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element-internals-polyfill - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.3.12-alpha.0 to 1.3.12



@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import "./types.js";
export declare const aom: Record<keyof ARIAMixin, string>;
export declare const initAom: (ref: FormAssociatedCustomElement, internals: ElementInternals) => void;
import { IAom, IElementInternals } from './types.js';
export declare const aom: IAom;
export declare const initAom: (ref: Element, internals: IElementInternals) => void;

@@ -0,5 +1,6 @@

import { ICustomElement } from "./types.js";
export type CustomState = `--${string}`;
export declare class CustomStateSet extends Set<CustomState> {
static get isPolyfilled(): boolean;
constructor(ref: HTMLElement);
constructor(ref: ICustomElement);
add(state: CustomState): this;

@@ -6,0 +7,0 @@ clear(): void;

@@ -1,9 +0,7 @@

import { ValidityState } from "./ValidityState.js";
import { LabelsList } from "./types.js";
import { CustomStateSet } from "./CustomStateSet.js";
export declare class ElementInternals implements globalThis.ElementInternals {
import { ValidityState } from './ValidityState.js';
import { IElementInternals, ICustomElement, LabelsList } from './types.js';
import { CustomStateSet } from './CustomStateSet.js';
export declare class ElementInternals implements IElementInternals {
ariaAtomic: string;
ariaAutoComplete: string;
ariaBrailleLabel: string;
ariaBrailleRoleDescription: string;
ariaBusy: string;

@@ -51,3 +49,3 @@ ariaChecked: string;

static get isPolyfilled(): boolean;
constructor(ref: FormAssociatedCustomElement);
constructor(ref: ICustomElement);

@@ -95,3 +93,3 @@ * Will return true if the element is in a valid state

export declare function forceCustomStateSetPolyfill(attachInternals?: HTMLElement["attachInternals"]): void;
export declare function forceCustomStateSetPolyfill(attachInternals?: HTMLElement['attachInternals']): void;

@@ -98,0 +96,0 @@ * Forcibly applies the polyfill for ElementInternals. Useful for situations

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

import { ElementInternals } from "./element-internals.js";
import { CustomStateSet } from "./CustomStateSet.js";
import "./element-internals.js";
export * from "./types.js";
export { forceCustomStateSetPolyfill, forceElementInternalsPolyfill, } from "./element-internals.js";
import { ElementInternals } from './element-internals.js';
import { CustomStateSet } from './CustomStateSet.js';
import './element-internals.js';
import { IElementInternals } from './types.js';
export * from './types.js';
export { forceCustomStateSetPolyfill, forceElementInternalsPolyfill, } from './element-internals.js';
declare global {

@@ -17,4 +18,4 @@ interface Window {

attachInternals(): ElementInternals;
attachInternals(): ElementInternals & IElementInternals;

