This tool supports following functionality:
- Full backup AWS DynamoDb table to Amazon S3 bucket within or between regions.
- Incremental backup AWS DynamoDb table to Amazon S3 bucket within or between regions.
- AWS Lambda based incremental backup AWS DynamoDb tableto Amazon S3 bucket within or between regions.
- Restore AWS DynamoDb table from Amazon S3 bucket within or between regions.
- Deploy and configure Amazon S3 backup bucket.
- Deploy, configure AWS Lambda and add event source.
Built on NodeJS calsses and ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).
It can be used independently and as a dependency in your code.
Usage samples
Full backup
$ gulp backup-full --s3bucket <bucket> --s3prefix <prefix> --s3region <region> --dbtable <table> --dbregion <region>
--s3bucket (required) Amazon S3 backup bucket name
--s3prefix (optional) subfolder for backup(recomend use AWS DynamoDb table name)
--s3region (required) AWS Region for Amazon S3 backup bucket
--dbtable (required) AWS DynamoDb table name
--dbregion (required) AWS Region for AWS DynamoDb table
Incremental backup
$ gulp backup-incremental --s3bucket <bucket> --s3prefix <prefix> --s3region <region> --dbtable <table> --dbregion <region>
--s3bucket (required) Amazon S3 backup bucket name
--s3prefix (optional) subfolder for backup(recomend use AWS DynamoDb table name)
--s3region (required) AWS Region for Amazon S3 backup bucket
--dbtable (required) AWS DynamoDb table name
--dbregion (required) AWS Region for AWS DynamoDb table
AWS Lambda based incremental backup
const Backup = require('dynamodb-backup-restore').Backup;
module.exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
if (!event.Records) {
callback('There are no items to process.');
else {
let config = {
let backup = new Backup(config);
backup.fromDbStream(event.Records).then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
$ gulp restore --s3bucket <bucket> --s3prefix <prefix> --s3region <region> --dbtable <table> --dbregion <region>
--s3bucket (required) Amazon S3 backup bucket name
--s3prefix (optional) subfolder for backup(recomend use AWS DynamoDb table name)
--s3region (required) AWS Region for Amazon S3 backup bucket
--dbtable (required) AWS DynamoDb table name
--dbregion (required) AWS Region for AWS DynamoDb table