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A micro abstraction layer for Javascript that makes writing, testing, and monitoring side-effects easy.

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Effects-as-data is a micro abstraction layer for Javascript that makes writing, testing, and monitoring side-effects easy.

  • Using effects-as-data can dramatically reduce the time it takes to deliver tested code.
  • Effects-as-data outputs detailed telemetry, during runtime, allowing you to see every side-effect (HTTP, Disk IO, etc), its latency, and its result giving you insight into your code while it runs in development and production.
  • Everything is accessed and tested the same way when using effects-as-data: network request, disk IO, environmental variables, the console, random numbers, etc.
  • Effects-as-data is ~1kb minified+gzipped.
  • Effects-as-data has almost no performance overhead (see npm run perf).
  • Anywhere you can use promises, you can use effects-as-data.
  • The effects-as-data runtime is a stateless function call.

Table of Contents

Examples of How to Do Things

There are several working examples in effects-as-data-examples.

Pure Functions, Generators, and Effects-as-data

Pure functions are almost magical compared to "normal" functions. In fact, impure functions are not really functions (they are more like scripts). Pure functions are easy to test, are composable, and are not as concerned with dependencies. All around, pure functions are easier to use.

In Javascript, there is no built-in way to write a pure function that can also perform a side effect (i.e. write to a database, http request, etc). Because of this we end up writing difficult to test spaghetti code "functions" and resort to brittle testing techniques like mocking and dependency injection.

In comes effects-as-data. Effects-as-data is a runtime that allows you to write pure functions that merely declare side effects (commands). The runtime will take care of handling the command. In effects-as-data, you write these pure functions using generators.

Why generators? A generator is like a "function with multiple returns". The power of a generator is that it can hold a lexical scope between these returns and normal control flow operators can be used. This gives you the power to write very complex side effect production operations as a pure function.

Think in terms of inputs and outputs only

Effects-as-data does not think in terms of functions yield-ing, return-ing, throw-ing, etc. In effects-as-data, these are all considered inputs and outputs. The function arguments and the return value from a yield are considered inputs. yield-ing out a command, return-ing from the function, and throw-ing an error are considered outputs. By using this mental model of inputs and outputs, a Javascript generator can receive arguments, yield in and out, throw and return but can be reasoned about as pure function (i.e. it has a deterministic domain and range). The litmus test I use for determining purity is to ask the question: can I close over this construct with a pure function?

Consider this diagram which shows the mental model for decomposing a generator to pure functions. Note, this diagram merely represents a way to think of generators as a series of pure functions. This model is very effective, but remember "all models are wrong [though] some are useful." When you are testing this generator function, in your mind you should be really testing a() and b() in the diagram below. For more info on testing, see Testing.

Think of Generators as pure functions

Usage in Node and the Browser (ES6 and ES5)

When using in Node: require('effects-as-data')
When using in the browser (or in an old version of node): require('effects-as-data/es5')

Getting Started From Scratch

First, create a command creator.

This function creates a plain JSON command object that effects-as-data will pass to a handler function which will perform the actual HTTP request. The type field on the command matches the name of the handler to which it will be passed (see step 4). Note we have not yet actually implemented the function that will actual do the HTTP GET request, we have just defined a command. This command represents the data in effects-as-data. See Working Code

// cmds.js

function httpGet(url) {
  return {
    type: "httpGet",

module.exports = {

Second, test your business logic.

Write a test for the getPeople function (that you are about to create). Effects-as-data tests are compatible with any test runner like Jest, Mocha, etc. For more on testing, see Testing.

Semantic test example:

// functions.spec.js

const { testFn, args } = require("effects-as-data/test");
const cmds = require("./cmds");
const { getPeople } = require("./functions");

const testGetPeople = testFn(getPeople);

  "getPeople() should return list of names",
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResults = { results: [{ name: "Luke Skywalker" }] };
    return args()
      .returns(['Luke Skywalker'])

Third, write your business logic.

Effects-as-data uses a generator function's ability to give up execution flow and to pass a value to an outside process using the yield keyword. You create command objects in your business logic and yield them to effects-as-data. It is important to understand that when using effects-as-data that your business logic never actually httpGet's anything. It ONLY creates plain JSON objects and yield's them out (cmds.httpGet() simply returns the JSON object from Step 1). This is one of the main reasons effects-as-data functions are easy to test. See Working Code

// functions.js

const cmds = require("./cmds");

function* getPeople() {
  const { results } = yield cmds.httpGet("");
  const names = =>;
  return names;

module.exports = {

Fourth, create a command handler.

