My gulp tasks... under development, use at your own risks do not use!
Operative is released under the WTFPL
How it works ?
This will bump your package, commit changes and add a tag.
Before commits are pushed to repo, your javascript source files will be yuidoc'd and pushed to your gh-pages branch...
Your gulpfile.js###
var gulp = require('gulp');
In your console, type gulp release:ghpages -patch
Replace "patch" with "minor" or "major", according to your semver.
Available tasks
- doc:build
- doc:move
- doc:checkoutGhPages
- doc:copy
- doc:commit
- doc:push
- doc:checkoutMaster
- doc:publish
- version:bump
- version:commit
- version:tag
- version:bumptag
- version:push
- version:full
- release:ghpages
- release:docs
- release:default