@@ -1,16 +0,845 @@

import { forceCustomStateSetPolyfill, forceElementInternalsPolyfill, isElementInternalsSupported, } from "./element-internals.js";
import "./element-internals.js";
export * from "./types.js";
export { forceCustomStateSetPolyfill, forceElementInternalsPolyfill, } from "./element-internals.js";
// Deteermine whether the webcomponents polyfill has been applied.
const isCePolyfill = !!customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback;
// custom elements polyfill is on. Do not auto-apply. User should determine
// whether to force or not.
if (!isCePolyfill) {
if (!isElementInternalsSupported()) {
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
const refMap = new WeakMap();
const validityMap = new WeakMap();
const hiddenInputMap = new WeakMap();
const internalsMap = new WeakMap();
const validationMessageMap = new WeakMap();
const formsMap = new WeakMap();
const shadowHostsMap = new WeakMap();
const formElementsMap = new WeakMap();
const refValueMap = new WeakMap();
const upgradeMap = new WeakMap();
const shadowRootMap = new WeakMap();
const validationAnchorMap = new WeakMap();
const documentFragmentMap = new WeakMap();
const connectedCallbackMap = new WeakMap();
const validityUpgradeMap = new WeakMap();
const aom = {
ariaAtomic: 'aria-atomic',
ariaAutoComplete: 'aria-autocomplete',
ariaBusy: 'aria-busy',
ariaChecked: 'aria-checked',
ariaColCount: 'aria-colcount',
ariaColIndex: 'aria-colindex',
ariaColIndexText: 'aria-colindextext',
ariaColSpan: 'aria-colspan',
ariaCurrent: 'aria-current',
ariaDescription: 'aria-description',
ariaDisabled: 'aria-disabled',
ariaExpanded: 'aria-expanded',
ariaHasPopup: 'aria-haspopup',
ariaHidden: 'aria-hidden',
ariaInvalid: 'aria-invalid',
ariaKeyShortcuts: 'aria-keyshortcuts',
ariaLabel: 'aria-label',
ariaLevel: 'aria-level',
ariaLive: 'aria-live',
ariaModal: 'aria-modal',
ariaMultiLine: 'aria-multiline',
ariaMultiSelectable: 'aria-multiselectable',
ariaOrientation: 'aria-orientation',
ariaPlaceholder: 'aria-placeholder',
ariaPosInSet: 'aria-posinset',
ariaPressed: 'aria-pressed',
ariaReadOnly: 'aria-readonly',
ariaRelevant: 'aria-relevant',
ariaRequired: 'aria-required',
ariaRoleDescription: 'aria-roledescription',
ariaRowCount: 'aria-rowcount',
ariaRowIndex: 'aria-rowindex',
ariaRowIndexText: 'aria-rowindextext',
ariaRowSpan: 'aria-rowspan',
ariaSelected: 'aria-selected',
ariaSetSize: 'aria-setsize',
ariaSort: 'aria-sort',
ariaValueMax: 'aria-valuemax',
ariaValueMin: 'aria-valuemin',
ariaValueNow: 'aria-valuenow',
ariaValueText: 'aria-valuetext',
role: 'role'
const initAom = (ref, internals) => {
for (let key in aom) {
internals[key] = null;
let closureValue = null;
const attributeName = aom[key];
Object.defineProperty(internals, key, {
get() {
return closureValue;
set(value) {
closureValue = value;
if (ref.isConnected) {
ref.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
else {
upgradeMap.set(ref, internals);
function initNode(node) {
const internals = internalsMap.get(node);
const { form } = internals;
initForm(node, form, internals);
initLabels(node, internals.labels);
else if (typeof window !== "undefined" && !window.CustomStateSet) {
const walkFieldset = (node, firstRender = false) => {
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
acceptNode(node) {
return internalsMap.has(node) ?
let current = walker.nextNode();
const isCallNecessary = (!firstRender || node.disabled);
while (current) {
if (current.formDisabledCallback && isCallNecessary) {
setDisabled(current, node.disabled);
current = walker.nextNode();
const disabledOrNameObserverConfig = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['disabled', 'name'] };
const disabledOrNameObserver = mutationObserverExists() ? new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
const target =;
if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') {
if (target.constructor['formAssociated']) {
setDisabled(target, target.hasAttribute('disabled'));
else if (target.localName === 'fieldset') {
if (mutation.attributeName === 'name') {
if (target.constructor['formAssociated']) {
const internals = internalsMap.get(target);
const value = refValueMap.get(target);
}) : {};
function observerCallback(mutationList) {
mutationList.forEach(mutationRecord => {
const { addedNodes, removedNodes } = mutationRecord;
const added = Array.from(addedNodes);
const removed = Array.from(removedNodes);
added.forEach(node => {
var _a;
if (internalsMap.has(node) && node.constructor['formAssociated']) {
if (upgradeMap.has(node)) {
const internals = upgradeMap.get(node);
const aomKeys = Object.keys(aom);
.filter(key => internals[key] !== null)
.forEach(key => {
node.setAttribute(aom[key], internals[key]);
if (validityUpgradeMap.has(node)) {
const internals = validityUpgradeMap.get(node);
node.setAttribute('internals-valid', internals.validity.valid.toString());
node.setAttribute('internals-invalid', (!internals.validity.valid).toString());
node.setAttribute('aria-invalid', (!internals.validity.valid).toString());
if (node.localName === 'form') {
const formElements = formElementsMap.get(node);
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
acceptNode(node) {
return (internalsMap.has(node) && node.constructor['formAssociated'] && !(formElements && formElements.has(node))) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
let current = walker.nextNode();
while (current) {
current = walker.nextNode();
if (node.localName === 'fieldset') {
(_a = disabledOrNameObserver.observe) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, node, disabledOrNameObserverConfig);
walkFieldset(node, true);
removed.forEach(node => {
const internals = internalsMap.get(node);
if (internals && hiddenInputMap.get(internals)) {
if (shadowHostsMap.has(node)) {
const observer = shadowHostsMap.get(node);
function fragmentObserverCallback(mutationList) {
mutationList.forEach(mutation => {
const { removedNodes } = mutation;