After the command object is yield-ed, effects-as-data will pass it to a handler function that will perform the side-effect producing operation (in this case, an HTTP GET request). This is the function mentioned in Step 1 that actually performs the HTTP GET request. Notice that the business logic does not call this function directly; the business logic in Step 1 simply yield-s the httpGet command out, and effects-as-data takes care of getting it to the handler. The handler does the effect in effects-as-data. See Working Code

// handlers.js

function httpGet(cmd) {
  return fetch(cmd.url).then(r => r.json());

module.exports = {

Fifth, optionally setting up monitoring / telemetry.

The effects-as-data config accepts several lifecycle callbacks which will be called when a function is called and completes and when a command is called and completes, giving detailed information about the operation. This data can be logged to the console or sent to a logging service. Note, this step is optional.

// Normally this will be in index.js (see below)

const config = {
  // Before a function is called
  onCall: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCall):", telemetry);
  // After a function completes
  onCallComplete: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCallComplete):", telemetry);
  // Before a command is processed
  onCommand: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCommand):", telemetry);
  // After a command is processed
  onCommandComplete: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCommandComplete):", telemetry);

Sixth, wire everything up.

This will turn your effects-as-data functions into normal, promise-returning functions. In this case, functions will be an object with one key, getPeople, which will be a promise-returning function. See Working Code

// index.js

const { buildFunctions } = require("effects-as-data");
const handlers = require("./handlers");
const functions = require("./functions");

const config = {
  onCommandComplete: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCommandComplete):", telemetry);

const fns = buildFunctions(config, handlers, functions);

  .then(names => {
    console.log("Function Results:");
    console.log(names.join(", "));

Full Example

See full example in the effects-as-data-examples repository: effects-as-data-examples.

Using Core Commands and Handlers

This example demonstrates using the effects-as-data-universal module which contains commands/handlers that can be used anywhere Javascript runs. You can use commands and handers from any module and/or create your own.

const { buildFunctions } = require('effects-as-data')
const { cmds, handlers } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople() {
  const { results } = yield cmds.httpGet('')
  const names = =>
  return names

const config = { /* lifecycle callbacks, etc */ }

const functions = buildFunctions(config, handlers, { getPeople })

  .then(names => {
    console.log('Function Results:')
    console.log(names.join(', '))


Testing in effects-as-data is easy, even for complex asynchronous operations. This is because effects-as-data functions are pure functions and only output JSON objects. Effects-as-data tests don't make assertions; they simply declare a data-structure and the test runner validates that the inputs and outputs in the data structure match the inputs and outputs of the function.

Its important to note that effects-as-data tests cover 1 full code path through a function. Effects-as-data tests are thorough (on a mathematical level): your test CANNOT leave things out or skip things in a given code path; if you do, your test will fail. If your function has 2 code paths (because of something like an if), you'll need at least 2 tests. The nice thing about effects-as-data tests is that they combine the Chicago and London schools of testing. An effects-as-data test will ensure that your side effects happen in the right way, in the right order, and in the right number of times, but only by checking state (i.e. effects represented as state / data). Its the best of both schools of thought.

Below are a few examples of testing with effects-as-data:

Standard Test

// get-person.js
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPerson(id) {
  const person = yield cmds.httpGet(`${id}`);
// get-person.spec.js
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const getPerson = require('./get-person')

const testGetPerson = testFn(getPerson)

describe('getPerson()', () => {
  it('should get a person return his/her name', testGetPerson(() => {
    const person = { name: 'C-3P0'}
    return args(2)

Standard Test with Multiple Steps

// get-people-with-same-name.js
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { postgres } = require('some-effects-as-data-postgres-module')

function* getPeopleWithSameName(id) {
  const person = yield cmds.httpGet(`${id}`);
  const peopleWSameName = yield postgres('SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $1', [])
  return peopleWSameName
// get-person.spec.js
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { postgres } = require('some-effects-as-data-postgres-module')
const getPeopleWithSameName = require('./get-person')

const testGetPeopleWithSameName = testFn(getPeopleWithSameName)

describe('getPeopleWithSameName()', () => {
  it('should get a person return his/her name', testGetPeopleWithSameName(() => {
    const dbResults = []
    const person = {
      id: 2,
      name: 'Foo'
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(postgres('SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $1', [])).yieldReturns(dbResults)

Short Return

When your code does nothing to the result of the command and returns it immediately.

