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File Explorer

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Package description

What is enhanced-resolve?

The enhanced-resolve package is a highly configurable module resolution library for Node.js, which is used by webpack under the hood. It resolves a path to a file or directory in a file system. It can handle complex resolution patterns like module aliases, extensions, and directories with package.json files.

What are enhanced-resolve's main functionalities?

File Resolution

Resolves the path to a file, taking into account file extensions and processing according to the configuration provided.

const { ResolverFactory } = require('enhanced-resolve');

const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
  fileSystem: require('fs'),
  extensions: ['.js', '.json']

resolver.resolve({}, __dirname, './path/to/file', (err, result) => {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log(result);

Directory Resolution

Resolves the path to a directory, looking for the 'main' field in the package.json or index.js within that directory.

const { ResolverFactory } = require('enhanced-resolve');

const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
  fileSystem: require('fs'),
  mainFields: ['main']

resolver.resolve({}, __dirname, './path/to/directory', (err, result) => {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else console.log(result);

Plugin System

Allows the use of plugins to extend or modify the resolution behavior, providing a high degree of customization.

const { ResolverFactory } = require('enhanced-resolve');
const MyPlugin = require('./MyPlugin');

const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
  fileSystem: require('fs'),
  plugins: [new MyPlugin()] // Custom plugin to modify resolution behavior

// Use the resolver as before

Other packages similar to enhanced-resolve




Offers a async require.resolve function. It's highly configurable.


  • sync and async versions
  • loaders and query strings
  • normal resolve
  • context resolve (resolve a directory)
  • loaders resolve
  • code completion

Request Format

relative: ./file, .././../folder/./file

absolute: /home/file, C:\folder\file

module: module, module/with/sub/file

query: resourceFile?query (with resourceFile one of above, and query be any string)

loaders: loader!resource, loader1!loader2!resource (with loader and resource each one of above)

Example: raw!./customLoader?evil,strict!C:\fail\loader?fail=big!../file.js?charset=utf-8


var resolve = require("enhanced-resolve");

// Resolve a normal request
resolve(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object, callback: (err: Error, result: String))
resolve.sync(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object) => String

// Resolve a context request, which means the result should be a folder
resolve.context(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object, callback: (err: Error, result: String))
resolve.context.sync(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object) => String

// Only resolve loaders, a array of resolved loaders is the result
resolve.loaders(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object, callback: (err: Error, result: String[]))
resolve.loaders.sync(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object) => String[]

// Autocomplete a incomplete require expression.
// identifier must contain exactly one "*", which indicates the insert position
resolve.complete(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object, callback: (err: Error, result: Completion[]))
resolve.complete.sync(context: String, identifier: String, options?: Object) => Completion[]

// parse a request
resolve.parse(identifier: String) => {loaders: Part[], resource: Part}

// parse only a part
resolve.parse.part(identifierPart: String) => Part

// stringify a parsed request
resolve.stringify(parsed: {loaders: Part[], resource: Part}) => String

// stringify only a part
resolve.stringify.part(part: Part) => String

// checks if a request part is a module
resolve.parse.isModule(identifierPart: String) => Boolean

// the type used for parse and stringify
type Part { path: String, query: String, module: Boolean }

type Completion { // examples for "loader!module/dir/fi*?query"
	insert: String,   // i. e. "le.js"
	seqment: String,  // i. e. "file.js"
	part: String,     // i. e. "module/dir/file.js?query"
	result: String    // i. e. "loader!module/dir/file.js?query"


  paths: ["/my/absolute/dirname"],
  // default: []
  // search paths for modules

  modulesDirectories: ["xyz_modules", "node_modules"],
  // default: (defaults are NOT included if you define your own)
  //  ["node_modules"];
  // directories to be searched for modules

  alias: {
   "old-module": "new-module",
   "another-module": "new-module/more/stuff"
  // replace a module

  extensions: ["", ".www.js", ".js"],
  // defaults: (defaults are NOT included if you define your own)
  //   ["", ".js"]
  // postfixes for files to try

  packageMains: ["abc", "main"]
  // defaults: ["main"]
  // lookup fields in package.json

  loaderExtensions: [".loader.js", ".www-loader.js", "", ".js"],
  // defaults: (defaults are NOT included if you define your own)
  //   [".node-loader.js", ".loader.js", "", ".js"]
  // postfixes for loaders to try

  loaderPostfixes: ["-loader", "-xyz", ""],
  // defaults: (defaults are NOT included if you define your own)
  //   ["-node-loader", "-loader", ""]
  // postfixes for loader modules to try

  loaderPackageMains: ["myloader", "main"]
  // defaults: ["loader", "main"]
  // lookup fields for loaders in package.json

  loaders: [{
	// test, include and exclude can be undefined, RegExp, string or array of these
    test: /\.generator\.js/,
	include: "\\.js",
    exclude: [
    loader: "val"
  // default: []
  // automatically use loaders if resolved filename match RegExp
  // and no loader is specified.

  postprocess: {
   normal: [function(filename, callback) {
    // webpack will not find files including ".exclude."
	 return callback(new Error("File is excluded"));
	callback(null, filename);
   // defaults: []
   // postprocess resolved filenames by all specified async functions
   // a postprocessor must call the callback
   // You can pass a filename instead of a function
   // The filename is required and the exports are expected to be a function.

   context: [],
   // same as postprocess.normal but for contextes

  disableLoaders: false,
  // disallow loaders

  disableResourceQuery: false,
  // disallow query at resource

  disableResourcePureQuery: false,
  // disallow only query without resource

  disableLoaderQuery: false,
  // disallow queries at loaders


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Build Status


Copyright (c) 2012 Tobias Koppers



Last updated on 21 Jan 2013

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