removedNodes.forEach(node => {
const observer = documentFragmentMap.get(;
if (internalsMap.has(node)) {
const deferUpgrade = (fragment) => {
var _a, _b;
const observer = new MutationObserver(fragmentObserverCallback);
if (((_a = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.ShadyDOM) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.inUse) &&
fragment.mode && {
fragment =;
(_b = observer.observe) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, fragment, { childList: true });
documentFragmentMap.set(fragment, observer);
mutationObserverExists() ? new MutationObserver(observerCallback) : {};
const observerConfig = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
const setDisabled = (ref, disabled) => {
ref.toggleAttribute('internals-disabled', disabled);
if (disabled) {
ref.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true');
else {
if (ref.formDisabledCallback) {
ref.formDisabledCallback.apply(ref, [disabled]);
const removeHiddenInputs = (internals) => {
const hiddenInputs = hiddenInputMap.get(internals);
hiddenInputs.forEach(hiddenInput => {
hiddenInputMap.set(internals, []);
const createHiddenInput = (ref, internals) => {
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'hidden'; = ref.getAttribute('name');
return input;
const initRef = (ref, internals) => {
var _a;
hiddenInputMap.set(internals, []);
(_a = disabledOrNameObserver.observe) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, ref, disabledOrNameObserverConfig);
const initLabels = (ref, labels) => {
if (labels.length) {
Array.from(labels).forEach(label => label.addEventListener('click',;
let firstLabelId = labels[0].id;
if (!labels[0].id) {
firstLabelId = `${labels[0].htmlFor}_Label`;
labels[0].id = firstLabelId;
ref.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', firstLabelId);
const setFormValidity = (form) => {
const nativeControlValidity = Array.from(form.elements)
.filter((element) => !element.tagName.includes('-') && element.validity)
.map((element) => element.validity.valid);
const polyfilledElements = formElementsMap.get(form) || [];
const polyfilledValidity = Array.from(polyfilledElements)
.filter(control => control.isConnected)
.map((control) => internalsMap.get(control).validity.valid);
const hasInvalid = [...nativeControlValidity, ...polyfilledValidity].includes(false);
form.toggleAttribute('internals-invalid', hasInvalid);
form.toggleAttribute('internals-valid', !hasInvalid);
const formInputCallback = (event) => {
const formChangeCallback = (event) => {
const wireSubmitLogic = (form) => {
const submitButtonSelector = ['button[type=submit]', 'input[type=submit]', 'button:not([type])']
.map(sel => `${sel}:not([disabled])`)
.map(sel => `${sel}:not([form])${ ? `,${sel}[form='${}']` : ''}`)
form.addEventListener('click', event => {
const target =;
if (target.closest(submitButtonSelector)) {
const elements = formElementsMap.get(form);
if (form.noValidate) {
if (elements.size) {
const nodes = Array.from(elements);
const validityList = nodes
.map(node => {
const internals = internalsMap.get(node);
return internals.reportValidity();
if (validityList.includes(false)) {
const formResetCallback = (event) => {
const elements = formElementsMap.get(;
if (elements && elements.size) {
elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.constructor.formAssociated && element.formResetCallback) {
const initForm = (ref, form, internals) => {
if (form) {
const formElements = formElementsMap.get(form);
if (formElements) {
else {
const initSet = new Set();
formElementsMap.set(form, initSet);
form.addEventListener('reset', formResetCallback);
form.addEventListener('input', formInputCallback);
form.addEventListener('change', formChangeCallback);
formsMap.set(form, { ref, internals });
if (ref.constructor['formAssociated'] && ref.formAssociatedCallback) {
setTimeout(() => {
ref.formAssociatedCallback.apply(ref, [form]);
}, 0);
const findParentForm = (elem) => {
let parent = elem.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.tagName !== 'FORM') {
parent = findParentForm(parent);
return parent;
const throwIfNotFormAssociated = (ref, message, ErrorType = DOMException) => {
if (!ref.constructor['formAssociated']) {
throw new ErrorType(message);
const overrideFormMethod = (form, returnValue, method) => {
const elements = formElementsMap.get(form);
if (elements && elements.size) {
elements.forEach(element => {
const internals = internalsMap.get(element);
const valid = internals[method]();
if (!valid) {
returnValue = false;
return returnValue;
const upgradeInternals = (ref) => {
if (ref.constructor['formAssociated']) {
const internals = internalsMap.get(ref);
const { labels, form } = internals;
initLabels(ref, labels);
initForm(ref, form, internals);
function mutationObserverExists() {
return typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined';
class ValidityState {
constructor() {
this.badInput = false;
this.customError = false;
this.patternMismatch = false;
this.rangeOverflow = false;
this.rangeUnderflow = false;
this.stepMismatch = false;
this.tooLong = false;
this.tooShort = false;
this.typeMismatch = false;
this.valid = true;
this.valueMissing = false;
const setValid = (validityObject) => {
validityObject.badInput = false;
validityObject.customError = false;
validityObject.patternMismatch = false;
validityObject.rangeOverflow = false;
validityObject.rangeUnderflow = false;
validityObject.stepMismatch = false;
validityObject.tooLong = false;
validityObject.tooShort = false;
validityObject.typeMismatch = false;
validityObject.valid = true;
validityObject.valueMissing = false;
return validityObject;
const reconcileValidity = (validityObject, newState, form) => {
validityObject.valid = isValid(newState);
Object.keys(newState).forEach(key => validityObject[key] = newState[key]);
if (form) {
return validityObject;
const isValid = (validityState) => {
let valid = true;
for (let key in validityState) {
