeAccessors = { isIdentity: { configurable: true },is2D: { configurable: true } };
* A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. The identity
* matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left
* to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal).
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.get = function () {
var m = this;
return (m.m11 === 1 && m.m12 === 0 && m.m13 === 0 && m.m14 === 0
&& m.m21 === 0 && m.m22 === 1 && m.m23 === 0 && m.m24 === 0
&& m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0
&& m.m41 === 0 && m.m42 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.isIdentity` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.set = function (value) {
this.isIdentity = value;
* A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix
* and `false` if the matrix is 3D.
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
prototypeAccessors.is2D.get = function () {
var m = this;
return (m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.is2D` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
prototypeAccessors.is2D.set = function (value) {
this.is2D = value;
Object.defineProperties( CSSMatrix.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
// export proto for custom compile via Buble
var CSSMatrixProto = CSSMatrix.prototype;
// Transform Functions
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the translation matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `translate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` position.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` position.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` position.
function Translate(x, y, z) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m41 = m.e = x;
m.m42 = m.f = y;
m.m41 = x;
m.e = x;
m.m42 = y;
m.f = y;
m.m43 = z;
return m
return m;
function Rotate(rx, ry, rz){
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the rotation matrix and returns it.
* @param {Number} rx the `x-axis` rotation.
* @param {Number} ry the `y-axis` rotation.
* @param {Number} rz the `z-axis` rotation.
function Rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
rx *= Math.PI / 180;
ry *= Math.PI / 180;
rz *= Math.PI / 180;
var cosx = Math.cos(rx), sinx = -Math.sin(rx),
cosy = Math.cos(ry), siny = -Math.sin(ry),
cosz = Math.cos(rz), sinz = -Math.sin(rz);
m.m11 = m.a = cosy * cosz;
m.m12 = m.b = -cosy * sinz;
var radX = (rx * Math.PI) / 180;
var radY = (ry * Math.PI) / 180;
var radZ = (rz * Math.PI) / 180;
// minus sin() because of right-handed system
var cosx = Math.cos(radX);
var sinx = -Math.sin(radX);
var cosy = Math.cos(radY);
var siny = -Math.sin(radY);
var cosz = Math.cos(radZ);
var sinz = -Math.sin(radZ);
var cycz = cosy * cosz;
var cysz = -cosy * sinz;
m.m11 = cycz;
m.a = cycz;
m.m12 = cysz;
m.b = cysz;
m.m13 = siny;
m.m21 = m.c = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz;
m.m22 = m.d = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz;
var sxsy = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz;
m.m21 = sxsy;
m.c = sxsy;
var cxcz = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz;
m.m22 = cxcz;
m.d = cxcz;
m.m23 = -sinx * cosy;
m.m31 = sinx * sinz - cosx * siny * cosz;
m.m32 = sinx * cosz + cosx * siny * sinz;
m.m33 = cosx * cosy;
return m
return m;
function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 360;
var sinA = Math.sin(angle),
cosA = Math.cos(angle),
sinA2 = sinA * sinA,
length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
if (length === 0){
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 1;
} else {
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the rotation matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `rotate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` vector length.
* @param {Number} angle the value in degrees of the rotation.
function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 360;
var sinA = Math.sin(radA);
var cosA = Math.cos(radA);
var sinA2 = sinA * sinA;
var length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
var X = 0;
var Y = 0;
var Z = 1;
// bad vector length, use something reasonable
if (length !== 0) {
X = x / length;
Y = y / length;
Z = z / length;
var x2 = x * x, y2 = y * y, z2 = z * z;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m12 = m.b = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
var x2 = X * X;
var y2 = Y * Y;
var z2 = Z * Z;
var m11 = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
var m12 = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m13 = 2 * (x * z * sinA2 - y * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m.c = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m22 = m.d = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
var m21 = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
var m22 = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m23 = 2 * (y * z * sinA2 + x * sinA * cosA);

@@ -65,194 +218,517 @@ m.m31 = 2 * (z * x * sinA2 + y * sinA * cosA);

