Electrical Engineering Toolbag
The EE toolbag provides calculators for common electrical engineering problems for electronics design.
- Install NPM
- Install EE Toolbag using npm:
npm install eetoolbag
List all available commands
ee -h
Find Voltage Divider
Finds the best voltage divider using standard resistances and the specified tolerance and max output impedance.
ee getvdiv
Calculate led current-limiting resistor
Calculates the size of a current-limiting resistor for a specified LED current and voltage
ee ledres
Non-inverting Amplifier
Calculates the op amp resistors for a non-inverting amplifier with a specified gain
ee ampres
git clone https://github.com/JBaczuk/eetoolbag.git
npm run test
npm run build-all
npm install -g
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Issue description
Steps to reproduce the issue
What's the expected result?
What's the actual result?
Additional details / screenshot
Future Requests
Please submit feature requests as issues, or create your own and submit a pull request!