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egg typescript helper

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A simple tool for creating d.ts in egg application. Injecting controller, proxy, service, etc. to definition type of egg ( such as Context Application etc. ) by Declaration Merging, and making IntelliSense works in both egg-js and egg-ts.


open your application and install.

npm i egg-ts-helper --save-dev


yarn add egg-ts-helper --dev


Open your egg application, executing ets by npx

$ npx ets

Watching files by -w flag.

$ npx ets -w

If you don't want to use npx, just install it in global or use register in egg-bin.

$ egg-bin dev -r egg-ts-helper/register


$ ets -h

  Usage: bin [commands] [options]

    -v, --version           output the version number
    -w, --watch             Watching files, d.ts would recreated while file changed
    -c, --cwd [path]        Egg application base dir (default: process.cwd)
    -C, --config [path]     Configuration file, The argument can be a file path to a valid JSON/JS configuration file.(default: {cwd}/tshelper.js
    -f, --framework [name]  Egg framework(default: egg)
    -o, --oneForAll [path]  Create a d.ts import all types (default: typings/ets.d.ts)
    -s, --silent            Running without output
    -i, --ignore [dirs]     Ignore watchDirs, your can ignore multiple dirs with comma like: -i controller,service
    -e, --enabled [dirs]    Enable watchDirs, your can enable multiple dirs with comma like: -e proxy,other
    -E, --extra [json]      Extra config, the value should be json string
    -h, --help              output usage information

    clean                   Clean js file while it has the same name ts file
    init <type>             Init egg-ts-helper in your existing project


cwdstringprocess.cwdegg application base dir
typingsstring{cwd}/typingstypings dir
caseStylestring Functionloweregg case style(lower,upper,camel) or (filename) => {return 'YOUR_CASE'}
silentbooleanfalseignore logging
watchbooleanfalsewatch file change or not
watchOptionsobjectundefinedchokidar options
execAtInitbooleanfalseexecute d.ts generation while instance was created
watchDirsobjectgenerator configuration

You can configure the options above in ./tshelper.js ./tshelper.json or package.json.

In tshelper.js

// {cwd}/tshelper.js

module.exports = {
  watch: true,
  execAtInit: true,
  watchDirs: {
    model: {
      enabled: true,
      generator: "function",
      interfaceHandle: "InstanceType<{{ 0 }}>"

In tshelper.json

// {cwd}/tshelper.json

  "watch": true,
  "execAtInit": true,
  "watchDirs": {
    "model": {
      "enabled": true,
      "generator": "function",
      "interfaceHandle": "InstanceType<{{ 0 }}>"

In package.json

// {cwd}/package.json

  "egg": {
    "framework": "egg",
    "tsHelper": {
      "watch": true,
      "execAtInit": true,
      "watchDirs": {
        "model": {
          "enabled": true,
          "generator": "function",
          "interfaceHandle": "InstanceType<{{ 0 }}>"


Generator is the core of egg-ts-helper. ( build-in generator: )

On egg-ts-helper startup, it will executes all watcher's generator for traversing directories and collect modules, after executing, generator return fields dist( d.ts file path ) and content( import these modules and defined to interface of egg. ) to egg-ts-helper, then writes content to dist ( remove file if content is undefined ).

Watcher can be configured in option watchDirs ( see getDefaultWatchDirs method in to know default config of watcher ). egg-ts-helper watch these directories app/extend,app/controller,app/service, app/config, app/middleware, app/model by default. The d.ts will be recreated when files under these folders are changed ( should set to true ) .

You can disable watcher by -i flag.

$ ets -i extend,controller

Or in tshelper.js, setting watchDirs.extend and watchDirs.controller to false.

// {cwd}/tshelper.js

module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    extend: false,
    controller: false,

Or in package.json , setting is the same as above.

// {cwd}/package.json

  "egg": {
    "framework": "egg",
    "tsHelper": {
      "watchDirs": {
        "extend": false


egg-ts-helper using generator to implement feature like loader in egg. and it also support custom loader.

See the example below to know how to configure.


Creating d.ts for model by egg-ts-helper. Setting watchDirs.model in tshelper.js.