m.m33 = 1 - 2 * (x2 + y2) * sinA2;
m.m14 = m.m24 = m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = m.e = m.m42 = m.f = m.m43 = 0;
m.m14 = 0;
m.m24 = 0;
m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = 0;
m.e = 0;
m.m42 = 0;
m.f = 0;
m.m43 = 0;
m.m44 = 1;
return m
return m;
function Scale(x, y, z){
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the scale matrix and returns it.
* This method is equivalent to the CSS `scale3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` scale.
* @param {Number} y the `y-axis` scale.
* @param {Number} z the `z-axis` scale.
function Scale(x, y, z) {
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = x;
m.m22 = m.d = y;
m.m11 = x;
m.a = x;
m.m22 = y;
m.d = y;
m.m33 = z;
return m
return m;
function SkewX(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `x-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewX()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewX(angle) {
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m21 = m.c = Math.tan(angle);
return m
var t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m21 = t;
m.c = t;
return m;
function SkewY(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `y-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewY()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewY(angle) {
var radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
var m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m12 = m.b = Math.tan(angle);
return m
var t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m12 = t;
m.b = t;
return m;
function Multiply(m1, m2){
var m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41,
m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42,
m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43,
m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44,
m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41,
m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42,
m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43,
m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44,
m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41,
m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42,
m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43,
m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44,
m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41,
m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42,
m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43,
m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` resulted from the multiplication of two matrixes
* and returns it. Both matrixes are not changed.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m1 the first matrix.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 the second matrix.
function Multiply(m1, m2) {
var m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41;
var m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42;
var m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43;
var m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44;
var m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41;
var m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42;
var m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43;
var m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44;
var m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41;
var m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42;
var m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43;
var m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44;
var m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41;
var m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42;
var m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43;
var m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44;
return new CSSMatrix(
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44])
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44]
function fromMatrix(m){
* Returns a new *Float32Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as single-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float32Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat32Array(){
// return Float32Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Returns a new Float64Array containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as double-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float64Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat64Array(){
// return Float64Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an existing matrix or a
* `DOMMatrix` *Object* which provides the values for its properties.
* @param {CSSMatrix} CSSMatrix the source `CSSMatrix` initialization to feed values from
function fromMatrix(m) {
return new CSSMatrix(
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44])
// DOMMatrix elements order
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44]
function fromArray(a){
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(),a)
function feedFromArray(m,array){
* Feed a CSSMatrix object with the values of a 6/16 values array and returns it.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function feedFromArray(m, array) {
var a = Array.from(array);
if (a.length == 16){
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m21 = m.c = a[1];
m.m31 = a[2];
m.m41 = m.e = a[3];
m.m12 = m.b = a[4];
m.m22 = m.d = a[5];
m.m32 = a[6];
m.m42 = m.f = a[7];
m.m13 = a[8];
m.m23 = a[9];
m.m33 = a[10];
m.m43 = a[11];
m.m14 = a[12];
m.m24 = a[13];
m.m34 = a[14];
m.m44 = a[15];
} else if (a.length == 6) {
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m12 = m.b = a[1];
m.m14 = m.e = a[4];
m.m21 = m.c = a[2];
m.m22 = m.d = a[3];
m.m24 = m.f = a[5];
if (a.length === 16) {
var m11 = a[0];
var m21 = a[1];
var m31 = a[2];
var m41 = a[3];
var m12 = a[4];
var m22 = a[5];
var m32 = a[6];
var m42 = a[7];
var m13 = a[8];
var m23 = a[9];
var m33 = a[10];
var m43 = a[11];
var m14 = a[12];
var m24 = a[13];
var m34 = a[14];
var m44 = a[15];
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
m.m31 = m31;
m.m41 = m41;
m.e = m41;
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m32 = m32;
m.m42 = m42;
m.f = m42;
m.m13 = m13;
m.m23 = m23;
m.m33 = m33;
m.m43 = m43;
m.m14 = m14;
m.m24 = m24;
m.m34 = m34;
m.m44 = m44;
} else if (a.length === 6) {
var m11$1 = a[0];
var m12$1 = a[1];
var m21$1 = a[2];
var m22$1 = a[3];
var m14$1 = a[4];
var m24$1 = a[5];
m.m11 = m11$1;
m.a = m11$1;
m.m12 = m12$1;
m.b = m12$1;
m.m21 = m21$1;
m.c = m21$1;
m.m22 = m22$1;
m.d = m22$1;
m.m14 = m14$1;
m.e = m14$1;
m.m24 = m24$1;
m.f = m24$1;
} else {
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array");
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array');
return m
return m;
var CSSMatrix = function CSSMatrix(){
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args)
var prototypeAccessors = { isIdentity: { configurable: true },is2D: { configurable: true } };
CSSMatrix.prototype.setMatrixValue = function setMatrixValue (source){
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array float values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function fromArray(a) {
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
* Each create a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array of single/double-precision
* (32/64 bit) floating-point values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Float32Array|Float64Array} array The source float array to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
// more of an alias for now, will update later if it's the case
// function fromFloat32Array(a){
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
// function fromFloat64Array(a){ // more of an alias
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
* The `setMatrixValue` method replaces the existing matrix with one computed
* in the browser. EG: `matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`
* The method accepts *Float64Array* / *Float32Array* / any *Array* values, the result of
* `DOMMatrix` / `CSSMatrix` instance method calls `toFloat64Array()` / `toFloat32Array()`.
* This method expects valid *matrix()* / *matrix3d()* string values, other
* transform functions like *translate()* are not supported.
* @param {String} source the *String* resulted from `getComputedStyle()`.
* @param {Array} source the *Array* resulted from `toFloat64Array()`.
CSSMatrixProto.setMatrixValue = function setMatrixValue(source) {
var m = this;
if (!source || !source.length) {
return m
} else if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) {
var string = String(source[0]).trim(), type = '', values = [];
if (string == 'none') { return m; }
if (!source || !source.length) { // no parameters or source
return m;
} if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) { // CSS transform String source
var string = String(source[0]).trim(); var type = ''; var
values = [];
if (string === 'none') { return m; }
type = string.slice(0, string.indexOf('('));
values = string.slice((type === 'matrix' ? 7 : 9), -1).split(',')
.map(function (n){ return Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n; });
if ([6,16].indexOf(values.length)>-1){
.map(function (n) { return (Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n); });
if ([6, 16].indexOf(values.length) > -1) {
feedFromArray(m, values);
} else {
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax");
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax');
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) {
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) {
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) {
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) { // CSSMatrix instance
feedFromArray(m, source[0].toArray());
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) { // Float32Array,Float64Array source
feedFromArray(m, source[0]);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) { // Arguments list come here
feedFromArray(m, source);
return m
return m;
CSSMatrix.prototype.toString = function toString (){
var m = this, type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d';
return (type + "(" + (m.toArray(1).join(',')) + ")")
* Creates and returns a string representation of the matrix in `CSS` matrix syntax,
* using the appropriate `CSS` matrix notation.
* The 16 items in the array 3D matrix array are *transposed* in row-major order.
* @matrix3d *matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, ...)*
* @matrix *matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)*
* @return {String} `String` representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toString = function toString() {
var m = this;
var type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d';
return (type + "(" + (m.toArray(1).join(',')) + ")");
CSSMatrix.prototype.toArray = function toArray (transposed){
* Returns an *Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The method can return either the elements in default column major order or
* row major order (what we call the *transposed* matrix, used by `toString`).
* Other methods make use of this method to feed their output values from this matrix.
* @param {Boolean} transposed changes the order of elements in the output
* @return {Array} an *Array* representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toArray = function toArray(transposed) {
var m = this;
return m.is2D ? [ m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f ]
: transposed
?[m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14,
var result;
if (m.is2D) {
result = [m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f];
} else if (transposed) {
result = [m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14, // transposed is used by toString
m.m21, m.m22, m.m23, m.m24,
m.m31, m.m32, m.m33, m.m34,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44]
:[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44];
} else {
result = [m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41, // used by constructor
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44]
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44];
return result;
CSSMatrix.prototype.multiply = function multiply (m2){
return Multiply(this,m2)
* The Multiply method returns a new CSSMatrix which is the result of this
* matrix multiplied by the passed matrix, with the passed matrix to the right.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 CSSMatrix
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix.
CSSMatrixProto.multiply = function multiply(m2) {
return Multiply(this, m2);
CSSMatrix.prototype.translate = function translate (x, y, z){
if (z == null) { z = 0; }
if (y == null) { y = 0; }
return Multiply(this,Translate(x, y, z))
* These methods will be implemented later into an extended version to provide
* additional functionality.
// inverse = function(){}
// determinant = function(){}
// transpose = function(){}
* The translate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. If the z
* component is undefined, a 0 value is used in its place. This matrix is not
* modified.
* @param {number} x X component of the translation value.
* @param {number} y Y component of the translation value.
* @param {number=} z Z component of the translation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.translate = function translate(x, y, z) {
var X = x;
var Y;
var Z;
if (z === null) { Z = 0; }
if (y === null) { Y = 0; }
return Multiply(this, Translate(X, Y, Z));
CSSMatrix.prototype.scale = function scale (x, y, z){
if (y == null) { y = x; }
if (z == null) { z = x; }
return Multiply(this,Scale(x, y, z))
* The scale method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by
* a scale matrix containing the passed values. If the z component is undefined,
* a 1 value is used in its place. If the y component is undefined, the x
* component value is used in its place. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} y The Y component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} z The Z component of the scale value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.scale = function scale(x, y, z) {
var X = x;
var Y;
var Z;
if (z === null) { Z = x; }
if (y === null) { Y = x; }
return Multiply(this, Scale(X, Y, Z));
CSSMatrix.prototype.rotate = function rotate (rx, ry, rz){
if (ry == null) { ry = 0; }
if (rz == null) {rz = rx; rx = 0;}
return Multiply(this,Rotate(rx, ry, rz))
* The rotate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied
* by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z.
* If the y and z components are undefined, the x value is used to rotate the
* object about the z axis, as though the vector (0,0,x) were passed. All
* rotation values are in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} rx The X component of the rotation, or Z if Y and Z are null.
* @param {number=} ry The (optional) Y component of the rotation value.
* @param {number=} rz The (optional) Z component of the rotation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.rotate = function rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
var RX = rx;
var RY;
var RZ;
if (ry === null) { RY = 0; }
if (rz === null) { RZ = rx; RX = 0; }
return Multiply(this, Rotate(RX, RY, RZ));
CSSMatrix.prototype.rotateAxisAngle = function rotateAxisAngle (x, y, z, angle){
if (arguments.length!==4){
console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values");
return this
* The rotateAxisAngle method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. The right-hand
* rule is used to determine the direction of rotation. All rotation values are
* in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} y The Y component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} z The Z component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} angle The angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.rotateAxisAngle = function rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
if (arguments.length !== 4) {
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values');
return Multiply(this,RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle))
return Multiply(this, RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.skewX = function skewX (angle){
return Multiply(this,SkewX(angle))
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `x-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.skewX = function skewX(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewX(angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.skewY = function skewY (angle){
return Multiply(this,SkewY(angle))
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `y-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
CSSMatrixProto.skewY = function skewY(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewY(angle));
CSSMatrix.prototype.setIdentity = function setIdentity (){
var identity = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1];
return feedFromArray(this,identity)
* Set the current `CSSMatrix` instance to the identity form and returns it.
* @return {CSSMatrix} this `CSSMatrix` instance
CSSMatrixProto.setIdentity = function setIdentity() {
var identity = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return feedFromArray(this, identity);
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.get = function (){
var m = this;
return (m.m11 == 1 && m.m12 == 0 && m.m13 == 0 && m.m14 == 0 &&
m.m21 == 0 && m.m22 == 1 && m.m23 == 0 && m.m24 == 0 &&
m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 &&
m.m41 == 0 && m.m42 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
prototypeAccessors.isIdentity.set = function (value){
this.isIdentity = value;
prototypeAccessors.is2D.get = function (){
var m = this;
return (m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
prototypeAccessors.is2D.set = function (value){
this.is2D = value;
CSSMatrix.prototype.transformPoint = function transformPoint (v){
var _m = this, m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
* Transforms the specified point using the matrix, returning a new
* *Object* containing the transformed point.
* Neither the matrix nor the original point are altered.
* The method is equivalent with `transformPoint()` method
* of the `DOMMatrix` constructor.
* JavaScript implementation by thednp
* @param {Point} point the *Object* with `x`, `y`, `z` and `w` components
* @return {Point} a new `{x,y,z,w}` *Object*
CSSMatrixProto.transformPoint = function transformPoint(v) {
var M = this;
var m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
m.m44 = v.w || 1;
m = _m.multiply(m);
m = M.multiply(m);
return {

@@ -262,6 +738,30 @@ x: m.m41,

z: m.m43,
w: m.m44
w: m.m44,
Object.defineProperties( CSSMatrix.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
* Transforms the specified vector using the matrix, returning a new
* {x,y,z,w} *Object* comprising the transformed vector.
* Neither the matrix nor the original vector are altered.
* @param {Tuple} tupple an object with x, y, z and w components
* @return {Tuple} the passed tuple
CSSMatrixProto.transform = function transform(t) {
var m = this;
var x = m.m11 * t.x + m.m12 * t.y + m.m13 * t.z + m.m14 * t.w;
var y = m.m21 * t.x + m.m22 * t.y + m.m23 * t.z + m.m24 * t.w;
var z = m.m31 * t.x + m.m32 * t.y + m.m33 * t.z + m.m34 * t.w;
var w = m.m41 * t.x + m.m42 * t.y + m.m43 * t.z + m.m44 * t.w;
return {
x: x / w,
y: y / w,
z: z / w,
w: w,
// Add Transform Functions to CSSMatrix object
CSSMatrix.Translate = Translate;

