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A micro abstraction layer for Javascript that makes writing, testing, and monitoring side-effects easy.

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effects-as-data is an implementation of the effects-as-data pattern in Javascript. effects-as-data allows you to declaratively test your code and to write code that is easy to maintain as your application grows in complexity. effects-as-data will work anywhere that Javascript runs and is seamlessly interoperable with any codebase that uses promises.

See Richard Feldman's presentation on the effects-as-data pattern: Effects as Data | Reactive 2015 - YouTube

Getting Started

effects.js - Define your application's side effect functions. This allows us to express side effects declaratively in business logic.

const { effect } = require("effects-as-data");
const axios = require("axios");

const get = effect(axios.get);

module.exports = {

users.js - Use your side effect functions in business logic:

const { get } = require("./effects");

function* getRandomUsers(count = 5) {
  const response = yield get(`${count}`);

module.exports = {

users.spec.js - Declaratively test your business logic:

const { testFn, args } = require("effects-as-data/test");
const { get } = require("./effects");
const { getRandomUsers } = require("./users");

const testGetRandomUsers = testFn(getRandomUsers);

  "getRandomUsers() should return a list of random users",
  testGetRandomUsers(() => {
    const response = {
      results: [
          gender: "male",
          name: {
            title: "mr",
            first: "romain",
            last: "hoogmoed"

    return args(1)
      .cmd(get("")) // yield cmd
      .result(response) // const result = yield ...

Use your business logic:

const { getRandomUsers } = require("./users");
const { call } = require("effects-as-data");

// use call for application entry points
call(getRandomUsers, 10)
  .then(console.log) // should log random users

Why Generators? Why not async/await?

Generators are much more powerful than async/await because generators allow developers to handle Javascript's most difficult problems with one construct: asynchrony and non-determinism. Effects-as-data eliminates the use of globals, singletons, closures for state, dependency injection, brittle promise chains, and mocks/spies. Generators make this possible because of the ability to "pause" function execution, give control to the effects-as-data runtime which takes care of the side effects that you describe with commands, and then resume function execution with the result of the command.

Commands and Interpreters

Commands and interpreters are key concepts in effects-as-data. In the example above, a get function was defined:

const get = effect(axios.get, url => assert(url, "url is required"));

effect is a helper function that creates a command. In this case, it's a command that tells effects-as-data to execute a function (axios.get). The get function itself is a pure function that returns this payload:

    type: "callFn",
    fn: axios.get,
    args: [...] // the arguments passed to get

Notice that this function returns data which describes a side effect, it does not perform the side effect (i.e. it does not do a get request). The effect is declared as data.

In effects-as-data all side effects are defined declaratively using plain JSON. These definitions are called commands. So where do side effects actually happen? Side effects are performed by command interpreters. Look at this example of a custom command and interpreter pair:

const { addInterpreters, call } = require("effects-as-data");
const fs = require("fs");

const interpreters = {
  writeFile: ({ path, content }) =>
    fs.writeFileSync(path, content, { encoding: "utf8" })

// Add the interpreters to the effects-as-data runtime

const writeFile = (path, content) => ({
  type: "writeFile",

// Business logic
function* getFileContent(path, content) {
  return yield writeFile(path, content);

call(getTimestamp).then(console.log); // a current timestamp will be logged

In the above example, a custom writeFile command and interpreter were created, effectively decoupling the business logic from the hard-to-test, side effect producing function fs.writeFileSync.

Writing code like this has the following benefits:

  1. It can be unit tested declaratively without mocks or spies using the built in effects-as-data testing library.
  2. The implementation of the writeFile interpreter can be replaced without changing the business logic (getFileContent) or its tests.
  3. The writeFile command can be serialized and executed somewhere else, for example, in another process if the interpreter has this capability.
  4. This implementation is consistent. ALL side effects are performed and tested like writeFile.
  5. Errors that occur in the interpreter are reported by effects-as-data to an onError callback, exposing a central place for logging all errors.

Core commands and interpreters

effects-as-data has a selection of built-in commands and interpreters so you can be productive right away.


call is used to call another effects-as-data function:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a(message) {
  return yield cmds.echo(message);

function* b() {
  return yield, "hi");

call(b).then(console.log); // "hi"


call.fn is used to call non-effects-as-data functions. If the function returns a promise, effects-as-data will resolve it:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function a(message) {
  return Promise.resolve(message);

function* b() {
  return yield, "hi");

call(b).then(console.log); // "hi"


callFnBound is used to call a non-effects-as-data function with this:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

const obj = {
  message: "hi",
  a() {
    return this.message;

function* b() {
  return yield cmds.callFnBound(obj, obj.a);

call(b).then(console.log); // "hi"


callback is used to call a non-effects-as-data function that accepts a callback:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");
const fs = require("fs");

function* b() {
  return yield cmds.callback(fs.readFile, "/path/file.txt", { encoding "utf8" });

call(b).then(console.log); // contents of "/path/file.txt"


callCallbackBound is used to call a non-effects-as-data function that accepts a callback with this:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

const obj = {
  message: "hi",
  a(done) {

function* b() {
  return yield cmds.callCallbackBound(obj, obj.a);

call(b).then(console.log); // "hi"


echo is used simple to echo back a value:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a(message) {
  return yield cmds.echo(message);

call(a, "hi").then(console.log); // "hi"


noop is used simple to do nothing:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  return yield cmds.noop();

call(a).then(console.log); // returns undefined


now returns the current timestamp:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  return yield;

call(a).then(console.log); // result of


globalVariable is used to get a global variable. This means that you have access to globals without the pain of globals.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  return yield cmds.globalVariable("process");

call(a).then(console.log); // returns global.process or window.process


log is a pass-through to console.log

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  return yield cmds.log("hi");

call(a); // prints "hi"


logError is a pass-through to console.error

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  return yield cmds.logError("oops");

call(a); // prints "oops" using console.error


setImmediate is used to execute a command. It behaves like node's setImmediate;