// ./tshelper.js

module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    model: {
      path: 'app/model', // dir path
      // pattern: '**/*.(ts|js)', // glob pattern, default is **/*.(ts|js). it doesn't need to configure normally.
      generator: 'class', // generator name
      interface: 'IModel',  // interface name
      declareTo: 'Context.model', // declare to this interface
      // caseStyle: 'upper', // caseStyle for loader
      // interfaceHandle: val => `ReturnType<typeof ${val}>`, // interfaceHandle
      // trigger: ['add', 'unlink'], // recreate d.ts when receive these events, all events: ['add', 'unlink', 'change']

The configuration can create d.ts in below.

import Station from '../../../app/model/station';

declare module 'egg' {
  interface Context {
    model: IModel;

  interface IModel {
    Station: Station;

the options using to configure watcher

  • path
  • pattern
  • generator
  • caseStyle
  • interface
  • interfaceHandle
  • trigger

Effect of different options

interface string

interface set to IOther.

interface IOther {
  Station: Station;

It will use random interface name if interface is not set.

interface T100 {
  Station: Station;

Should set declareTo if without interface.

generator string

The name of generator, ( the generator will be executed and recreate d.ts when the file is changed. ) but I recommend to use class function object auto only, because the other generator is not suitable for custom loader.

| generator set to class

the types created by class generator like below

interface IModel {
  Station: Station;

suitable for module like this

export default class XXXController extends Controller { }
| generator set to function ( Support since 1.16.0 )

the types created by function generator like below

interface IModel {
  Station: ReturnType<typeof Station>;

suitable for module like this

export default () => {
  return {};
| generator set to object ( Support since 1.16.0 )

the types created by object generator like below.

interface IModel {
  Station: typeof Station;

suitable for module like this

export default {}
| generator set to auto ( Support since 1.19.0 )

the types created by auto generator like below. It will check types automatically.

type AutoInstanceType<T, U = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<T> : T> = U extends { new (...args: any[]): any } ? InstanceType<U> : U;

interface IModel {
  Station: AutoInstanceType<typeof Station>;

suitable for every module in above.

interfaceHandle function|string
module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    model: {

      interfaceHandle: val => `${val} & { [key: string]: any }`,

The generated typings.

interface IModel {
  Station: Station & { [key: string]: any };

The type of interfaceHandle can be string ( Support since 1.18.0 )

module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    model: {

      interfaceHandle: '{{ 0 }} & { [key: string]: any }',

The generated typings are the same as above. {{ 0 }} means the first argument in function.

caseStyle function|string

caseStyle can set to loweruppercamel or function

declareTo string

Declaring interface to definition of egg. ( Support since 1.15.0 )

declareTo set to Context.model , and you can get intellisense by

import Station from '../../../app/model/station';

declare module 'egg' {
  interface Context {
    model: IModel;

  interface IModel {
    Station: Station;

declareTo set to Application.model.subModel, and you can get intellisense by

import Station from '../../../app/model/station';

declare module 'egg' {
  interface Application {
    model: {
      subModel: IModel;

  interface IModel {
    Station: Station;

Defining custom generator

// ./tshelper.js

// custom generator
function myGenerator(config, baseConfig) {
  // config.dir       dir
  // config.dtsDir    d.ts dir
  // config.file      changed file
  // config.fileList  file list;;

  // return type can be object or array { dist: string; content: string } | Array<{ dist: string; content: string }>
  // egg-ts-helper will remove dist file when content is undefined.
  return {
    dist: 'd.ts file url',
    content: 'd.ts content'

module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    model: {
      path: 'app/model',
      generator: myGenerator,
      trigger: ['add', 'unlink'],

or define generator to other js.

// ./my-generator.js

module.exports.defaultConfig = {
  // default watchDir config

// custom generator
module.exports = (config, baseConfig) => {
  // config.dir       dir
  // config.dtsDir    d.ts dir
  // config.file      changed file
  // config.fileList  file list;;

  // return type can be object or array { dist: string; content: string } | Array<{ dist: string; content: string }>
  // egg-ts-helper will remove dist file when content is undefined.
  return {
    dist: 'd.ts file url',
    content: 'd.ts content'

configure in tshelper.js or package.json

// ./tshelper.js

module.exports = {
  watchDirs: {
    model: {
      path: 'app/model',
      generator: './my-generator',
      trigger: ['add', 'unlink'],


egg-ts-helper offers a register.js for easier to use with egg-bin.

$ egg-bin dev -r egg-ts-helper/register


$ egg-bin test -r egg-ts-helper/register
$ egg-bin cov -r egg-ts-helper/register
$ egg-bin debug -r egg-ts-helper/register


egg-ts-helper can works in both ts and js egg project.

TS demo:

JS demo:



Package last updated on 06 Jan 2019

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