if (key !== 'valid' && validityState[key] !== false) {
valid = false;
return valid;
const customStateMap = new WeakMap();
function addState(ref, stateName) {
ref.toggleAttribute(stateName, true);
if (ref.part) {
class CustomStateSet extends Set {
static get isPolyfilled() {
return true;
constructor(ref) {
if (!ref || !ref.tagName || ref.tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) {
throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor');
customStateMap.set(this, ref);
add(state) {
if (!/^--/.test(state) || typeof state !== 'string') {
throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'add' on 'CustomStateSet': The specified value ${state} must start with '--'.`);
const result = super.add(state);
const ref = customStateMap.get(this);
const stateName = `state${state}`;
if (ref.isConnected) {
addState(ref, stateName);
else {
setTimeout(() => {
addState(ref, stateName);
return result;
clear() {
for (let [entry] of this.entries()) {
delete(state) {
const result = super.delete(state);
const ref = customStateMap.get(this);
if (ref.isConnected) {
ref.toggleAttribute(`state${state}`, false);
if (ref.part) {
else {
setTimeout(() => {
ref.toggleAttribute(`state${state}`, false);
if (ref.part) {
return result;
function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
var _HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements;
class HTMLFormControlsCollection {
constructor(elements) {
_HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements.set(this, void 0);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements, elements, "f");
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let element = elements[i];
this[i] = element;
if (element.hasAttribute('name')) {
this[element.getAttribute('name')] = element;
get length() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements, "f").length;
[(_HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements = new WeakMap(), Symbol.iterator)]() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _HTMLFormControlsCollection_elements, "f")[Symbol.iterator]();
item(i) {
return this[i] == null ? null : this[i];
namedItem(name) {
return this[name] == null ? null : this[name];
function patchFormPrototype() {
const checkValidity = HTMLFormElement.prototype.checkValidity;
HTMLFormElement.prototype.checkValidity = checkValidityOverride;
const reportValidity = HTMLFormElement.prototype.reportValidity;
HTMLFormElement.prototype.reportValidity = reportValidityOverride;
function checkValidityOverride(...args) {
let returnValue = checkValidity.apply(this, args);
return overrideFormMethod(this, returnValue, 'checkValidity');
function reportValidityOverride(...args) {
let returnValue = reportValidity.apply(this, args);
return overrideFormMethod(this, returnValue, 'reportValidity');
const { get } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLFormElement.prototype, 'elements');
Object.defineProperty(HTMLFormElement.prototype, 'elements', {
get(...args) {
const elements =, ...args);
const polyfilledElements = Array.from(formElementsMap.get(this) || []);
if (polyfilledElements.length === 0) {
return elements;
const orderedElements = Array.from(elements).concat(polyfilledElements).sort((a, b) => {
if (a.compareDocumentPosition) {
return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 2 ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
return new HTMLFormControlsCollection(orderedElements);
class ElementInternals {
static get isPolyfilled() {
return true;
constructor(ref) {
if (!ref || !ref.tagName || ref.tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) {
throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor');
const rootNode = ref.getRootNode();
const validity = new ValidityState();
this.states = new CustomStateSet(ref);
refMap.set(this, ref);
validityMap.set(this, validity);
internalsMap.set(ref, this);
initAom(ref, this);
initRef(ref, this);
if (rootNode instanceof DocumentFragment) {
checkValidity() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to execute 'checkValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if (!this.willValidate) {
return true;
const validity = validityMap.get(this);
if (!validity.valid) {
const validityEvent = new Event('invalid', {
bubbles: false,
cancelable: true,
composed: false
return validity.valid;
get form() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to read the 'form' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
let form;
if (ref.constructor['formAssociated'] === true) {
form = findParentForm(ref);
return form;
get labels() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to read the 'labels' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
const id = ref.getAttribute('id');
const hostRoot = ref.getRootNode();
if (hostRoot && id) {
return hostRoot.querySelectorAll(`[for="${id}"]`);
return [];
reportValidity() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to execute 'reportValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if (!this.willValidate) {
return true;
const valid = this.checkValidity();
const anchor = validationAnchorMap.get(this);
if (anchor && !ref.constructor['formAssociated']) {
throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'reportValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if (!valid && anchor) {
return valid;
setFormValue(value) {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to execute 'setFormValue' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if (value != null && !(value instanceof FormData)) {
if (ref.getAttribute('name')) {
const hiddenInput = createHiddenInput(ref, this);
hiddenInput.value = value;
else if (value != null && value instanceof FormData) {
Array.from(value).reverse().forEach(([formDataKey, formDataValue]) => {
if (typeof formDataValue === 'string') {
const hiddenInput = createHiddenInput(ref, this); = formDataKey;
hiddenInput.value = formDataValue;
refValueMap.set(ref, value);
