ember-cli addon that provides a simple identity map for ember.js web applications
ember install ember-cli-simple-store
You get 6 methods: push/pushArray/remove/find/findOne/clear
simpleStore.push("person", {id: 1, name: "toran"});
simpleStore.pushArray("person", [{id: 1, name: "john"}, {id: 2, name: "jane"}]);
simpleStore.remove("person", 123);
simpleStore.find("person", 123);
simpleStore.find("person", {account_id: 789});
var filter = function(person) {
var name = person.get("name");
var salary = person.get("salary");
return name === "toran" && salary > 100;
simpleStore.find("person", filter);
Using the store by example
Below I'll show how you can use the store with a simple ember object to find/add/remove/update
The full example below relies on a small xhr addon PromiseMixin
import Ember from "ember";
import PromiseMixin from "ember-promise/mixins/promise";
var PersonRepository = Ember.Object.extend({
simpleStore: Ember.inject.service(),
find() {
var simpleStore = this.get("simpleStore");
return PromiseMixin.xhr("/api/people/", "GET").then(function(response) {
response.forEach(function(person) {
simpleStore.push("person", person);
return simpleStore.find("person");
findById(id) {
var simpleStore = this.get("simpleStore");
return simpleStore.find("person", id);
insert(person) {
var simpleStore = this.get("simpleStore");
var hash = {data: JSON.stringify(person)};
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
return PromiseMixin.xhr("/api/people/", "POST", hash).then(function(persisted) {
var inserted = simpleStore.push("person", persisted);
}, function(err) {
update(person) {
var person_id = person.get("id");
var hash = {data: JSON.stringify(person)};
var endpoint = "/api/people/%@/".fmt(person_id);
return PromiseMixin.xhr(endpoint, "PUT", hash);
remove(person) {
var simpleStore = this.get("simpleStore");
var person_id = person.get("id");
var endpoint = "/api/people/%@/".fmt(person_id);
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
return PromiseMixin.xhr(endpoint, "DELETE").then(function(arg) {
simpleStore.remove("person", person_id);
}, function(err) {
export default PersonRepository;
What about relationship support?
A one-to-many example might look something like this
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Object.extend({
simpleStore: Ember.inject.service(),
role: Ember.computed.alias('belongs_to.firstObject'),
belongs_to: Ember.computed(function() {
let userId = this.get('id');
let simpleStore = this.get('simpleStore');
let filter = function(role) {
let users = role.get('users');
return Ember.$.inArray(userId, users) > -1;
return simpleStore.find('role', filter);
test('role property returns associated model or undefined', function(assert) {
let user = simpleStore.push('user', {id: 1});
simpleStore.push('role', {id: 2, name: 'Admin', users: [1]});
let role = user.get('role');
assert.equal(role.get('id'), 2);
assert.equal(role.get('name'), 'Admin');
role.set('users', []);
role = user.get('role');
assert.equal(role, undefined);
What about dirty tracking?
If you want the ability to track if your model is dirty use the attr for each field and the Model to get save/rollback
import { attr, Model } from "ember-cli-simple-store/model";
var Person = Model.extend({
firstName: attr(),
lastName: attr(),
fullName: function() {
var first = this.get("firstName");
var last = this.get("lastName");
return first + " " + last;
}.property("firstName", "lastName")
var person = Person.create({id: 1, firstName: "x", lastName: "y"});
person.set("firstName", "toran");
person.set("firstName", "foobar");
If you want to know if an individual property isDirty you can ask like so
person.set("firstName", "foobar");
For new forms that start with undefined properties you can define the default state for isDirty. Example: you have a model that is bound to a form with a checkbox input. The create form starts with a new model so each bound property is undefined. If the user decides to check the bound checkbox (setting the value to true) and then decides to uncheck it (setting the value to false) you would expect the form is not dirty - but because undefined !== false you find the model is dirty. To prevent this behavior set a default value for dirty tracking on the models attr like so.
var Animal = Model.extend({
omnivore: attr(false)
var animal = Animal.create();
animal.set("omnivore", true);
animal.set("omnivore", false);
What about custom primary keys?
By default, simple store will use the 'id' property on your records as the primary key. If you wish to override this, reopen your
model class and add a primaryKey
var Food = Ember.Object.extend({
food_id: null,
calories: null
primaryKey: 'food_id'
simpleStore.push('food', {
food_id: 5,
calories: 500
simpleStore.find('food', 5);
Example applications
Simplest example with the least amount of complexity (tests included)
Simple example running ember 2.4
Async example that will paint right away (loading section included w/ tests)
Async example with relationships (loading section included w/ tests)
Dirty tracking example with both save and rollback
Running the unit tests
npm install
ember test
Copyright © 2015 Toran Billups http://toranbillups.com
Licensed under the MIT License