// get-person.js
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPerson(id) {
  return yield cmds.httpGet(`${id}`);
// get-person.spec.js
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const getPerson = require('./get-person')

const testGetPerson = testFn(getPerson)

describe('getPerson()', () => {
  it('should get a person return his/her name', testGetPerson(() => {
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet(``)).returns({ name: 'C-3P0'})

Test that an error is thrown from your code

This does not apply to errors are thrown by handlers. Errors thrown by handlers don't need to be tested because they are handled by effects-as-data.

// get-person.js
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPerson(id) {
  const result = yield cmds.httpGet(`${id}`);
  if (! throw new Error('No Name!')
  return result
// get-person.spec.js
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const getPerson = require('./get-person')

const testGetPerson = testFn(getPerson)

describe('getPerson()', () => {
  it('should get a person return his/her name', testGetPerson(() => {
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet(``)).returns({ name: 'C-3P0'})

  it('should throw an error if person has no name', testGetPerson(() => {
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet(``)).yieldReturns({ name: '' })
      .throws(new Error('No Name!'))

Test that an error is re-thrown from a handler

// get-person.js
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPerson(id) {
  try {
    return yield cmds.httpGet(`${id}`);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error('some other error')
// get-person.spec.js
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const cmds = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const getPerson = require('./get-person')

const testGetPerson = testFn(getPerson)

describe('getPerson()', () => {
  it('should get a person return his/her name', testGetPerson(() => {
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet(``)).returns({ name: 'C-3P0'})

  it('should catch and throw a different error', testGetPerson(() => {
    return args(2)
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet(``)).yieldThrows(new Error('oops'))
      .throws(new Error('some other error'))

Error handling

Below are various examples of error handling with effects-as-data. It is important to note that effects-as-data will catch any error thrown by your effects-as-data function or thrown by a handler and will:

  1. Pass the error to the onCommandComplete or onCallComplete lifecycle callbacks. This means you don't have to do any logging in your business logic.
  2. Reject the promise created by effects-as-data around your running function and pass the error out.

Because the runtime handles errors for you, you don't have to write a test to verify that an error is handled (unless you are doing something specific in a catch block)

By default errors should act just like they do in async/await. Things get fun, however, when you use command modifiers like either or retry. Using command modifiers can add sophisticated error handling to your code without adding complexity.

NOTE: you can easily write your own command modifiers. Follow the example of either here: either cmd, either handler.

Using try/catch like in async/await

// get-people.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople() {
  try {
    const results = yield cmds.httpGet('')
    return =>
  } catch (e) {
    const defaultResults = { results: [] }
    return defaultResults

module.exports = getPeople

Tests for the getPeople function. These tests are using Jest:

// get-people.spec.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const getPeople = require('./get-people')

const testGetPeople = testFn(getPeople)

  "getPeople should catch an httpGet error and return a default value",
  testGetPeople(() => {
    return args()
      .yieldCmd(cmds.httpGet('')).yieldThrows(new Error('oops'))
      .returns({ results: [] })

Using cmds.either()

This example demonstrates handling errors using the either command found in effects-as-data-universal.

The either handler will process the httpGet command, and if the command is successful, will return the response. If the httpGet command fails or returns a falsey value, the either handler will return defaultResults. Because the either handler will never throw an exception and will either return a successful result or defaultResults, there is no need for an if or a try/catch statement to ensure success before the map. Using this pattern will reduce the number of code paths and simplify code.

See Working Example: [

// get-people.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople() {
  const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
  const defaultResults = { results: [] }
  const { results } = yield cmds.either(httpGet, defaultResults)
  return =>

module.exports = getPeople

Tests for the getPeople function. These tests are using Jest:

// get-people.spec.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const getPeople = require('./get-people')

const testGetPeople = testFn(getPeople)

  "getPeople should return a list of people's names",
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResults = { results: [{ name: 'Luke Skywalker' }] }
    const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
    const defaultResults = { results: [] }
    return args()
      .yieldCmd(cmds.either(httpGet, defaultResults)).yieldReturns(apiResults)
      .returns(['Luke Skywalker'])

  'getPeople should return an empty list if httpGet errors out',
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResults = { results: [{ name: 'Luke Skywalker' }] }
    const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
    const defaultResults = { results: [] }
    return args()
      .yieldCmd(cmds.either(httpGet, defaultResults)).yieldReturns(defaultResults)

Using cmds.retry()

This example demonstrates handling errors using the retry command found in effects-as-data-universal.

The retry handler will process the httpGet command, and if the command is successful, will return the response. If the httpGet command fails, the retry handler will continue to retry the command durations.length number of times and at the times specified by the durations array. If a default value is supplied, it will return this value when all retries fail, otherwise it will throw the error from the last failed command.