setValidity(validityChanges, validationMessage, anchor) {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if (!validityChanges) {
throw new TypeError('Failed to execute \'setValidity\' on \'ElementInternals\': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.');
validationAnchorMap.set(this, anchor);
const validity = validityMap.get(this);
const validityChangesObj = {};
for (const key in validityChanges) {
validityChangesObj[key] = validityChanges[key];
if (Object.keys(validityChangesObj).length === 0) {
const check = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, validity), validityChangesObj);
delete check.valid;
const { valid } = reconcileValidity(validity, check, this.form);
if (!valid && !validationMessage) {
throw new DOMException(`Failed to execute 'setValidity' on 'ElementInternals': The second argument should not be empty if one or more flags in the first argument are true.`);
validationMessageMap.set(this, valid ? '' : validationMessage);
if (ref.isConnected) {
ref.toggleAttribute('internals-invalid', !valid);
ref.toggleAttribute('internals-valid', valid);
ref.setAttribute('aria-invalid', `${!valid}`);
else {
validityUpgradeMap.set(ref, this);
get shadowRoot() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
const shadowRoot = shadowRootMap.get(ref);
if (shadowRoot) {
return shadowRoot;
return null;
get validationMessage() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to read the 'validationMessage' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
return validationMessageMap.get(this);
get validity() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to read the 'validity' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
const validity = validityMap.get(this);
return validity;
get willValidate() {
const ref = refMap.get(this);
throwIfNotFormAssociated(ref, `Failed to read the 'willValidate' property from 'ElementInternals': The target element is not a form-associated custom element.`);
if ((ref.disabled || ref.hasAttribute('disabled')) ||
ref.hasAttribute('readonly')) {
return false;
return true;
function isElementInternalsSupported() {
if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !window.ElementInternals || !HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals) {
return false;
class ElementInternalsFeatureDetection extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.internals = this.attachInternals();
const randomName = `element-internals-feature-detection-${Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '')}`;
customElements.define(randomName, ElementInternalsFeatureDetection);
const featureDetectionElement = new ElementInternalsFeatureDetection();
return [
].every(prop => prop in featureDetectionElement.internals);
let hasElementInternalsPolyfillBeenApplied = false;
let hasCustomStateSetPolyfillBeenApplied = false;
function forceCustomStateSetPolyfill(attachInternals) {
if (hasCustomStateSetPolyfillBeenApplied) {
hasCustomStateSetPolyfillBeenApplied = true;
window.CustomStateSet = CustomStateSet;
if (attachInternals) {
HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals = function (...args) {
const internals =, args);
internals.states = new CustomStateSet(this);
return internals;
function forceElementInternalsPolyfill(forceCustomStateSet = true) {
if (hasElementInternalsPolyfillBeenApplied) {
hasElementInternalsPolyfillBeenApplied = true;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.ElementInternals = ElementInternals;
if (typeof CustomElementRegistry !== 'undefined') {
const define = CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define;
CustomElementRegistry.prototype.define = function (name, constructor, options) {
if (constructor.formAssociated) {
const connectedCallback = constructor.prototype.connectedCallback;
constructor.prototype.connectedCallback = function () {
if (!connectedCallbackMap.has(this)) {
connectedCallbackMap.set(this, true);
if (this.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
setDisabled(this, true);
if (connectedCallback != null) {
}, name, constructor, options);
if (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined') {
HTMLElement.prototype.attachInternals = function () {
if (!this.tagName) {
return {};
else if (this.tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) {
throw new Error(`Failed to execute 'attachInternals' on 'HTMLElement': Unable to attach ElementInternals to non-custom elements.`);
if (internalsMap.has(this)) {
throw new DOMException(`DOMException: Failed to execute 'attachInternals' on 'HTMLElement': ElementInternals for the specified element was already attached.`);
return new ElementInternals(this);
if (typeof Element !== 'undefined') {
function attachShadowObserver(...args) {
const shadowRoot = attachShadow.apply(this, args);
shadowRootMap.set(this, shadowRoot);
if (mutationObserverExists()) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(observerCallback);
if (window.ShadyDOM) {
observer.observe(this, observerConfig);
else {
observer.observe(shadowRoot, observerConfig);
shadowHostsMap.set(this, observer);
return shadowRoot;
const attachShadow = Element.prototype.attachShadow;
Element.prototype.attachShadow = attachShadowObserver;
if (mutationObserverExists() && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
const documentObserver = new MutationObserver(observerCallback);
documentObserver.observe(document.documentElement, observerConfig);
if (typeof HTMLFormElement !== 'undefined') {
if (forceCustomStateSet ||
(typeof window !== "undefined" && !window.CustomStateSet)) {
const isCePolyfill = !!customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback;
if (!isCePolyfill) {
if (!isElementInternalsSupported()) {
else if (typeof window !== "undefined" && !window.CustomStateSet) {
exports.forceCustomStateSetPolyfill = forceCustomStateSetPolyfill;
exports.forceElementInternalsPolyfill = forceElementInternalsPolyfill;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
return exports;

