Ember linting tools such as ember-cli-eslint
are a great way of enforcing coding standards and preventing bad practices from entering your Ember applications. The rules that they enforce are all or nothing, if your app already contains these bad practices you are forced to either remove all occurrences before enabling the rule, or simply not use the rule.
allows you to specify rules and an allowed count of rule failures, eg:
methods: {
'htmlSafe': {
allowedCount: 5,
message: 'Please avoid using Em.String.htmlSafe. Please see: https://foo.bar/'
This configuration specifies that your app has 5 uses of htmlSafe
. An incremental build time error is displayed if a sixth occurrence is added:
Please avoid using Em.String.htmlSafe. Please see: https://foo.bar/
Current count: 6, maximum allowed: 5
Addon Installation
ember install ember-cli-detergent
Create a .detergentrc.js
configuration file in the root of your app.
Development Instructions
git clone <repository-url>
this repositorycd ember-cli-detergent
npm install
bower install
Running Tests
npm test
(Runs ember try:each
to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)ember test
ember test --server
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.