@@ -268,0 +768,0 @@ CSSMatrix.Rotate = Rotate;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// DOMMatrix v0.0.4 | thednp © 2020 | MIT-License
!function(m,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(m="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:m||self).CSSMatrix=t()}(this,(function(){"use strict";function m(m,t,n){var r=new u;return r.m41=r.e=m,r.m42=r.f=t,r.m43=n,r}function t(m,t,n){var r=new u;m*=Math.PI/180,t*=Math.PI/180,n*=Math.PI/180;var e=Math.cos(m),i=-Math.sin(m),o=Math.cos(t),a=-Math.sin(t),s=Math.cos(n),f=-Math.sin(n);return r.m11=r.a=o*s,r.m12=r.b=-o*f,r.m13=a,r.m21=r.c=i*a*s+e*f,r.m22=r.d=e*s-i*a*f,r.m23=-i*o,r.m31=i*f-e*a*s,r.m32=i*s+e*a*f,r.m33=e*o,r}function n(m,t,n,r){r*=Math.PI/360;var e=Math.sin(r),i=Math.cos(r),o=e*e,a=Math.sqrt(m*m+t*t+n*n);0===a?(m=0,t=0,n=1):(m/=a,t/=a,n/=a);var s=m*m,f=t*t,c=n*n,l=new u;return l.m11=l.a=1-2*(f+c)*o,l.m12=l.b=2*(m*t*o+n*e*i),l.m13=2*(m*n*o-t*e*i),l.m21=l.c=2*(t*m*o-n*e*i),l.m22=l.d=1-2*(c+s)*o,l.m23=2*(t*n*o+m*e*i),l.m31=2*(n*m*o+t*e*i),l.m32=2*(n*t*o-m*e*i),l.m33=1-2*(s+f)*o,l.m14=l.m24=l.m34=0,l.m41=l.e=l.m42=l.f=l.m43=0,l.m44=1,l}function r(m,t,n){var r=new u;return r.m11=r.a=m,r.m22=r.d=t,r.m33=n,r}function e(m){m*=Math.PI/180;var t=new u;return t.m21=t.c=Math.tan(m),t}function i(m){m*=Math.PI/180;var t=new u;return t.m12=t.b=Math.tan(m),t}function o(m,t){var n=t.m11*m.m11+t.m12*m.m21+t.m13*m.m31+t.m14*m.m41,r=t.m11*m.m12+t.m12*m.m22+t.m13*m.m32+t.m14*m.m42,e=t.m11*m.m13+t.m12*m.m23+t.m13*m.m33+t.m14*m.m43,i=t.m11*m.m14+t.m12*m.m24+t.m13*m.m34+t.m14*m.m44,o=t.m21*m.m11+t.m22*m.m21+t.m23*m.m31+t.m24*m.m41,a=t.m21*m.m12+t.m22*m.m22+t.m23*m.m32+t.m24*m.m42,s=t.m21*m.m13+t.m22*m.m23+t.m23*m.m33+t.m24*m.m43,f=t.m21*m.m14+t.m22*m.m24+t.m23*m.m34+t.m24*m.m44,c=t.m31*m.m11+t.m32*m.m21+t.m33*m.m31+t.m34*m.m41,l=t.m31*m.m12+t.m32*m.m22+t.m33*m.m32+t.m34*m.m42,h=t.m31*m.m13+t.m32*m.m23+t.m33*m.m33+t.m34*m.m43,p=t.m31*m.m14+t.m32*m.m24+t.m33*m.m34+t.m34*m.m44,y=t.m41*m.m11+t.m42*m.m21+t.m43*m.m31+t.m44*m.m41,d=t.m41*m.m12+t.m42*m.m22+t.m43*m.m32+t.m44*m.m42,M=t.m41*m.m13+t.m42*m.m23+t.m43*m.m33+t.m44*m.m43,x=t.m41*m.m14+t.m42*m.m24+t.m43*m.m34+t.m44*m.m44;return new u([n,o,c,y,r,a,l,d,e,s,h,M,i,f,p,x])}function a(m,t){var n=Array.from(t);return 16==n.length?(m.m11=m.a=n[0],m.m21=m.c=n[1],m.m31=n[2],m.m41=m.e=n[3],m.m12=m.b=n[4],m.m22=m.d=n[5],m.m32=n[6],m.m42=m.f=n[7],m.m13=n[8],m.m23=n[9],m.m33=n[10],m.m43=n[11],m.m14=n[12],m.m24=n[13],m.m34=n[14],m.m44=n[15]):6==n.length?(m.m11=m.a=n[0],m.m12=m.b=n[1],m.m14=m.e=n[4],m.m21=m.c=n[2],m.m22=m.d=n[3],m.m24=m.f=n[5]):console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array"),m}var u=function(){for(var m=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)m[t]=arguments[t];return this.setIdentity(),m&&m.length&&this.setMatrixValue(m)},s={isIdentity:{configurable:!0},is2D:{configurable:!0}};return u.prototype.setMatrixValue=function(m){var t=this;if(!m||!m.length)return t;if(m.length&&"string"==typeof m[0]&&m[0].length){var n,r,e=String(m[0]).trim();if("none"==e)return t;n=e.slice(0,e.indexOf("(")),r=e.slice("matrix"===n?7:9,-1).split(",").map((function(m){return Math.abs(m)<1e-6?0:+m})),[6,16].indexOf(r.length)>-1?a(t,r):console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax")}else m[0]instanceof u||Array.isArray(m[0])?a(t,m[0]):Array.isArray(m)&&a(t,m);return t},u.prototype.toString=function(){return(this.is2D?"matrix":"matrix3d")+"("+this.toArray(1).join(",")+")"},u.prototype.toArray=function(m){var t=this;return t.is2D?[t.a,t.b,t.c,t.d,t.e,t.f]:m?[t.m11,t.m12,t.m13,t.m14,t.m21,t.m22,t.m23,t.m24,t.m31,t.m32,t.m33,t.m34,t.m41,t.m42,t.m43,t.m44]:[t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44]},u.prototype.multiply=function(m){return o(this,m)},u.prototype.translate=function(t,n,r){return null==r&&(r=0),null==n&&(n=0),o(this,m(t,n,r))},u.prototype.scale=function(m,t,n){return null==t&&(t=m),null==n&&(n=m),o(this,r(m,t,n))},u.prototype.rotate=function(m,n,r){return null==n&&(n=0),null==r&&(r=m,m=0),o(this,t(m,n,r))},u.prototype.rotateAxisAngle=function(m,t,r,e){return 4!==arguments.length?(console.error("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values"),this):o(this,n(m,t,r,e))},u.prototype.skewX=function(m){return o(this,e(m))},u.prototype.skewY=function(m){return o(this,i(m))},u.prototype.setIdentity=function(){return a(this,[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1])},s.isIdentity.get=function(){var m=this;return 1==m.m11&&0==m.m12&&0==m.m13&&0==m.m14&&0==m.m21&&1==m.m22&&0==m.m23&&0==m.m24&&0==m.m31&&0==m.m32&&1==m.m33&&0==m.m34&&0==m.m41&&0==m.m42&&0==m.m43&&1==m.m44},s.isIdentity.set=function(m){this.isIdentity=m},s.is2D.get=function(){var m=this;return 0==m.m31&&0==m.m32&&1==m.m33&&0==m.m34&&0==m.m43&&1==m.m44},s.is2D.set=function(m){this.is2D=m},u.prototype.transformPoint=function(t){var n=m(t.x,t.y,t.z);return n.m44=t.w||1,{x:(n=this.multiply(n)).m41,y:n.m42,z:n.m43,w:n.m44}},Object.defineProperties(u.prototype,s),u.Translate=m,u.Rotate=t,u.RotateAxisAngle=n,u.Scale=r,u.SkewX=e,u.SkewY=i,u.Multiply=o,u.fromMatrix=function(m){return new u([m.m11,m.m21,m.m31,m.m41,m.m12,m.m22,m.m32,m.m42,m.m13,m.m23,m.m33,m.m43,m.m14,m.m24,m.m34,m.m44])},u.fromArray=function(m){return a(new u,m)},u.feedFromArray=a,u}));
// DOMMatrix v0.0.5-alpha1 | thednp © 2021 | MIT-License
!function(m,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(m="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:m||self).CSSMatrix=t()}(this,(function(){"use strict";var m=function(){for(var m=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)m[t]=arguments[t];return this.setIdentity(),m&&m.length&&this.setMatrixValue(m)},t={isIdentity:{configurable:!0},is2D:{configurable:!0}};t.isIdentity.get=function(){var m=this;return 1===m.m11&&0===m.m12&&0===m.m13&&0===m.m14&&0===m.m21&&1===m.m22&&0===m.m23&&0===m.m24&&0===m.m31&&0===m.m32&&1===m.m33&&0===m.m34&&0===m.m41&&0===m.m42&&0===m.m43&&1===m.m44},t.isIdentity.set=function(m){this.isIdentity=m},t.is2D.get=function(){var m=this;return 0===m.m31&&0===m.m32&&1===m.m33&&0===m.m34&&0===m.m43&&1===m.m44},t.is2D.set=function(m){this.is2D=m},Object.defineProperties(m.prototype,t);var n=m.prototype;function r(t,n,r){var e=new m;return e.m41=t,e.e=t,e.m42=n,e.f=n,e.m43=r,e}function e(t,n,r){var e=new m,i=t*Math.PI/180,a=n*Math.PI/180,u=r*Math.PI/180,o=Math.cos(i),s=-Math.sin(i),f=Math.cos(a),c=-Math.sin(a),h=Math.cos(u),l=-Math.sin(u),y=f*h,v=-f*l;e.m11=y,e.a=y,e.m12=v,e.b=v,e.m13=c;var d=s*c*h+o*l;e.m21=d,e.c=d;var x=o*h-s*c*l;return e.m22=x,e.d=x,e.m23=-s*f,e.m31=s*l-o*c*h,e.m32=s*h+o*c*l,e.m33=o*f,e}function i(t,n,r,e){var i=new m,a=e*Math.PI/360,u=Math.sin(a),o=Math.cos(a),s=u*u,f=Math.sqrt(t*t+n*n+r*r),c=0,h=0,l=1;0!==f&&(c=t/f,h=n/f,l=r/f);var y=c*c,v=h*h,d=l*l,x=1-2*(v+d)*s;i.m11=x,i.a=x;var w=2*(t*n*s+r*u*o);i.m12=w,i.b=w,i.m13=2*(t*r*s-n*u*o);var M=2*(n*t*s-r*u*o);i.m21=M,i.c=M;var g=1-2*(d+y)*s;return i.m22=g,i.d=g,i.m23=2*(n*r*s+t*u*o),i.m31=2*(r*t*s+n*u*o),i.m32=2*(r*n*s-t*u*o),i.m33=1-2*(y+v)*s,i.m14=0,i.m24=0,i.m34=0,i.m41=0,i.e=0,i.m42=0,i.f=0,i.m43=0,i.m44=1,i}function a(t,n,r){var e=new m;return e.m11=t,e.a=t,e.m22=n,e.d=n,e.m33=r,e}function u(t){var n=t*Math.PI/180,r=new m,e=Math.tan(n);return r.m21=e,r.c=e,r}function o(t){var n=t*Math.PI/180,r=new m,e=Math.tan(n);return r.m12=e,r.b=e,r}function s(t,n){var r=n.m11*t.m11+n.m12*t.m21+n.m13*t.m31+n.m14*t.m41,e=n.m11*t.m12+n.m12*t.m22+n.m13*t.m32+n.m14*t.m42,i=n.m11*t.m13+n.m12*t.m23+n.m13*t.m33+n.m14*t.m43,a=n.m11*t.m14+n.m12*t.m24+n.m13*t.m34+n.m14*t.m44,u=n.m21*t.m11+n.m22*t.m21+n.m23*t.m31+n.m24*t.m41,o=n.m21*t.m12+n.m22*t.m22+n.m23*t.m32+n.m24*t.m42,s=n.m21*t.m13+n.m22*t.m23+n.m23*t.m33+n.m24*t.m43,f=n.m21*t.m14+n.m22*t.m24+n.m23*t.m34+n.m24*t.m44,c=n.m31*t.m11+n.m32*t.m21+n.m33*t.m31+n.m34*t.m41,h=n.m31*t.m12+n.m32*t.m22+n.m33*t.m32+n.m34*t.m42,l=n.m31*t.m13+n.m32*t.m23+n.m33*t.m33+n.m34*t.m43,y=n.m31*t.m14+n.m32*t.m24+n.m33*t.m34+n.m34*t.m44,v=n.m41*t.m11+n.m42*t.m21+n.m43*t.m31+n.m44*t.m41,d=n.m41*t.m12+n.m42*t.m22+n.m43*t.m32+n.m44*t.m42,x=n.m41*t.m13+n.m42*t.m23+n.m43*t.m33+n.m44*t.m43,w=n.m41*t.m14+n.m42*t.m24+n.m43*t.m34+n.m44*t.m44;return new m([r,u,c,v,e,o,h,d,i,s,l,x,a,f,y,w])}function f(m,t){var n=Array.from(t);if(16===n.length){var r=n[0],e=n[1],i=n[2],a=n[3],u=n[4],o=n[5],s=n[6],f=n[7],c=n[8],h=n[9],l=n[10],y=n[11],v=n[12],d=n[13],x=n[14],w=n[15];m.m11=r,m.a=r,m.m21=e,m.c=e,m.m31=i,m.m41=a,m.e=a,m.m12=u,m.b=u,m.m22=o,m.d=o,m.m32=s,m.m42=f,m.f=f,m.m13=c,m.m23=h,m.m33=l,m.m43=y,m.m14=v,m.m24=d,m.m34=x,m.m44=w}else{if(6!==n.length)throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array");var M=n[0],g=n[1],p=n[2],A=n[3],S=n[4],b=n[5];m.m11=M,m.a=M,m.m12=g,m.b=g,m.m21=p,m.c=p,m.m22=A,m.d=A,m.m14=S,m.e=S,m.m24=b,m.f=b}return m}return n.setMatrixValue=function(t){var n=this;if(!t||!t.length)return n;if(t.length&&"string"==typeof t[0]&&t[0].length){var r,e,i=String(t[0]).trim();if("none"===i)return n;if(r=i.slice(0,i.indexOf("(")),e=i.slice("matrix"===r?7:9,-1).split(",").map((function(m){return Math.abs(m)<1e-6?0:+m})),!([6,16].indexOf(e.length)>-1))throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax");f(n,e)}else t[0]instanceof m?f(n,t[0].toArray()):Array.isArray(t[0])?f(n,t[0]):Array.isArray(t)&&f(n,t);return n},n.toString=function(){return(this.is2D?"matrix":"matrix3d")+"("+this.toArray(1).join(",")+")"},n.toArray=function(m){var t=this;return t.is2D?[t.a,t.b,t.c,t.d,t.e,t.f]:m?[t.m11,t.m12,t.m13,t.m14,t.m21,t.m22,t.m23,t.m24,t.m31,t.m32,t.m33,t.m34,t.m41,t.m42,t.m43,t.m44]:[t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44]},n.multiply=function(m){return s(this,m)},n.translate=function(m,t,n){var e,i;return null===n&&(i=0),null===t&&(e=0),s(this,r(m,e,i))},n.scale=function(m,t,n){var r,e;return null===n&&(e=m),null===t&&(r=m),s(this,a(m,r,e))},n.rotate=function(m,t,n){var r,i,a=m;return null===t&&(r=0),null===n&&(i=m,a=0),s(this,e(a,r,i))},n.rotateAxisAngle=function(m,t,n,r){if(4!==arguments.length)throw new TypeError("CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values");return s(this,i(m,t,n,r))},n.skewX=function(m){return s(this,u(m))},n.skewY=function(m){return s(this,o(m))},n.setIdentity=function(){return f(this,[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1])},n.transformPoint=function(m){var t=r(m.x,m.y,m.z);return t.m44=m.w||1,{x:(t=this.multiply(t)).m41,y:t.m42,z:t.m43,w:t.m44}},n.transform=function(m){var t=this,n=t.m11*m.x+t.m12*m.y+t.m13*m.z+t.m14*m.w,r=t.m21*m.x+t.m22*m.y+t.m23*m.z+t.m24*m.w,e=t.m31*m.x+t.m32*m.y+t.m33*m.z+t.m34*m.w,i=t.m41*m.x+t.m42*m.y+t.m43*m.z+t.m44*m.w;return{x:n/i,y:r/i,z:e/i,w:i}},m.Translate=r,m.Rotate=e,m.RotateAxisAngle=i,m.Scale=a,m.SkewX=u,m.SkewY=o,m.Multiply=s,m.fromMatrix=function(t){return new m([t.m11,t.m21,t.m31,t.m41,t.m12,t.m22,t.m32,t.m42,t.m13,t.m23,t.m33,t.m43,t.m14,t.m24,t.m34,t.m44])},m.fromArray=function(t){return f(new m,t)},m.feedFromArray=f,m}));
"name": "dommatrix",
"version": "0.0.4",
"version": "0.0.5-alpha1",
"description": "ES6+ shim for DOMMatrix",

