A package that displays an electoral map via D3 (v4) and GES payloads.
Built for a uninominal system, this module can support any of these types of elections, on a provincial or national scale.
The module comes with its own built-in breakpoint and color constants.
It requires from its parent a bundle of utilities imported from "styled-components", notably the "styled" and "css" functions.
npm i --save electoral-map
Optional Parameters
allParties: An object containing an array of objects which contain relevant information about a single party.
acronym: "IND"
chiefId: 0
color: "rgb(102,102,102)"
id: 3033
name: "Indépendant"
priority: 5
allRidings: An object containing an array of objects which contain basic information about a single riding.
21377: {
candidateIds: [
id: 21377
searchableName: "souris elmira"
allowClick: A boolean value dictating wether the viewer of the map can click on a riding to access its detailed information
allowZoom: A boolean value dictating wether the viewer of the map can zoom/pan in or out.
ZoomOutButton: An object which forms the basis of a styled-component Button (used for resetting the zoom and pan level).
currentRidingId: An integer representing the current active riding. -1 if no riding is active.
e6nHardcodedRidingIdFix: An integer to facilitate tests between different GES datasets. Since array indices start at 0 but GES data can start at any index, this is used to easily calibrate your indices with those of the GES.
E6N_PAGE_IDS: An object that contains ids of other DOM elements which must interact and reflect map interactions (clicks on ridings)
alerts: "e6n-alerts-id"
lists: "e6n-lists-id"
search: "e6n-search-id"
E6NToolTip: A styled object which is displayed on hovering over a riding or polygon.
forwardMapRef: A function ref propagated to link the D3Map to its parent container.
isRidingOpen: A boolean representing wether a riding is currently open.
isWidget: A boolean indicating wether the map lives within its natural context (the electoral/E6N page) or within a newsstory document as a widget.
setCurrentRiding: An action/reducer which sends the current riding id into the Redux Store.
setCurrentRidingTooltip: An action/reducer which sends the current riding name into the Redux Store.
d3SourceScript: A string containing the path to the bundled d3 library. Default: "https://ici.radio-canada.ca/unit/static/e6n/bundle-d3-topojson.js"
Required parameters
styledComponents: An object containing functions and other objects extracted from the 'styled-components' npm library, notably the "styled" and "css" functions.
mapData: An object with various map configurations
height: 600 (Default height)
initialProjectionScale: 22 (Default scale multiplier)
mapConfigurations: [ (For every breakpoint between the lower and higher boundary, on a riding click, center the riding at the 1/(widthDifferential) of the container)
higherBoundary: 1024
lowerBoundary: 0
widthDifferential: 2
mapUrl: "https://.../e6n/CBC_TOPO_PEI_05.json" (The path leading to the TopoJSON file needed to render the map with D3)
width: 400 (Default width)
xCentering: -63.21374728206884 (Longitude at which the projection is centered)
yCentering: 46.509999863593556 (Lattitude at which the projection is centered)
rotationConfigurations: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
projectionModel: "geoTransverseMercator"
zoomFactor: 0.3 (Minimal zoom level: used on riding click)
zoomMax: 100 (Maximal zoom level: used on riding click)
mapDOMContextId: Id of the Map container in E6N page.
mapId: Id of the map itself.