// get-people.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople() {
  const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
  const defaultResults = { results: [] }
  // retry 3 times but wait 100ms, 500ms, and 1000ms, respectively.
  const durations = [100, 500, 1000]
  const { results } = yield cmds.retry(httpGet, durations, defaultResults)
  return =>

module.exports = getPeople

Tests for the getPeople function. These tests are using Jest:

// get-people.spec.js

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const getPeople = require('./get-people')

const testGetPeople = testFn(getPeople)

  "getPeople should return a list of people's names",
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResults = { results: [{ name: 'Luke Skywalker' }] }
    const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
    const defaultResults = { results: [] }
    return args()
      .yieldCmd(cmds.retry(httpGet, [100, 500, 1000], defaultResults)).yieldReturns(apiResults)
      .returns(['Luke Skywalker'])

  'getPeople should return an empty list if all retries fail',
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResults = { results: [{ name: 'Luke Skywalker' }] }
    const httpGet = cmds.httpGet('')
    const defaultResults = { results: [] }
    return args()
      .yieldCmd(cmds.retry(httpGet, [100, 500, 1000], defaultResults)).yieldReturns(defaultResults)


Detailed telemetry about your effects-as-data code can be gathered by adding any of these lifecycle callbacks to your effects-as-data config. This data can be pushed to your logging system, dropped onto Kafka, etc, and used for monitoring and alerting. This telemetry covers all inputs and outputs of the function.

const config = {
  // Before a function is called
  onCall: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCall):", telemetry);
  // After a function completes
  onCallComplete: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCallComplete):", telemetry);
  // Before a command is processed
  onCommand: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCommand):", telemetry);
  // After a command is processed
  onCommandComplete: telemetry => {
    console.log("Telemetry (from onCommandComplete):", telemetry);

Telemetry output from onCall

  // the function arguments
  args: [],
  fn: [Function: getPeople],
  // the effects-as-data config
     name: 'getPeople',
     onCall: [Function: onCall],
     onCallComplete: [Function: onCallComplete],
     onCommand: [Function: onCommand],
     onCommandComplete: [Function: onCommandComplete],
     cid: [a unique string correlation id],
     //  the stack represents the effects-as-data call stack.  This is used when
     //  effects-as-data functions are chained together using
     stack: [
       {config, handlers, fn: [Function: getPeople], args}
     // ... whatever other arbitrary values you put onto the effects-as-data config

Telemetry output from onCallComplete

  // a boolean indicating if the function succeeded or threw an error
  success: true,
  // the function arguments
  args: [],
  fn: [Function: getPeople],
  // time started
  start: 1505229612164
  // time ended
  end: 1505229614506,
  // how long the function took to run
  latency: 2342,
  // what the function returned (or threw)
  result: [ 'Luke Skywalker', 'C-3PO' ],
  // the effects-as-data config
     name: 'getPeople',
     onCall: [Function: onCall],
     onCallComplete: [Function: onCallComplete],
     onCommand: [Function: onCommand],
     onCommandComplete: [Function: onCommandComplete],
     cid: [a unique string correlation id],
     //  the stack represents the effects-as-data call stack.  This is used when
     //  effects-as-data functions are chained together using
     stack: [
       {config, handlers, fn: [Function: getPeople], args}
     // ... whatever other arbitrary values you put onto the effects-as-data config

Telemetry output from onCommand

  // the command
  command: {
    type: 'httpGet',
    url: '',
    headers: {},
    options: {}
  // time command started to be processed,
  start: 1505229612164,
  // the step in the effects-as-data (ie, which yield)
  step: 0,
  // the index of the function in the above step (always 0 for a
  // single command.  Could be greater than 0 if parallelizing commands).
  index: 0,
  fn: [Function: getPeople],
  // the effects-as-data config
     name: 'getPeople',
     onCall: [Function: onCall],
     onCallComplete: [Function: onCallComplete],
     onCommand: [Function: onCommand],
     onCommandComplete: [Function: onCommandComplete],
     cid: [a unique string correlation id],
     //  the stack represents the effects-as-data call stack.  This is used when
     //  effects-as-data functions are chained together using
     stack: [
       {config, handlers, fn: [Function: getPeople], args}
     // ... whatever other arbitrary values you put onto the effects-as-data config