@@ -6,31 +6,32 @@ /**

import { IElementInternals, ICustomElement } from './types';
/** Use an ElementInternals instance to get a reference to the element it is attached to */
export declare const refMap: WeakMap<ElementInternals, FormAssociatedCustomElement>;
export declare const refMap: WeakMap<IElementInternals, ICustomElement>;
/** Usee an ElementsInternals instance to get its ValidityState object */
export declare const validityMap: WeakMap<ElementInternals, ValidityState>;
export declare const validityMap: WeakMap<IElementInternals, ValidityState>;
/** Use an ElementInternals instance to get its attached input[type="hidden"] */
export declare const hiddenInputMap: WeakMap<ElementInternals, HTMLInputElement[]>;
export declare const hiddenInputMap: WeakMap<IElementInternals, HTMLInputElement[]>;
/** Use a custom element to get its attached ElementInternals instance */
export declare const internalsMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, ElementInternals>;
export declare const internalsMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, IElementInternals>;
/** Use an ElementInternals instance to get the attached validation message */
export declare const validationMessageMap: WeakMap<ElementInternals, string>;
export declare const validationMessageMap: WeakMap<IElementInternals, string>;
/** Use a form element to get attached custom elements and ElementInternals instances */
export declare const formsMap: WeakMap<HTMLFormElement, Object>;
/** Use a custom element or other object to get their associated MutationObservers */
export declare const shadowHostsMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, MutationObserver>;
export declare const shadowHostsMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, MutationObserver>;
/** Use a form element to get a set of attached custom elements */
export declare const formElementsMap: WeakMap<HTMLFormElement, Set<FormAssociatedCustomElement>>;
export declare const formElementsMap: WeakMap<HTMLFormElement, Set<ICustomElement>>;
/** Use an ElementInternals instance to get a reference to an element's value */
export declare const refValueMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, any>;
export declare const refValueMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, any>;
/** Elements that need to be upgraded once added to the DOM */
export declare const upgradeMap: WeakMap<Element, ElementInternals>;
export declare const upgradeMap: WeakMap<Element, IElementInternals>;
/** Save references to shadow roots for inclusion in internals instance */
export declare const shadowRootMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, ShadowRoot>;
export declare const shadowRootMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, ShadowRoot>;
/** Save a reference to the internals' validation anchor */
export declare const validationAnchorMap: WeakMap<ElementInternals, HTMLElement>;
export declare const validationAnchorMap: WeakMap<IElementInternals, HTMLElement>;
/** Map DocumentFragments to their MutationObservers so we can disconnect once elements are removed */
export declare const documentFragmentMap: WeakMap<DocumentFragment, MutationObserver>;
/** Whether connectedCallback has already been called. */
export declare const connectedCallbackMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, boolean>;
export declare const connectedCallbackMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, boolean>;
/** Save a reference to validity state for elements that need to upgrade after being connected */
export declare const validityUpgradeMap: WeakMap<FormAssociatedCustomElement, ElementInternals>;
export declare const validityUpgradeMap: WeakMap<ICustomElement, IElementInternals>;

