5.0.0-alpha.5 (2017-05-18)
Bug Fixes
- styles: tweak large size, making it less awkward (4dca99a)
- Allow theme on switch, update dummy app more (5174457)
- dummy: Add labels to disabled toggle (a57cd7c)
- check value before sending action (#68) (2094f0c)
- label wrapping and internal div label (#69) (2052f6c)
- remove browser-check (b1a34a7)
- remove injection of browser checker (93c7f47)
- ie: Only check if input when not IE (#71) (2fa01f5)
- removing a double trigger due to the visual toggle already being surrounded by a label (16f5c66)
- simplify (#66) (24122ae)
- the toggle switch explicit on and off (#67) (b756aba)
- Add yield to labels, and fix their tests (973e47d)
- dummy app and split into components, block form (8b295cf)
- simplify all the things (eee5f25)
- Removed label values and made the action simple, passing only a single boolean value.
Fixes the value change bug. More changes to come.
<a name="5.0.0-alpha.4"></a>