@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ "main": "dist/dommatrix.min.js",

"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"build": "npm-run-all --parallel build-*",
"build": "npm run fix:js && npm-run-all --parallel build-*",
"custom-build": "rollup -c --environment",
"fix:js": "eslint src/*.js --config .eslintrc --fix",
"lint:js": "eslint src/*.js --config .eslintrc",
"build-js": "rollup --environment FORMAT:umd,MIN:false -c",

@@ -38,12 +40,16 @@ "build-js-min": "rollup --environment FORMAT:umd,MIN:true -c",

"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"dependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-buble": "^0.21.3",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.1.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.3.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.3",
"eslint": "^7.22.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^14.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.22.1",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.7.0",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"rollup": "^2.26.3",
"rollup-plugin-cleanup": "^3.1.1",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.3.0"
"dependencies": {}
"rollup": "^2.28.1"
# DOMMatrix shim
An ES6+ sourced [DOMMatrix]( shim for **Node.js** apps and legacy browsers. Legacy browsers might need some other shims here and there.
An ES6+ sourced [DOMMatrix]( shim for **Node.js** apps and legacy browsers. Since this source is modernized, legacy browsers might need some additional shims.
[![NPM Version](](
[![NPM Downloads](](
The constructor is almost equivalent with the **DOMMatrix** in many respects, but tries to keep a sense of simplicity. In that note, we haven't implemented [DOMMatrixReadOnly]( methods like `flipX()` or `inverse()` or aliases for the main methods like `translateSelf` or the old `rotate3d`.
Head over to the [wiki pages]( for developer guidelines.
# More Info
In contrast with the [original source]( there have been a series of changes to the prototype for consistency, performance as well as requirements to better accomodate the **DOMMatrix** interface:

@@ -16,3 +24,2 @@

* *removed* `inverse()` instance method, will be re-added later for other implementations (probably going to be accompanied by `determinant()`, `transpose()` and others);
* *removed* `transform()` instance method, replaced with something that actually works;
* *removed* `toFullString()` instance method, probably something also from *WebKitCSSMatrix*;

@@ -25,221 +32,5 @@ * **added** `is2D` (*getter* and *setter*) property;

* **added** `toArray()`, `toFloat64Array()` and `toFloat32Array()` instance methods, the last two are not present in the constructor prototype;
* **added** `transformPoint()` instance method which works like the original and replaces the old `transform()` method.
* **added** `transformPoint()` instance method which works like the original.
# Install
npm install dommatrix
# Usage
The initialization doesn't support CSS syntax strings with transform functions like `rotate()` or `translate()` only `matrix()` and `matrix3d()`, or 6/16 elements arrays.
// ES6+
import CSSMatrix from 'dommatrix'
// init
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix('matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)')
// Node.js
var CSSMatrix = require('dommatrix');
// init
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix()
**Advanced API Examples**
import CSSMatrix from 'dommatrix'
// init
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix('matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)')
// the above is equivalent with providing the values are arguments
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)
// or by providing an Array, Float32Array, Float64Array
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix([1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0])
// call methods to apply transformations
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix().translate(15)
// equivalent to
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix().translate(15,0)
// equivalent to
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix().translate(15,0,0)
// rotations work as expected
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix().rotate(15)
// equivalent to
let myMatrix = new CSSMatrix().rotate(0,0,15)
# Standard Methods - described in the W3C draft
**translate(x, y, z)**
The translate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. If the `z` parameter is undefined, a 0 value is used in its place. This matrix is not
* `x` the X axis component of the translation value.
* `y` the Y axis component of the translation value.
* `z` the Z axis component of the translation value.
**rotate(rx, ry, rz)**
The rotate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z. If the `y` and `z` components are undefined, the `x` value is used to rotate the
object about the `z` axis, as though the vector (0,0,x) were passed. All rotation values are expected to be in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* `rx` the X axis component of the rotation value.
* `ry` the Y axis component of the rotation value.
* `rz` the Z axis component of the rotation value.
**rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle)**
This method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of rotation. All rotation values are
in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* `x` The X component of the axis vector.
* `y` The Y component of the axis vector.
* `z` The Z component of the axis vector.
* `angle` The angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees.
**scale(x, y, z)**
The scale method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by a scale matrix containing the passed values. If the `z` component is undefined, a 1 value is used in its place. If the `y` component is undefined, the `x` component value is used in its place. This matrix is not modified.
* `x` the X axis component of the scale value.
* `y` the Y axis component of the scale value.
* `z` the Z axis component of the scale value.
Specifies a skew transformation along the `x-axis` by the given angle. This matrix is not modified.
The `angle` parameter sets the amount in degrees to skew.
Specifies a skew transformation along the `y-axis` by the given angle. This matrix is not modified.
The `angle` parameter sets the amount in degrees to skew.
Creates and returns a string representation of the matrix in CSS matrix syntax, using the appropriate CSS matrix notation.
The 16 items in the array 3D matrix array are *transposed* in row-major order.
Depending on the value of `is2D`, the method will return the CSS matrix syntax in one of the two formats:
* `matrix3d(m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44)`
* `matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)`
Transforms the specified point using the matrix, returning a new `DOMPoint` like *Object* containing the transformed point.
Neither the matrix nor the original point are altered.
The method is equivalent with `transformPoint()` method of the `DOMMatrix` constructor.
The `point` parameter expects a vector *Object* with `x`, `y`, `z` and `w` properties or a `DOMPoint`
# Additional Methods
The multiply method returns a new `CSSMatrix` which is the result of this matrix multiplied by the passed matrix, with the passed matrix to the right. This matrix as well as the one passed are not modified.
The `m2` parameter is expecting a `CSSMatrix` or `DOMMatrix` instance.
The setMatrixValue method replaces the existing matrix with one computed in the browser. EG: `matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`.
The method also accepts 6/16 elements *Float64Array* / *Float32Array* / *Array* values, the result of `CSSMatrix` => `toArray()` / `DOMMatrix` => `toFloat64Array()` / `toFloat32Array()`.
For simplicity reasons, this method expects only valid *matrix()* / *matrix3d()* string values, which means other transform functions like *translate()*, *rotate()* are not supported.
* The `source` parameter is either the String representing the CSS syntax of the matrix, which is also the result of `getComputedStyle()`.
* The `source` can also be an *Array* resulted from `toArray()` method calls.
Set the current `CSSMatrix` instance to the identity form and returns it.
Returns an *Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the 3D matrix. The method can return either the elements in default column major order or row major order (what we call the *transposed* matrix, used by `toString`).
If the matrix attribute `is2D` is `true`, the 6 elements array matrix is returned.
Other methods make use of this method to feed their output values from this matrix.
The `transposed` parameter changes the order of the elements in the output. By default the column major order is used, which is the standard representation of a typical 4x4 3D transformation matrix, however the `CSS` syntax requires the row major order, so we can set this parameter to `true` to facilitate that.
There are also *toFloat64Array()* and *toFloat32Array()* which return a new `Float64Array` / `toFloat32Array` containing all 6/16 elements which comprise the matrix. The elements are stored into the array as double-precision floating-point numbers (`Float64Array`) or single-precision floating-point numbers (`Float32Array`), in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order. These last two methods are not yet present in the prototype, but are ready to go.
The result can be immediatelly fed as parameter for the initialization of a new matrix.
# Getters and Setters
A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. The identity matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal).
A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix and `false` if the matrix is 3D.
# Static Methods - not included in the constructor prototype
Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an existing matrix or a `DOMMatrix` *Object* which provides the values for its properties. The `m2` parameter is the matrix instance passed into the method and neither this matrix or the one passed are modified.
Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array of values. If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values, the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a `console.error` is thrown and returns the current matrix.
The `array` parameter is the source to feed the values for the new matrix.
There are two more methods *fromFloat64Array(array)* and *fromFloat32Array(array)* which are only aliases for `fromArray` for now, but will be updated accordingly once DOMMatrix API is final.
Feed a `CSSMatrix` object with the values of a 6/16 values array and returns the updated matrix.
The `array` parameter is the source to feed the values for the new matrix.
There are two more methods *fromFloat64Array(array)* and *fromFloat32Array(array)* which are only aliases for `fromArray` for now, but will be updated accordingly once DOMMatrix API is final.
# Thanks

@@ -250,2 +41,2 @@ * Arian Stolwijk for his [CSSMatrix](

# License
DOMMatrix shim is [MIT Licensed](
DOMMatrix shim is [MIT Licensed](

@@ -0,1 +1,70 @@

* DOMMatrix shim - CSSMatrix
* Creates and returns a new `DOMMatrix` compatible *Object*
* with equivalent instance methods.
* @param {String} String valid CSS transform in `matrix()`/`matrix3d()` format
* @param {Array} Array expected to be *Float64Array* or *Float32Array* in the column major order.
* @param {[a,b,c,d,e,f]} Arguments representing the 6 elements of a 2d matrix
* @param {[m11,m21,m31,m41..]} Arguments representing the 16 elements of a 3d matrix
class CSSMatrix {
constructor(...args) {
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args);
* A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. The identity
* matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left
* to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal).
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
get isIdentity() {
const m = this;
return (m.m11 === 1 && m.m12 === 0 && m.m13 === 0 && m.m14 === 0
&& m.m21 === 0 && m.m22 === 1 && m.m23 === 0 && m.m24 === 0
&& m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0
&& m.m41 === 0 && m.m42 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.isIdentity` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
set isIdentity(value) {
this.isIdentity = value;
* A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix
* and `false` if the matrix is 3D.
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
get is2D() {
const m = this;
return (m.m31 === 0 && m.m32 === 0 && m.m33 === 1 && m.m34 === 0 && m.m43 === 0 && m.m44 === 1);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.is2D` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
set is2D(value) {
this.is2D = value;
// export proto for custom compile via Buble
const CSSMatrixProto = CSSMatrix.prototype;
// Transform Functions

@@ -7,5 +76,5 @@ //

* This method is equivalent to the CSS `translate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` position.

@@ -15,8 +84,10 @@ * @param {Number} y the `y-axis` position.

function Translate(x, y, z){
let m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m41 = m.e = x;
m.m42 = m.f = y;
function Translate(x, y, z) {
const m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m41 = x;
m.e = x;
m.m42 = y;
m.f = y;
m.m43 = z;
return m
return m;

@@ -26,5 +97,5 @@

* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the rotation matrix and returns it.
* @param {Number} rx the `x-axis` rotation.

