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enmap - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.7.2 to 3.0.0



@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ {

"array-callback-return": "error",
"complexity": "warn",
"complexity": "off",
"consistent-return": "error",

@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ "curly": ["error", "multi-line", "consistent"],

"name": "enmap",
"version": "2.7.2",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

const dotProp = require('dot-prop');
const _mathop = Symbol('mathop');
const _getHighestAutonum = Symbol('getHighestAutonum');
const _check = Symbol('check');

@@ -25,2 +29,5 @@ * A enhanced Map structure with additional utility methods.

this.db.init(this); =;
} else { = 'MemoryBasedEnmap';

@@ -90,3 +97,5 @@ }

* Generates an automatic numerical key for inserting a new value.
* Generates an automatic numerical key for inserting a new value.
* @example
* enmap.set(enmap.autonum(), "This is a new value");
* @return {number} The generated key number.

@@ -96,3 +105,3 @@ */

const start = this.get('internal::autonum') || 0;
let highest = this.getHighestAutonum(start);
let highest = this[_getHighestAutonum](start);
this.set('internal::autonum', ++highest);

@@ -123,3 +132,6 @@ return highest;

* If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be stringifiable as JSON.
* @param {string} path Optional. The path to the property to modify inside the value object or array.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @example
* // Direct Value Examples
* enmap.set('simplevalue', 'this is a string');

@@ -129,17 +141,19 @@ * enmap.set('isEnmapGreat', true);

* enmap.set('IhazObjects', { color: 'black', action: 'paint', desire: true });
* enmap.set('ArraysToo', [1, "two", "tree", "foor"])
* // Settings Properties
* enmap.set('IhazObjects', 'color', 'blue'); //modified previous object
* enmap.set('ArraysToo', 2, 'three'); // changes "tree" to "three" in array.
* @return {Map} The Enmap.
set(key, val) {
set(key, val, path = null) {
if (val == null) throw `Value provided for ${key} was null or undefined. Please provide a value.`;
let insert = val;
if ( === 'Object') {
const temp = {};
for (const prop in val) {
temp[prop] = val[prop];
insert = temp;
let data = super.get(key);
if (path) {
this[_check](key, ['Array', 'Object']);
dotProp.set(data, path, val);
} else {
data = val;
if ( === 'Array') {
insert = [...insert];
const insert = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
const oldValue = this.get(key) || null;

