Advanced tools
#1011 606ba4b
Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - trackedFunction
: Fix timing issue where updating tracked data consumed in trackedFunction
would not re-cause the isLoading
state to become true
Resolves #1010
#975 1a964f1
Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - trackedFunction
can now be composed just like regular resources.
The function body still auto-tracks and will update within consuming resource appropriately.
<details><summary>Example</summary>const Person = resourceFactory((maybeIdFn) => {
return resource(({ use }) => {
let request = use(
trackedFunction(async () => {
let id = typeof maybeIdFn === "function" ? maybeIdFn() : maybeIdFn;
let response = await fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${id}`);
return response.json();
// `use` returns a ReadonlyCell where `.current`
// is the State of trackedFunction.
return () => request.current;
Usage examples:
{{#let (Person 1) as |request|}}
{{#if request.isLoading}}
... loading ...
{{#if request.value}}
<details><summary>An async doubler</summary>
const Doubled = resourceFactory((num: number) => {
return resource(({ use }) => {
let doubler = use(trackedFunction(async () => num * 2));
// Since current is the "State" of `trackedFunction`,
// accessing .value on it means that the overall value of
// `Doubled` is the eventual return value of the `trackedFunction`
return () => doubler.current.value;
// Actual code from a test
class State {
@tracked num = 2;
let state = new State();
setOwner(state, this.owner);
await render(<template><out>{{Doubled state.num}}</out></template>);
<details><summary>Example with arguments</summary>
Imagine you want to compute the hypotenuse of a triangle, but all calculations are asynchronous (maybe the measurements exist on external APIs or something).
// Actual code from a test
type NumberThunk = () => number;
const Sqrt = resourceFactory((numFn: NumberThunk) =>
trackedFunction(async () => {
let num = numFn();
return Math.sqrt(num);
const Squared = resourceFactory((numFn: NumberThunk) =>
trackedFunction(async () => {
let num = numFn();
return Math.pow(num, 2);
const Hypotenuse = resourceFactory((aFn: NumberThunk, bFn: NumberThunk) => {
return resource(({ use }) => {
const aSquared = use(Squared(aFn));
const bSquared = use(Squared(bFn));
const c = use(
Sqrt(() => {
return (aSquared.current.value ?? 0) + (bSquared.current.value ?? 0);
// We use the function return because we want this property chain
// to be what's lazily evaluated -- in this example, since
// we want to return the hypotenuse, we don't (atm)
// care about loading / error state, etc.
// In real apps, you might care about loading state though!
return () => c.current.value;
// In situations where you care about forwarding other states,
// you could do this
return {
get value() {
return c.current.value;
get isLoading() {
return (
a.current.isLoading || b.current.isLoading || c.current.isLoading