@@ -35,27 +106,43 @@ * @param {Number} ry the `y-axis` rotation.

function Rotate(rx, ry, rz){
let m = new CSSMatrix()
function Rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
const m = new CSSMatrix();
rx *= Math.PI / 180
ry *= Math.PI / 180
rz *= Math.PI / 180
const radX = (rx * Math.PI) / 180;
const radY = (ry * Math.PI) / 180;
const radZ = (rz * Math.PI) / 180;
// minus sin() because of right-handed system
let cosx = Math.cos(rx), sinx = -Math.sin(rx),
cosy = Math.cos(ry), siny = -Math.sin(ry),
cosz = Math.cos(rz), sinz = -Math.sin(rz);
const cosx = Math.cos(radX);
const sinx = -Math.sin(radX);
const cosy = Math.cos(radY);
const siny = -Math.sin(radY);
const cosz = Math.cos(radZ);
const sinz = -Math.sin(radZ);
m.m11 = m.a = cosy * cosz
m.m12 = m.b = -cosy * sinz
m.m13 = siny
const cycz = cosy * cosz;
const cysz = -cosy * sinz;
m.m21 = m.c = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz
m.m22 = m.d = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz
m.m23 = -sinx * cosy
m.m11 = cycz;
m.a = cycz;
m.m31 = sinx * sinz - cosx * siny * cosz
m.m32 = sinx * cosz + cosx * siny * sinz
m.m33 = cosx * cosy
m.m12 = cysz;
m.b = cysz;
return m
m.m13 = siny;
const sxsy = sinx * siny * cosz + cosx * sinz;
m.m21 = sxsy;
m.c = sxsy;
const cxcz = cosx * cosz - sinx * siny * sinz;
m.m22 = cxcz;
m.d = cxcz;
m.m23 = -sinx * cosy;
m.m31 = sinx * sinz - cosx * siny * cosz;
m.m32 = sinx * cosz + cosx * siny * sinz;
m.m33 = cosx * cosy;
return m;

@@ -66,5 +153,5 @@

* This method is equivalent to the CSS `rotate3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` vector length.

@@ -75,29 +162,42 @@ * @param {Number} y the `y-axis` vector length.

function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 360;
function RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
const m = new CSSMatrix();
const radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 360;
const sinA = Math.sin(radA);
const cosA = Math.cos(radA);
const sinA2 = sinA * sinA;
const length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
let X = 0;
let Y = 0;
let Z = 1;
let sinA = Math.sin(angle),
cosA = Math.cos(angle),
sinA2 = sinA * sinA,
length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
if (length === 0){
// bad vector length, use something reasonable
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 1;
} else {
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
// bad vector length, use something reasonable
if (length !== 0) {
X = x / length;
Y = y / length;
Z = z / length;
let x2 = x * x, y2 = y * y, z2 = z * z;
const x2 = X * X;
const y2 = Y * Y;
const z2 = Z * Z;
let m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m12 = m.b = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
const m11 = 1 - 2 * (y2 + z2) * sinA2;
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
const m12 = 2 * (x * y * sinA2 + z * sinA * cosA);
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m13 = 2 * (x * z * sinA2 - y * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m.c = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m22 = m.d = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
const m21 = 2 * (y * x * sinA2 - z * sinA * cosA);
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
const m22 = 1 - 2 * (z2 + x2) * sinA2;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m23 = 2 * (y * z * sinA2 + x * sinA * cosA);

@@ -107,7 +207,16 @@ m.m31 = 2 * (z * x * sinA2 + y * sinA * cosA);

m.m33 = 1 - 2 * (x2 + y2) * sinA2;
m.m14 = m.m24 = m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = m.e = m.m42 = m.f = m.m43 = 0;
m.m14 = 0;
m.m24 = 0;
m.m34 = 0;
m.m41 = 0;
m.e = 0;
m.m42 = 0;
m.f = 0;
m.m43 = 0;
m.m44 = 1;
return m
return m;

@@ -118,5 +227,5 @@

* This method is equivalent to the CSS `scale3d()` function.
* @param {Number} x the `x-axis` scale.

@@ -126,496 +235,517 @@ * @param {Number} y the `y-axis` scale.