@@ -156,144 +170,123 @@ if (typeof this.changedCB === 'function') {

* Set the value in Enmap, but returns a promise that resolves once writte to the database.
* Useless on non-persistent Enmaps.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap.
* If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be a string or number.
* @param {*} val Required. The value of the element to add to The Enmap.
* If the Enmap is persistent this value MUST be stringifiable as JSON.
* @return {Promise<Map>} The Enmap.
setAsync(key, val) {
if (val == null) throw `Value provided for ${key} was null or undefined in ${}. Please provide a value.`;
let insert = val;
if ( === 'Object') {
const temp = {};
for (const prop in val) {
temp[prop] = val[prop];
insert = temp;
if ( === 'Array') {
insert = [...insert];
const oldValue = this.get(key) || null;
if (typeof this.changedCB === 'function') {
this.changedCB(key, oldValue, insert);
super.set(key, insert);
return this.db.set(key, insert);
* Modify the property of a value inside the enmap, if the value is an object or array.
* This is a shortcut to loading the key, changing the value, and setting it back.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to add to The Enmap or array.
* Push to an array value in Enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the array element to push to in Enmap.
* This value MUST be a string or number.
* @param {*} prop Required. The property to modify inside the value object or array.
* @param {*} val Required. The value to push to the array.
* @param {string} path Optional. The path to the property to modify inside the value object or array.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @param {*} val Required. The value to apply to the specified property.
* @param {boolean} save Optional. Whether to save to persistent DB (used as false in init)
* @param {boolean} allowDupes Optional. Allow duplicate values in the array (default: false).
* @example
* // Assuming
* enmap.set("simpleArray", [1, 2, 3, 4]);
* enmap.set("arrayInObject", {sub: [1, 2, 3, 4]});
* enmap.push("simpleArray", 5); // adds 5 at the end of the array
* enmap.push("arrayInObject", "five", "sub"); adds "five" at the end of the sub array
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
setProp(key, prop, val) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
push(key, val, path = null, allowDupes = false) {
this[_check](key, 'Array', path);
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object';
if (path) {
const propValue = dotProp.get(data, path);
if (!allowDupes && propValue.indexOf(val) > -1) return this;
dotProp.set(data, path, propValue);
} else {
if (!allowDupes && data.indexOf(val) > -1) return this;
dotProp.set(data, prop, val);
return this.set(key, data);
* Push to an array value in Enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the array element to push to in Enmap.
* This value MUST be a string or number.
* @param {*} val Required. The value to push to the array.
* @param {boolean} allowDupes Allow duplicate values in the array (default: false).
* Executes a mathematical operation on a value and saves it in the enmap.
* @param {string|number} key The enmap key on which to execute the math operation.
* @param {string} operation Which mathematical operation to execute. Supports most
* math ops: =, -, *, /, %, ^, and english spelling of those operations.
* @param {number} operand The right operand of the operation.
* @param {string} path Optional. The property path to execute the operation on, if the value is an object or array.
* @example
* // Assuming
* points.set("number", 42);
* points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
* points.math("number", "/", 2); // 21
* points.math("number", "add", 5); // 26
* points.math("number", "modulo", 3); // 2
* points.math("numberInObject", "+", 10, "sub.anInt");
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
push(key, val, allowDupes = false) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
math(key, operation, operand, path = null) {
this[_check](key, 'Number', path);
if (!path) {
if (operation === 'random' || operation === 'rand') {
return this.set(key, Math.round(Math.random() * operand));
return this.set(key, this[_mathop](this.get(key), operation, operand));
} else {
const data = this.get(key);
const propValue = dotProp.get(data, path);
if (operation === 'random' || operation === 'rand') {
return this.set(key, Math.round(Math.random() * propValue), path);
return this.set(key, this[_mathop](propValue, operation, operand), path);
const data = super.get(key);
if ( !== 'Array') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an Array';
if (!allowDupes && data.indexOf(val) > -1) return this;
return this.set(key, data);
* Push to an array element inside an Object or Array element in Enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element.
* This value MUST be a string or number.
* @param {*} prop Required. The name of the array property to push to.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @param {*} val Required. The value push to the array property.
* @param {boolean} allowDupes Allow duplicate values in the array (default: false).
* Increments a key's value or property by 1. Value must be a number, or a path to a number.
* @param {string|number} key The enmap key where the value to increment is stored.
* @param {string} path Optional. The property path to increment, if the value is an object or array.
* @example
* // Assuming
* points.set("number", 42);
* points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
*"number"); // 43
*"numberInObject", "sub.anInt"); // {sub: { anInt: 6 }}
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
pushIn(key, prop, val, allowDupes = false) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
inc(key, path = null) {
this[_check](key, 'Number', path);
if (!path) {
let val = this.get(key);
return this.set(key, ++val);
} else {
const data = this.get(key);
let propValue = dotProp.get(data, path);
dotProp.set(data, path, ++propValue);
return this.set(key, data);
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object or array';
const propValue = dotProp.get(data, prop);
if ( !== 'Array') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the property is an Array';
if (!allowDupes && propValue.indexOf(val) > -1) return this;
dotProp.set(data, prop, propValue);
return this.set(key, data);
_mathop(base, op, opand) {
if (!base || !op) throw 'Math Operation requires base and operation';
switch (op) {
case 'add' :
case 'addition' :
case '+' :
return base + opand;
case 'sub' :
case 'subtract' :
case '-' :
return base - opand;
case 'mult' :
case 'multiply' :
case '*' :
return base * opand;
case 'div' :
case 'divide' :
case '/' :
return base / opand;
case 'exp' :
case 'exponent' :
case '^' :
return Math.pow(base, opand);
case 'mod' :
case 'modulo' :
case '%' :
return base % opand;
* Decrements a key's value or property by 1. Value must be a number, or a path to a number.
* @param {string|number} key The enmap key where the value to decrement is stored.
* @param {string} path Optional. The property path to decrement, if the value is an object or array.
* @example
* // Assuming
* points.set("number", 42);
* points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
* points.dec("number"); // 41
* points.dec("numberInObject", "sub.anInt"); // {sub: { anInt: 4 }}
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
dec(key, path = null) {
this[_check](key, 'Number', path);
if (!path) {
let val = this.get(key);
return this.set(key, --val);
} else {
const data = this.get(key);
let propValue = dotProp.get(data, path);
dotProp.set(data, path, --propValue);
return this.set(key, data);
return null;
math(key, operation, operand = null) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
if (operation === 'random' || operation === 'rand') {
return Math.random() * operand;
return this.set(key, this._mathop(this.get(key), operation, operand));