@@ -1,34 +0,60 @@

import { ElementInternals } from "./element-internals.js";
declare global {
interface ARIAMixin {
/** [MDN Reference]( */
ariaBrailleLabel: string | null;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
ariaBrailleRoleDescription: string | null;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
ariaColIndexText: string;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
ariaRelevant: string;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
ariaRowIndexText: string;
interface ElementInternals extends ARIAMixin {
checkValidity: () => boolean;
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
readonly labels: NodeList;
reportValidity: () => boolean;
setFormValue: (value: File | string | FormData | null, state?: File | string | FormData | null) => void;
setValidity: (flags?: ValidityStateFlags, message?: string, anchor?: HTMLElement) => void;
readonly shadowRoot: ShadowRoot | null;
readonly states: CustomStateSet;
readonly validationMessage: string;
readonly validity: ValidityState;
readonly willValidate: boolean;
interface FormAssociatedCustomElement extends HTMLElement {
formDisabledCallback?: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
formResetCallback: () => void;
formAssociatedCallback: (form: HTMLFormElement) => void;
import { CustomStateSet } from './CustomStateSet.js';
import { ElementInternals } from './element-internals.js';
export interface IAom {
ariaAtomic: string;
ariaAutoComplete: string;
ariaBusy: string;
ariaChecked: string;
ariaColCount: string;
ariaColIndex: string;
ariaColIndexText: string;
ariaColSpan: string;
ariaCurrent: string;
ariaDescription: string;
ariaDisabled: string;
ariaExpanded: string;
ariaHasPopup: string;
ariaHidden: string;
ariaInvalid: string;
ariaKeyShortcuts: string;
ariaLabel: string;
ariaLevel: string;
ariaLive: string;
ariaModal: string;
ariaMultiLine: string;
ariaMultiSelectable: string;
ariaOrientation: string;
ariaPlaceholder: string;
ariaPosInSet: string;
ariaPressed: string;
ariaReadOnly: string;
ariaRelevant: string;
ariaRequired: string;
ariaRoleDescription: string;
ariaRowCount: string;
ariaRowIndex: string;
ariaRowIndexText: string;
ariaRowSpan: string;
ariaSelected: string;
ariaSetSize: string;
ariaSort: string;
ariaValueMax: string;
ariaValueMin: string;
ariaValueNow: string;
ariaValueText: string;
role: string;
export interface IElementInternals extends IAom {
checkValidity: () => boolean;
form: HTMLFormElement;
labels: LabelsList;
reportValidity: () => boolean;
setFormValue: (value: string | FormData | null) => void;
setValidity: (validityChanges: Partial<ValidityState>, validationMessage?: string, anchor?: HTMLElement) => void;
shadowRoot: ShadowRoot | null;
states: CustomStateSet;
validationMessage: string;
validity: ValidityState;
willValidate: boolean;
export interface ICustomElement extends HTMLElement {

@@ -49,4 +75,4 @@ constructor: (...args: any[]) => HTMLElement;

interface HTMLElement {
attachInternals(): ElementInternals;
attachInternals(): IElementInternals;