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const logCmd = cmds.log("hi");
  yield cmds.setImmediate(logCmd);
  return "ok";

call(a); // function will return before "hi" get's logged

Unlike, node's setImmediate, however, effects-as-data will maintain an execution context and you'll know its effects-as-data stack trace. If you want to intentionally prevent it from tracking the stack trace, pass true as the second argument to the setImmediate command:

cmds.setImmediate(logCmd, true);


setTimeout is used to execute a command after a timeout. It behaves like node's setTimeout;

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const logCmd = cmds.log("hi");
  yield cmds.setTimeout(logCmd, 1000);
  return "ok";

call(a); // "hi" is printed ~1 second after the function returns

Unlike, node's setTimeout, however, effects-as-data will maintain an execution context and you'll know its effects-as-data stack trace. If you want to intentionally prevent it from tracking the stack trace, pass true as the third argument to the setTimeout command:

cmds.setTimeout(logCmd, 1000, true);


clearTimeout will clear a timeout:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  yield cmds.clearTimeout(SOME_TIMEOUT_ID);

call(a); // timeout SOME_TIMEOUT_ID should be cleared


setInterval is used to execute a command after on an interval. It behaves like node's setInterval;

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const logCmd = cmds.log("hi");
  yield cmds.setInterval(logCmd, 1000);

call(a); // "hi" will be printed every second

Unlike, node's setInterval, however, effects-as-data will maintain an execution context and you'll know its effects-as-data stack trace. If you want to intentionally prevent it from tracking the stack trace, pass true as the third argument to the setInterval command:

cmds.setInterval(logCmd, 1000, true);


clearInterval will clear an interval:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  yield cmds.clearInterval(SOME_INTERVAL_ID);

call(a); // interval SOME_INTERVAL_ID should be cleared


sleep will cause the function to sleep, similar to linux's sleep. sleep accepts milliseconds.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  yield cmds.sleep(1000);
  yield cmds.log("This is printed after 1 second");
  yield cmds.sleep(1000);
  yield cmds.log("This is printed after another second");



series will execute commands in a series, on after another. If a commands fails, it will throw an error.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const [one, two] = yield cmds.series([

  return { one, two }

call(a); // returns { one: 1, two: 2 }


parallel will execute commands in parallel. If a commands fails, it will throw an error.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const [one, two] = yield cmds.parallel([cmds.echo("1"), cmds.echo("2")]);
  return { one, two };

call(a); // returns { one: 1, two: 2 }

Note: cmds.parallel is really a pass-through to effects-as-data's built-in support for parallelism:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const [one, two] = yield [cmds.echo("1"), cmds.echo("2")];
  return { one, two };

call(a); // returns { one: 1, two: 2 }


envelope is used when you expect an error but don't want to try/catch. Many times, this makes testing easier.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const cmd =;
  const payload = yield cmds.envelope(cmd);

  if (payload.success === true) {
    return payload.result;
  } else {
    // do some error handling
    yield cmds.customErrorReporter(payload.result);
    return "defaultvalue";

call(a); // returns { one: 1, two: 2 }


either is used when you except a possible falsey return value but don't want to introduce branching into your code. If the command returns a falsey value, the either will return the default value:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  const findUserCmd =, "123");
  const user = cmds.either(findUserCmd, { id: "defaultuser" });
  return user;

call(a); // returns { one: 1, two: 2 }


getState and setState are used when you need to save some data in memory, but don't want to use closures. The getState and setState interpreters can be swapped out and this code will also work with another data store (i.e. redis, etcd, etc) without being changed.

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* increment() {
  const value = yield cmds.getState("value", 0); // 0 is the default value
  const newValue = value + 1;
  yield cmds.setState("value", newValue);
  return newValue;

call(increment); // returns 1
call(increment); // returns 2
call(increment); // returns 3


clearState is used to delete a value set using setState:

const { cmds, call } = require("effects-as-data");

function* a() {
  yield cmds.setState("value", 1);
  const v1 = cmds.getState("value"); // v1 === 1
  yield cmds.clearState("value");
  const v2 = cmds.getState("value"); // v2 === undefined


Creating custom commands and interpreters

Creating your own commands and interpreters is a power way to abstract out of your business logic implementation details related to hard-to-test code. For example, code that uses setTimeout is normally a pain to test. With effects-as-data, setTimeout has been extracted out to its own command, making it used in business logic declarative and, therefore, easy to test.

Note: custom commands and interpreters are no different than core commands and interpreters. You can also replace any interpreter to change how a command is processed, without touching business logic!


Commands are descriptions of what you want done. effects-as-data will route commands to interpreters based on the type field. The command below will be routed to an interpreter with the same doSomething. For convenience, a function called doSomething is created to create this command. Validation can also be added to the function:

function doSomething(value) {
  assert(value, "value required");
  return {
    type: "doSomething",


Interpreters interpret the commands. One great use of commands is to keep hard-to-test code from touching your easy-to-test effects-as-data business logic:

function doSomething(cmd) {
  return terribleHardToTestLibrary.doSomeOperation(cmd.value);

Using custom commands and interpreters

const { call, addInterpreters } = require("effects-as-data");
const { doSomething } = require("./cmds");
const interpreters = require("./interpreters"); // the doSomething interpreter is here

// custom interpreters have to be added to the effects-as-data runtime

function* myBusinessLogic(value) {
  return yield doSomething(value);

call(myBusinessLogic, "foo"); // a promise will be returned with the result of terribleHardToTestLibrary.doSomeOperation("foo")


Package last updated on 05 Jun 2018

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