@@ -304,60 +297,20 @@

* @param {string|number} key The key to retrieve from the enmap.
* @param {string} path Optional. The property to retrieve from the object or array.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @example
* const myKeyValue = enmap.get("myKey");
* console.log(myKeyValue);
* @return {*|Promise<*>} The value or a promise containing the value.
* const someSubValue = enmap.get("anObjectKey", "someprop.someOtherSubProp");
* @return {*} The value for this key.
get(key) {
if (this.has(key)) {
return super.get(key);
get(key, path = null) {
if (path) {
this[_check](key, 'Object');
const data = super.get(key);
return dotProp.get(data, path);
if (this.fetchAll || !this.persistent) {
return null;
return this.fetch(key);
return super.get(key);
* Returns the specific property within a stored value. If the key does not exist or the value is not an object, throws an error.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to get from The Enmap.
* @param {*} prop Required. The property to retrieve from the object or array.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @return {*} The value of the property obtained.
getProp(key, prop) {
if (this.fetchAll || !this.persistent) {
if (this.has(key)) {
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object or array';
return dotProp.get(data, prop);
} else {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
} else {
return this.fetch(key).then(data => {
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object or array';
return dotProp.get(data, prop);
* Internal method used by autonum().
* Loops on incremental numerical values until it finds a free key
* of that value in the Enamp.
* @param {Integer} start The starting value to look for.
* @return {Integer} The first non-existant value found.
getHighestAutonum(start = 0) {
let highest = start;
while (this.has(highest)) {
return highest;

@@ -369,35 +322,19 @@

* This value MUST be a string or number.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
has(key) {
if (this.fetchAll || !this.persistent) return super.has(key);
return this.db.hasAsync(key);
* Returns whether or not the property exists within an object or array value in enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to check in the Enmap or array.
* @param {*} prop Required. The property to verify inside the value object or array.
* @param {string} path Optional. The property to verify inside the value object or array.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @return {boolean} Whether the property exists.
* @example
* if(enmap.has("myKey")) {
* // key is there
* }
* if(!enmap.has("myOtherKey", "oneProp.otherProp.SubProp")) return false;
* @returns {boolean}
hasProp(key, prop) {
if (this.fetchAll || !this.persistent) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
has(key, path = null) {
if (path) {
this[_check](key, 'Object');
const data = super.get(key);
if ( !== 'Object') {
throw 'The value of this key is not an object.';
return dotProp.has(data, prop);
} else {
return this.fetch(key).then(data => {
if (!data) throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
if ( !== 'Object') {
throw 'The value of this key is not an object.';
return dotProp.has(data, prop);
return dotProp.has(data, path);
return super.has(key);

@@ -409,7 +346,16 @@

* Deletes a key in the Enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete from The Enmap.
* @param {boolean} bulk Internal property used by the purge method.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete from The Enmap.
* @param {string} path Optional. The name of the property to remove from the object.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
delete(key) {
if (this.persistent) {
delete(key, path = null) {
if (path) {
this[_check](key, 'Object', path);
const data = super.get(key);
dotProp.delete(data, path);
this.set(key, data);
} else {
if (this.persistent && !path) {

@@ -421,20 +367,5 @@ }

* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete from The Enmap.
* @param {boolean} bulk Internal property used by the purge method.
async deleteAsync(key) {
await this.db.delete(key);
const oldValue = this.get(key) || null;
if (typeof this.changedCB === 'function') {
this.changedCB(key, oldValue, null);
* Calls the `delete()` method on all items that have it.

@@ -456,23 +387,5 @@ * @param {boolean} bulk Optional. Defaults to True. whether to use the provider's "bulk" delete feature if it has one.

clear() { return this.deleteAll; }
clear(bulk = true) { return this.deleteAll(bulk); }
* Calls the `delete()` method on all items that have it.
* @param {boolean} bulk Optional. Defaults to True. whether to use the provider's "bulk" delete feature if it has one.
* @return {Promise} Returns a promise that is resolved when the database is cleared.
async deleteAllAsync(bulk = true) {
if (bulk) {
await this.db.bulkDelete();
} else {
const promises = [];
for (const key of this.keys()) {
await Promise.all(promises);
return this.clear();
* Remove a value in an Array or Object element in Enmap. Note that this only works for

@@ -483,18 +396,23 @@ * values, not keys. Complex values such as objects and arrays will not be removed this way.

