1.0.0-alpha.* (2018-03-07)
Full Changelog
Closed issues:
- Cursor based, API without count key #285
- Doesn't keep fetching more on page load if view port is smaller than the window #278
- Hook to update InfinityModel #272
- Add items to model is not working #270
- Unable to extend InfinityModel following README.md #263
- missing ember-in-viewport #256
Merged pull requests:
- fix after model hook #288
- improve cursor based docs + fix a bug in setting canLoadMore #286
- Rename infinity loader service to
#283 - InfinityModels managed by service + closure actions #271
- Load Previous pages #259
- InfinityModel used to store query params #231
- Non Blocking Model hooks support #232
- Ability to extend the InfinityModel #236
- Replace scroll logic with ember-in-viewport #242 258
- Ember and Ember-Data and Ember-CLI 3.0 #260