@@ -0,35 +1,36 @@

import { ICustomElement, IElementInternals, LabelsList } from './types.js';
* Toggle's the disabled state (attributes & callback) on the given element
* @param {HTMLElement} ref - The custom element instance
* @param {ICustomElement} ref - The custom element instance
* @param {boolean} disabled - The disabled state
export declare const setDisabled: (ref: FormAssociatedCustomElement, disabled: boolean) => void;
export declare const setDisabled: (ref: ICustomElement, disabled: boolean) => void;
* Removes all hidden inputs for the given element internals instance
* @param {ElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance
* @param {IElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance
* @return {void}
export declare const removeHiddenInputs: (internals: ElementInternals) => void;
export declare const removeHiddenInputs: (internals: IElementInternals) => void;
* Creates a hidden input for the given ref
* @param {HTMLElement} ref - The element to watch
* @param {ElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance for the ref
* @param {ICustomElement} ref - The element to watch
* @param {IElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance for the ref
* @return {HTMLInputElement} The hidden input
export declare const createHiddenInput: (ref: HTMLElement, internals: ElementInternals) => HTMLInputElement | null;
export declare const createHiddenInput: (ref: ICustomElement, internals: IElementInternals) => HTMLInputElement | null;
* Initialize a ref by setting up an attribute observe on it
* looking for changes to disabled
* @param {HTMLElement} ref - The element to watch
* @param {ElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance for the ref
* @param {ICustomElement} ref - The element to watch
* @param {IElementInternals} internals - The element internals instance for the ref
* @return {void}
export declare const initRef: (ref: HTMLElement, internals: ElementInternals) => void;
export declare const initRef: (ref: ICustomElement, internals: IElementInternals) => void;
* Set up labels for the ref
* @param {HTMLElement} ref - The ref to add labels to
* @param {NodeList} labels - A list of the labels
* @param {ICustomElement} ref - The ref to add labels to
* @param {LabelsList} labels - A list of the labels
* @return {void}
export declare const initLabels: (ref: HTMLElement, labels: NodeList) => void;
export declare const initLabels: (ref: ICustomElement, labels: LabelsList) => void;

@@ -77,3 +78,3 @@ * Sets the internals-valid and internals-invalid attributes

export declare const initForm: (ref: FormAssociatedCustomElement, form: HTMLFormElement, internals: ElementInternals) => void;
export declare const initForm: (ref: ICustomElement, form: HTMLFormElement, internals: IElementInternals) => void;

@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ * Recursively look for an element's parent form

* Throw an error if the element ref is not form associated
* @param ref {HTMLElement} - The element to check if it is form associated
* @param ref {ICustomElement} - The element to check if it is form associated
* @param message {string} - The error message to throw
* @param ErrorType {any} - The error type to throw, defaults to DOMException
export declare const throwIfNotFormAssociated: (ref: HTMLElement, message: string, ErrorType?: any) => void;
export declare const throwIfNotFormAssociated: (ref: ICustomElement, message: string, ErrorType?: any) => void;

@@ -107,5 +108,5 @@ * Called for each HTMLFormElement.checkValidity|reportValidity

* either constructed or appended from a DocumentFragment
* @param ref {HTMLElement} - The custom element to upgrade
* @param ref {ICustomElement} - The custom element to upgrade
export declare const upgradeInternals: (ref: FormAssociatedCustomElement) => void;
export declare const upgradeInternals: (ref: ICustomElement) => void;

@@ -112,0 +113,0 @@ * Check to see if MutationObserver exists in the current

"name": "element-internals-polyfill",
"version": "1.3.12-alpha.0",
"description": "A polyfill for the element internals specification",
"version": "1.3.12",
"description": "A polyfill for the element internals specification.",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ "module": "dist/index.js",

"start": "rollup -c --watch --environment BUILD:dev",
"build": "tsc",
"build": "rollup -c --environment BUILD:production",
"prerelease": "npm run build",
"release": "standard-version",
"postrelease": "git push --follow-tags origin master; npm publish",
"release:alpha": "npm run release -- --prerelease alpha"
"postrelease": "git push --follow-tags origin master; npm publish"

@@ -80,4 +79,4 @@ "repository": {

"tslib": "^2.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.5.4"
"typescript": "^4.5.2"
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