function Scale(x, y, z){
let m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = m.a = x;
m.m22 = m.d = y;
function Scale(x, y, z) {
const m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m11 = x;
m.a = x;
m.m22 = y;
m.d = y;
m.m33 = z;
return m
return m;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `x-axis` rotation matrix and
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `x-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewX()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewX(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
let m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m21 = m.c = Math.tan(angle);
return m
function SkewX(angle) {
const radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
const m = new CSSMatrix();
const t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m21 = t;
m.c = t;
return m;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `y-axis` rotation matrix and
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` for the shear of the `y-axis` rotation matrix and
* returns it. This method is equivalent to the CSS `skewY()` function.
* @param {Number} angle the angle in degrees.
function SkewY(angle){
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
let m = new CSSMatrix();
m.m12 = m.b = Math.tan(angle);
return m
function SkewY(angle) {
const radA = (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
const m = new CSSMatrix();
const t = Math.tan(radA);
m.m12 = t;
m.b = t;
return m;
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` resulted from the multiplication of two matrixes
* Creates a new `CSSMatrix` resulted from the multiplication of two matrixes
* and returns it. Both matrixes are not changed.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m1 the first matrix.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 the second matrix.
function Multiply(m1, m2){
let m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41,
m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42,
m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43,
m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44,
function Multiply(m1, m2) {
const m11 = m2.m11 * m1.m11 + m2.m12 * m1.m21 + m2.m13 * m1.m31 + m2.m14 * m1.m41;
const m12 = m2.m11 * m1.m12 + m2.m12 * m1.m22 + m2.m13 * m1.m32 + m2.m14 * m1.m42;
const m13 = m2.m11 * m1.m13 + m2.m12 * m1.m23 + m2.m13 * m1.m33 + m2.m14 * m1.m43;
const m14 = m2.m11 * m1.m14 + m2.m12 * m1.m24 + m2.m13 * m1.m34 + m2.m14 * m1.m44;
m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41,
m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42,
m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43,
m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44,
const m21 = m2.m21 * m1.m11 + m2.m22 * m1.m21 + m2.m23 * m1.m31 + m2.m24 * m1.m41;
const m22 = m2.m21 * m1.m12 + m2.m22 * m1.m22 + m2.m23 * m1.m32 + m2.m24 * m1.m42;
const m23 = m2.m21 * m1.m13 + m2.m22 * m1.m23 + m2.m23 * m1.m33 + m2.m24 * m1.m43;
const m24 = m2.m21 * m1.m14 + m2.m22 * m1.m24 + m2.m23 * m1.m34 + m2.m24 * m1.m44;
m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41,
m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42,
m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43,
m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44,
const m31 = m2.m31 * m1.m11 + m2.m32 * m1.m21 + m2.m33 * m1.m31 + m2.m34 * m1.m41;
const m32 = m2.m31 * m1.m12 + m2.m32 * m1.m22 + m2.m33 * m1.m32 + m2.m34 * m1.m42;
const m33 = m2.m31 * m1.m13 + m2.m32 * m1.m23 + m2.m33 * m1.m33 + m2.m34 * m1.m43;
const m34 = m2.m31 * m1.m14 + m2.m32 * m1.m24 + m2.m33 * m1.m34 + m2.m34 * m1.m44;
m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41,
m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42,
m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43,
m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44
const m41 = m2.m41 * m1.m11 + m2.m42 * m1.m21 + m2.m43 * m1.m31 + m2.m44 * m1.m41;
const m42 = m2.m41 * m1.m12 + m2.m42 * m1.m22 + m2.m43 * m1.m32 + m2.m44 * m1.m42;
const m43 = m2.m41 * m1.m13 + m2.m42 * m1.m23 + m2.m43 * m1.m33 + m2.m44 * m1.m43;
const m44 = m2.m41 * m1.m14 + m2.m42 * m1.m24 + m2.m43 * m1.m34 + m2.m44 * m1.m44;
return new CSSMatrix(
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44])
[m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44],
* Returns a new *Float32Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as single-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float32Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, m12, m22, m32, m42, m13, m23, m33, m43, m14, m24, m34, m44)
* Returns a new *Float32Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as single-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float32Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat32Array(){
// return Float32Array.from(this.toArray())
// return Float32Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Returns a new Float64Array containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as double-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float64Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, m12, m22, m32, m42, m13, m23, m33, m43, m14, m24, m34, m44)
* Returns a new Float64Array containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The elements are stored into the array as double-precision floating-point numbers
* in column-major (colexographical access access or "colex") order.
* @return {Float64Array} matrix elements (m11, m21, m31, m41, ..)
// toFloat64Array(){
// return Float64Array.from(this.toArray())
// return Float64Array.from(this.toArray());
// }
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an existing matrix or a
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an existing matrix or a
* `DOMMatrix` *Object* which provides the values for its properties.
* @param {CSSMatrix} CSSMatrix the source `CSSMatrix` / `DOMMatrix` initialization to feed values from
* @param {CSSMatrix} CSSMatrix the source `CSSMatrix` initialization to feed values from
function fromMatrix(m){
function fromMatrix(m) {
return new CSSMatrix(
// DOMMatrix elements order
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44])
[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41,
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44],
* Feed a CSSMatrix object with the values of a 6/16 values array and returns it.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function feedFromArray(m, array) {
const a = Array.from(array);
if (a.length === 16) {
const [m11, m21, m31, m41,
m12, m22, m32, m42,
m13, m23, m33, m43,
m14, m24, m34, m44] = a;
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
m.m31 = m31;
m.m41 = m41;
m.e = m41;
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m32 = m32;
m.m42 = m42;
m.f = m42;
m.m13 = m13;
m.m23 = m23;
m.m33 = m33;
m.m43 = m43;
m.m14 = m14;
m.m24 = m24;
m.m34 = m34;
m.m44 = m44;
} else if (a.length === 6) {
const [m11, m12, m21, m22, m14, m24] = a;
m.m11 = m11;
m.a = m11;
m.m12 = m12;
m.b = m12;
m.m21 = m21;
m.c = m21;
m.m22 = m22;
m.d = m22;
m.m14 = m14;
m.e = m14;
m.m24 = m24;
m.f = m24;
} else {
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array');
return m;
* Creates a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array float values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
function fromArray(a){
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(),a)
function fromArray(a) {
return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
* Each create a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array of single/double-precision
* Each create a new mutable `CSSMatrix` object given an array of single/double-precision
* (32/64 bit) floating-point values.
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* If the array has six values, the result is a 2D matrix; if the array has 16 values,
* the result is a 3D matrix. Otherwise, a TypeError exception is thrown.
* @param {Float32Array|Float64Array} array The source `Float32Array` / `Float64Array` to feed values from.
* @param {Float32Array|Float64Array} array The source float array to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
// more of an alias for now, will update later if it's the case
// function fromFloat32Array(a){
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(),a)
// function fromFloat32Array(a){
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
// function fromFloat64Array(a){ // more of an alias
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(),a)
// return feedFromArray(new CSSMatrix(), a);
// }
* Feed a CSSMatrix object with the values of a 6/16 values array and returns it.
* @param {Array} array The source `Array` to feed values from.
* @return {CSSMatrix} a The source array to feed values from.
* The `setMatrixValue` method replaces the existing matrix with one computed
* in the browser. EG: `matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`
* The method accepts *Float64Array* / *Float32Array* / any *Array* values, the result of
* `DOMMatrix` / `CSSMatrix` instance method calls `toFloat64Array()` / `toFloat32Array()`.
* This method expects valid *matrix()* / *matrix3d()* string values, other
* transform functions like *translate()* are not supported.
* @param {String} source the *String* resulted from `getComputedStyle()`.
* @param {Array} source the *Array* resulted from `toFloat64Array()`.
function feedFromArray(m,array){
let a = Array.from(array)
if (a.length == 16){
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m21 = m.c = a[1];
m.m31 = a[2];
m.m41 = m.e = a[3];
m.m12 = m.b = a[4];
m.m22 = m.d = a[5];
m.m32 = a[6];
m.m42 = m.f = a[7];
m.m13 = a[8];
m.m23 = a[9];
m.m33 = a[10];
m.m43 = a[11];
m.m14 = a[12];
m.m24 = a[13];
m.m34 = a[14];
m.m44 = a[15];
} else if (a.length == 6) {
m.m11 = m.a = a[0];
m.m12 = m.b = a[1];
m.m14 = m.e = a[4];
m.m21 = m.c = a[2];
m.m22 = m.d = a[3];
m.m24 = m.f = a[5];
} else {
console.error(`CSSMatrix: expecting a 6/16 values Array`)
CSSMatrixProto.setMatrixValue = function setMatrixValue(source) {
const m = this;
if (!source || !source.length) { // no parameters or source
return m;
} if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) { // CSS transform String source
const string = String(source[0]).trim(); let type = ''; let
values = [];
if (string === 'none') return m;
type = string.slice(0, string.indexOf('('));
values = string.slice((type === 'matrix' ? 7 : 9), -1).split(',')
.map((n) => (Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n));
if ([6, 16].indexOf(values.length) > -1) {
feedFromArray(m, values);
} else {
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax');
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) { // CSSMatrix instance
feedFromArray(m, source[0].toArray());
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) { // Float32Array,Float64Array source
feedFromArray(m, source[0]);
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) { // Arguments list come here
feedFromArray(m, source);
return m
return m;
* Creates and returns a new `DOMMatrix` compatible *Object*
* with equivalent instance methods.
* @param {String} String valid CSS transform in `matrix()`/`matrix3d()` format
* @param {Array} Array expected to be *Float64Array* or *Float32Array* in the correct column major order described in the specification.
* @param {[a,b,c,d,e,f]} Arguments representing the 6 elements of a 2d matrix
* @param {[m11,m21,m31,m41,m12,m22,m32,m42,m13,m23,m33,m43,m14,m24,m34,m44]} Arguments representing the 16 elements of a 3d matrix
* Creates and returns a string representation of the matrix in `CSS` matrix syntax,
* using the appropriate `CSS` matrix notation.
* The 16 items in the array 3D matrix array are *transposed* in row-major order.
* @matrix3d *matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, ...)*
* @matrix *matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)*
* @return {String} `String` representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toString = function toString() {
const m = this;
const type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d';
export default class CSSMatrix {
return args && args.length && this.setMatrixValue(args)
return `${type}(${m.toArray(1).join(',')})`;
* The `setMatrixValue` method replaces the existing matrix with one computed
* in the browser. EG: `matrix(1,0.25,-0.25,1,0,0)`
* The method accepts *Float64Array* / *Float32Array* / any *Array* values, the result of
* `DOMMatrix` / `CSSMatrix` instance method calls `toFloat64Array()` / `toFloat32Array()`.
* This method expects valid *matrix()* / *matrix3d()* string values, other
* transform functions like *translate()* are not supported.
* @param {String} source the *String* resulted from `getComputedStyle()`.
* @param {Array} source the *Array* resulted from `toFloat64Array()`.
let m = this
* Returns an *Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The method can return either the elements in default column major order or
* row major order (what we call the *transposed* matrix, used by `toString`).
* Other methods make use of this method to feed their output values from this matrix.
* @param {Boolean} transposed changes the order of elements in the output
* @return {Array} an *Array* representation of the matrix
CSSMatrixProto.toArray = function toArray(transposed) {
const m = this;
let result;
if (!source || !source.length) { // no parameters or source
return m
} else if (source.length && typeof source[0] === 'string' && source[0].length) { // CSS transform String source
let string = String(source[0]).trim(), type = '', values = [];
if (string == 'none') return m;
type = string.slice(0, string.indexOf('('))
values = string.slice((type === 'matrix' ? 7 : 9), -1).split(',')
.map(n=>Math.abs(n) < 1e-6 ? 0 : +n)
if ([6,16].indexOf(values.length)>-1){
