Bunyan / Pino Logger instance ready to use
Bunyan is really great for debugging purposes but Pino is crazily fast.
Thinking about that this package was created to use Bunyan whenever the
LOG_LEVEL environmental variable is set to debug
or trace
npm install em-loger --save
Logr will use bunyan if the LOG_LEVEL environmental variable has the values trace or debug
and it will also enable the src option of bunyan automatically, which displays the filename along
side with the line number on each log message.
Using LOG_LEVEL environmental variable with the values info, warn or trace will load
pinojs which is faster and has a very similar api.
const logr = require('em-logr');
logr.trace('My trace message');
logr.debug('My debug message');
logr.info('My info message');
logr.warn('My warn message')
logr.error('My error message');
Child loggers
_1stChildLogr = require('em-logr').child({name:'1stChild'}),
_2ndChildLogr = require('em-logr').child({name:'2ndChild'});
_1stChildLogr.info("The remote is mine, I am the first born child");
_2ndChildLogr.info("The remote is mine, Mom likes me better");
_1stChildLogr.warn("Get out of here or I'll hit you in the face!");
_2ndChildLogr.info("Do not touch me or I'll tell mom to know about secret.");
_1stChildLogr.error("I did' see that coming!");