* @param {*} val Required. The value to remove from the array or object.
* @param {boolean} allowDupes Allow duplicate values in the array (default: false).
* @param {string} path Optional. The name of the array property to remove from.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3".
* If not presents, removes directly from the value.
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
remove(key, val) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
remove(key, val, path = null) {
this[_check](key, ['Array', 'Object']);
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object or array';
if ( === 'Array') {
if (path) {
const propValue = dotProp.get(data, path);
if ( === 'Array') {
propValue.splice(propValue.indexOf(val), 1);
dotProp.set(data, path, propValue);
} else if ( === 'Object') {
dotProp.delete(data, `${path}.${val}`);
} else if ( === 'Array') {
const index = data.indexOf(val);
data.splice(index, 1);
} else {
delete data[key];
} else if ( === 'Object') {
delete data[val];

@@ -504,62 +422,42 @@ return this.set(key, data);

* Remove a value from an Array or Object property inside an Array or Object element in Enmap.
* Confusing? Sure is.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element.
* This value MUST be a string or number.
* @param {*} prop Required. The name of the array property to remove from.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @param {*} val Required. The value to remove from the array property.
* @return {Map} The EnMap.
/* INTERNAL (Private) METHODS */
* INTERNAL method used by autonum().
* Loops on incremental numerical values until it finds a free key
* of that value in the Enamp.
* @param {Integer} start The starting value to look for.
* @return {Integer} The first non-existant value found.
removeFrom(key, prop, val) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
[_getHighestAutonum](start = 0) {
let highest = start;
while (this.has(highest)) {
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'Method can only be used when the value is an object or array';
const propValue = dotProp.get(data, prop);
if (!propValue) {
throw 'Property does not exist';
if ( === 'Array') {
propValue.splice(propValue.indexOf(val), 1);
dotProp.set(data, prop, propValue);
} else if ( === 'Object') {
dotProp.delete(data, `${prop}.${val}`);
} else {
throw 'Property must be an array or object';
return this.set(key, data);
return highest;
* Delete a property from an object or array value in Enmap.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to delete the property from in Enmap.
* @param {*} prop Required. The name of the property to remove from the object.
* Can be a path with dot notation, such as "prop1.subprop2.subprop3"
* @returns {Promise<Enmap>|Enmap} If fetchAll is true, return the Enmap. Otherwise return a promise containing the Enmap.
* INTERNAL method to verify the type of a key or property
* Will THROW AN ERROR on wrong type, to simplify code.
* @param {string|number} key Required. The key of the element to check
* @param {string} type Required. The javascript constructor to check
* @param {string} path Optional. The dotProp path to the property in the object enmap.
deleteProp(key, prop) {
if (this.fetchAll || !this.persistent) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
[_check](key, type, path = '') {
if (!this.has(key)) throw `The key "${key}" does not exist in the enmap "${}"`;
if (!type) return;
if ( !== 'Array') type = [type];
if (path) {
this[_check](key, 'Object');
const data = super.get(key);
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'The value of this key is not an object.';
if (!data) {
throw `The property "${path}" does not exist in the key "${key}" in the enmap "${}"`;
dotProp.delete(data, prop);
return this.set(key, data);
} else {
return this.fetch(key).then(data => {
if (!data) throw `The key ${key} does not exist in the enmap ${}`;
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw 'The value of this key is not an object.';
dotProp.delete(data, prop);
return this.set(key, data);
if (!type.includes(dotProp.get(data, path) {
throw `The property "${path}" in "${key}" is not of type "${type}" in the enmap "${}" (key was of type "${dotProp.get(data, path)}")`;
} else if (!type.includes(this.get(key) {
throw new Error(`The key "${key}" is not of correct type in the enmap "${}" (key was of type "${this.get(key)}")`);

@@ -569,2 +467,42 @@ }

* INTERNAL method to execute a mathematical operation. Cuz... javascript.
* And I didn't want to import mathjs!
* @param {number} base the lefthand operand.
* @param {string} op the operation.
* @param {number} opand the righthand operand.
* @return {number} the result.
[_mathop](base, op, opand) {
if (!base || !op) throw 'Math Operation requires base and operation';
switch (op) {
case 'add' :
case 'addition' :
case '+' :
return base + opand;
case 'sub' :
case 'subtract' :
case '-' :
return base - opand;
case 'mult' :
case 'multiply' :
case '*' :
return base * opand;
case 'div' :
case 'divide' :
case '/' :
return base / opand;
case 'exp' :
case 'exponent' :
case '^' :
return Math.pow(base, opand);
case 'mod' :
case 'modulo' :
case '%' :
return base % opand;
return null;

@@ -571,0 +509,0 @@ Per notes in the LICENSE file, this project contains code from Amish Shah's Discord.js

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