Telemetry output from onCommandComplete

  // a boolean indicating if the function succeeded or threw an error
  success: true,
  // the command
  command: {
    type: 'httpGet',
    url: '',
    headers: {},
    options: {}
  // time started
  start: 1505229612164
  // time ended
  end: 1505229614506,
  // how long the function took to run
  latency: 342,
  // the step in the effects-as-data (ie, which yield)
  step: 0,
  // the index of the function in the above step (always 0 for a
  // single command.  Could be greater than 0 if parallelizing commands).
  index: 0,
  // what is returned from the handler (or an error if the handler threw)
  result: [ 'Luke Skywalker', 'C-3PO' ],
  // the effects-as-data config
     name: 'getPeople',
     onCall: [Function: onCall],
     onCallComplete: [Function: onCallComplete],
     onCommand: [Function: onCommand],
     onCommandComplete: [Function: onCommandComplete],
     cid: [a unique string correlation id],
     //  the stack represents the effects-as-data call stack.  This is used when
     //  effects-as-data functions are chained together using
     stack: [
       {config, handlers, fn: [Function: getPeople], args}
     // ... whatever other arbitrary values you put onto the effects-as-data config

Calling an Effects-as-data Function

There are two ways to call an effects-as-data function.

The first is to use buildFunctions() which will turn multiple effects-as-data functions in to normal, promise-returning functions. You can see an example of this in Using Core Commands and Handlers.

The second way is to use the call function:

const { call } = require('effects-as-data')
const { cmds, handlers } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople() {
  const { results } = yield cmds.httpGet('')
  const names = =>
  return names

const config = { /* lifecycle callbacks, etc */ }

call(config, handlers, getPeople, /* arg1, arg2, etc */)
  .then(names => {
    console.log('Function Results:')
    console.log(names.join(', '))

Creating Your Own Commands and Handlers

See Getting Started From Scratch to learn how to create your own commands and handlers. You can also reference effects-as-data-universal for many examples of commands and handlers.

Anatomy of a handler

A handler is simply a function that receives a command object and does something with it.

A few notes on handlers:

  1. The type field on a command indicates which handler handles it.
  2. Effects-as-data will handle errors from handlers so they should throw or reject when things go wrong.
  3. Handlers can return a promise, return a normal value (string, number, object, etc), return nothing, or throw an error.
  4. Handlers can call other effects-as-data functions (see below).
Simple Handler
function httpGet(cmd) {
  return fetch(cmd.url).then(r => r.json());
Simple Handler Returning a Number
// notice that the cmd is not even used
function now(cmd) {
Handler that calls another effects-as-data function

This example is taken from the either hander in effects-as-data-universal.

Notice that all handlers receive an object as a second argument. This object has a reference to the call function, the current effects-as-data config and handlers.

// notice that the command has a cmd property
function either({ cmd, defaultValue }, { call, config, handlers }) {
  return call(config, handlers, function*() {
    try {
      const result = yield cmd
      return result || defaultValue
    } catch (e) {
      return defaultValue

Parallelization of commands

Parallelization of commands in effects-as-data is easy. Simply yield an array of commands, and an array of results will be returned in the same order.

See Working Example: [

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')

function* getPeople(people) {
  const getCmds = => cmds.httpGet(`${id}`))
  const results = yield getCmds
  return =>

module.exports = getPeople

Tests for the getPeople function. These tests are using Jest:

const { cmds } = require('effects-as-data-universal')
const { testFn, args } = require('effects-as-data/test')
const getPeople = require('./get-people')

const testGetPeople = testFn(getPeople)

  "getPeople should return a list of people's names",
  testGetPeople(() => {
    const apiResult1 = { name: 'Luke Skywalker' }
    const apiResult2 = { name: 'C-3PO' }
    const httpGet1 = cmds.httpGet('')
    const httpGet2 = cmds.httpGet('')
    return args([1, 2])
      .yieldCmd([httpGet1, httpGet2]).yieldReturns([apiResult1, apiResult2])
      .returns(['Luke Skywalker', 'C-3PO'])

Declarative Application Architecture

The DAA is an architecture wherein all business logic functions in the application are pure functions, the outputs of which declare side effects with plain JSON objects (these declarations are also known as “commands”). Applications written using DAA do not need dependency injection, singletons, globals, etc, to use side effect producing code in a testable manner. Business logic functions in DAA do not have dependencies on or references to side effect producing code and do nothing but output plain JSON commands. Writing all business logic with highly testable, pure functions and not having to be concerned with how dependencies are accessed throughout the application contribute to a dramatic increase in developer velocity for new applications and while refactoring existing DAA applications.

Declarative Application Architecture


Package last updated on 12 Sep 2017

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