This a library to use all data stuctures and sorting algorithms
Data structures supported are
- Stack
- Queue
- LinkedList
- Binary Search Tree
- Graph
- Tries
- Heap
It also supports sorting algorithms like
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertation Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
To use this library
var $d = require('ds.algo');
To get LinkedList object
var ll = $d(':ll'); or $d.linkedlist();
To get Stack object
var st = $d(':st'); or $d.stack();
To get Queue object
var qu = $d(':qu'); or $d.queue();
To get BinarySearchTree object
var bst = $d(':bst'); or $d.binarySearchTree();
To get Graph object
var graph = $d(':grp'); or $d.graph();
To get Sorter object
var sorter = $d(':sorter'); or $d.sorter();
- sorter.selectionSort(array, comparator);
- sorter.bubbleSort(array, comparator);
- sorter.insertationSort(array, comparator);
- sorter.quickSort(array, comparator);
- sorter.mergeSort(array, comparator);
- sorter.heapSort(array, comparator);
Lets the Explaination
1 Linked List
To use the linked listlist two option are avaiable
var lList = $d.linkedlist()
var lList = $d(':ll');
**Supported API's**
/* To add a value at last of LinkedList. */
/* Add a value at start of linkedlist. */
/* return an object having next() API. */
var it = lList.iterator();
var nextVal =;
/* returns the size of linked list. */
2 Stack
/* comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. */
var stk = $d.stack(comparator);
var stk = $d(':st', comparator)';
**Supported API's**
/* Push an item to stack. */
/* Removes and return the top item */
/* returns the top item without removal */
/* Returns the size of stack */
3 Queue
/* comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. */
var que = $d.queue(comparator);
var que = $d(':qe', comparator);
**Supported API's**
/* Adds the value to the rear of the queue. */
/* Removes and return the value from the front of the queue. */
/* Returns an item from the front of the queue without removing it. */
/* Returns true of the item is part of queue otherwise false.*/
/* Returns the length of the queue. */
4 Binary Search Tree
/* comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. */
var bst = $d.binarySearchTree(comparator);
var bst = $d(':bst', comparator);
**Supported API's**
/* Adds a new value to Binary Search Tree. It will be placed in BST based on comparator or comparison. */
/* Removes a node from the binary Search tree. */
/* Do inorder traversal of BST and return the array after traversal. */
5 Graph
/* Comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. Two ways to create the graph */
var grp = $d.graph(comparator);
var grp = $d(':grp', comparator);
/* ** Supported API's ** */
/* Create and return a vertex with passed value. Once vertex is created add to the graph. */
var vertex = grp.createVertex(val);
/* Create and return a Edge with passed value. Once Edge is created add to the graph.*/
var edge = grp.createEdge(vert1, vert2);
/* Once Vertexes and Edges are created and added to the graph, this API will create the graph.*/
/* This will traverse the graph in breath first order and prints the vertex values/ */
/* This will traverse the graph in depth first order and prints the vertex values/ */
6 Sorting Algorithms
/* comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. Two ways to create the Sorter. */
var sorter = $d.sorter(comparator);
var sorter = $d(':sorter', comparator);
/* Sort using Bubble Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array. */
ver sortedArray = sorter.bubbleSort(array);
/* Sort using Selection Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array. */
ver sortedArray = sorter.selectionSort(array);
/* Sort using Insertion Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array. */
ver sortedArray = sorter.insertionSort(array);
/* Sort using Quick Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array.*/
ver sortedArray = sorter.quickSort(array);
/* Sort using Merge Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array. */
ver sortedArray = sorter.mergeSort(array);
/* Sort using Heap Sort algorithm and returns the sorted array. */
ver sortedArray = sorter.heapSort(array);
7 Heap
/* Comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. */
var heap = $d.heap(comparator);
var heap = $d(':heap', comparator);
/* This will build the heap based on passed array values. */;
/* This will return and delete the min value. */
8 Trie
/* Comparator is function used for comparison of item.
its an optional parameter. */
var trie = $d.tries(comparator);
var trie = $d(':tri', comparator);
/* Use this API to pass on array of data to be stored in the Trie and then build it.*/
/* Return true if the passed text is available in Trie otherwise false. */