Filter the output of the elm compiler
$ npm install --global elm-filt
$ elm-filt --help
Filter the output of the elm compiler
$ elm-filt <source> --keep <elm specifier> [--keep <elm specifier>]...
Elm Specifiers
author/pkg:Module.name Keep the elm function or variable called "name"
in module "Module" in package installed using
`elm install author/package`.
Module.name Same as above for elm functions or variables
defined within your project.
--keep, -k Elm functions to include in JavaScript output
--version, -v Print version and quit
--help, -h Display this information and quit
$ elm-filt elm.js --keep Main.main --keep Main.update
// For Main.main
var author$project$Main$main = elm$browser$Browser$document(
init: function (_n0) {
return author$project$State$initialState;
subscriptions: author$project$Main$subscriptions,
update: author$project$State$update,
view: author$project$Main$view
// For State.update
var author$project$State$update = F2(
function (msg, model) {
switch (msg.$) {
case 'Noop':
return GlobalWebIndex$cmd_extra$Cmd$Extra$pure(model);
case 'ChangeStage':
Elm specifiers
As described by elm-filt --help
, an elm specifier is a string that uniquely describes an elm function or variable in some elm module.
An elm specifier takes the form [author/package:]Module1[. ...[ModuleN]].functionOrVariableName
If [author/package:]
is omitted, the elm specifier refers to an elm function or variable in the current application.
There must be at least one module name and each should be followed by a dot, the package specifier is separated from the first module name by a colon.
Examples of elm specifiers include elm/core:String.fromFloat
, Main.main
and mdgriffith/elm-ui:Element.text
For elm functions and variables in the current application, the elm compiler will generate JavaScript as if they function or variable was in a package called author/project
Harry Sarson |
- The elm-filt logo is derived from the offical elm logo created by Evan Czaplicki