} else {
console.error(`CSSMatrix: expecting valid CSS matrix() / matrix3d() syntax`)
} else if (source[0] instanceof CSSMatrix) { // CSSMatrix instance
} else if (Array.isArray(source[0])) { // Float32Array,Float64Array source
} else if (Array.isArray(source)) { // Arguments list come here
return m
if (m.is2D) {
result = [m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f];
} else if (transposed) {
result = [m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14, // transposed is used by toString
m.m21, m.m22, m.m23, m.m24,
m.m31, m.m32, m.m33, m.m34,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44];
} else {
result = [m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41, // used by constructor
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44];
* Creates and returns a string representation of the matrix in `CSS` matrix syntax,
* using the appropriate `CSS` matrix notation.
* The 16 items in the array 3D matrix array are *transposed* in row-major order.
* @matrix3d *matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)*
* @matrix *matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)*
* @return {String} `String` representation of the matrix
let m = this, type = m.is2D ? 'matrix' : 'matrix3d'
return `${type}(${m.toArray(1).join(',')})`
return result;
* Returns an *Array* containing all 16 elements which comprise the matrix.
* The method can return either the elements in default column major order or
* row major order (what we call the *transposed* matrix, used by `toString`).
* Other methods make use of this method to feed their output values from this matrix.
* @param {Boolean} transposed changes the order of elements in the output
* @return {Array} an *Array* representation of the matrix
let m = this
return m.is2D ? [ m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f ]
: transposed
?[m.m11, m.m12, m.m13, m.m14, // transposed is used by toString
m.m21, m.m22, m.m23, m.m24,
m.m31, m.m32, m.m33, m.m34,
m.m41, m.m42, m.m43, m.m44]
:[m.m11, m.m21, m.m31, m.m41, // used by constructor
m.m12, m.m22, m.m32, m.m42,
m.m13, m.m23, m.m33, m.m43,
m.m14, m.m24, m.m34, m.m44]
* The Multiply method returns a new CSSMatrix which is the result of this
* matrix multiplied by the passed matrix, with the passed matrix to the right.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 CSSMatrix
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix.
CSSMatrixProto.multiply = function multiply(m2) {
return Multiply(this, m2);
* The Multiply method returns a new CSSMatrix which is the result of this
* matrix multiplied by the passed matrix, with the passed matrix to the right.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {CSSMatrix} m2 CSSMatrix
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix.
return Multiply(this,m2)
* These methods will be implemented later into an extended version to provide
* additional functionality.
// inverse = function(){}
// determinant = function(){}
// transpose = function(){}
* These methods will be implemented later into an extended version to provide
* additional functionality.
// inverse = function(){}
// determinant = function(){}
// transpose = function(){}
* The translate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. If the z
* component is undefined, a 0 value is used in its place. This matrix is not
* modified.
* @param {number} x X component of the translation value.
* @param {number} y Y component of the translation value.
* @param {number=} z Z component of the translation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
* The translate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a translation matrix containing the passed values. If the z
* component is undefined, a 0 value is used in its place. This matrix is not
* modified.
* @param {number} x X component of the translation value.
* @param {number} y Y component of the translation value.
* @param {number=} z Z component of the translation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.translate = function translate(x, y, z) {
const X = x;
let Y;
let Z;
if (z === null) Z = 0;
if (y === null) Y = 0;
return Multiply(this, Translate(X, Y, Z));
translate(x, y, z){
if (z == null) z = 0
if (y == null) y = 0
return Multiply(this,Translate(x, y, z))
* The scale method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by
* a scale matrix containing the passed values. If the z component is undefined,
* a 1 value is used in its place. If the y component is undefined, the x
* component value is used in its place. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} y The Y component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} z The Z component of the scale value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
* The scale method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied by
* a scale matrix containing the passed values. If the z component is undefined,
* a 1 value is used in its place. If the y component is undefined, the x
* component value is used in its place. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} y The Y component of the scale value.
* @param {number=} z The Z component of the scale value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
CSSMatrixProto.scale = function scale(x, y, z) {
const X = x;
let Y;
let Z;
if (z === null) Z = x;
if (y === null) Y = x;
scale(x, y, z){
if (y == null) y = x;
if (z == null) z = x;
return Multiply(this,Scale(x, y, z))
return Multiply(this, Scale(X, Y, Z));
* The rotate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied
* by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z.
* If the y and z components are undefined, the x value is used to rotate the
* object about the z axis, as though the vector (0,0,x) were passed. All
* rotation values are in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} rx The X component of the rotation value, or the Z component if the rotateY and rotateZ parameters are undefined.
* @param {number=} ry The (optional) Y component of the rotation value.
* @param {number=} rz The (optional) Z component of the rotation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
* The rotate method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post multiplied
* by each of 3 rotation matrices about the major axes, first X, then Y, then Z.
* If the y and z components are undefined, the x value is used to rotate the
* object about the z axis, as though the vector (0,0,x) were passed. All
* rotation values are in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} rx The X component of the rotation, or Z if Y and Z are null.
* @param {number=} ry The (optional) Y component of the rotation value.
* @param {number=} rz The (optional) Z component of the rotation value.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The result matrix
rotate(rx, ry, rz){
if (ry == null) ry = 0;
if (rz == null) {rz = rx; rx = 0}
return Multiply(this,Rotate(rx, ry, rz))
CSSMatrixProto.rotate = function rotate(rx, ry, rz) {
let RX = rx;
let RY;
let RZ;
if (ry === null) RY = 0;
if (rz === null) { RZ = rx; RX = 0; }
return Multiply(this, Rotate(RX, RY, RZ));
* The rotateAxisAngle method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. The right-hand
* rule is used to determine the direction of rotation. All rotation values are
* in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} y The Y component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} z The Z component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} angle The angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
* The rotateAxisAngle method returns a new matrix which is this matrix post
* multiplied by a rotation matrix with the given axis and `angle`. The right-hand
* rule is used to determine the direction of rotation. All rotation values are
* in degrees. This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} x The X component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} y The Y component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} z The Z component of the axis vector.
* @param {number} angle The angle of rotation about the axis vector, in degrees.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle){
if (arguments.length!==4){
console.error(`CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values`)
return this
return Multiply(this,RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle))
CSSMatrixProto.rotateAxisAngle = function rotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle) {
if (arguments.length !== 4) {
throw new TypeError('CSSMatrix: expecting 4 values');
return Multiply(this, RotateAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle));
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `x-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `x-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
return Multiply(this,SkewX(angle))
CSSMatrixProto.skewX = function skewX(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewX(angle));
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `y-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
* Specifies a skew transformation along the `y-axis` by the given angle.
* This matrix is not modified.
* @param {number} angle The angle amount in degrees to skew.
* @return {CSSMatrix} The `CSSMatrix` result
return Multiply(this,SkewY(angle))
CSSMatrixProto.skewY = function skewY(angle) {
return Multiply(this, SkewY(angle));
* Set the current `CSSMatrix` instance to the identity form and returns it.
* @return {CSSMatrix} this `CSSMatrix` instance
let identity = [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]
return feedFromArray(this,identity)
* Set the current `CSSMatrix` instance to the identity form and returns it.
* @return {CSSMatrix} this `CSSMatrix` instance
CSSMatrixProto.setIdentity = function setIdentity() {
const identity = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return feedFromArray(this, identity);
* A `Boolean` whose value is `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix. The identity
* matrix is one in which every value is 0 except those on the main diagonal from top-left
* to bottom-right corner (in other words, where the offsets in each direction are equal).
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
get isIdentity(){
let m = this;
return (m.m11 == 1 && m.m12 == 0 && m.m13 == 0 && m.m14 == 0 &&
m.m21 == 0 && m.m22 == 1 && m.m23 == 0 && m.m24 == 0 &&
m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 &&
m.m41 == 0 && m.m42 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
* Transforms the specified point using the matrix, returning a new
* *Object* containing the transformed point.
* Neither the matrix nor the original point are altered.
* The method is equivalent with `transformPoint()` method
* of the `DOMMatrix` constructor.
* JavaScript implementation by thednp
* @param {Point} point the *Object* with `x`, `y`, `z` and `w` components
* @return {Point} a new `{x,y,z,w}` *Object*
CSSMatrixProto.transformPoint = function transformPoint(v) {
const M = this;
let m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.isIdentity` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
set isIdentity(value){
this.isIdentity = value
m.m44 = v.w || 1;
m = M.multiply(m);
* A `Boolean` flag whose value is `true` if the matrix was initialized as a 2D matrix
* and `false` if the matrix is 3D.
* @return {Boolean} `Boolean` the current property value
get is2D(){
let m = this;
return (m.m31 == 0 && m.m32 == 0 && m.m33 == 1 && m.m34 == 0 && m.m43 == 0 && m.m44 == 1)
return {
x: m.m41,
y: m.m42,
z: m.m43,
w: m.m44,
* Sets a new `Boolean` flag value for `this.is2D` matrix property.
* @param {Boolean} value sets a new `Boolean` flag for this property
set is2D(value){
this.is2D = value
* Transforms the specified vector using the matrix, returning a new
* {x,y,z,w} *Object* comprising the transformed vector.
* Neither the matrix nor the original vector are altered.
* @param {Tuple} tupple an object with x, y, z and w components
* @return {Tuple} the passed tuple
CSSMatrixProto.transform = function transform(t) {
const m = this;
const x = m.m11 * t.x + m.m12 * t.y + m.m13 * t.z + m.m14 * t.w;
const y = m.m21 * t.x + m.m22 * t.y + m.m23 * t.z + m.m24 * t.w;
const z = m.m31 * t.x + m.m32 * t.y + m.m33 * t.z + m.m34 * t.w;
const w = m.m41 * t.x + m.m42 * t.y + m.m43 * t.z + m.m44 * t.w;
* Transforms the specified point using the matrix, returning a new
* `DOMPoint` like *Object* containing the transformed point.
* Neither the matrix nor the original point are altered.
* The method is equivalent with `transformPoint()` method
* of the `DOMMatrix` constructor.
* JavaScript implementation by thednp
* @param {Tuple} vector the *Object* with `x`, `y`, `z` and `w` properties
* @return {Tuple} a new `{x,y,z,w}` *Object*
let _m = this, m = Translate(v.x, v.y, v.z)
return {
x: x / w,
y: y / w,
z: z / w,
m.m44 = v.w || 1
m = _m.multiply(m)
// Add Transform Functions to CSSMatrix object
CSSMatrix.Translate = Translate;
CSSMatrix.Rotate = Rotate;
CSSMatrix.RotateAxisAngle = RotateAxisAngle;
CSSMatrix.Scale = Scale;
CSSMatrix.SkewX = SkewX;
CSSMatrix.SkewY = SkewY;
CSSMatrix.Multiply = Multiply;
CSSMatrix.fromMatrix = fromMatrix;
CSSMatrix.fromArray = fromArray;
CSSMatrix.feedFromArray = feedFromArray;
return {
x: m.m41,
y: m.m42,
z: m.m43,
w: m.m44
// export Transform Functions and static methods to global
CSSMatrix.Translate = Translate
CSSMatrix.Rotate = Rotate
CSSMatrix.RotateAxisAngle = RotateAxisAngle
CSSMatrix.Scale = Scale
CSSMatrix.SkewX = SkewX
CSSMatrix.SkewY = SkewY
CSSMatrix.Multiply = Multiply
CSSMatrix.fromMatrix = fromMatrix
CSSMatrix.fromArray = fromArray
CSSMatrix.feedFromArray = feedFromArray
export default CSSMatrix;
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