editore.js embed plugin ![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/editore-embed-plugin.svg)
Available on npm: npm install editore-embed-plugin
or directly download
basic usage
It's easy to use! Load editore.js into your application, instantiate it and register the new insertion plugin.
var editore = new Editore(document.getElementById('editor')),
EmbedPlugin = window.EditoreEmbedPlugin;
EmbedPlugin = require('editore-embed-plugin');
editore.registerInsertComponent(EmbedPlugin, {
- chrome: ?
- firefox: ?
- safari: ?
- internet explore: ?
Everyone can contribute! Finding bugs, creating issues, improving editor it self or creating components.
Every contribution will be welcomed! :santa:
Fork it -> Branch it -> Test it -> Push it -> Pull Request it :gem: