dream : yet another js transpiler
it can compile itself but not much to expect from v0.0.0
dream is a small language between clojurescript and coffeescript
def hello(name)
console.log "hello" name
# or
def hello(name) (console.log "hello" name)
# ------------------------------------------
if true
# or
(if true (foo) (bar))
# ------------------------------------------
switch node.value
"String" (stringNode)
"Keyword" "Bool"
js.JSON.stringify node.value
# or
(switch node.value
"String" (stringNode)
("Keyword" "Bool") (js.JSON.stringify node.value)
# ------------------------------------------
set! i 0
while (< i node.value.length)
if (bar)
+= i 1
# ------------------------------------------
# comments begins with a # and a space
#!this is
a block
# ------------------------------------------
set! node.value (node.value.replace #"\\"g "\\\\")
# or
set! node.value (node.value.replace #re"\\\\"g "\\\\")
there is a gulp plugin here
and a vim plugin here
- test
- special syntax for require
- infix operator
- deconstructor
- default parameters
- macros
- editors tools
- optional typing
def- foo : String? (arg1 : Number? arg2 : Any)