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Send data to multiple analytics integrations without re-implementing new API

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Send data to multiple analytics services without re-implementing new API

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This addon adds a simple metrics service and customized LinkComponent to your app that makes it simple to send data to multiple analytics services without having to implement a new API each time.

Using this addon, you can easily use bundled adapters for various analytics services, and one API to track events, page views, and more. When you decide to add another analytics service to your stack, all you need to do is add it to your configuration, and that's it!

Writing your own adapters for currently unsupported analytics services is easy too. If you'd like to then share it with the world, submit a pull request and we'll add it to the bundled adapters.

Installing the addon

For Ember CLI >= 0.2.3:

ember install ember-metrics

For Ember CLI < 0.2.3:

ember install:addon ember-metrics


In order to use the addon, you must first configure it, then inject it into any Object registered in the container that you wish to track. For example, you can call a trackPage event across all your analytics services like so:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  metrics: Ember.inject.service(),
  activate() {
    const metrics = get(this, 'metrics');

      title: 'My Awesome App'

If you wish to only call a single service, just specify it's name as the first argument:

// only invokes the `trackPage` method on the `GoogleAnalyticsAdapter`

metrics.trackPage('GoogleAnalytics', {
  title: 'My Awesome App'


Service API

There are 4 main methods implemented by the service, with the same argument signature:

  • trackPage([analyticsName], options)

    This is commonly used by analytics services to track page views. Due to the way Single Page Applications implement routing, you will need to call this on the activate hook of each route to track all page views.

  • trackEvent([analyticsName], options)

    This is a general purpose method for tracking a named event in your application.

  • identify([analyticsName], options)

    For analytics services that have identification functionality.

  • alias([analyticsName], options)

    For services that implement it, this method notifies the analytics service that an anonymous user now has a unique identifier.

To use the augmented link-to, just use the same helper, but add some extra metrics attributes:

{{#link-to 'index' metricsAdapterName="GoogleAnalytics" metricsCategory="Home Button" metricsAction="click" metricsLabel="Top Nav"}}

This is the equivalent of sending:

ga('send', {
  'hitType': 'event',
  'eventCategory': 'Home Button',
  'eventAction': 'click',
  'eventLabel': 'Top Nav'

To add an attribute, just prefix it with metrics and enter it in camelcase.


To setup, you should first configure the service through config/environment:

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    metricsAdapters: [
        name: 'GoogleAnalytics',
        config: {
          id: 'UA-XXXX-Y'
        name: 'Mixpanel',
        config: {
          token: '0f76c037-4d76-4fce-8a0f-a9a8f89d1453'
        name: 'LocalAdapter',
        config: {
          foo: 'bar'

The metricsAdapters option in ENV accepts an array of objects containing settings for each analytics service you want to use in your app in the following format:

  name: 'Analytics',
  config: {
    anyKey: 'someValue',
    apiKey: 'eb4bb7f1'

Values in the config portion of the object are dependent on the adapter.

Lazy Initialization

If your app implements dynamic API keys for various analytics integration, you can defer the initialization of the adapters. Instead of configuring ember-metrics through config/environment, you can call the following from any Object registered in the container:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  metrics: Ember.inject.service(),
  afterModel(model) {
    const metrics = Ember.get(this, 'metrics');
    const id = Ember.get(model, 'googleAnalyticsKey');

        name: 'GoogleAnalytics',
        config: {

Because activateAdapters is idempotent, you can call it as many times as you'd like. However, it will not reinstantiate existing adapters.

Writing Your Own Adapters

First, generate a new Metrics Adapter:

$ ember generate metrics-adapter foo-bar

This creates app/metrics-adapters/foo-bar.js and a unit test at tests/unit/metrics-adapters/foo-bar-test.js, which you should now customize. Apart from the 4 methods that the service expects, you must implement the init hook in order to inject the script tag and initialize the analytics service.


For unit tests, you will need to specify the adapters in use under needs, like so:

moduleFor('route:foo', 'Unit | Route | foo', {
  needs: [
    'ember-metrics@metrics-adapter:google-analytics', // bundled adapter
    'ember-metrics@metrics-adapter:mixpanel', // bundled adapter
    'metrics-adapter:local-dummy-adapter' // local adapter


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit



Last updated on 12 Jul 2015

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