Lightweight validations library for ember.js focused on computed properties.
One of the most useful features in ember is computed properties. These can be particularly useful to determine the validity of a property without having to learn a new validations DSL. This library makes it easy to use them for validations by aggregating error messages for each property and by providing a mechanism to easily determine overall validity. In addition it gives you a place to easily specify error messages for each "validation" (computed property used for validation).
Because this library uses computed properties under the hood instead of observers or any other means, you can say goodbye to the days of calling validate()
or any other hacks to get your validation back in sync.
Using ember-computed-validations
ember install ember-computed-validations
import ComputedValidationsMixin from 'ember-computed-validations/mixins/computed-validations';
export default Ember.Component.extend(ComputedValidationsMixin, {
user: null,
// validations
firstNameNotEmpty: Ember.computed.notEmpty('user.firstName'),
emailIsEmail: Ember.computed.match('user.email', /^.+@.+\..+$/),
passwordsMatch: Ember.computed('user.password1', 'user.password2', function() {
return this.get('user.password1') === this.get('user.password2');
// declaring which validations validate which properties and their respective error messages
computedValidations: {
// properties to validate
firstName: {
// validations with error message to display if the validation is falsy
firstNameNotEmpty: 'First name is a required field.'
lastName: {
// validations do not need to be computed properties
'user.lastName': 'Last name is a required field.'
email: {
// create a dynamic error message by using a function
emailIsEmail: function() {
return `${this.get('user.email')} is not a valid email address.`;
password: {
// you can list multiple validations
'user.password1': 'Please enter a password.',
passwordsMatch: 'The password fields must match.'
You can use this mixin on any type of ember object: Ember.Component
, DS.Model
, Ember.Object
, etc. It will add properties to your object so you can determine the state of validations easily:
component.get('computedErrors.firstName'); // ['First name is a required field.']
component.get('computedIsValid'); // false
component.get('computedIsInvalid'); // true
git clone
this repositorynpm install
bower install
Running Tests
ember test
ember test --server
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.